Polly and P.C.'S Steps To Establishing Heaven On This Dusty Earth Step One Sadhana - Effort... To Know The Truth

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Step One
Sadhana – effort...
To know the truth

Inspired by the teachings of Shrii ShriiAnandamurtiji

Comic Book based on real events.

Any similarities to Prince Charles or other members of the English Royal family, living or
regenerated, are purely coincidental.

India, West Bengal, 2020. Lock-down has been going on for over one month. The people are
suffering on three levels – physical, mental and spiritual.

Ram Kumar, 11 years old

Physical level

I’m hungry. Mum only gives us rice once a day – she

says we’ll run out of rice soon and who knows when the
shops will open again!

Mental level

I’m so bored! I’ve been stuck at home for so

long without anything to do – I’m not even
allowed to see my friends. Everyone’s
stressed at home – when is school going to
start again?! I’m so fed up!

Moni Didi

Mental level

They’ve extended the lock-down period again!

How on earth are we going to eat?! All this time at
home with no one working, what’s more, with
being at home all the time, my husband’s started
drinking – what little money we have is squandered
on alcohol.

The little help the government gives for food may

alleviate a little of the material suffering but who
can I turn to for help on a mental level in living a
situation of stress and misery? It seems even God
no longer wants to listen as even religion has closed
its doors.

What has the world come to?!

Spiritual level My Sadhana is suffering. How can it be good if people
all around are suffering? We’re all tied by a thread of
love*– so how can one remain indifferent to others’
suffering? The misery of so many is being caused by a
few very rich and powerful individuals – but how to
make people understand that they are being duped?

*From Prabhat Samgiita 3821 ‘Tomake bhalobasi


Dak diye jai, jai, jai,
ami dak diye jai, jai, jai!

(I send out a call to all those

who seek to help humanity!)

Here I am! I’m ready to help
humanity! When can I start?!

Who are you?

Prout Chele: (Singing wholeheartedly)

Dak diye, jai, jai, jai, ami dak diye jai, jai, jai!1

(I send out a call to all those who seek to help humanity!)

Polly: Here I am! I’m ready to help humanity! When can I start?!

Prout Chele: Who are you?

Polly: I’m a fairy! My name’s Polly. Some people think I’m a devayoni but actually I don’t
quite fit into the categories that my Beloved Guru, the Lord of the Unseen and Seen Universe
gave for devayonis2 - I’m a little bit of a mixture...

1Prabhat Samgiita no.49 by Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (BABA)

2See Yoga Psychology page19 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (BABA).

Like the Ghandavas I love
music so I come whenever I
hear Kiirtan…

Polly: Like the Ghandavas I love music so I come whenever I hear Kiirtan, and like the
Kinnaras I love beauty so I come when I feel beauty...

Prout Chele: What, like flowers and landscapes?

Polly: Not necessarily! I feel beauty so I don’t see it with eyes like humans with a five
fundamental body do3...

I feel beauty so I don’t see it

with eyes like humans with a
five fundamental body do…

This person is beautiful for me

because of his inner beauty…

…whereas this person is repulsive

for me because there is no inner
harmony – he pretends to be a
philanthropist while his thoughts
and deeds are bad.

3See Yoga Psychology page 77

Polly: Anyway, in my last life as a five fundamental factor human I was a good sadhaka4 and
through practising Sadhana and Kiirtan I made lots of friends from the fairy world and I thought
‘hmmmm, I’d like to do work like they do for some time!’ No one can see you but you can see
them and all the secrets of the world! What fun!

Prout Chele: Really?

Polly: (More seriously) well, of course, the best thing is to have a five fundamental human body
like yours so I can go back to practising Sadhana and Kiirtan regularly. That’s why I’m helping
you. If we can get to the bottom of the current world problem and wake up humanity then my
Beloved Guru, the Lord of the unseen and seen Universe will grant me a human body! So let’s
not waste any more time!

Prout Chele: Let me introduce myself first – my name is...

Polly: Prout Chele5 – P.C. for short. You don’t need to tell me. I can see your mind quite
clearly and all your details are imprinted on it.

P.C.: Accha6?!

Polly: Just now, when you were doing Sadhana you were thinking ‘the misery of so many is
being caused by a few very rich and powerful individuals’. You think this whole virus is one big
hoax. So how do you know?

P.C.: It’s called ‘sixth sense’ and every human being is blessed with it, as you well know.

Polly: Absolutely! Children are especially good at seeing through lies and sensing the truth.
Every one of us has the ability but if we’re blocked by fear or any other impediment we can’t
connect to our sixth sense.

P.C.: Is that what has happened to society at the moment? People have been so carried away by
the Mass Media and the fear campaign that they can no longer understand what makes sense and
what doesn’t?

Polly: Yes, the fear has a lot to do with it, but in actual fact, a lot of people prefer not to know
the truth. It’s too perturbing for their minds.

P.C.: Is that why Sadhana and Kiirtan are so important?

4One who practises Sadhana regularly.

5Prout – the social philosophy by P.R. Sarkar. ‘Chele’- boy in Bengali.
6‘Is that so?!’

Children are especially good
at seeing through lies and
sensing the truth. …

Come here, my boy!

Regular Sadhana
and Kiirtan makes
the mind stronger

Polly: Yes, by doing Sadhana and Kiirtan one’s mind becomes stronger and is ready to face all
realities – no matter how uncomfortable.

P.C.: And the truth is pretty uncomfortable this time. Practically all the governments of the
world are accomplice to an enormous hoax against the ordinary people. They’re fooling them

Polly: Who are ‘they’?

P.C.: ‘They’ are the Super Elite – the ones no one ever sees or hears of but are behind most of
the governments of the world’s most important moves – their wars, their social and economic
disasters or booms. They make sure the gap between the rich and the poor is forever widening.
Why? Because they have an unending thirst for power and maintain this by keeping the people
poor, helpless and usually as divided as possible. Now by creating a so-called pandemic they
can achieve the great goal they’ve been aiming at for years, decades even – their one world
government. The move that brings their crown – ‘corona’.

Polly: How do you know all this?

P.C.: I read one of the above-said Super Elite’s document from May 2010 entitled ‘Scenarios for
the future of technology and international development’ - turn to page 18 and you can read
exactly what we’re living in this moment....

How do you know all this?

I read one of the above-

said Super Elite’s
document from May
2010 - turn to page 18
and you can read exactly
what we’re living in this

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility

of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like
tourism and breaking global supply chains.
Even locally,normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for
months, devoid of both employees and customers.

During the pandemic, national leaders …imposed airtight rules and

restrictions… the mandatory wearing of face masks…
Polly: So is there any virus or not?

P.C.: Sincere and truth-loving doctors around the world are speaking out – despite the risks for
they’ve been threatened with jail as well as being defamed by the Media. Many doctors are
saying that things don’t add up. What’s more, they’ve hinted (because obviously to more than
hint is dangerous) that the virus is very different from country to country, which suggests one
thing – that it’s not the same virus and the perpetrators of the crime are creating a simulation of a
virus from country to country. In Italy, for example, the good, earnest doctors (the minority)
have protested that the numbers of deaths are due to the yearly ‘flu bout (in 2019 alone 8,000
people died from the winter ‘flu) and the inflated number of people in hospital is due to the fear
campaign by the government and media who also manipulate statistics to keep bumping up the
number of deaths.

Something’s not right here...

Would you like to follow me, sir?

Polly: Why do they want to induce an economic disaster?

P.C.: For them it’s no big deal – not if it means reaching their goal. Do you remember the
destruction of the twin towers in America in 2001? Did massive destruction causing the loss of
innocent lives deter them back then? The destruction of towers and building that they
themselves constructed is the same as a child pulling apart his building blocks to build something
better – it has no meaning to them.

Do you remember long suffering Princess Diana who worked hard to alleviate the pain and
sorrow of humanity through her charity work?

Polly: Yes, I know her well. She was Princess of England and was loved by many, many people
all over the world. She was a very kind and loving soul but her goodness just made her more of
a threat to the English Royal family.

P.C.: She suffered terribly at their hands and at the hands of her husband, Prince Charles, who
still today is in line to be king. She wrote a letter in 1996 to a close friend stating that members

of the Royal Family were planning her death in a car accident, and in 1997 she was suddenly
killed in a car accident in Paris. Endless facts about the accident didn’t add up but the letter she
had written was discarded as irrelevant. Who was behind her death? The same Super Elite
mentioned before.

Polly: Now you see why people prefer not to know the truth!

P.C.: So what now, Polly?

Polly: Now let’s leave it to the people – readers, what do you think we can do to stop such thing
like these happening so we can all live in a better world?

Share your thoughts!


Step Two
Seva – service...
On all levels

We have to help the

What’s next?

P.C.: So what’s the next move?

Polly: We have to do something to help the people – do you remember our two characters at the
beginning of this story? Ram Kumar and Moni Didi? We have to alleviate their suffering!

P.C.: You’re right! Let’s go and find them!

Polly: No need to get up! I can take you there with my mind...

one minute later...


Moni Didi
Ram Kumar

P.C.: Namaskar Moni Didi! Namaskar Ram Kumar! My name is Prout Chele and this is my
friend Polly...

Polly: Sssssh! Don’t mention me! They’ll think you’re a madman! They can’t see me!

P.C.: Oh really? Well, of course not! I suppose only those who practise Sadhana can see you?

Polly: A lot of them can but not all – it generally depends on how free their minds are from
bondages. But sometimes some people, whether they do Sadhana or not, have their own
samskaras7 to see luminous bodies. Anyway, neither Ram Kumar nor Moni Didi do Sadhana but
even if they did they would struggle now because their minds are clogged up with worldly
troubles. What can you do for them, P.C.?

P.C.: Well, first of all I’ll give them a good meal because they both look really hungry.

Polly: Excellent idea! I’ll prepare some food with my mind just to speed things up! (Just this

7Explanation of samskaras at end of Part Five.

Fifteen minutes later...

P.C.: Polly, they’ve both eaten but with very little appetite. They don’t seem very much
happier. Do you think they didn’t like the food?

Polly: No, it’s not that. It’s because they’re so afflicted by worldly worries on a mental level
that they’re unable to enjoy life on a material level. We both know well that humans are not like
animals – it’s not enough to feed them and expect them to be all right. Why, even some mentally
developed animals will not take food because they feel down. So just imagine humans!

P.C.: Too true! So then I’ll make an effort to spend time with them these next few days – I’ll
talk to them about spirituality and Sadhana and a human being’s Real Goal in life.

Polly: That’s very good of you, P.C. In that case, I’ll leave you to it because I’m being called to
go and do some other urgent work in another part of the Universe. I’m going but if you have any
trouble over the next few days just call me and I’ll be straight back!

Two days later...

P.C.: Polly! It’s a real mess!

Polly: What happened, P.C.?

P.C.: They’re just not inclined to hear about spirituality or understand anything about spiritual
philosophy. Ram Kumar just wants to play video games and Moni Didi just looks tired and
worried all the time.

Polly: Yes, she’s suffering a lot. She often cries when she’s alone and she feels she can hardly
face every day that comes. P.C....what are you doing with them now?

P.C.: I’m telling them about Prout8 – just the basics!

Polly: But P.C., Ram Kumar is drifting off to sleep and Moni Didi is worrying about what she’s
going to do about dinner tonight. Do you really think they’re in the right state of mind to hear
such things?

P.C.: Hmmmmm, maybe not...

Polly: Sing Kiirtan to them, quick! Before we lose them!

P.C.: But, but...

Polly: No ‘buts’ – just sing Kiirtan and sing it with all your heart. (Produces an astral guitar)
Here, take this...!

8The social philosophy by P.R. Sarkar (BABA)

Twenty minutes of Kiirtan later...

You know what, P.C.? I’d like

to help with the relief work you

Me too!

Moni Didi: You know what, P.C.? I’d like to help with the relief work you do – it would feel so
nice to do something for other people who are suffering. Staying at home day after day isn’t
good for me and it isn’t good for my family either. Your Prout projects sound really inspiring.

Ram Kumar: P.C. Da9, I’d like to come and help too! I’m fed up of sitting around at home all
day long. If I go out with you I can make new friends and be useful to others.

P.C.: Well, of course! You’re both very welcome! (Whispering to Polly) It’s incredible!

Polly: Now you see?! You know, words are probably the least effective way of communication
– how do you think I communicate with people when I can’t speak to them? Remember the real
hunger is on the spiritual level – when that is satisfied then the individual himself will gain the
means to satisfy his hunger on other levels.

P.C.: So all my talk these last days was a waste of time?!

Polly: No, you put out the seeds but without Kiirtan there was no soil in which those seeds could
grow. So make sure you go on giving them regular exposure to Kiirtan – that way, you’ll
provide the water, sunlight and all nutrients required for the seeds to grow.

P.C.: I suppose I never really realised how powerful an effect our Kiirtan has.

Polly: It was given by our Guru, the Lord of the Unseen and Seen Universe Himself – of course
it’s powerful. People, even sadhakas10 themselves, don’t realise how powerful it is.

P.C.: I’m beginning to realise it now.

Polly: How do you think I came into your life? It was through feeling the wave of Kiirtan you
emitted – so beautifully harmonious that it dragged me to where you were in the Universe!

P.C.: (Blushing) Why, thank you, Polly!

Polly: Please don’t get big-headed. Remember, it wasn’t you who created the Kiirtan – you
were just the medium.

P.C.: Oh, I see. Anyway, to work. I’m going to take Ram Kumar and Moni Didi straight off to
help with relief!

Polly: Yes, go now while the time is ripe! I just have to nip off to the Ananda Marga planet a
few galaxies away – I’ll be back in a little while. See you later, bhai11!

9from ‘Dada’ meaning older brother.

10Those who practise regular Sadhana and Kiirtan.

Two days later...

Hey, P.C.! What’s happened to

you?! What’s wrong?!

Polly: (Sheepish) Sorry P.C., my work took a little longer than expected...oh, all right, I admit it
– I got drawn into the Kiirtan on the Ananda Marga planet! I just couldn’t get the strength to
leave! Oh Baba! I was floating away...Hey, P.C.! What’s happened to you?! What’s wrong?!

(No reply).

Polly: P.C.! P.C.! Can’t you hear me?! Can’t you see me?! Come back to me!

P.C.: (Groaning) Polly? Is that you? Where are you?

Polly: I’m here! Right before you! What happened to you?! Oh! Now I see! Your mind is
rather foggy. You’re feeling rotton, aren’t you?

P.C.: (Groans) I certainly am. I haven’t been able to do Sadhana for the last days. (Yawns) My
whole body feels heavy and I just want to sleep...

Polly: Don’t sleep, P.C.! I’ll throw some water on you! Get up and walk around outside
barefoot on the soil – you’ll feel slowly better. Come on!

Two minutes later...

What happened to me?!

P.C.: I feel a little more normal now. What happened to me?

Polly: You were really inspired that day you took Moni Didi and Ram Kumar off to do relief,
am I right?

P.C.: Yes, I was – we all were. In fact, they both still are and are working day after day with
relief whereas I’ve given up.

Polly: Yes, that’s natural. You see, when you help people significantly, I mean bring about a
change in their life then you absorb a little bit of that person and they absorb a little bit of you. If
the person is in a good flow then it’s not a problem but if they’re weighed down by troubles then
you’re obliged, if you’re a sincere Sadhaka, to take on some of their burden.

P.C.: Oh, I see. But if I want to serve humanity how can I stop this from happening?

Polly: You have to be very rigid in practising second lesson12. Did you forget it these last days?

P.C.: I’m afraid I did. I was so inspired that day I just felt like I didn’t need anything.

Polly: But you do. Now you’ve learnt your lesson. Are you feeling better?

P.C.: A little bit, but not completely better.

Polly: It can take time. You have to persevere with Kiirtan, Sadhana and Prabhat Samgiita even
though, during times of low inspiration, it’s hard for the Sadhaka to do even these, he must at
least try. The only answer is to hold on tightly to Him.

P.C.: Do fairies suffer all this sort of stuff as well?

Polly: We don’t suffer in the same way as five fundamental factor human beings do. When
there is a physical body13 with all its hormones, vrttis, blood, sukra and all the rest, one has a
vehicle for feeling psychic and physical pain whereas we don’t have a physical body so have no
way of feeling pain or pleasure.

Human beings are influenced by so many factors that can bring them pleasure or pain – not just
the trials of everyday life but also the influence of the unseen world and the far off stars and
planets of the physical world. That’s why we sing:

‘Amay chotto ekti mon diyecho, anek asha rekhe...

Matir gandhe gacher patay,

nodir srote dur nilimay,

12The second lesson of Ananda Marga Sadhana which allows the Sadhaka to attribute Brahmaship to all actions.
13see Yoga Psychology page 77 by Shrii ShriiAnandamurti

bandha ami pore geyechi, shotek bandha paki...’14

(You’ve given me such a tiny mind and expect so much from me...

The scent of the earth, the trees and leaves,

the tide of the river, the far away skies,

how many bondages tie me to this world!)

P.C.: Oh, I love that Prabhat Samgiita! I feel better already!

Polly: You see how hard human existence is?

P.C.: (Joking) Are you really sure you want to get a human body again and live through such
trials and tribulations?

Polly: (Seriously) I’m absolutely sure. Otherwise how can I be one with my Beloved Guru, the
Lord of the Unseen and Seen Universe?

14Prabhat Samgiita no. 29 by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

The most precious gift of all is
the attainment of a human

P.C.: So we had better get on with the task of getting you a physical body and find a way out of
the terrible situation this planet Earth has been thrown into. What’s the next move?

Polly: The next move is to ask the people – readers, what do you think we can do to help the
world during these difficult times...

P.C.: ....and at the same time establish Prout15 so that a healthy and well-functioning society will
exist for a better future.

Readers, what do you think we

can do to help the world during
these difficult times...

...and at the same time

establish Prout so that a
healthy and well-functioning
society will exist for a better


15The social philosophy by P.R. Sarkar (BABA)

Step Three
Tyag – sacrifice...
Of old ideas and convictions
(Adventures in the Underworld)

To be continued…


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