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(COMMON SYLLABUS) Total Marks-265 M

(DRILL) Max Marks-35M

I Fill in the Banks:- 5X2= 10 M

(a) Paces in Quick time Marching _________________

(b) Parts of Word of Command ________________ & _________________
(c) General Salute is given to _______________________________
(d) The distance between two heels in Vishram Position ___________________
(e) Salami Shastra is completed by __________________ no of movements.

II True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(a) In Word of Command “Tham”- left foot reaches the ground ( )

(b) The Degree while turning Dahine Mur is 180 o ()
(c) Rashtriya Salute is given to Maj General and above. ( )
(d) Strength of a Guard in Quarter guard is 8 ( )
(e) The angle between the Toes in Savadhan Position is 30 o ()

III Match the following:- 5X2=10 M

1. Sawdhan (a) Co-ordination between Brain & body

2. Drill (b) Men standing one behind the other
3. President (c) Toe Steps
4. Dhire Chal (d) 30o
5. File (e) National Salute

IV Multiple Choice 5X1=5 M

(i) No of Steps in one Minute in Dhire Chal ___________

(a) 70 (b) 120 (c) 180

(ii) While marching “Bayen Mur” word of command is given on ________

(a) Right Foot (b) Left Foot (c) None

(iii) In Khuli line Chal, which line does not move _________________
(a) Front line (b) Central line (c) Last line

(iv) For closing Drill, which word of command is given ________________

(a) Visarjan (b) Line Tor (c) None of the above

(v) National Salute is given to __________________

(a) President (b) Vice President (c) Prime Minister



V Fill in the Banks:- 5X2= 10 M

(a) Principles of Firing _________________, ________________ &

(b) Effective range of .22 Rifle ______________________ yards.
(c) Size of chindi for cleaning barrel of 7.62 Rifle _____________________
(d) Position of safety catch in 7.62 Rifle _____________________________
(e) TOET means _________________________________________

VI Multiple Choice 5X2=10 M

(i) Magazine is filled with rounds but there is no round in chamber

called _________
(a) Charge Magzine (b) Half Cock (c) Grouping

(ii) Effective range of 7.62 mm SLR ______________

(a) 25 Yds (b) 300 Yds (c) 1000 Yds

(iii) Muzzle Velocity of 7.62 mm SLR ___________________

(a) 2700 ft/sec (b) 500 ft/sec (c) 1000 ft/sec

(iv) No of Positions of Firing _____________________

(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 4

(v) Stripping of LMG in __________________ parts

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 5

VII(a) True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(i) MPI means Mean Point of Impact ( )

(ii) Wt of LMG is 10.2 Kgs ( )
(iii) Magzine capacity of 7.62 Light Machine gun is 30 rounds ( )
(iv) All rounds are fired at place on target is called as grouping ( )
(v) The purpose of Gas regulator is to increase or decrease the volume
of gas ( )


VII (b) Match the following:- 5X2=10 M

1. The position of safety catch (a) 30 yds

in 7.62 rifle
2. Effective range of 9mm SMC (b) 500 yds
3. Effective range of 7.62mm LMG (c) 25 yds
4. Effective range of .22 rifle (d) 300 yds
5. Effective range of 7.62mm rifle (e) TOET
(f) S&R

Paper-III (Misc) Max Marks- 190


VIII Fill in the blanks:- 5X3=15 M

(a) Name three religions in India ____________, ____________ &
(b) Name three festivals in India _____________, ____________ &
(c) Name three languages in India ______________, ____________ &
(d) Three factors effecting National Integration ______________,
______________ & ____________________
(e) Three ways of promoting National Integration _________________,
_________________ & _________________________

IX True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(a) NCC Cadets are the messengers of National Integration ( )

(b) India is a non secular country ( )
(c) “Unity in diversity” is achieved by NCC cadets ( )
(d) India is single religious country ( )
(e) NIC Camps ensure interaction amongst cadets of different
Cultures and States ( )



X Fill in the blanks:- 3X10=30 M

(a) Mentioned five qualities of leader _________________, _________________,
________________, ________________ & ___________________
(b) Citizenship is acquired by _____________________, ___________________,
(c) Mentioned five duties of a good citizen _________________,
_________________, _____________________, __________________ &

XI True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(a) Discipline is not important in NCC ( )

(b) ANO should act as a Model for NCC cadets ( )
(c) Duty is a binding force of good behavior towards superiors ( )
& Subordinates
(d) A leader should be loyal and patriotic ( )
(e) A leader should be tactful ( )

XII Match the following:- 7X2=14 M

1. Physical appearance (a) Initiative
2. Impartial (b) Alertness
3. Action without being told (c) Decisiveness
4. To be alive to the situation (d) Good citizen
5. Ability to make timely decision (e) Bearing
6. Obedient to seniors (f) Loyalty
7. Good character (g) Justice


(Disaster Management) Marks-29 M

XIII Fill in the blanks:- 5X3= 15 M

(a) Name Natural calamities ________________, ______________ &
(b) Name three civil defence measures ______________, _________________ &
(c) Name three activities of NCC cadets during Natural calamities
________________, ___________________ & ________________
(d) Name three civil authorities to whom NCC cadets help in emergency
_________________, _____________________ & _________________
(e) Name the Fire Fighting equipment ___________, __________ & _________

XIV True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(a) Traffic control plays important role in Disaster Management ( )

(b) NCC Cadets are not involved in Civil Defence measures ( )
(c) NCC cadets do not assist local population during
emergency ( )

(d) Warden Service is established in locality to render

advice on Civil Defence matters ( )

(e) Home Guards do not involve in emergency activities ( )

XV Matching the following:- 4X1=4 M

1 Civil Defence (a) Extinguishers
2. Fire Fighting (b) Protection of Property/Life
3. Rescue operations (c) District Magistrate
4. Warden services (d) Links affected areas with civil authorities


(Social Service) Marks-33 M

XVI Fill in the blanks:- 3X5=15 M

(a) Name five Social Service activities under taken by NCC cadets
_________________, ______________, ___________________, _____________
& ________________
(b) Name five good aspects of village under community development programme
__________________, ____________________, ____________________ &
(c) Uses of Tree plantation __________________, _______________,
_______________, ___________________ & _______________________

XVII True or Flase:- 6X2=12 M

(a) Social Service is a Noble cause ( )

(b) Green House effect reduces pollution ( )
(c) NCC cadets do not involve in Pulse Polio programme ( )
(d) NCC units adopt a village as a part of Social Service ( )
(e) Blood donation is compulsory for all NCC cadets irrespective
of their age ( )
(f) Audlt literacy is also carried out by NCC cadets ( )

XVIII Match the following:- 6X1=6 M

1. Blood donation (a) Pledge

2. Pulse Polio Programme (b) Fresh air
3. Tree Plantation (c) Polio drops for children
4. Eye donation (d) Indian Red Cross
5. Adult literacy (e) Visit by NCC cadets
6. Old Age Homes (f) Village Elders


(Health & Hygene) Marks-29 M

XIX Fill in the blanks:- 5X3=15 M

(a) Expand DTL _________________________________
(b) Sources of water ________________, _______________ & __________
(c) First Aid equipment consists of _________, __________ &____________
(d) Three preventive measures of Aids _____________, ____________&
(e) Three uses of bandages ____________, ____________ & _____________

XX True or False:- 5X2=10 M

(a) Human body consists of 108 bones ( )

(b) Malaria caused by Mosquitoes ( )
(c) World AIDS Day is 01 December ( )
(d) All the snakes are poisonous ( )
(e) Good sanitation prevents the diseases spreading in camp ( )

XXI Match the following:- 4X1=4 M

1. Venum (a) Dog bite

2. First Aid kit (b) Poison
3. Anti Rabbies (c) Iodine & Bandage
4. 108 (d) Emergency Services


(Adventure Activities) Marks-08 M

XXII Complete the following:-

(a) Name three Adventure activities in NCC_______________, ______________

& _________________ 3M
(b) Adventure activities boosts self confidence of NCC cadets True/False 2M
(c) Adventure activities demoralize NCC cadets True/False 2M
(d) Adventure activities make NCC cadets physically & mentally fit
True/False 1M

(Environment & Ecology) Marks-12 M

XXIII Fill in the blanks:- 2X2=4 M

(a) Name two types of Pollution __________________ &________________
(b) Two reasons to prevent Pollution _____________ &_________________

XXIV True or False:- 4X2=8 M

(a) Biodegradability decreases Pollution ( )

(b) Plastics banned to reduce Pollution ( )
(c) Green House effects cause Global warming ( )
(d) Wild life protection is essential for Eco balance ( )


(SPECIAL TO CORPS) Total Marks-105 M

(Armed Forces) Max Marks-8M

I Fill in the Banks:- 4X1= 4 M

(a) Supreme Commander of Indian Defence Forces ___________________

(b) Who is the First Field Marshal of India ____________________
(c) NCC Act was passed in the year ___________________________
(d) Name one Regiment in Armed Forces ________________________

II Match the following:- 4X1=4 M

1. Gallantary award (a) Rajput

2. Southern Command (b) INS kalrani
3. Submarine (c) Pune
4. Regiment (d) Paramveer Chakra

(Map Reading) Max Marks-30 M

III Fill in the blanks:- 5X3=15 M

(a) Types of North ________________, ________________ &___________
(b) Eastings are ______________ lines running from ________________ to
(c) Types of bearing ______________, _____________ & ______________
(d) Conventional signs of Temple ______________ ,Mosque _____________
and Gurudwara _______________
(e) Methods of finding North ___________, ____________ & ______________


IV Match the following:- 5X1=5 M

1. Hair line (a) Northings

2. Horizental lines (b) Survey tree
3. From West to East (c) Broken Ground
4. Uneven ground (d) Grid reference
5. 4/6 Figure (e) Compass

V Multiple Choice Questions:- 3X2=6 M

(i) A line drawn on the Map joining all the points of equal heights is called _____
(a) Dead Ground (b) Contour (c) Grid ref
(ii) Angle formed by a line with North line is called _________
(a) Bearing (b) True North (c) Grid North
(iii) Symbols used on the map to represent features and objects on the ground are
known as ______________________

(a) Symbols (b) Conventional Signs (c) Figures

VI True or False:- 4X1=4 M

(a) A small isolated hill is called Knoll ( )

(b) Service protractor is used to measure distance and bearing ( )

(c) + is conventional sign for Mosque ( )

(d) “ + “ is conventional sign for Spring ( )


(FC & BC) Max Marks-30 M

VII Fill in the blanks:- 5X3=15 M

(a) Name three types of control orders __________, __________ & ___________
(b) Three stages of patrolling ___________, ______________ & _____________
(c) Name three methods of Judging distance __________, _________ &_______
(d) Expand GRIT ___________________________________
(e) Name three types of section formation ___________, _________ & _________

VIII True or False:- 5x1=5 M

(a) When sun shine from behind the observer the distance is ( )
under estimation.

(b) Hiding one self from enemy’s view is called concealment ( )

(c) Sudden attack on enemy from bushy area is called patrolling ( )
(d) Getting information about enemy is called Reece patrol. ( )
(e) Area in which Fire unit will engage the enemy is called
arc of Fire ( )

IX Match the following:- 5X2=10 M

1. No man land (a) Ambush

2. Covering party (b) File formation
3. Opportunity (c) Judging Distance
4. Diamond (d) Protective patrol
5. Key range (e) Fire control order


(Intro to Infantry Weapons & Equipment) Max Marks-21 M

X Fill in the blanks:- 3X3=9 M

(a) Name three CQB Weapons __________, __________ & ____________

(b) Name three anti tank Weapons held by Infantry Bn ________, _________ &
(c) Name types of radio sets used in Infantry ____________ & ___________

XI True or False:- 6X1=6 M

(a) Bayonet is CQB Weapon ( )

(b) 36 Grenade is anti tank weapon ( )
(c) ANPRC-25 is a Radio set ( )
(d) Vijyanth-T57 is not produced by India ( )
(e) 106mm RCL Gun is anti tank ( )
(f) Snap shooting is one of the types of Fire. ( )

XII Match the following:- 3X2=6 M

1. Pistol (a) Radio set

2. 106mm RCL Gun (b) Anti tank Weapon
3. VM 25A (c) CQB Weapon


(Military History) Max Marks-16 M

XIII True or False:- 5X1=5 M

(a) First War of Independence took place in the year 1857 ( )
(b) Eastern command is located at Simla ( )
(c) India & Pak War took place in the year 1971 ( )
(d) Kargil War took place in the year 2003 ( )
(e) Nepal is the neighbouring country of India ( )

XIV Match the following:- 4X1=4 M

1. First Warship (a) Bhutan
2. Neighbouring Country (b) Vir Chakra
3. Gallantry Award (c) Nilgiri
4. Nuclear explosion (d) Pokhran

XV Fill in the blanks:- 3X2=6 M

(a) Indo Pak War took place in the year ____________ & ____________
(b) Who is the DG NCC ? Rank ________& Name _________________
(c) BARC is located in the state of ______________________


Paper-I (Drill)

I. (a) 120 steps (b) Cautionary & Executive (c) Maj Gen & Above
(d) 12 inches (e) 3

II (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) T

III 1d 2a 3e 4c 5b

IV (i) a (ii) b (iii) b (iv) a (v) a

Paper-II (WT)

V (a) Holding, Aiming & Trigger Operation (b) 25 (c) 4” X 2” (d) S&R
(e) Test Of Elementary Training

VI (i) a (ii) b (iii) a (iv) a (v) c

VII (a) (i) T (ii) F (iii) T (iv) T (v) T

VII (b) 1. f 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d

Paper-III (Misc)

VIII (a) Hindu, Muslim & Christian (b) Dassara, Ramzan & Xmas
(c) Telugu, Hindi & Tamil (d) Castism, Religion & Linguism
(e) Uniform Education, Spirit of Nationalism, Use of National language and Economic
upliftment of poor.


IX (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F (e) T

X (a) Bearing, Alertness, Courage, Initiative, Justice

(b) Birth, Registration, Naturalisation
(c) Loyalty, patriotism, Sense of duty, Good Character, Service before self

XI (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) T (e) T

XII 1e 2g 3a 4b 5c 6f 7d

XIII (a) Floods, Cyclone, Earthquakes (b) Warden, Salvage, Transport

(c) Rescue, Salvage, Fire Fighting (d) Police, Doctor, Collector
(e) Fire extinguishers, Water pumps, Buckets

XIV (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) F

XV 1c 2a 3b 4d

XVI (a) Tree plantation, Blood donation, literacy, village adoption, Pulse Polio Pgme
(b) Construction of road, ponds, educating the villagers on Social customs, on causes
of diseases and ill effects of dowry.
(c) Shady, reduce Pollution, prevent soil erosion, prevent land slide & bring rain.

XVII (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) F (f) T

XVIII 1 d 2c 3b 4a 5f 6e


XIX (a) Deep Trench Latrines (b) Rivers, ponds, Well

(c) Iodine, Bandages, Cotton cloth
(d) Awareness of disease, use of condoms, Screening of blood before transfusion
(e) Reduce swelling, Control bleeding, afford support to an injured part.

XX (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) F (e) T

XXI 1b 2c 3a 4d

XXII (a) Cycle expedition, trekking, Para sailing

(b) T
(c) F
(d) T

XXIII (a) Air Pollution, Water Pollution

(b) Avoid Deforestation, Use bio degradable items, Use CNG gas for vehicles.

XXIV (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) T



I (a) President (b) Gen SHFJ Manekshaw (c) 1948 (d)


II 1d 2c 3b 4a

III (a) True North, Grid North, Magnetic North (b) Vertical, South to North
(c) True baring, Grid, Magnetic (d)
(e) Sun, Grave yard, Compass, Pole Star

IV 1e 2a 3b 4c 5d

V (i) b (ii) a (iii) b

VI (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T

VII (a) Opportunity, Brief, Delayed Fire order

(b) Briefing, Conduct, debriefing
(c) Key range, section average, unit of measure
(d) Group Range Indication Type of Fire
(e) File, Diamond, Extended line

VIII (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T (e) T

IX 1d 2a 3e 4b 5c

X (a) Bayonet, No36 Grenade, SMC, Pistol

(b) 84mm RL, 57mm RCL Guns, Vijyanth T 57
(c) ANPRC-25, VM 25A


XI (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F (e) T (f) T

XII 1c 2b 3a

XIII (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F (e) T

XIV 1c 2a 3b 4d

XV (a) 1965, 1971 (b) Lt Gen PS Bhalla PVSM,UYSM,AVSM,SM,VSM,ADC

(c) Maharashtra


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