DL Assignment - Energetic I Review Questions

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Energetic I Review Questions

Standard Conditions – 298K, 100kPa, 1 mol dm . -3

Energetic Definitions
The standard enthalpy change of formation, ∆ H , is the enthalpy change when one

mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states, under
standard conditions.
For each of the substance below, write the standard enthalpy of formation
1. CH (g)4

2. H O(l)

3. NH (l)3

4. CaCO (s) 3

5. NaClO (s) 3

A common answer given in response to questions is that: the Standard Enthalpy

Change of Combustion, is the enthalpy change when 1 mole of a substance is
completed burnt.
6. Explain why the above definition given is wrong.
It would be one mole of fuel in its standard state in excess of oxygen.
6. State the definition for the standard enthalpy of combustion.
The enthalpy change when one mole of fuel in its standard state is burned
completely in excess oxygen under standard condition-298K and 100kPa.
For each of the following substances, write the standard enthalpy of combustion.
8. H (g)

8. CH (g)4

8. Mg(s)

8. C H (l)
2 6

The standard enthalpy change of neutralisation is the enthalpy change when acids
react with alkalis in aqueous solution to form a salt and one mole of water, under
standard conditions.
Write ionic equations for the following neutralisation reactions:-
12.Dilute Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide Solution.

12.Dilute Nitric Acid and Barium Hydroxide Solution

12.Dilute Ethanoic Acid and Sodium Hydroxide Solution

12.What is the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid?

A strong acid results in complete dissociation of H+ ions in the neutralization
reaction whereas a weak acid dissociates H+ ions slowly and might not dissociate
all H+ ions.
12.Use your information from question 12, 13 to explain why strong acids have
similar standard enthalpies of neutralisation.
All strong acids would completely dissociate all H+ ions in neutralization reaction
resulting in the formation of one mole of water. So the net ionic equation of all
strong acids in neutralisation reactions would be similar.

12.Use your answer to question 15 to explain why weak acids have less
negative standard enthalpies of neutralisation than strong acids.
The weak acids are not fully ionized therefore less energy would be releases during
the neutralization reactions as not all H+ ions would be dissociated.

Hess’s Law
Hess Law states:- “The enthalpy change accompanying a chemical change is
independent on the route by which the chemical change occurs”.
18.Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction: 
2NaNO (s)→ 2NaNO (s) + O (g)
3 2 2

∆ H (NaNO ) = -468 kJ mol

∆ H (NaNO ) = -359 kJ mol


2(468) + 2(-359) = +218kJ/mol

19.The standard enthalpy change of combustion of graphite is -393.5 kJ mol ; for -1

carbon in the form of diamond it is -395.4kJ mol . Calculate the enthalpy


change for the reaction 

C(s, graphite) → C(s, diamond)

-393.5 + 395.4 = +1.9kJ/mol

20.Calculate the standard enthalpy change of formation of sucrose, C H O ,
12 22 11

given the following standard enthalpy changes of combustion: carbon -394 kJ

mol ; hydrogen -286 kJ mol ; sucrose -5640 kJ mol .
-1 -1 -1

12(-394) + 11(-286) + 5640 = -2234kJ/mol

20.Calculate the standard enthalpy change of the reaction:-

4FeS (s) + 11O (g) → 2Fe O (s) + 8SO (g)
2 2 2 3 2

Standard enthalpy changes of formation in kJ mol-1.

FeS (s) = -178 kJ mol

Fe O (s) = -824 kJ mol

2 3

SO (g) = -297 kJ mol


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