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“Where the lions roar!

Vol. 1, No. 3
December 2010

Formula 1 Night Revs Up the Fun National Day: Celebrating UAE’s 39 Years with
Student Council Receives AED 2,000 Falcons, Dancing and Videos, Oh My!

(Left to Right) Joumana Asfour (Grade 11) (left), Paula Fr onda Elementary School students Ahmed Al Mazrouei (left) and Fares Al Awlaqi demonstrate falconry, while
(Grade 12), Mohamed Shaker (Grade Grade 11) (left) and Ke- Grade 1 girls (left to right) Lama Kandil, Meera Al Hashemi, Rawdha Al Harmoudi, Etsub Afework.
bure Assefa (Grade 11). / Photo by Ibrahim Al Hashidi (Grade 12). Photos by Mrs. Pittman-Jones.
by Farida Nassar (Grade 11) formances were fantastic, with way of helping them to get to
December 1-3 were the UAE’s readings from the Qu’ran, and know the history of the UAE.”
by Maitha Al Mansouri who wanted to link the school National Days, celebrating viewings of student-produced At the girls assembly, Maryam
(Grade 11) Arts & Culture Editor with the Abu Dhabi community the 39th year of the country’s videos on “What is Abu Dhabi?” Al Mannaie (Grade 12) read
The first-ever Formula 1 Night, outside of school, student leaders unification. People danced and combining traditional culture from the Qu’ran, then students
a school celebration of the F1 said. The Formula 1 races oc- cheered the hundreds of deco- with the ex-pat perspectives. performed dances, with seniors
races at the Yas Marina Circuit, curred from November 12-14. rated cars roaming the streets, At the boys assembly, Emi- performing a mix of Indian, Lo-
had more than 80 attendees who With the slogan of “Bring buildings were decorated with rati student Ibrahim Al Hashidi cal, Egyptian and modern remix.
raised more than AED 2,000 for Your Wheels,” F1 Night was an colorful lights and there were (Grade 12) read from the Qu’ran, There was also an Arabic poetry
the Student Council on Novem- exciting event with rollerbladers, fireworks on the Corniche. then students performed the reading and a dialogue on what
ber 4. skateboarders and students play- National Day at AISA was a traditional stick dance. Students National Day means to ex-pats.
“A smashing success,” said ing Xbox racing video games. huge success. On the football read poems and folklore in Ara- Emirati student Lamees Al
Mr. Thomas, one of the event’s Proceeds will help fund future field, there were camels, horses bic about the seven emirates. Makkawy (Grade 11) said, “The
organizers. student council events, student and falcons, while Bedouins “It’s a good way of represent- girls assembly was an excellent
There was a live band and two leaders said. Many students and performed dances. There were ing the connection between the demonstration of the UAE’s cul-
DJs, including seniors Salem Al teachers enjoyed the popcorn, tents for henna, and author Mo- school and the country,” said ture as well as a variety of others,
Neiami and Kamau Baaqi. Races French fries and cupcakes. hammed Al-Fahim signed“From Al Hashidi. “It helps portray an highlighting the importance of
included the egg race and tricycle Ms. Levi, another event Rags to Riches: A Story of Abu image into the AISA community being an international school and
race with prizes such as Ferrari organizer, said, “Once you start Dhabi.” about the cultures and traditions community.”
caps. The idea of an F1 night something, it can never go any- Both boys and girls assemblies of the UAE. Plus every year we
came from the student leaders where but up.” were very creative and the per- get new people so it’s a good

Kanye West Rocks F1 Concerts Formula 1 Fun: Party Photos

‘The crowd was all our age and generation’

Left: Grade 11 Student Council organizers. Front row: Lamees al Makkawy, Me, Joumana Asfour.
Kanye West’s simple but effective stage at the Yas Marina Circuit. Middle row: Menat el Abd, Mohamed Shaker, Quosain Memon. Top row: Brad Bixler, Kebur Asefa
Photo courtesy of Farida Nassar (Grade 11)
Photo by Mr. Baron
Right (left to right): Grade 11 students Latifa Al Khumairi, Marcela Azucar, Shaika Al-Qassimi, Maitha Al
Mansoori and Sheikha Al Meraikhi. / Photo by Ibrahim Al Hashidi (Grade 12).
by Farah Al Suwaidi (Grade 12) The concert arena was well or-
Kanye West’s Formula 1 concert
was one of Abu Dhabi’s high-
ganized and the stage set up was
great. Mr. West admired his stage
Seniors Support Reinstating ‘Privileges’
by Fatma Al Khazraji (Grade 12) ing support senior privileges – in are a reward for us working hard
light events that took place design with simple Roman col-
AISA’s Voice Editor a poll of 84 seniors, all but two for 14 years in school, and they
the weekend of November 11. umns. On Twitter he said it was a
During the summer, most supported senior privileges, and could make current and future
Formula 1 was a four-day event “breakthrough design wise.” He
seniors (including myself) were those two were undecided. seniors role models while allow-
at the Yas Marina Circuit on Yas also admired Abu Dhabi saying,
thrilled for senior, since we were However, our plea for privileg- ing us to leave our mark.
Island. “Sky diving, dune buggies and
ready to become school leaders. es this year has been rejected. Current seniors want privileges
The races took place during vintage jewelry and the fastest
Seniors expected the admin- When asked why seniors do such as being able to stay inside
the day and would wrap up with roller coaster.... I call those Abu
istration to reward us by being not have privileges Mr. Godley, the building at break or leave
a concert. Performing were the Dhabi Hobbies.”
more flexible with our freedom the Secondary School principal, with a pass, having a tent as our
legendary Kanye West, Linkin Linkin Park and Prince who
in the school. said seniors should be role mod- lounge, leaving AISA property if
Park and Prince. performed during the next two
In previous years, there were els without incentives. we have free classes and order-
Mr. West did not disappoint his days were also successful. “A
“senior privileges” that included “It should not take the form of ing food once a week.
audience, despite having walked lot more people showed up for
ordering lunch once a week, activities such as walking out to These privileges would also
off a Matt Lauer interview earlier the Prince concert,” said Mr.
being allowed to eat inside dur- ADNOC to buy snacks while no give younger students more mo-
in the morning. Murphy, who attended both
ing recess and lunch, and being one else is allowed to, or trying tivation to become seniors.
“I loved Kanye’s performance Kanye and Prince concerts.
allowed to use personal listening to get privileges that make one “It’s more than just being
because he got so into it,” said “Prince was the more exciting
devices during quiet and inde- group on students seem more called a senior,” said senior
Dana Atrak (Grade 10). “I liked show – every time you thought
pendent work time, according to important than another,” he said. Hamad Al Fahim. “It’s a feeling
that the crowd was all our age he was he done he back on to
AISA graduates. But privileges are more than we’ve waited for since kinder-
and generation.” play longer,” he said.
This year seniors overwhelm- buying snacks at ADNOC. They garten and still haven’t found.”
RSTW Review: Robyn Fok ‘spills the Were Jonas Brothers best Can girls varsity b’ball
Is the late policy fair? P2 • • • • swish a ‘three-peat’? P6
Modern Art in AD P3 beans’ on Boston P4 of Yasalam? P5
The Express
2 AISA’s VOiCE Dec. 2010
Space for Debate Fun ‘Facts’ Bring Back Three
-Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue
New Lateness Policy is Fair print is different. Latenesses for a Detention
-The most common name in the world Not fair for students stuck in morning traffic
Many fewer detentions assigned is Mohammed.
by Sheikha Al Meraikhi without excuses, which dis- -Former President George W. Bush by Mona Nasser (Grade 12) some students live far away or
(Grade 11) turbed the teachers and students, was once a cheerleader! Last year AISA had a problem are stuck in traffic. We think we
The school year started with the administration said. Today, -If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months, with students arriving late to deserve to get one detention for
new rules about being late to many fewer detentions are as- 6 days, you’d produce enough sound school. Some students wanted every three times late.
class. If a student is late for class signed. energy to heat one cup of coffee. to hang out in the rotunda every “It is certainly something
three times, he or she must go to Said one female student: “The -The average chocolate bar has eight morning. Sometimes 150 stu- we can think about,” said Ms.
detention after school until 3:30. rule is fair since we have three insect legs in it. dents would come late to school, Spegele, secondary school as-
In separate interviews, Ms. chances, but sometimes even according to the administration. sistant principal.
Spegele, Mr. Morley, and Mr. when we have an excuse the The school came up with a late Though Mr. Godley, second-
Godley all shared a common teacher does not approve it.” policy to reduce the numbers of ary school principal, also said he
opinion: that the rule is very ef- Mr.Godley concluded: “If late students and it worked! would consider it, he does not
fective and students are heading you are late for your flight, you However, it is not fair that if think it is a good idea.
to their classes on time. missed it.” we come late only two minutes, “Awful lot of record keeping
Last year, many students were Right: Students in detention. then we have to stay in detention when it seems like our system is
late for their classes frequently Photo by junior Hana Al Ameri. for 45 minutes, especially since working fine!” he said.

Students: ‘I miss The Shout!’ Two Publications Students

Call for more pictures, humor and fun facts
by Shaika Al-Qassimi (Grade 11) showing the students’ creativity “what’s new and what’s not,” Published in ‘Abu Dhabi Week’
Students and staff have differ-
and that it shows what AISA is birthdays, comics, games, and to by Mr. Baron provides space for developing
ent opinions of “The Express” doing as a school. They also like show student opportunities. Renowned news magazine writers,” he said. “I’m looking
student newspaper. the idea of adding an Arabic sec- One section they said they “Abu Dhabi Week” has repub- forward to more students being
Staff members Ms. Spegele tion, because it adds more than would like to see return is a lished articles by two Publica- published.”
and Mr. Godley thought the one language. “Guess who?” based on facts tions class juniors: Farida Nassar Read the republished 30-Hour
newspaper was a nice way of But students saw it as a “bor- about teachers. and Rana Alsaadi. Famine articles online at
ing” newspaper, Both of their articles on AISA’s and
preferring the 30-Hour Famine appeared in last The Nation-
style of the month’s “The Express” and in al Day article is not yet online.
former student the November 4 edition of “Abu
newspaper “The Dhabi Week,” which has a circu-
Shout.” Said lation of nearly 82,000.
one student: Nassar’s article on National
“I miss ‘The Day is in this edition of “The
Shout!’” Express” and in the December 9
(Many boys edition of “Abu Dhabi Week.”
said they had The students were excited
not even re- about being published. Nas-
ceived copies of sar said: “I’m proud of myself
the newspaper.) because my work is good enough
Students said to be published in a real maga-
they wanted zine where everyone can read [it]
more pictures, and not just in school.” Alsaadi
more humor and added: “I was really surprised
fun facts, more and happy!”
information on Publications teacher Mr. Baron,
teachers and said he was proud of them. National Day article by junior
Above: Two pages from the first issue of “The Shout,” last year’s student newspaper. “I’m glad the magazine Farida Nassar in Abu Dhabi Week.

“The Express” Masthead Admin Corner Winter Break and Getting Back to Basics
Our Mission: by Mr. Godley, Secondary School Principal
The Express produces an up-to- As a kid growing up in Canada, I grew exponentially excited as December 25th approached, as this means the magical arrival of presents.
date, fun, fresh, fierce newspaper I also remember spending cold winter nights on the frozen pond playing hockey with my father. He worked with me for hours to focus on the
that will be liked by many, cussed details and specifics of my game. Hockey is a game that people can learn to master, as long as they focus on the basics.
by some, read by all! He always reminded me of the basics: to keep my head up and to keep my stick on the ice. To a seasoned hockey player, these seem like ob-
Staff Advisors vious skills; however no matter how good we get at something, it is important to remember the basics, if we do not then we will lose our way.
Mr. Baron, Mr. Kandil At school, while students continue to grow and improve as learners, it is important to remember the basics of doing well and getting good
AISA Voices grades. Do your homework, organize your time and pay attention in class. Just like a hockey player keeps his head up and keeps his stick on
Editor: Fatma Al Khazraji the ice, students should focus on the basics to be sure not to lose their way.
Sheikha Al Meraikhi If you have had a good start to the year, you can focus on improving. If you haven’t had a good start, you have the chance in January to come
Shaika Al Qassimi back refreshed and with a new focus on the basics. I would like to give my best wishes to everyone in the AISA community for a relaxing and
Mona Nasser joyous winter break. I look forward to seeing you all in January, rested and ready to work hard.
Arts and Culture National Day
Editor: Maitha Al Mansouri
Hana Al Ameri
Front row (left to right):
Rawdha Al Mansoori
Mrs. Godley (KG2), Mrs. Morley
Menat El Abd
(Librarian), Ms. Spegele (Second-
ary School Assistant Principal),
Editor: Hanna Al Hassen
Mrs. Pittman-Jones (Elementary
Shamma Al Khouri
School Assistant Principal).
Oshba Al Murar
Top row (left to right):
Farah Al Suwaidi
Mr. Godley (Secondary School
Principal), Dr. Jones (Director),
Editor: Rana Alsaadi
Mr. Roth (Elementary School
Alyazia Al Hamed
Principal) and Mr. Morley (Sec-
Farida Nassar
ondary School Assistant Princi-
Tanya Tarazi
Editor: Ameilia Fox Corrections:
Paula Fronda In the November 2010 issue,
Aria Pavlic the profile of Evan Carstens was
Jessica van der Walt written by Sheikha Al Meraikhi,
not Jessica van der Walt. The
Copyright © 2010 AISA photo of senior cupcakes was
No portion of this newspaper or relat- taken by Fatma Al Khazraji, not
ed online content may be reproduced
Ayesha Al Braiki. The Express
for public or comercial purposes
without prior written permission.
regrets the errors.
The Express
Dec. 2010 News 3
Andy Warhol a Winner at ‘RSTW,’ Blockbuster Modern Art Show
Art Teacher Ms. Pegg: ‘It was inspiring, exciting and a great move forward for Abu Dhabi’
by Tanya Tarazi (Grade 11) Rauschenberg and Ruscha’s work are
Art students accompanied by Art in the first room. Rauschenberg mixes
teachers Ms. Pegg and Ms. Emerick re- abstract and everyday objects in paintings
cently visited the RSTW exhibition at the such as “Overdrive.” Ruscha’s paintings
Manarat Al Saadiyat gallery in Abu Dhabi. convey themes of conflict that affect soci-
RSTW features six modern and con- ety, such as “Burning Gas Station.” Serra
temporary artists: Robert Rauschenberg, uses industrial metal to make long thick
Ed Ruscha, Richard Serra, Cy Twombly, sheets that are balanced against each other
Andy Warhol and Christopher Wool, from by mathematics and physics.
the private collection of art dealer Larry Twombly’s paintings are inspired by his
Gagosian. The exhibit is organized by the emotions. He uses bright colors of crayon
Abu Dhabi Tourism Development and In- and paint to draw childlike pictures. Stef-
vestment Company with the Guggenheim fanie Sanders (Grade 11) likes Twombly’s
Museum-Abu Dhabi, and is on display “Roses” paintings. “They were extraordi-
until January 24, 2011. nary, it truly inspired me,” she said.
“It was inspiring, exciting and a great Pop artist Warhol, drew “Triple Elvis,”
move forward in art for Abu Dhabi,” said “Four Marylin” and “Seventy Last Sup-
Ms. Pegg. Besides the exhibition itself she pers.” He also used everyday objects to
learned skills such as silkscreen printing, make them works of art. Examples of this
which she brought to the classroom. Her are the “Brillo Pad Box” and the “Camp-
Visitors to art exhibit RSTW, on display at Manarat Al Saadiyat until Janauary 24, students will be creating an art project bell’s Tomato Soup Can.” Finally, Wool’s
2011. / Picture courtesy ADTDIC. based on the exhibit. paintings are in graffiti and abstract art that
are inspired by music.

‘Hope for Haiti’ Raised AED 35,000

for Last Year’s Earthquake Victims
Cholera outbreak presents new challenges
by Rana Alsaadi (Grade 11) Haiti Mission Inc., and was used as Church in Schriever, Louisiana
News Editor part of a package to purchase a truck founded Haiti Mission Inc. in 1999,
After the catastrophic magnitude that can drill wells that 300 to 500 according to their website.
7.0 earthquake struck Haiti in Janu- people daily, according to their annual “Although you guys [were] the
ary 2010, hundreds of AISA students report. furthest away from our mission
helped raise more than AED 35,000 to work, the response of young people
support the more than 3 million Hai- “[T]he response of in schools throughout the world to
tians affected by the devastation. the plight of the Haitian people has
Last year’s “Hope for Haiti” charity young people in schools been inspirational,” Deacon Lloyd
campaign, organized by former intern throughout the world has Duplantis, the organization’s direc-
Ms. Jill Slutzker with Grade 11 and 12 tor, wrote in an email.
students, raised money and awareness
been inspirational.” In November 2010, Hurricane
to the plight of Haitians. -Deacon Lloyd Duplantis, Tomas hit Haiti, leading to an out-
Most of the AED 35,000 was donat- Dir. Haiti Mission Inc. break of cholera. Haiti Mission Inc.
ed to Haiti Mission Inc., a faith-based Last year’s International Night festival has written an emergency appeal.
organization that works in Haiti’s raised about half of the money, with “The work of Haiti Mission Inc.
Jérémie region, with the rest going to a large portion coming from students has become even more critically
international medical humanitarian paying AED 5 each to participate in a important,” wrote Mr. Duplantis.
organization Doctors Without Borders. free dress day to wear the colors of the Your support is needed.”
“It was good to see AISA students Haitian flag, according to Mrs. Faiza For more information on how to Mr. LeBlanc and Ms. Emerick (right) help load
donating for a good cause,” said Shan- Martin. help Haiti Mission Inc., visit supplies for Haiti Mission Inc, with Deacon Lloyd
zeh Nazar (Grade 12). “It showed that Humanities teacher Mr. LeBlanc rec- Duplantis, the organization’s director, and his wife
teenagers today care about more than ommended Haiti Mission Inc., which Faye Duplantis, in July 2010.
just themselves.” he had worked with before coming Photo courtesy of Mr. LeBlanc.
Nearly AED 35,000 was donated to to AISA. Members of St. Bridget’s
Facts and Figures
New Staff Profile: Kefaya Omar
by Paula Fronda (Grade 12)
Kefaya Omar is an Islamic and Arab Social Studies teacher from Jordan. She has worked in Nearly All Seniors Support Privileges
Abu Dhabi since 2004, previously for the Ministry of Education and as a teacher in Jordan. “It
will be a new experience to work in an international school with the different cultures,” she said.

New Eco Club Proposes Bottled Water Ban

Promotes healthy environment at school and in Abu Dhabi
by Alyazia Al Hamed (Grade 11) club members said. The club is also coming
Eco Club, a new school club founded last up with ways to calculate the amount of water
month by teachers Mrs. Fairbarn, Mrs. Al Jen- used by the school and to find more efficient
abi and Mrs. Madden, helps students discuss ways it could be used.
environmental issues and find ways to improve “It really gives us a chance to show school
our lifestyle. spirit, and at the same time, do something good
The club meets every other “It really gives us a chance to to the environment we live
week in Room 108, and has
show school spirit, and at the in,” said Sharon Albuquer-
about a dozen members, led que (Grade 12), the club’s
by co-presidents Rana Alsaadi same time, do something good communications officer.
(Grade 11), an Express edi- to the environment we live in.” Club members have also
tor, and Khalid Al Mubarak -Sharon Albuquerque (Grade 12) discussed camels that die
(Grade 11). in the desert due to human
The club’s biggest idea is to eliminate plastic litter, and ways to improve sanitation.
bottled water in the canteen, instead “If we start taking care of our environment
distributing reusable thermoses to students. As now,” said Ms. Madden, “we could promote
a result the school could eliminate its waste a healthy environment for our future genera- Fun ‘Facts’ About the World
products, which helps sustain our environment, tions.”
• A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
AED 80,000+ Raised for Pakistan • Real diamonds can be made from peanut butter.
AISA has raised more than AED 80,000 for Pakistan flood relief, according to Mr. Mirza, who is
leading the school’s fundraising efforts. He counts more than 1,000 bags of clothes, food, toys, • Your brain is 80 percent water.
blankets and sanitary goods. “AISA should be so proud for getting involved,” he said. Mr. Mirza • Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.
will be traveling to Pakistan over winter break to see where the money is going. -Mr. Baron • Women end up digesting most of the lipstick they apply.
4 Alumna Robyn Fok: Living the International Life at Boston’s Northeastern Univ.
by Hanna Al Hassen (Grade 12) chose Northeastern University due to place Newbury Street! I love
Cosmopolitan Editor its co-op program. university life so far, there is
AISA alum Robyn Fok (Class ‘10), The transition from Abu Dhabi always so much to do.”
is studying Business and International to Boston was easier than she had Though her IB Business cred-
Affairs at Northeastern University thought it would be, especially since its did not transfer over, she
in Boston, a city in the Northeastern she lives in university’s International said AISA gave her life skills
region of the United States. Village residence hall. such as time management,
She applied to USC University of Though the student body of nearly organization and being able to
South Carolina, UCLA university 16,000 has students from all 50 states get along with people from all
of California, Los Angeles, Boston and 125 countries, according to the around the world.

C University, Purdue University, and

the University of Washington, but
university’s website, the International
Village is a smaller living and learn-
ing community.
Although Fok said she
misses everyone in AISA and
its laid-back atmosphere, she
The residence hall has a global is enjoying her university life.
theme that includes diverse students, “It’s a new challenging experi-
ethnic cooking demonstrations, cul- ence,” she said “living alone is

o tural excursions, and visits by guest

speakers with international insights
to share, according to the university’s
hard, especially when you get
sick and have to take care of
Picture illustration by Hanna Al Hassen

website. At Northeastern University, every Fok plans to work on Wall Street in

“The people I am surrounded by student must do at least two co-ops/ New York City for a few years before
are mostly international kids from internships. going to graduate school to get her

s all over the world,” she said. “So it’s

basically like AISA all over again!”
Fok, 18, likes living in Boston, a
“Northeastern University is the
number one school for job placements
after university,” said High-School
“Enjoy every bit of senior year and
what you have left of high school,”
major city, which she had visited Counselor Ms. Merrell. “Most often is her advice to seniors. “Don’t be
before. the second co-op students do is the nervous about university because
“The university has a nice campus one that offers them a job placement there really is not any reason to be. I

m Alumna Robyn Fok (left) posing

with a friend in the Boston Com-
that is in Boston so it’s really con-
venient and nice. It only takes 10
minutes to walk to the main shopping
for after university, so they don’t made the most of my years at AISA
even have to look for a job when they and now I’m trying to make the most
finish.” out of my life at university.”
mons. Photo courtesy of Robyn Fok.

Paris-Sorbonne Promotes New Abu Dhabi Campus

Fun ‘Facts’ UK’s University of Bradford Has Strong Engineering, Life Science Programs
o -There are 170 septillion ways to play
the 10 opening moves in chess.
-When you sneeze, all bodily func-
tions stop -- even your heart!
-The average person over 50 will
p have spent five years waiting in lines.
-Cockroaches can live for nine days
after their head been cut off.
-40,000 Americans are injured by
toilets every year.
o Student Profile Aussie Pride in Abu Dhabi Left: University of Bradford’s campus. Photo courtesy
Right: Artists’s rendering of the Paris-Sorbonne’s new Abu Dhabi
campus on Al Reem Island.
by Oshba Al Murar Before coming to AISA, in Abu Dhabi as an Aussie by Shamma Al Khouri Paris Sorbonne University, the
Senior Olivia Nunan is her family – including her citizen is awesome!” (Grade 11) top university in France, visited

l an Australian who has lived

in Abu Dhabi for the past
three years.
sister and fellow AISA
senior Tamsin Nunan –
lived in Chennai, India, the
Besides being the starting
point guard on the girls
More than 120 universities
have visited AISA this year to
varsity basketball team, Ol- help juniors and seniors with
AISA on November 29. The
university offers a wide range of
majors in Humanities and Law,
country’s fourth largest ivia also speaks Mandarin, their university plans. “Univer- and promoted its new Abu Dhabi
city, for seven years. acts and sings. sity is a big step but a neces- campus, located on Al Reem
Olivia Nunan, 18, went For the “War and Pieces” sary one to prepare you for Island, at which more than 500

i to the American School

of Chennai, and also
lived elsewhere in India
musical performance last
month (see November’s
life outside the school for the
workplace,” said Ms. Merrell,
“Express” article “Perform- high school counselor. “Many
students representing more than
50 nationalities attend, according
to its website.
for two more years. ing Arts Night Showcases of you may not be ready and The curriculum is in French,
Though the school’s High School Students”), that’s okay there are wonderful and follows the new European
gender segregation has Nunan performed two programs available for 13th year system of higher education called

t been an adjustment for

Nunan, she said she likes
her fellow students and
songs that made the crowds programs.”
scream and cheer loudly. The University of Bradford,
the License-Masters-Doctorate
(LMD) system, in which students
“Before you sing you are located in England, visited AISA receive a European degree and
living in Abu Dhabi for overwhelmed with nerves,” on November 25. It has strong French language experience –
the diverse range of na- she said. engineering and life sciences without having to leave Abu
tionalities and cultures. “But as soon as you sing programs, and also offer manage- Dhabi.

a “It’s really great to be

able to experience them
first hand,” she said. “I’m
that first note, its like you
singing by yourself in an
empty room and can sing
ment sciences and international
studies, said Ms. Merrell. The
university also offers an Interna-
“[T]hey are a highly regarded
institution, and anyone who
graduates from the Sorbonne is
also proud of who I am the best you can.” tional Foundation Year, to help pretty much guaranteed to obtain
as an Aussie but also international students not yet a job in their field of study,” said
consider myself a global academically qualified to start Ms. Merrell.

n Photo courtesy of Olivia Nunan. citizen as well. Living undergraduate study.

The Express
Dec. 2010 Arts & Culture 5
Jonas Brothers Best of ‘Beats on the Beach’ Manga Mania!
by Menat El Abd (Grade 11) Brothers performed (see the article Students draw and watch the Japanese comics in new club
Many artists performed concerts in “Kanye West Rocks F1 Concerts”). Al
Abu Dhabi during Eid Al Adha break in Makkawy, who also attended the Jonas
mid-November as part of the concert se- Brothers concert said, “It was a great
ries Yasalam. There were the free “Beats concert and better than I expected. The
on the Beach” on the Corniche beach, band didn’t just sing, they played their
and the paid concerts on Yas Island and instruments and connected with the au-
Skybar. dience very well.”
“Beats on The National
the Beach” newspaper added,
performers “The noise level of
included screaming teenage
Sean Paul, Jonas Brothers
Haifa, Kelly fans at Yas Arena
Rowland yesterday was
and Kel- almost enough to
lis. Seeing Jonas Brothers photo by Menat El Abd (Grade 11). rival the roars of
the number the F1 cars on the
of people who were attending was just track this week.”
amazing. Lamees Al Makkawy (Grade Eid is about spending quality time
11), who attended the Sean Paul concert, with your family, so many restaurants
said: “It wasn’t as good as I expected it and hotels had family packages. One
to be. The organization in the beginning of the high demand places was Dubai’s
was very poor.” Atlantis Hotel and its water park, which
At Yas Island, there were Kanye combined fun and family time.
West, Linkin Park, Prince and the Jonas
by Rawdha Al-Mansoori They are working in groups activities. “It wasn’t what I
Eid Al Adha: A Personal Reflection (Grade 11)
AISA has a new Manga
on organizing a plot for the
Manga that they are creat-
expected, it was better!” she
by Hana Al Ameri (Grade 11) Men, women and children wear new Club, to promote and draw ing. On November 25, the club
“Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, Ash-had clothing and gather with families. the popular Japanese comics Manga Club has 14 mem- went on a field trip to the
an la illaha illa allah…”These are the Money is usually given to children to that are turned into An- bers, and was founded by Dubai Community Theatre
words that awaken me and my family spread happiness. In the afternoon a tra- ime cartoons. In Japanese, seniors Hend Al Sanadi and and Arts Centre, where they
on the first day of Eid. We all get up and ditional meal is served which consists “Manga” means “humorous Grainne McClean, and ju- learned how to draw the
we perform ablutions (ritual washing). of rice and meat. pictures,” and it is a big part niors Amira Anthonijsz and facial features of a Manga
My father and brother then go to the “Eid is a very special occasion that of Japanese culture. Nahil Memon. The supervi- character. They enjoyed the
mosque to pray, and me and my mother, is celebrated in our religion,” said my Club members work sor is Mr. McGrady. The field trip, and plan on going
sisters and I pray at home. In my family, father Mr. Al Ameri. Even though our towards developing their club meets every Sunday, again in February.
sleep is very rare during Eid Al Adha. families are always gathered this is an own Manga characters and Tuesday and Thursday dur- Salama Al Harmoodi
The day before, we stay excuse to gather with volumes. Members try to ing lunch in Room 327. (Grade 11) said, “What
up all night getting ready happiness and make create their own Manga, Al Sanadi originally made me join the club is my
for the day to come. We the children smile by and also watch anime shows expected that the club would love for Manga!”
go to the saloon to do our giving them money,” such as “Pandora Hearts” be more of a Manga group
hair and henna. My mother Mrs. Background: Drawing
and “Darker than Black.” rather than a club with by Hend Al Sanadi.
Muslims celebrate two Al Ameri said, “We
Eids during the year. The hope that God always
first Eid comes after the gathers us with his Translation by Mr. Hafez
holy month of Rama- blessings and may our
dan and it is Eid al Fitr. gatherings come more
Ramadan is the month often.”
where Muslims refrain from eating and Towards the end of the day, because
drinking from dawn until sunset. The everyone is so happy, no one even
second Eid is Eid al Adha and it follows remembers about not having slept. We
the Hajj which is the pilgrimage to laugh and talk until we hear the prayer
Mecca and it is the fifth pillar of Islam. of Fajr welcoming the second day of
On the morning of Eid Muslims are Eid. We pray then go to bed.
awakened by the prayer of Fajr and Above: My 4-year-old sister Maitha Al Ameri.
men usually go and pray in the mosque.

L’Aïd: Une Reflexion Personnelle

La traduction par Mme. Merazi
« Allahou Akbar, Allahou Akbar, Ach les hommes vont habituellement ac-
- had an la illaha illa Allah…. » C’est complir leur prière à la mosquée. Pour
par ces mots que nous sommes réveillés l’occasion, les hommes, les femmes et
ma famille et moi à chaque jour de les enfants portent de nouveaux vête-
l’aïd. Nous nous levons tous pour aller ments et rendent visite à leur famille.
accomplir nos ablutions (lavage rituel). Les enfants reçoivent généralement de
Mon père et mes frères vont alors à la l’argent pour compléter leur joie .Un
mosquée pour la prière, et ma mère, mes repas traditionnel composé de riz et de
sœurs et moi-même, prions à la maison. viande est servi dans l’après-midi.
Dans ma famille dormir est très rare « L’Aïd est un jour très spécial dans
pendant l’Aïd Al Adha. Le jour d’avant, la religion musulmane » a dit mon père:
nous restons éveillés toute la nuit pour Monsieur Al Ameri. Même si nous nous
finir les derniers préparatifs et être prêts réunissons régulièrement dans notre
pour ce jour mémorable. Nous allons en famille, l’Aïd est une autre excuse pour
général au salon de coiffure pour nous se réunir encore une fois dans la joie et
faire coiffer et mettre du henné sur nos de rendre heureux les enfants en leur
bras et sur nos pieds. donnant de l’argent.
Les musulmans célèbrent deux fêtes Ma mère madame Al Ameri dit «
de l’Aïd pendant l’année. Le premier J’espère que Dieu nous donnera toujours
« Aïd Al fitr » marque la fin du mois l’occasion de se réunir plus souvent »
sacré du ramadhan où, les musulmans
s’abstiennent de manger et de boire
À la fin de cette journée et parce que
tout le monde est heureux, nous ne
Fun ‘Facts’
du lever jusqu’au coucher du soleil. nous souvenons même plus que nous
La seconde fête est l’Aïd Al Adha qui n’avions pas dormi. Nous discutons -The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of
marque la fin du « Hadj » pèlerinage à rions jusqu’à la prière du Fadjr à l’aube humans, so they could be confused at a crime scene.
la Mecque, qui est le cinquième pilier de du deuxième jour. Nous accomplissons -More than 10 people a year are killed by vending machines.
l’Islam. alors cette prière avant de nous mettre -Right-handed people live nine years longer than left-handed people.
Le matin de l’Aïd, les musulmans au lit.
-In France, it is legal to marry a dead person!
sont réveillés par la prière du Fadjr et
-Snails breathe through their feet.
The Express
6 SPORTS Dec. 2010
Fun Sports ‘Facts’
Girls Varsity Baskebtall Shoots for 3rd Straight Trophy
-It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough JV team hopes for ‘good season’ after second place finish
leather for a year’s supply of footballs.
-At 120 mph, an F1 car generates so much downforce by Jessica van der Walt
that it can drive upside down on the roof of a tunnel. (Grade 11)
The girl’s varsity basketball
-Former President George W. Bush is related to all team (including this reporter)
other U.S. presidents! hopes to win a third straight
-Tug of War was an Olympic event from 1900-1920. ISAC championship. The team is
starting strong with a 2-1 record,
-All Major League Baseball umpires must wear black and will be ending the season
underwear while on the job! by participating in the ECC and
ISAC tournaments.
This year’s team, coached by
Mr. Synoground and Ms. Sam-
Girls Varsity Soccer Plays for bola, is relatively new with only
five returning players from last
Back-to-Back Championships year out of eleven players.
One of the returning players,
JV team motivated after second place finish point guard Olivia Nunan (Grade
12) said: “Although it is a rela-
by Ameilia Fox (Grade 11) Invitational Championship and tively new team, I believe this
Sports Editor placed second in EMAC, this season will be very successful,
Danielle Cobrand (Grade year is is rebuilding team with a we have a strong team.”
11), an outstanding defender very young group of girls, said The JV team is coached by
who hopes to play on Canada’s Ms. Morkin. “It is an exciting Mr. Armstrong and Ms. Levi,
Under-18 team this year, is be- team to coach because since most both new coaches. The team
ing counted on to lead the girls of them are eligible to play U14, has twelve players, mainly from
varsity soccer team to a back-to- they are very keen and excited to Grades 9 and 10.
back ISAC championship. be part of JV,” said Ms. Morkin, Last year the team came in
“I think this year, if we work returning for her fifth year of second place in ISAC, but this
really hard and really want it, we coaching. year the team is relatively new
can qualify for the ECC tourna- Jude Al-Hajeri (Grade 8), a with only three returning players. Junior Jessica van der Walt (No. 17) reaches for the block as se-
ment and win the ISAC tourna- midfielder, is the only returning Still, the coaches said the team nior Dorien Van Heerden (left) and junior Marcela Azucar (right)
ment,” she said. player from the girls JV team. has a lot of potential. “I’m look- help defend against the American Community School.
Mr. Deschamps returns for “I’ve been motivated by the time ing forward to a good season,” Photo courtesy Jessica van der Walt (Grade 12).
his third straight year as varsity a player from Chelsea came to said Ms. Levi.
coach. “We lost a lot of strong Abu Dhabi and offered me to Nadia Jacobson (Grade 10) is a
Grade 12 students from last go the Chelsea soccer school in starting forward returning for her
“The team is pretty good, but we only need
year, but this is a strong group Italy,” she said. Though the team third year on the JV team. more patience. Attitude determines altitude.”
of girls,” he said. (This reporter lost their first game 2-0 to the
plays on the team.) British School, Ms. Morkin said
“The team is pretty good, but -Nadia Jacobson (Grade 10), JV starting forward
we only need more patience,”
Though the girls JV soc- they continue to try their best. she said. “Attitude determines
cer team won last year’s AISA altitude.”

Cheering for Boys Varsity Soccer’s 2nd Straight Title Boys Varsity B’ball: New Legacy After
JV Captain: Our squad has ‘great potential’ 9 Graduate from Unbeaten Team
JV team has ‘a lot of talent’

Above: (Left to Right) Seniors Louii Kayyali, Mohammed Al Shawa, Khalil Cheikha and freshman Zeid Sharif Varsity boys basketball team defends against the American Com-
painted their bodies, senior Omar Haggag played drums to show support. munity School. Photo courtesy Jessica van der Walt (Grade 12).
Below: Khalid Mansoori (Grade 11) plays in a recent match. / Photos courtesy Paula Fronda (Grade 12).
by Aria Pavlic (Grade 11) Mr. Mangan praised team cap- like Khalid Hashim (Grade 10) by Paula Fronda (Grade 12) expects improvement. “We might
The boys varsity soccer var- tain Abdul Quddos (Grade 12). and Igancio Alonso (Grade 8),” Last year’s boys varsity bas- not be unbeatable like last year’s
sity team aims for back-to-back “Quddos has the potential to be he said. “I have big hopes for this ketball team was undefeated and team, but I guarantee hard work
ISAC championships, and Mr. the link between coaching staff team.” won the ISAC Championships. and a successful season,” he said.
Mangan is hoping for an unde- and players,” said Mr. Mangan. They This year’s team has only three “This is a totally different team
feated season. “He can plan team events, and he are returning players, the rest had and different style.”
The varsity team is playing in can provide leadership to play- starting graduated. The JV team came in second
two major tournaments this year: ers, the team, and the program.” well, Mr. Pike, who coached last place at ISAC and third place
ISAC at AISA and the ECC in The JV team won the AISA beating year’s Girls JV basketball team, at EMAC last year. This year
Dubai. The team automatically Invitational tournament last year the non- is working hard to rebuild the Mr. Hansard takes over for Mr.
qualifies for the ISAC tourna- and placed second in the EMAC, league team. During the Eid Al Adha LeBlanc.
ment, however for the ECC the and players said they cannot wait British holiday, the team practiced al- Mr. Hansard said, “The team
team must come in the top four to prove themselves. School most every day and now practice has a lot of talent and depending
in order to qualify. So far the This year’s captain is Tsotne 4-2. five times a week. on how well they mesh and work
team won its first game against Papavadze (Grade 10). “The Though the team lost their in practice together, they will
league team Dubai International team this year is filled with play- first game against the American have a successful season.”
Academy by a score of 9-1. ers that have a great potential, Community School, Mr. Pike

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