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i am harshit, currently pursing bachlores from National institue of tech.

My father alway said me to "Develop a passion for learning" and in the world of
technology their is always a new thing to learn every day due to such a extinsive
development in techology.

Passion is about deliberately bringing technology into your own life or the lives
of others, and not just using it because it�s there.
Technology changes the world by making it a more civilised place to live. And it
makes self-education easier, one can learn anything from anywhere. People get more
chances to be happy and/or successful.
Technology has the ability to impact lives at a level and scale that has never been
realized in the history of mankind. The idea that something I create can impact
someone across the world now, or in the future is what drives my passion for

Many of the students irrespective of their age needs a proper guidance to explore
new prespectives of technology and I belive you can solve so many problems and help
so many peoples in need around you thats what inspire me.

Let me give you an example, once, one of my friend was constantly seraching for
cheapest flight tickets on different websites and agents for going home in winter
vacations. At that time an idea came into my mind and to solve his problem i have
made an program that retreives prices of flight tickets from different websites
using serelium and python and mails provides the cheapest ticket right to your
This shows that by a simple program you can solve problems of day-to-day life.
The power of technology is huge, we should know how to utilize it properly.

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