Short Term

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While I am a present student from Far Eastern University, I have short-term goals
that I really dedicated to achieve. First, to finish my first semester without failing grade, as
well as to my second semester. Next is to pass the qualifying examinations to go the
graduating class. But not least, to finish my degree course, Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy, here in this pretigous university and to become an Certified Public

My parents always told me to finish studies in order for me to have a good career in
which turn a good life. The education is the only thing they can provide to me and this is the
way for me to attain my short-term goals. I have realized that they would always tell that to
me when I was young but later on, I found that it will help you to reach the top in life to be
successful and contented life but not marangyang life. They are both graduated and both
had jobs. So, my supportive and caring parents are my inspirations in attaining my goals.
Nothing me can hinder from achieving these goals because both of my parents shows
their full support not just financial but also, they inculcated me their unconditional love and
right attitude.

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