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Official from the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia

Businessmen from Indonesia and Egypt

Distinguished guest ladies and gentlemen

Assalamulaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarokatuh

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you, who has kindly attended this
important forum in which indeed give opportunity to Egyptian businessmen to meet Indonesian
Businessmen especially in food and beverages industries.

As our real commitment to improve trade relations between the two countries, Indonesian
Embassy has actively organized a several business forum since Last year we facilitated 5 (five)
private businessmen from Batam City and Indonesian State Owned Companies that produce
palm oil, cocoa, rubber coffee and tea to meet with their counterpart and we facilitated
Indonesia businessmen to participate in the first Intra African Trade Fair in Egypt. This year on
September, we facilitate our businessmen in agribusiness to have a business gathering and
now today the Embassy in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia
facilitates 12 Indonesia businessmen to participate in 5th Food Africa, 9-11 December 2019.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Egypt is one of the important partners for Indonesia in the Africa continent, Indonesia and Egypt
has a long history of mutually supporting trade. Both countries trade volume has reached more
than USD 1,173 billion in 2018 and until June 2019 the trade volume has reached more than
USD 596 million. Indonesia’s main export commodities to Egypt are palm oil, coffee, tyres of
rubber, filament yarn, paper products, fibreboard and cocoa butter. Meanwhile the main
Egyptian export commodities to Indonesia are phosphate, dates, molasses from the extraction
sugar, citrus, asphalt and machinery for food or drink industries. Egypt contributes only around
0.25% of the total foreign products’ market in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s product market
share in Egypt is only 1.07%. Having seen these numbers still relatively low, I believe that there
is still a big opportunity for both countries to increase their export in the future especially in food
and beverages products in which have potential opportunity to explore more.
During the above 34rd Trade Expo Indonesia 2019, Egyptian buyers have concluded total
transaction for the amount of USD 90 million and food industries contribute more than 50%.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Africa is a potential market for Indonesian products. This continent has a population of 1.2 billion
people with a collective GDP of more than USD 2 trillion. The potential of the African market
currently reaches USD 550 billion, but the value of Indonesia's exports to Africa has only
reached USD 4.2 billion. It is small number compare to its potency therefore if we don’t get busy
inking more deals and opening back up to this continent, we’ll be left on the outside looking in.

Considering the growing economy of African continent and in particular Egypt market itself, I
believe Egypt is a potential country to become an entry point for Indonesian products to enter
the African continent. Egypt has a number of advantages, including a very strategic
geographical location as connectivity between the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe
through the Suez Canal. Supported by a population of almost 100 million (the third largest in
Africa after Nigeria and Ethiopia) and a number of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), making
Egypt a potential hub for surrounding countries.

Data of world’s biggest exporters in 2018 shows total value of Indonesian exports to the worlds
are USD 180 billion. On the other hand, total value of Egypt exports are USD 28 billion. It is a
small number compare to the potency and market share that both countries has.
I believe companies and entrepreneurs will only survive if they are able to understand, respond
to and serve the needs of customers/ market, therefore through this event we bring Indonesia
companies and Small Medium Enterprises in food industries to meet their customer/ market
directly to create that opportunity and translate it into prosperity for our country and our citizens.
Distinguished Guests,
Last but not least, I hope through this event, there will be deal, transaction, and potential
commitment. And I hope there will be more and more Indonesian companies will come and do
business in Africa especially in Egypt in the future.

Thank you.
Syukron Jazeelan

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thank you.

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