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thoughts & feels

an online magazine. pretty straight-forward.

on Facebook
use &
self-esteem c 12
ev e r y d ay
o musings
of Anthony
p sy c h o l o g y
in a different
n o f Ke e n u

of Sam
D i s c ove r i n g t h e

S e l f : A b o o k rev i ew
o n P a u l o C o e l h o ’s
Ve r o n i k a D e c i d e s
to Die food for
R e a l i t i e s : A m ov i e
n thought
P a ra K a n i n o K a

rev i ew o n B u m a b a n g o n?
Shutter Island
Success: luck,

S o n g s T h a t S ave d fate, destiny or
My Life: A bonus will?
m u s i c p l ay l i s t
w h e n yo u n e e d t o
c a l m d ow n Who Am I?
on facebook use
and self-esteem
by Keenu Lopez

It’s inevitable: we compare

ourselves with others sometimes,
if not most.

The emergence and persis-

tence of social media has
changed the landscape of the
way people socialize and in-
teract with each other. Social
networking sites such as Face-
book, Twitter and Instagram
have become platforms where
people can express themselves,
communicate with others, and a
wide range of activities that are
accessible in just a few clicks.
However, these very platforms
that bring convenience and ac-
cessibility are the same platforms
that may negatively influence in-
dividuals, especially when they
start comparing themselves and
their lives with others.

Erin Vogel, Jason Rose, Lindsay

Roberts, and Katheryn Eckles
conducted a study entitled “So-
cial Comparison, Social Media,
and Self-Esteem” which looked
into the relationships of the use ward comparison means the op-
of social media (specifically Midwestern university in the
United States participated in the posite. To assess the students’
Facebook), social comparison, trait self-esteem, or the degree
and self-esteem. The researchers study. To examine their Facebook
use, participants were asked to to which a person sees the self
conducted two studies: the first as “worthwhile” and “compe-
one looked into the correlation answer questions about their fre-
quency of using Facebook, up- tent”, the researchers used the
of the frequency of Facebook Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
use to trait self-esteem, while the dating status, commenting on
other profiles, and others. Ques- which included 10 statements on
second one analyzed the impacts a 7-point Likert scale. Results of
of temporary exposure to social tions were also asked to look into
the upward and downward com- the first study showed that stu-
media profiles on participants’ dents who had higher frequency
state self-esteem and self-evalu- parison tendencies of partici-
pants. Basically, upward compar- of Facebook use tend to have
ations. bad or lower trait self-esteem
ison is the tendency of a person
to compare oneself to someone which was significantly mediated
One hundred and forty-five un- by upward comparison on social
dergraduate students from a “better” than they are, and down-

thoughts and feels | 3

Through an experimental ap- As far as I am concerned, the However, it should be noted that
proach, the second study ma- methods used in the research sometimes, these platforms are
nipulated the social comparison were scientifically sound. Howev- “gentrified” or at least “curat-
mechanism explored in the first er, I just felt that it should have ed” to show the beautiful and
study. Social media profiles were presented and explored the de- the good. We should value our
manipulated or customized to mographic profile of the partici- self-esteem knowing that we’ve
show upward and downward pants. Although the sex, age, and spent years building it, and that
directional status. Participants racial makeup of the participants as much as possible, we should
were shown fake social media were briefly discussed, other avoid comparing our lives with
accounts or profiles and after- personal factors that may come others. While other people may
wards, they were asked to rate into play could have been exam- have gone so far, we should be
their state self-esteem and to ined. Also, there are a number of reminded that life is not a race
make relative evaluation of them- factors that may influence one’s and that we should enjoy our
selves and the fictitious owner of Facebook use and self-esteem journey in our own pace.
the account. In general, the result which may be addressed in fu-
of the study suggests that look- ture studies. If possible, although Although it is true that Face-
ing at social media profiles with more tedious, qualitative ap- book is a very helpful tool that
upward social comparison was proaches may be done to delve students use to easily communi-
linked to lower state self-esteem deeper into the participants’ re- cate with others and accomplish
and self-evaluation. actions to social comparisons. tasks with ease, it cannot be de-
I just felt like issues such as so- nied that it also negatively influ-
In summary, the two studies cial comparison and self-esteem ence students in ways more than
found out that students with have deeper and more personal one. The impacts of social media
chronic Facebook use are more nuances that can be discovered to students and young adults
likely to have lower trait self-es- through qualitative means. have been explored by various
teem. The upward comparison, research and their conclusions
which had the greater extent As college students living in this and recommendations have a
than downward comparison, me- day and age, it cannot be de- common denominator which also
diated the relationship between nied that exposure to social net- serves as an important reminder:
Facebook use and self-esteem. working sites such as Facebook, use social media wisely.
Also, exposure to a manipulated Twitter, and Instragram has been
social media profile with high ac- a part of our daily routine. Most,
tivity led to results which lowered if not all, cannot go a day with- Source:
self-esteem and poorer self-eval- out getting their phones, scroll- Vogel, Erin, Rose, Jason, Rob-
uations. Therefore, the research ing and scanning through feeds, erts, Lindsay, & Eckles, Katheryn.
concludes that the frequency of and many more. One can also (2014). Social comparison, social
Facebook use, social compari- argue that people cannot help media, and self-esteem. Psychol-
son, and self-esteem are related but compare oneself to others, ogy of Popular Media Culture. 3.
to each other in ways more than especially because these social 206-222.10.1037/ppm0000047.
one. networking sites are platforms
where we tend to show the good
things happening in our lives.

4 | thoughts and feels

looking through

a different lens

S e e h ow c o n c e p t s i n P s yc h o l o g y c a n
b e a p p l i e d i n b o o k s , m ov i e s , a n d
eve n i n s o n g s
Of all the ways Veronika thought told that while her attempt failed,
of to end her life, taking four packs the overdose damaged her heart
of sleeping pills was the option which gave her the last five days
she chose. Swallowing the pills of her life. Knowing that she only
one after the other, Veronika did had a few days to live, she real-
not know how long it would take ized that she had nothing to lose
for her consciousness to dissipate. and did everything she wanted to
While it only took her five minutes make the most out of the remain-
to empty the packs, she had to ing days of her life. In the course
wait for a while for the sleeping of her stay in the asylum, she met
pills to take effect and decided to different people with different
scan through a magazine on her stories and experiences that ex-
bedside table to pass time. plored various psychological dis-
orders and concepts. This novel,
While scanning the magazine, published in 1998, talked about
she came across an article asking asylums as institutions that served
“Where is Slovenia?” While she as a home not to the “mad” and
thought that no one ever knows the “insane” but to humans who
where Slovenia is, she knew that are going through mental health
the place existed – especially be- issues.
cause it is the place where she
lives. The article prompted her to Aside from Veronika who had su-
write to the magazine explaining icidal ideation, there were other
what and where Slovenia is. It is characters in the story who also
funny, she thought, that it would had issues that people perceived
become her “suicide note”, and as abnormal, calling them mad,
that people might think she died insane, and crazy, to name a few.
because of a magazine article that Zedka, for example, is being treat-
did not know where her country ed for severe depression brought
was. After a while, her stomach about by her failed relationship
began to churn and she felt very ill, and traumatic experiences. Mari,
and after an episode of excruciat- on the other hand, is a member of
ing pain due to the number of pills a group called The Fraternity and
she took, she lost consciousness. is brought to the asylum because
Despite her attempt, Veronika sur- of her horrible panic attacks. Last-
vived, regained her consciousness, ly, Eduard, the person Veronika
and woke up in a famous “lunatic was eventually attracted to, was
asylum” named Villette. diagnosed with schizophrenia.
These characters were vital to Ve-
Veronika Decides to Die, a nov- ronika’s discovery of the self and
el written by the Brazillian nov- personal awakening.
elist Paulo Coelho, was a “novel
of redemption.” It was a story of One of the issues explored by the
a woman who attempted to end novel is the perception of “insani-
her life but ended up waking in ty.” Mari, one of the characters in
infamous asylum where she was the story said that in one way or

Discovering the Self: Veronik

by Keen
[Be advised, this article and the novel being review

6 | thoughts and feels

another, we are all insane. Borrow- Despite the moving depiction of
ing Mari’s words, she said: “. . . in- the lives of those inside Villette, I
sanity is the inability to communi- just find the title of the novel inap-
cate your ideas. It’s as if you were propriate. Although talking about
in a foreign country, able to see suicide and mental health disor-
and understand everything that’s ders at a mileu when there is still
going on around you but incapa- stigma in terms of these issues
ble of explaining what you need to is commendable, to suggest that
know or of being helped, because Veronika or any other person “de-
you don’t understand the lan- cides to die” does not sound good.
guage they speak there.” Insanity, I don’t think no person in his or
in this context, is seen as a form of her normal or right state of mind
alienation, and that everyone can would choose to end his or her life
feel or experience this in differ- without any reasons. People with
ent situations. The narrative also suicidal ideation are people who
discussed how not all patients in think of ending their lives not be-
Villette are actually experiencing cause they find it as an escape but
mental health problems but that because their minds are clouded
there are people who opt to stay into thinking that suicide is the
because of various reasons includ- only solution. No one decides to
ing societal judgment and fear of die, but mental health issues and
going back to the life that they other problems may push them
used to live. to do so. Knowing this, people like
Veronika should be helped by oth-
Aside from the various mental ers, especially by professionals
health issues and psychological
concepts included in the novel, Overall, Paulo Coelho’s novel was
Veronika’s experience serves as a striking. It serves as a remind-
reminder for people to live their er that mental health disorders
lives as if it were their last. Living and institutions should be talked
in a society with so much pres- about and the discourse regarding
sure and expectations sometimes these matters should be raised. In
hinder us from fully discovering doing so, we are helping others,
ourselves and our potentials. In especially those who are going
the story, Veronika knew so much through so much, to realize that
about herself to the point that she despite the society’s pressure to
realized that her self inside the conform, having mental-health
asylum was better than who she related problems are normal, and
was before. She also cherished that is is important to seek pro-
each day of her life and explored fessional help. It was all the more
the things that she has never done moving knowing that the author
before. In the context of exploring of the novel himself was actually
ourselves and living our life to the sent to an asylum at a very young
fullest, one can say that we should age, but overcame his challenges
be like Veronika. and became a successful writer.

ka Decides to Die book review

nu Lopez
ewed contains discussion on self-harm and suicide.]

thoughts and feels | 7

Challenging Reality: Shutter Island film review
by Anthony Sy

Shutter Island is a psychologi- end Teddy was given an expla- The film have portrayed sever-
cal film in 2010 that challenge nation by one of the psychia- al concepts in psychology such
our perception of reality. The trist that the hallucinations he as different kinds of therapy,
film was loaded of a myriad was feel is the effects of the psychotic symptoms, and eth-
concepts in psychology. The drug withdrawl that used to ics in psychology and among
film started as a U.S. Marshal suppress them and that there others. The film have shown
Edward “Teddy” Daniels with is no missing person, it is only the different kinds of therapy
his partner officer, Chuck Alule a wide scale role play design to such as the use of psychophar-
was task to investigate a miss- help Teddy see the reality that macology, where in the movie
ing patient on Shutter Island, he is Andrew Laeddis, the one patients are given medication
which is a place for the crim- who killed his wife. And using to alleviate their suffering. Use
inally insane people. The pa- Rachel Solondo, an anagram of psychosurgery such as lo-
tient name Rachel Solando, of her wife’s name Dolores bomitization, it can be seen in
with a case of drowning her 3 Chanal, which killed 3 of their the last part of the film when
children. As the story develops, children, to help her remember. Andrew chooses this. And oth-
Teddy begun to feel hallucina- But at the end, Andrew with er forms of therapies such as
tions while the investigation intense guilt chooses to forget group therapy and role plays.
is happening and also, he dis- everything by having himself The different forms of therapies
covered that the person whom lobotomized. that were portrayed and used
killed his wife is there, Andrew on the film further support the
Laeddis. Nearing the story’s eclectic nature of psychiatrist,

8 | thoughts and feels

to deal with the varying needs
of their patients. The film also
showed, how delusions work
and when it happens, evident
on how Andrew have episodes
of this phenomenon. Moreover,
the film portrayed multiple psy-
chotic disorders, one of which is
the dissociative disorder which
is rooted to the traumatic and
stressful experiences of the
main character. Furthermore,
the film have shown the strong
psychological ethics, wherein
psychiatrist will do everything
to help treat their patients
without resorting to degrading
means. This is evident on how
Andrew’s supervising psychia-
trist, exert effort to remove his
immersion in illusion, and using
only the lobomitization as a fi-
nal resort.

The film have effectively por-

tray the facade of being in a
mental institution that is be-
ing isolated from the world. It
also have introduced concepts
in psychology and showed it
in a visually appealing man-
ner. Not only that, the film have
also challenged the audience
of their perspective to people
with mental disorder that they
are also human and are suffer-
ing from disorders. To end my
review I would like to quote
from the sign in the movie: “Re-
member us for we too have
lived, loved and laughed.

thoughts and feels | 9

Songs That Saved My Life: A Playlist
by Sam Alcala

10 | thoughts and feels

This section of the magazine is since everything we need to rhythm and the melody, is done
not necessarily required, but I grasp from the content is pre- carefully to speak to the people
just want to share the playlist sented visually. who need them.
that always saves me when I’m
having panic attacks or when Johnny Depp once said that There are almost 50 songs in
I’m having an episode. “music touches us emotional- this playlist, which can be ac-
ly, where words alone cannot,” cessed through this link: tiny.
A lot of us, digital natives, tend and he was right because it is cc/b-r-e-a-t-h-e, so allow me
to disregard the beauty of through listening to music that I to share my top 5 songs in this
sound -- we skim through Ins- am able to pick myself up again playlist and the lines that struck
tagram stories without listen- and again during times of trial me the most
ing to its sound, Facebook vid- and confusion. the creation of
eos are watched without audio songs, from the words to the

(Un)Lost Light On
by The Maine by Maggie Rogers
Favorite line: Favorite line:
“I know I’d take the leap if “If you keep reaching
it is worth the fall.” out then I’ll keep coming

Broken Parts This is Me Note to Self

by The Maine by Keala Seattle by Ben Rector
Favorite line: Favorite line: Favorite line:
“No, it isn’t getting “I won’t let them break me “Don’t let yourself worry
easier now, but we’re not down to dust. I know that quite as much, it’ll end up
beyond repair.” there’s a place for us.” fine enough.”

thoughts and feels | 11

ev e r y d ay

Wr i t e r s we re a s ke d :
w h a t a re t h e t h i n g s yo u
d o w h e n eve r yo u f e e l
t h a t yo u a re n o t i n a
g o o d m e n t a l s t a t e?
Being a UP student is not an easy task, from the
heavy traffic and long rides endured on a daily ba-
sis to class work that is tainted with immense stress
and crippling deadlines. These times could have been
spent on several hours of rest and time that could
been allotted to other activities. Being in a state of
distress due to school works have become a common
occurrence. Thankfully, there are certain activities
that can alleviate stress.

for Anthony
Play online games

There are times that we would like to abruptly release tensions within us, usually through phys-
ical and violent means. Because this, reduce the tensions almost instantaneously. Every Friday
night, I play a third person shooter game, entitled as Rules of Survival (ROS). This may not be
one of the best coping strategies around. Because it employs the concepts of projection, in
which I release my tension and divert my energy to neutralize less threatening objects than to
deal with my real stressor. Also, this strategy includes distraction, which temporarily helps me
to forget my problems and stress. Although, not the best strategy it works well for me. And, I
believe what is important in coping with stress, is doing the things that effectively helps that
Motivation is one of the effec-
tive way to transform stress
Date with my girlfriend
into a useful drive. Motiva-
tion also help lessen the men-
tal negativity of an individual.
Every weekends, my girlfriend
and I, go to parks and malls to
enjoy each other’s company.
This help me, to feel less stress-
ful and be in a better mental
state. In a way that, my girl-
friend always pick a place and
lead us to do activities that will
make me feel happier, such as
going to Enchanted Kingdom
and go kart racing. Moreover,
being with my girlfriend make
me feel secure and significant-
ly reduce my anxiety. Lastly,
just seeing my girlfriend make
me feel more motivated in do-
ing things, which make me less

Hangout with my best friend

Being in distress and helpless is one of the worst

feeling, a person can feel. But, having a good friend
to stay with you in these hard times, makes a big
difference. Every Saturday, my best friend and I,
meet at a mall in Manila, to talk about the things
happening at our lives in college and to encourage
each other to do better. I consider this one of my
best coping mechanisms because it help me release
the emotional and mental tensions that built up in
the week by ranting it out to my bestie. Moreover,
not only he listen to my rants, but also my bestie
give me advice on how to handle stress on a daily

14 | thoughts and feels

for Keenu
Eat in Area 2 with friends
Although eating is a natu-
ral thing that we do, eating
at my favorite stalls is one of
my stress relievers, especially
during hell weeks. Aside from
Mang Larry’s and Crazy Chick-
en, Rodic’s Diner is actually one
of my favorites. I usually eat at
my favorite places in Area 2 not
only to satisfy my hunger but
to also reward myself for fin-
ishing tasks, acing exams, and
surviving the day. Eating is also
best when you are with your

After finishing an informa-

tion-overload day of classes, I
Study now, study again later have no choice but to still study
at the library. For UP students,
our libraries serve as our sec-
ond home especially during hell
weeks and hell months. Aside
from the Main Library and our
library in NCPAG, Eduk Lib is
actually one of my favorites. I
know myself well and I know
for a fact that when I go home,
I won’t be able to accomplish
many things, so I usually opt to
stay at the library to learn and
finish my requirements. Librar-
ies are conducive for learning,
and I have conditioned myself
to focus on what I do when I am
at the library. I am also motivat-
ed when I see other students
busy with accomplishing their
tasks. Studying is also better
when you are with you friends!

thoughts and feels | 15

Spend time with orgmates

My college life would not be complete without my orgmates. With my

hectic schedule and stressful acads, my organization and its members
serve as my safe haven. As a student, it is important to have your support
system, and my orgmates are the best people who can always make me
feel better. Aside from the fun part of being in an organization, there’s
just so much joy and personal fulfillment that push me to continue volun-
teering and participating in the various events that we organize together.
Although org work can also be stressful, I consider them as eustress be-
cause they keep me going and motivate me to do better.

16 | thoughts and feels

Walking, for me, is benefi-
cial not only to my physical
health, but also to my men-
tal and emotional health.
Walk along the Acad Oval Whenever I want to spend
some time with myself, or
when I have some time to
spare before my next class
or meeting, I choose to
walk around the oval while
listening to music. Walk-
ing around the oval helps
me process my thoughts
better. Additionally, previ-
ous researches state that
looking at green-colored
objects relaxes our nerv-
ous system since “there is
less strain to perceive the

for Sam
Contrary to how a lot of
people know me, I can be a
real crybaby. I think I man-
age my emotions pretty Cry at the CMC Tambayan
well, or maybe I can bot-
tle them up longer than
everyone else. Sometimes
I would cry alone while I
panic, or I’d be with some-
one I deeply trust with
my emotion. Growing up,
I was taught that crying
was a sign of weakness,
so I conditioned myself to
be tough as much as I can,
but college life can really
be overwhelming once in
a while, and the only rem-
edy is one good cry.

thoughts and feels | 17

They say no man is an is-
land, so I thought I should
surround myself with at
least some people I know I
can trust. Whenever I don’t
feel good, I call my friends
so I can rant about my is-
sues or even just spend
some time with them to dis-
turb myself with whatever
Spend time with friends
is causing me stress at that
moment. I consider them as
my most treasured posses-
sion in this life, and though
I may not show emotions
as often, I know they know
I’d do everything to protect

Watch the sunset Most people look forward to seeing the

sun rise everyday, but that isn’t the case
for me. Maybe it has to do something
with the fact that I’m not a morning
person. Until now I still can’t determine
what exactly it is, but there’s something
about sunsets that makes me think that
there’s so much more to life. When I
started living inside UP, I grew to love
sunsets more and more, because I’m
able to see how the colors of the sky
differ everyday. Each sunset I witness is
unique, and it gives a different kind of
feeling every time.

18 | thoughts and feels


ood for thought (lessons) for

R e a d t h ro u g h w h a t t h e w r i t e r s
h ave t o s ay a b o u t t h e i r f a vo r i t e
P s yc h o l o g y c o n c e p t s .
Para Kanino Ka Bumabangon?
by Keenu Lopez

Aside from being reminded of a that lasted for seconds. Although the other hand, a physically ex-
well known coffee brand’s adver- microsleeps can pose dangers, es- hausting day would usually bring
tisement, the question “Para ka- pecially for drivers, I find it funny no dreams at all which happens in
nino ka bumabangon?” does not and amazing how our body finds the Non-REM (NREM) stages of
fail to make me pause, think, and its way to get even the shortest sleep. As I try to remember what
reflect. As a UP student burdened sleep that it can anytime, any- I dreamt of everytime I wake up in
with responsibilities in my aca- where. the morning, I can’t help but ask
demics, organizations, and family, myself: “was I emotionally tired
sleep is one of the things I sacrifice Sleep deprivation, on the other yesterday?” and ponder on the
– although I know that as much as hand, is probably something that possible reasons why.
possible, I should not. most UP students strongly relate
to. Drinking cups of coffee and To sleep at the end of a tiring day
Isn’t it ironic how a sleep-deprived pulling all-nighters are familiar and perhaps to dream a good
UP student like me is actually friends for most of us, especially dream are things I always look
studying the importance of get- during hell weeks and hell months. forward to, which is probably the
ting enough sleep and sleep dis- At hectic times like these, sleep reason why the topic on sleep and
orders, among others? Our topic becomes heavenly and a prized dreams striked me most. Our dis-
on consciousness, specifically the reward for long hours of work. cussion also served as a wake up
subtopic on sleep, is definitely Our discussion in class, however, call for us to put more value on
one of my favorites. Aside from stressed the importance of sleep sleep than we usually do.
learning the biology behind sleep, and how it can help us learn and
sleep theories, and its impor- perform better. A good night’s To answer the question “Para ka-
tance, our discussion also served sleep is necessary for our physi- nino ka bumabangon?”, I’d have to
as a reminder that we should not cal health, and at the same time, say that I wake up every morning
take sleep for granted. We have to can help improve our memory and and start a new day not only to ful-
and we need to sleep for our own learning. fill my responsibilities but also to
good. take a step forward in reaching my
Lastly, stages of sleep and dreams aspirations in life. But I also want
I believe that I have already experi- are the most fascinating topics to ask the question “Para kanino
enced it, but I did not know of the I learned. There are times that I ka natutulog?” and my response:
term microsleeps until we talked dream vividly, but there are times for myself.
about it in class. On a five-min- that I do not dream at all. From our
ute Ikot ride, in a discussion of a discussion, it was explained that We definitely have to sleep for
boring topic, or in a class sched- an emotionally tiring day would ourselves.
uled on an extremely sleepy hour, probably let us dream in the Rap-
I have taken brief periods of sleep id Eye Movement (REM) stage. On

20 | thoughts and feels

Success is one of the hardest since they see that they are fall and start to blame it on oth-
term to define, its definition and able to shape their lives. These ers. For an instance, a student
implications to people varies people have higher chances of with a strong external locus of
from one to another. But, what improving themselves, because control that failed his psychol-
is certain, it is highly aspired by they know that their failure is ogy exam will blame the test
all, going against challenges in attributed to their lack of effort. being too hard for him. Moreo-
life to reap it. This being said, it For an instance, a student with ver, people with external locus
can be implied that success is a strong internal locus of con- of control, has the tendency to
depend greatly on motivation. trol that failed his psychology stop trying or to learn helpless-
One of the theories that exem- test, will tend to blame himself ness, which is dangerous not
plify the relationship between because of his inability to ex- only to the physical health due
success and motivation, is the ert sufficient effort. Which will to great amount of distress, but
concept of locus of control by make the student exert more also, to the person’s develop-
Julian Rottor. Moreover, this is effort to pass the next exam. ment as a human.
one of my most memorable In contrast, people whom feel As a final thought, success of an
concepts in psychology. that their lives are controlled individual must not be attribut-
and pre-defined by fate or ed to external factors, it is the

Success: luck, fate, destiny, or will?

by Anthony Sy

Locus of control is the tenden- some celestial power, have an consciousness and intent ef-
cy of people to believe that external locus of control, which fort of an individual that cause
they have or do not have con- should be highly discourage. him/her to succeed in life. As
trol over their lives. Perceived Because people with external what have been the advice of
control is crucial for individu- locus of control fail to real- numerous successful people,
als’ success. Since people who ize that they can change the hard work is all that it takes for
believe that changes they do course of their lives by exerting one to be successful in life. Un-
matters, will continue creating hard work or a positive van- fortunately, people have been
more changes in life, eventually tage point in life. These people accustomed to shortcuts, easy
leading to success. People with are doomed to fail, because and quick ways to succeed in
internal locus of control are they rely on unlikely phenome- life. Thereby, making them de-
people who believe that they na, which can make them suc- pendent of luck, fate and desti-
control their lives, which give cessful rather taking active di- ny to solve their problems and
them better chances in suc- rect actions in their lives. Once help them succeed. A perspec-
ceeding in life. For the reason these people fail, they do not tive that waste their human po-
that, they are more motivated take accountability to their ac- tentials.
and more likely to exert effort, tions which lead to their down-

thoughts and feels | 21

Coming into this class, I remember numerous decisions which can af- set expectations for myself which
that one of the main reasons why fect the team and me as an indi- I wish to achieve in this lifetime. I
I chose Psychology as an elective vidual, therefore I had to consider know that the people I meet and
was I wanted to get to know my- not only what I wanted, but what the experiences I have gathered in
self more. I wanted to understand option would be best for everyone the past have taught me lessons
why I think, act, and talk the way I else. In one of our activities in class, that I should carry in the future
do now. I have so many theories in we demonstrated how Freud’s di- to achieve my goals. In class, we
my head, but as someone who is vision of personality -- id, ego, and were able to discuss about the
taking research class this semes- superego -- worked. I realized how concept of the real self and the
ter, I knew that there should be the ego functions as it considers ideal self, and ultimately, the goal
supporting pieces of evidence to the instant gratification the mind is for these two to match. Often
our claims. Thankfully, I found the wants versus being able to decide times, I refer to my life pegs as
answer I’ve been looking for when on matters based on conscience. my inspiration in becoming who I
we discussed the topic of person- want to be in the future. However,
ality. The environment I work in is also there are moments when I expect
an important aspect that makes too much from myself and I forget
Personality, according to the me who I am today. Being an Is- that I am different from the person
book, refers to the way an indi- kolar ng Bayan is definitely a priv- I wish to be in terms of my con-
vidual think, act, and feel in their ilege, and I take pride in it. Many text and my traits. As I matured, I
lifetime. It is influenced mainly by people in my life who have not learned that I should give myself
four perspectives: (a) psychody- experienced what it’s like to be a room to make mistakes, because
namic, or the unconscious mind UP student would repeatedly tell it is through these setbacks that I
of the individual, (b) behavioral or me that I have changed -- and I am able to learn more about my
social cognitive, which focuses on will never deny it. Being exposed capacities as a person, and even-
the effects of the environment on to the realities of life inside and tually channel my weaknesses and
one’s behavior, (c) humanistic, or outside the campus enabled me transform them into strengths. 
the conscious life experiences and to think differently. Some would
choices of the individual, and (d) consider that change negatively, I still have a long way to go in com-
traits, or their own characteristics. because throughout my stay, in a pletely uniting my ideal self and
way I have learned to think radi- my real self. I know that there’s
College life inevitably made me cally. My relatives would tell me so much in store for me in this
more independent and though it that I’m too critical of everything lifetime -- many more challenges
may seem challenging, I treasure in our society. My peers in school, to conquer, a lot more people to
my independence the most, even however, see this change of view meet, and a whole lot of life les-
until now. Back when I was young- as growth on my part, because sons to learn. Our personality, I
er, I only had to do things for my- I have come to realize that the learned, is constantly evolving,
self. Freshie year made me feel world is too great to only think of because of the various contexts
what it was like to be free from ourselves. In my journey of getting that we live in. As the famous say-
responsibilities, as I was explor- to know myself more, I have real- ing goes, nothing in this world is
ing the new environment. Howev- ized that being a person for others permanent except change; but if
er, as I was growing, I learned to may be difficult, but it can be very change means becoming better
grab opportunities which helped fulfilling at the end of the day.  versions of ourselves, then I’m for
me grow as a student and as a it all the way.
leader. This meant I had respon- More than these external factors
sibilities to others as well. Being contributing to who I am today, I
a student-leader meant making know that as an individual, I have

Who Am I?
by Sam Alcala

22 | thoughts and feels

photo credits
on facebook and self-esteem

movie review

book review

album covers

all other photos used (except in everyday musings) from sam alcala
This magazine was produced as partial fulfillment of
our Psychology 101 class under Professor Danielle Marie
Parreno. We would like to express our appreciation and
gratitude to our professor for everything that we have
learned this semester. We definitely learned a lot.

Alcala, Samantha
Lopez, Keenu
Sy, Anthony

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