Key Factors To Select FAHU: A Transfer of Knowledge & Expertise ....

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MEP Technical

Academy, Bengaluru. ISO 9001:2015

A transfer of Knowledge & Expertise .....
Key Factors to select FAHU
Input parameters:

·Loca on
·Al tude
·On Coil Condi on
·Off Coil Condi on
·Type of Room
·Room Size

Formulas used:
Qs = 1.08 x CFM x dT
Q L = 0.68 x CFM x dW
Fresh Air CFM = (CFM/Person x No of People) + (CFM/sq x sq )

Example : Calculate the Capacity of FAHU for Office space if given size is 9000 sq .
Loca on-Bengaluru
Solu on:
Input parameters:

As per ISHRAE for Bangalore, INDIA

DB = 96F & WB=78F

Al tude = 921M

Room Condi on – DB = 76F & RH = 50%

From Psychrometric Chart

On Coil Condi on – DB = 96 / W = 73.7 gr/lb

Off Coil Condi on – DB = 76F / W = 130.7gr/lb

As per ASHRAE 62.1 – CFM/Person = 5 , CFM/Sq = 0.06, No of People = 5 People/1000 2

For 9000 sq – 45 People

Fresh Air CFM – (5x45) + ( 0.06 x 9000) = 765 CFM

Total Load = Sensible Load + Latent Load

1.08 x 765 x (96-76) + 0.68 x 765 x (130.7-73.7) = 46175.4 BTU/hr

Total Load = 45.6 MBH & Sensible Load = 16.52 MBH | +91 888 443 7724 |

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