Ada Worksheet 1

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Dena Kaid

Feb. 15, 2020

CIS 221
ADA Worksheet
Use this worksheet to research ADA and Accessibility. This information will be used later to create a
presentation. You may type your responses directly under the questions. This will expand the page
length. Make sure to delete the extra spaces following your responses before saving your document.

To Save click File in the upper left corner. Click Save As. Choose the location to save your document
(make sure to remember where you saved it). When prompted name the document
“yourlastname_adaworksheet”. Upload the file using the Upload link for this assignment.

1. Describe what the American with Disabilities Act is and why it is important.

The ADA is a civil rights law that prevents any sort of discrimination performed against anyone with a
type of disability. Whether they are discriminated publicly, or in private, this law helps defend them. It
is important because it protects anyone with a disability. It always them to feel like they are not an
outcast but just as normal as everyone else.

2. Describe what Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act is and why it is important.

Title II of the ADA is the support of financial aid to anyone with a disability. This also gives them
transportational support from the State and Local Government. It is important to the ADA and anyone
supported by this because it gives them the support that is needed at an everyday life. For an example, if
someone who is severely autistic and cannot work, where will he or she receive the money to help
support and pay for their medical supplies? The government is there to help support them.

3. List at least 5 examples of types of disabilities covered by ADA and Title II.
Deafness, Blindness, Epilepsy, Intellectual Disabilities, and Diabetes.

4. Describe what Assistive Technology is as it related to students and learning. Provide at least two
Assistive Technology is technology that is installed in devices, software’s, and equipment’s that
help people with disabilities in their reading and writing. For an example: text-to-speech and word

5. Describe how captioning adds to accessibility to YouTube videos and why it is important.

Captioning on YouTube videos helps aid to people that are deaf or hard of hearing. Due to the fact that
they are unable to hear they would not know what is being said while watching a video. With captions,
they will read the monologue and understand what is being said in every video.
Dena Kaid
Feb. 15, 2020
CIS 221
6. Describe what an “alt” tag is and how it adds accessibility to web pages and Microsoft Office
“Alt” tag is a searching tool that simplifies your searches for you. Rather than searching for brod
things, it gives you precise results.

7. Describe why blinking/flashing content in documents should be avoided for accessibility reasons.

Blinking/flashing content should be avoided in general because it causes to people especially people
suffering from epilepsy.

8. Provide information on at least 2 of the following:

a) Describe what the “Read&Write” Chrome web browser extension is and how it helps students
with disabilities. Read&Write is exactly what is written. It is an app or a program that reads
and helps write the text for someone who has the inability for others. This helps because it
allows students to fully understand the context of the text.

b) Describe what the “crxMouse” Chrome web browser extension is and how it helps students
with disabilities.

c) Describe what “Sip-and-Puff” technology is and how it helps students with disabilities.

d) Describe what “Ghotit” technology is and how it helps students with disabilities.

Ghotit is similarly to auto correct except it is merely more advanced. It helps students
with dyslexia by using spell-check algorithms to help check for their spelling errors.

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