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"Copy this standard created by the BSN for the Research and Development Department of Public Works

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ISO 1741: 2008

Test method for fire resistance of structural components of the building

for fire protection in houses and buildings

National Standardization Agency

Indonesian National Standard

ICS 13.220.50; 91.080.01

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in order Dissemination, Introduction and Application of Standards, Guidelines Manual (SPM) Field of Building Construction and Civil Engineering "
ISO 1741: 2008

Table of contents

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Table of contents ................................................ .................................................. .............................................. i Foreword ..

.................................................. .................................................. ii ............................................ Introduction ....

.................................................. .................................................. iii ............................... 1 scope ...............

.................................................. .................................................. .......... 1

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2 Normative references ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 1

3 Terms and definitions ............................................... .................................................. ...................... 1

4 The test equipment ............................................... .................................................. ................................ 3

5 Testing conditions ............................................... .................................................. ....................... 7

6 Preparation of test specimens .............................................. .................................................. .................... 9

7 Application instrumentation ............................................... .................................................. ............. 10

8 The testing procedure ............................................... .................................................. ................. 13

9 The performance criteria ............................................... .................................................. .......................... 15

10 The validity of the test ............................................... .................................................. .................. 16

............................................... 11 test results .................................................. ...................................... 16

12 Test reports ............................................... .................................................. ................... 17

Appendix A ................................................ .................................................. ...................................... 19

Appendix B ................................................ .................................................. ...................................... 20

Appendix C ................................................ .................................................. ...................................... 22

ISO 1741: 2008


in order Dissemination, Introduction and Application of Standards, Guidelines Manual (SPM) Field of Building Construction and Civil Engineering "
Indonesian National Standard (SNI), entitled 'How to test fire resistance of structural components of the building for fire protection
in houses and buildings' is the revision of SNI 03-1741-2000,' The test method fireproof building structural components for fire
protection of building houses and building ', with changes in adjustments to existing equipment on a fire in the laboratory R & D
Center of Settlement.

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SNI is organized by the Committee for Construction Materials Engineering Building and Civil Engineering through the Task Forces on
the Structure and Construction Building Materials Technical subcommittee, Science, Structure and Building Construction.

Syntax was prepared following the National Standardization Manual 08: 2007 and discussed in the forum consensus held on
December 6, 2006 by the Technical subcommittee involving resource persons, experts and institutions.

ISO 1741: 2008


in order Dissemination, Introduction and Application of Standards, Guidelines Manual (SPM) Field of Building Construction and Civil Engineering "
Fire resistance test standard building structural components for fire protection in buildings and building houses is intended to be
used as a guide in testing the fire resistance of structural components of the building includes the floors, columns, beams, roofs,
and walls of buildings. The purpose of the test standards

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This is to determine the level of fire resistance (TKA)
components of a structure that is expressed in the aspects of stability, integrity and insulation measured as a length in units of
time (minutes).

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in order Dissemination, Introduction and Application of Standards, Guidelines Manual (SPM) Field of Building Construction and Civil Engineering "
ISO 1741: 2008

Test method for fire resistance of structural components of the building for fire
protection in houses and buildings

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1 Scope

This standard describes the test method for determining the level of fire resistance of various components of the building
structure. From the test data will be obtained classification on the basis of a period in which the performance of the elements

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tested under these conditions in accordance with the criteria. On This standard does not explain the K3.

2 Normative References

ISO 834-1: 1999, Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of building construction

JIS A 1304-1994, Methods of test for fire resistance of structural parts of buildings

3 Terms and definitions

elements or parts of a building construction aimed to test the fire resistance levels

neutral pressure field
elevation where the pressure inside and outside the furnace is the same

any changes in shape or dimensions of a construction element in relation to the effect of heat and or structures that include
deflection, expansion or contraction of the element

the ability of the separator element of building construction when exposed to fire on one side, to limit the temperature rise on the
unexposed side below a certain level

capability building construction separator element, when exposed to fire on one side, to keep from flames and hot gases occurs in
the unexposed side

limiting the expansion or rotation (which is influenced by mechanical action and or heat) cultivated under conditions the end, edge
or supporting a specimen

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ISO 1741: 2008

loadbearing components
a component that is intended to carry or support an external load of the building and maintain the carrying capacity in the event of
a fire

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component separator or partition
building components intended to discriminate between the two adjacent areas


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building structure components
structural components that have been defined, such as walls, floors, roofs, beams or columns

construction testing
complete arrangement and construction of the test specimen supporters

the level of the reference floor

level floor surface referenced relative to the position of the building component

the actual material properties

the material properties determined from a representative sample for testing in accordance with the requirements of the standard
fire-related products

3:13 stability

the ability of the object of a loadbearing component to support the load of the test as required, without exceeding the defined
criteria regarding the level and rate of deformation

support structures
structures required for the implementation of testing several elements of the building, where the test objects are assembled, for
example, the wall where the door to be tested is installed

thermocouple roaming ( roving thermocouple)
thermocouple with a special design in which the measurement connections ( hot junction) soldered or welded to the copper disc,
used to measure the temperature of points that allegedly occurred superheating ( hot spot) on the side surface of the specimen
that is not exposed to fire

calibration test
procedures for assessing the conditions of experimental testing

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ISO 1741: 2008

4 Test Equipment

4.1 General

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The equipment used in this test consists of:
a) furnaces designed specifically for testing as required;
b) the furnace temperature control equipment that can be set according to the requirements mentioned in Article 5.1;

c) equipment for controlling and monitoring the pressure of the hot gas in the firebox mentioned in Article 5.2;

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d) the frame in which the test specimen can be established and connected to the furnace so as to create conditions of heating,
pressure, and enabling appropriate;
e) the arrangement for loading and barring specimen as required, including to control and monitor the load;

f) measuring the temperature in the furnace and the side not exposed to the heat on the specimen, and if necessary, on the
structure of the specimen;
g) measuring the deformation of the specimen as required;
h) means for evaluating the integrity of the specimen and compare it with the performance criteria specified in Article 9 as well as
to measure the time of testing.

4.2 Furnace

The furnace must be designed for use with gas / liquid and should be able to:

a) heating the component structures on one side either vertically or horizontally; or

b) heating the columns on all sides; or

c) heating the wall on one side or more; or
d) heating the floor beams on three or four sides, as required.

NOTES: Furnaces can be designed so that the arrangement of more than one component of the structure can be tested
simultaneously, with all the test requirements for each of these components can still be met.

Upholstery furnace ( lining) must be made of a material with a density less than 1000 kg / m3. The coating material must have a
minimum thickness of 50 mm and consist of at least 70% of the exposed surface in the furnace. (See Figure B.2 Annex B)

4.3 Hardware loading

Loading equipment must be capable of providing the appropriate loading of the test specimen required. Imposition can be applied
hydraulic, mechanical, or using weights.

Loading equipment must be able to simulate the loading condition evenly, loading point, loading concentric, or eccentric loading
as needed testing. Loading equipment should also be able to keep the test load at a constant value (within the range + 5% of the
required value) without changing its distribution during the test period loadbearing capacity. Equipment should be able to follow
the deformation and deformation rate The maximum on the specimen during the test. Loading equipment shall not affect the heat
flow to the body or blocking the use of the thermocouple insulating pads. Loading equipment shall not affect the measurement of
surface temperatures and or deformation and must not obstruct the observation of the object which is not heated. The total area
of ​the contact point between the loading equipment and the test object can not be more than 10% of the total area of ​the
horizontal surface of the test specimen.

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ISO 1741: 2008

If the load is to be maintained after heating ends, should be provided facilities which is required for it.

Framework 4.4 support

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Crushable or other means must be used to obtain conditions and limits the carrying capacity of the test specimen as per the

4.5 Instrumentation

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4.5.1 temperature Thermocouples furnace

Furnace temperature is measured with thermocouples CA diameter of 0.65 mm to 0.75 or equivalent grade. Thermocouples were
used to measure the temperature of the furnace should be included in a steel tube with a closed end that has an inside diameter
of 1 cm.
Whenever the use of thermocouples, should be made a list of records showing the length of usage. Thermocouples should be
replaced after use for 50 hours. unexposed surface thermocouples

Surface temperature of the specimen that is not exposed to fire should be measured with a thermocouple CA diameter of 0.3 mm.
A number of 5 (five) thermocouples or more for the size of the test object A, and 3 (three) or more for the specimen size B, and C
should be mounted on the surface of the unexposed specimens (see Figure B.1a Appendix B). Thermocouples roaming ( roving thermocouple)

Thermocouples with designs such as in Figure 1 or the temperature gauges that have the accuracy and response times equal to
or faster, should be provided one or more to measure the surface temperature of the unexposed during our tests on suspected
positions have a higher temperature. Connection thermocouple measurement consists of thermocouple wire diameter of 0.65 mm
which is soldered or welded to the copper disc diameter of 12 mm and a thickness of 0.5 mm.

The composition of the thermocouple to be equipped with a handle that can be used to measure the temperature at any point in
the unexposed surfaces.

1) refractory steel tube, diameter
13 mm
2) Insulators ceramic two holes,
diameter 8 mm
3) Cable thermocouples, diameter of 1 mm

4) The copper plates, diameter 12 mm

thickness 0 5

Figure 1 Thermocouple cruising

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ISO 1741: 2008 internal Thermocouples

Where appropriate, information on the temperature of the specimen was measured with a thermocouple that has characteristics
corresponding to the temperature range to be measured and the type of test specimen material.

in order Dissemination, Introduction and Application of Standards, Guidelines Manual (SPM) Field of Building Construction and Civil Engineering " Thermocouples ambient temperature

There must be a thermocouple which shows ambient temperature laboratory space around the specimen, both before and during
the test. Thermocouples should be 0.3 mm diameter, insulated and covered in stainless steel K type according to IEC 60584-1.

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Connection gauge should be protected from heat radiation and wind.

4.5.2 pressure

The pressure inside the furnace was measured with a manometer or similar equipment.

4.5.3 The test load

When using weights (in the form of sand or concrete blocks) as the load, load monitors the equipment is not required. Load given
to the hydraulic system should be measured by the load cell ( load cell) or other equipment in accordance with the same accuracy
or by monitoring the hydraulic pressure at certain points. Measuring and recording equipment must be able to work within the
limits specified in 4.6.

4.5.4 Deformation

Deformation measurements can be performed using equipment based on mechanical, optical, or electrical. Equipment used to
measure the performance of the deformation (deflection measurement, expansion and contraction) should be able to do the
reading in the frequency of at least once per minute. Should be pursued in order to avoid a deflection sensor readings shift due to
the influence of heat.

4.5.5 Integrity Bearing cotton

Unless otherwise specified in the standards for a particular element, bearing the cotton used in the measurement of integrity
should be new, not dyed dyes, has a soft cotton fibers without mixture of other fibers, dimensions 20 mm x 100 mm square,
weighing between 3 grams to 4 grams. Cotton must be conditioned before use by drying in an oven at a temperature of 100 o C + 5 o
C for at least 30 minutes. After drying, the cotton is stored in a desiccator or other container that is impermeable vapor. In use, the
cotton must be affixed to the wire frame, as shown in Figure 2, which is equipped with handles. slit width measuring device ( Gap gauge)

Must be provided two types of gauges gap width, as shown in Figure 3, for the measurement of integrity. The slit width measuring
instruments must be made of stainless steel with diameter of 6 mm + 0.1 mm and 25 mm + 0.2 mm. The slit width measuring
device must be equipped with a handle to the appropriate length and insulated.

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Figure 3 gauge width of the gap

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Figure 2 Grip cotton pads

2) handles are insulated

1) steel rod
ISO 1741: 2008
ISO 1741: 2008

4.6 Accuracy of measuring equipment

For the implementation of the fire test, the measuring equipment used must meet the level of accuracy as follows:

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a) temperature measurement: hearth + 15 o C
ambient and unexposed side + 4 o Other C
+ 10 o C
b) pressure measurement + 2 Pa
c) the level of load + 2.5% of the test load
d) measurement of axial contraction or + 0.5 mm

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e) other deformation measurements + 2 mm

5 Testing conditions

5.1 Temperature furnace

5.1.1 The heating curve

The average temperature of the furnace, which is obtained from the thermocouples specified in, must be monitored and
controlled so that the relation of temperature - time in equation 1. (see figure 4):

T = 345 log Lo ( 8t + 1) + 20 ............................................. .................................................. (1) with T

furnace temperature is an average, in degrees Celsius; t

is the time, in minutes.
temperature ( o C)

time (minutes)

Figure 4 standard temperature-time curve

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ISO 1741: 2008

5.1.2 Tolerance

Percentage deviation d e in the curve area the average temperature recorded by the thermocouple furnace versus time curve in the
area of ​standard time / temperature in

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a) d e ≤ 15% to 5 <t ≤ 10
b) d e = 15 - 0.5 (t - 10)% for 10 <t ≤ 30
c) d e = 5-0083 (t - 30) to 30> t ≤ 60
d) d e = 2.5% for t> 60

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AA- d
× 100
by d e
is the percent deviation A
is the area under the time-temperature curve Actual A s
is the area under the standard temperature-time curve t
is the time, in minutes

All areas are calculated by the same method, by summing the area under the curve at intervals not exceeding 1 min to a) and 5
minutes to b), c) and d) is calculated from time zero.

During the first 10 minutes of testing, the temperature difference anywhere in furnaces to standard temperature should not
exceed 100 ° C.

For specimen flammable materials in large quantities, then the excess deviation may occur for no longer than 10 minutes,
provided that such deviation is clearly identified as a result of burning combustible material such significant amounts thereby
increasing the average temperature of the furnace.

5.2 The pressure inside the furnace

A linear pressure gradient will be formed along the furnace height, and although the gradient will vary slightly as a function of the
temperature of the furnace, the average value of 8 Pa per meter can be taken in the valuation of the furnace pressure conditions.

The amount of pressure furnace at an altitude expressed in nominal value of the average, who did not heed the pressure
fluctuations due to turbulence, etc., And should be formed relative to the pressure outside the furnace at the same height. The
average value of the furnace pressure controller will be monitored according 8.3.2 and controlled during the first 5 minutes of the
start of testing on ± 5 Pa and 10 minutes at +3 Pa.

5.3 Encumbrances

Testing laboratories must explain the basis for the determination of the test load. The test load is determined on the following
a) the actual material properties of the test specimen and a design method detailed in a regulatory structure;

b) the characteristics of the material properties of the test specimen and a design method in a recognized structural code; where
possible, the relationship between the loadbearing capacity is determined on the basis of the characteristics and properties
given the actual material;
c) a load serviceability in a code on the use of construction or indicated by the test service users on specific use. The relationship
between the loadbearing capacity and burden intellectually determined on the basis of the expected distribution of material

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ISO 1741: 2008

for testing objects and characteristics of the material properties given in the test object or determined experimentally.

5.4 ambient conditions

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The furnace must be placed in a laboratory-sized enough to prevent the air temperature around the furnace increased by more
than 10 ° C above ambient temperature. Not allowed no breeze in the labs. Ambient air temperature is 20 ° C ± 10 ° C at the start
of the test and monitored at a distance of 1.0 m ± 0.5 m from the face that is not exposed where the sensor is not influenced by
the thermal radiation and the test object or furnace.

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5.5 Deviation specified test conditions

If the temperature and pressure of the furnace or momentary ambient temperature measured during the test are higher than
those required in 5.1 to 5.4, then this condition does not automatically cause the test to fail (see provision 10 concerning the
validity of the test).

5.6 Calibration

If the calibration standards implemented, the furnace control with respect to parameters such as: temperature furnace, the
furnace pressure and oxygen levels should be according to the requirements in the standard

6 Preparation of test specimens

6.1 Construction

The materials, methods, and construction of the test specimen should be a representation of conditions in the field. It is important
to finish the construction by using normal construction standards of buildings including when the settlement process appropriate
surface. Not allowed no variation or difference in the construction of the test object (eg, a different joint system). Any modifications
made to facilitate the exercise test should not affect the behavior of the test specimen and should be described in the test report.

6.2 The size of the specimen

The test object is usually normal-sized full. When objects can not be tested in full size, the size of the object to be adjusted to the
individual element testing standards (see Appendix C).

6.3 Number of test specimens

Number of test objects at least one fruit. For asymmetric separator elements required to withstand fire from either side, it takes
two (2) specimens were treated for exposure to fire from each side. Asymmetric separator elements required to withstand fire
from one A side must be made flame exposure only from that side as well.

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ISO 1741: 2008

6.4 Conditioning

At the time of testing, strength and moisture content of the specimen must approach the conditions that are expected under
normal circumstances. If the specimen contains or absorbs moisture, the object should not be tested until it reaches an air-dry

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condition. One method to achieve air-dry condition is to store objects in an enclosed space (minimum temperature 15 ° C,
maximum relative humidity 75%) for the time needed to reach equilibrium moisture content. This balance is achieved when two
successive weighing carried out at intervals of 24 hours did not result in a difference of more than 0.1% of the mass of the object.
Accelerated conditioning may be allowed with methods that do not alter the material properties of the component or the
distribution of water content in the specimen that affect the fire behavior of the test specimen. Conditioning at high temperatures

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must be below the critical temperature for the material.

If the condition is not achieved after conditioning the moisture content of the set, but the strength of the design of the components
has been achieved, then the fire test on the test specimen can be done.

Examples representing the test object can be used for the determination of water content and conditioned together the test
object. It must be made as to represent the loss of water vapor from the test specimen having a thickness and surface exposure
was similar. The test specimen shall be conditioned until its water content does not change. Standards for specific elements may
contain additional or alternative arrangements to obtain the balance of moisture.

6.5 Verification of the test object

Prior to testing, user testing services to provide a description of all the construction details, drawings and scheduling of major
components and suppliers / supplier to them, and an assembly of laboratory testing procedures. This was implemented in the
laboratory testing to assist in verifying the adjustment of the test specimen with the information presented. In ensuring the
description of the elements, and construction in particular, is in accordance with the elements of the test, the laboratory will verify
the fabrication of elements or request one or more additional test specimen.

If the adjustment verification aspects of construction incomplete objects before testing done and sufficient evidence is not
available after testing, the information presented to the test service users should be stated clearly in the test report. Laboratory
appreciate the design of the test specimen and is able to ensure the meticulously recording details of the construction of the test
report. Additional procedures verification of test objects can be seen in the test method for a specific product.

7 Application instrumentation

7.1 temperature

7.1.1 Thermocouple furnaces

CA thermocouples used to measure the temperature of the furnace spread in order to provide an indication of the average
temperature reliable around the specimen. The number and location of thermocouples specified in the specific test method.

Thermocouples are placed so as not related to the burner flame within the furnace and at least 450 mm from the wall, floor or roof
of the furnace.

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The connection point (hot junction) thermocouple is placed sejarak (100 ± 50) mm from the surface of the test construction and
parallel to the surface of the test specimen is not less than 100 mm, and this distance must be maintained throughout the test.

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The connection point thermocouple measured the temperature of the heating furnace remedy should be installed as shown in
Figure B.1a Appendix B, and the number of the thermocouple is not less than the number given in Table 2.

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Table 2 Number of thermocouples

The test Column Beam Dnding, flooring, roofing

object size

A 12 (8) 9 (7) 9 (5)

B, C 8 (6) 6 (5) 5 (3)

Numbers in parentheses indicate the minimum number

Prior to testing, thermocouples checked and checked. If there is evidence of damage, then the thermocouple will not be used and
then replaced.

7.1.2 unexposed surface thermocouples

Thermocouples surface of the type described in should be installed at

the unexposed surface, to measure the average temperature rise and the maximum temperature.

Additional thermocouples should be installed to measure the maximum temperature at the location that allegedly occurred high
temperature conditions. Thermocouples should not be placed on screws, nails or staples that can deliver a higher temperature
readings. Thermocouple measuring point must be protected by a dry board measuring 10 cm x 10 cm x 1.5


7.1.3 Thermocouples cruising

Thermocouples cruising as in is used at any point in the heat ( hot spot) suspected formed throughout the test.
Thermocouple measurement cruising for 20 seconds stopped when the recorded temperature does not reach 150 o C.
Measurement with thermocouples cruising should avoid the points where there are boosters such as screws, nails or staples
which may have a temperature higher or lower, as described in 7.1.2.

7.1.4 Internal Thermocouple

If used, an internal thermocouple as in should be installed so as not to affect the performance of the test specimen. The
connection point can be attributed to a steady position on an object included in the steel profile. As far as possible, the
thermocouple wire should be avoided from a hotter temperature than the connection point. (See Figure B.1b Appendix B)

NOTES Wherever possible, 50 mm from the edge adjacent to the thermocouple wire is an isothermal field

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7.2 Pressure 3

The pressure sensor (see 4.5.2) should be placed in a safe location out of direct heat effect of the flame or of the hot air flow out.
The sensor must be mounted so that pressure can be measured and monitored in accordance with the conditions specified in

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7.2.1 Furnaces for vertical elements

A pressure sensor to be prepared to control the furnace pressure, and should be placed approximately 500 mm from the neutral

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pressure field. The second sensor is used to obtain information on the vertical pressure gradient in the furnace. This sensor is
placed approximately 500 mm above the test specimen.

7.2.2 Furnaces for horizontal elements

Two pressure sensors should be prepared on the same horizontal plane but in different relative positions in the area of ​the test
specimen. The first sensor is used as a control and the second acts as a controller of the first sensor.

7.3 Deformation

Instrumentation for measuring the deformation of the specimen should be collected to obtain data on the number and level of
deformation occurring during the test.

7.4 Integrity

Gauge the integrity of the test specimen shall be made of cotton pads or gauge the width of the gap, which is adapted to the
circumstances and location of cracks or fissures (cotton pads may not be suitable for assessing the integrity of the place where
cracks or fissures occur in the negative pressure in the furnace, or when the composition described in Figure 2 can not be done).

7.4.1 Bearing cotton

Cotton pads used by placing the frame near the surface of the test specimen surface, near a crack or a flame is observed for 30
seconds or until ignition of the cotton wool pads. Position adjustments can be made so that the maximum effect of the hot gas is

If the surface of the specimen in the area of ​irregular openings, the supporting frame legs ensured in order to maintain the
separation distance between the pads and any part of the surface of the specimen during the measurement.

Operator may use selective test (screening test) to evaluate the integrity of the specimen. Such selective test include selective
short duration applications of cotton pads on potential areas of potential failure occurs and / or the movement of a single bearing
above and around the area. Bearing charred can provide an indication of impending failure, but unused pads should be used for
this purpose in order to be confirmed for the failure of the integrity of the case. For elements or parts of elements that do not meet
the criteria of insulation, cotton pads should not be used when the temperature on the unexposed surface, around the opening,
has passed 300 ° C.

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7.4.2 slit width measuring device

Place the slit width measuring device is used, the size of the openings in the surface of the specimen should be evaluated at
intervals, to be determined by the level of real changes in the test specimen. Two gauges the slit width should be used to

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a) whether the width of the gap measuring device 6 mm can penetrate the specimen and can move 150 mm along the gap; or

b) whether the width of the gap measuring device 25 mm can penetrate any specimen minor annoyance in track gauge width of

the gap who have little or no effect on the current hot gas transmission openings are not taken into account (eg small binder at

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construction joints that have been opened up by distortion).

8 The testing procedure

8.1 Application loading

For loadbearing elements, the test load to be applied at least 15 minutes before testing begins and at a level that the dynamic
effects do not occur. The results of relevant deformation will be measured. If the specimen includes materials, deformation
evident on the level of testing load, the load applied will still be used in fire testing until the deformation is stable. Along with the
application and throughout the test, the load will be kept constant and when the deformation of the test specimen to replace the
loading system, the prompt response is made to keep the value is fixed. If the test specimen has not collapsed and the heating is
terminated, the load can be released immediately unless it is necessary to monitor the ongoing ability of the test object that
supports loading.

8.2 Initial testing

No more than 5 minutes before the start of the test, the initial temperatures recorded by all thermocouples shall be checked to
ensure consistency and data figures are recorded. Similar recording data values ​will be obtained for deformation, and initial
condition of the test specimen. At the time of testing, initial internal temperature on average, if used, and the temperature of the
unexposed surface of the test specimen was 20 ° C + 10 ° C and is within 5 ° C ambient temperature (see 5.5).

At the beginning of the test, the temperature of the furnace should be less than 50 o C. Initial testing is considered as beginning
when the temperature of the furnace should follow the standard curve heating furnace. The timing of the test is started from this
point and all user and system for measurements and observations must also be operated at this point. The temperature of the
furnace must be controlled in order to comply with the requirements in Section 5.1.

8.3 Measurements and observations

From the beginning of the test, should be made relevant observations and measurements.

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8.3.1 temperature

Temperature thermocouple (except thermocouple roaming) must be measured and recorded at intervals not exceeding 1 min for
10 (ten) minutes first and then every five (5) minutes during the test period.

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Thermocouples roaming should be used according to the requirements 7.1.3.

8.3.2 Pressure furnace

Furnace pressure should be measured and recorded continuously or at intervals not to exceed 5 minutes.

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8.3.3 Deformation

Deformation relevant the test specimen should be measured and recorded throughout the test. In the case of loading test ( loadbearing)
specimen, the measurement should be done before and during the test loading at 1 minute intervals throughout the heating
period. Deformation rate will be calculated on the basis of this measurement.

a) For horizontal loading test, measurements must be made at the location where the maximum deflection possible (for the
support elements are generally located in the middle distance).

b) For vertical loading test, expansion (indicated by a high increase in the test object) must be expressed in positive numbers,
and a contraction (a decrease in height of the test specimen) will be expressed as a negative number.

8.3.4 Integrity

The integrity of the specimen should be evaluated through testing and the following matters shall be recorded.
a) Bearing cotton
Record the time and location of the flame on cotton pads (according to 7.4.1) (when cushioning without flame, ignore it).

b) The width of the gap measuring device

Record the time and location of occurrence of the circumstances specified in 7.4.2.

c) On
Record the time and duration of ignition occurs in the unexposed surface.

8.3.5 Loads and restraints

For loadbearing components, it should be noted the time when the test object is not capable of supporting the load test.
Variations in measured force and / or moments required to maintain restraint should be recorded.

8.3.6 General behavior

Observations were carried out by observing the general behavior of the specimen throughout the test and record the associated
symptoms such as deformation, the occurrence of cracking, melting or pelembekan material events, events burst the concrete
surface by the pressure of water vapor in concrete ( spalling) or the lawyer-charcoal-an ( charring) materials of wood, etc., of
construction materials made test specimen. If there is smoke on the surface do not terekpos, then this event is recorded in the

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ISO 1741: 2008

8.4 Termination of testing

The test may be terminated because of one or more of the following considerations:
a) Safety personnel or immediate damage to the equipment;

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b) The achievement of specific criteria;
c) Request for service users to test.
The test may be continued after failure (b) to obtain additional data.

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9 The performance criteria

9.1 General

This provision outlines the performance criteria that must be considered in assessing the level of fire resistance of various forms
of construction are being tested. Special provisions can be used as additional criteria for public performance or can be adapted to
the function of the building construction elements.

Fire resistance is the period in which the specimen has demonstrated compliance with the performance criteria designed to
measure the stability of a construction loadbearing and effectiveness as a construction barrier dividing / partition. If the specimen
represents building construction on both of these functions, the performance is determined by both aspects.

Criterion 9.2 specific performance

Fire resistance test specimen shall be determined to one or more of the appropriate performance criteria.

For certain building construction elements, specific criteria required at that particular standard.

9.2.1 Stability

Is the duration of the test specimen can continue to maintain the bearing capacity of the load throughout the test. Carrying
capacity of the test load is determined by the level and the rate of deflection. Due to rapid deflections can occur until stable
conditions is reached, then the rate of deflection criteria are not applied until the deflection at L / 30 is passed. For the purposes of
sections of ISO xxxx: xxxx, then the stability failure is declared when both of the following criteria is exceeded:

a) For the elements of the Limits bending

= mm d


Limit the rate of deflection,

L mm min dt
= /
9000 d

L is a clean landscape specimen, in millimeters
d is the distance from the outer tap fiber reinforcement to pull the weight of the outermost point (see Figure B.3

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ISO 1741: 2008

Appendix B), in millimeters

b) For elements of the axial load limits of axial

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C = mm and

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Limit the rate of axial contraction,
dC 3h mm min dt =

where h is the height of the beginning, in millimeters

9.2.2 Integrity

Is the length of the test specimen can continue to maintain the separation function during the test without the occurrence of the

a) Ignition cotton pads are applied according to 7.4.1; or

b) penetration gap gauges as specified in 7.4.2; or
c) ignition on the unexposed surface more than 10 seconds.

9.2.3 insulation

The insulation is the length of the test specimen can continue to maintain the separation of functions during testing without
increasing the temperature on the unexposed surface:
a) increasing the average temperature above the average initial temperature of more than 140 o C;
b) increasing the temperature above the initial temperature at any location (including thermocouple cruising) more than 180 o C
(initial temperature is the average temperature of the unexposed surface at the beginning of the test).

c) the maximum temperature at any location should not be more than 220 o C, regardless of the initial temperature

10 The validity of the test

The test is considered valid when it has been held in all the required limits associated with test equipment, test conditions, test
specimen preparation, application of instruments and test procedures, in accordance with ISO 03-xxxx-xxxx.

Testing may be considered to be acceptable if the fire exposure conditions relating to furnace temperature, pressure and ambient
temperature is more than the upper limit of the tolerances specified in Article 5.

11 test results

11.1 The level of fire resistance

Fire resistance must be expressed as the length of time of the test specimen meets the relevant performance criteria, in minutes.

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11.2 The performance criteria

11.2.1 The insulation and integrity versus stability

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The performance criteria "insulation" and "integrity" is automatically assumed to be fulfilled when the criteria of "stability" is not

11.2.2 Versus insulation integrity

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The performance criteria "insulation" is automatically assumed to be fulfilled when the criteria of "integrity" is not met.

11.3 Termination before failure

If a test is terminated before failure occurs the relevant performance criteria, hence the reason for the termination must be
mentioned. The test results are given in accordance with the stoppage time of testing and recorded properly.

11.4 Sample test results

Here is an example statement loadbearing construction test results, where the criteria of integrity and insulation has passed and

the test was stopped at the request of the service user test specimen before collapse. "Stability

≥ 128 min (the test was discontinued at the request of service users test);
Integrity 120 minutes;
insulation 110 minutes ".

NOTES If the cotton pads are not used due to the high temperature on the surface of the specimen, so that the current time
should be stated.

12 Test reports

This report details the construction, test conditions and the results obtained when a specific element of construction has been
tested following the procedures specified in ISO xxxx: xxxx. Any significant deviation with respect to size, constructional details,
load, pressure, boundary conditions which can make the test results are not valid.

The test reports include available information as follows:

a) the name and address of the testing laboratory, reference number and date of test;
b) the names and addresses of users of test services, products and manufacturing test object and its component parts, but if not
known, it must be stated in the report;

c) assembly procedures and construction details of the test specimen, with drawings including the dimensions of the components
and, if possible there are pictures;
d) the nature of the relevant material is used which affects the performance of fire resistance, determination methods, including,
for example, information about the humidity and conditioning accordingly.

e) for loadbearing elements, the loading is applied to the specimen and calculation basis;

f) supporting construction and the conditions of his election and the rationale flops;

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g) information on placements across the thermocouples, deformation and pressure gauges, with graphics data and / or tabular
obtained during testing tools;
h) a description of important behavioral test specimen during the test period, along with determination, on the basis of the criteria
in Article 9 of the end of the test;

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i) the level of fire resistance of the test object is expressed as in section 11;
j) for the elements that asymmetric partitioning, described direction / side of specimens tested and the validity of the test results when
the structure exposed to fire on the opposite side.

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Appendix A

List of symbols

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0 C min
A Region according to the average time of the actual furnace / temperature curve
0 C min
US The area under the standard time / temperature curve

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C Axial contraction measured when the heating starts mm
Ct Axial contraction at time t throughout the test mm
dC C t() 2 - -C tt
() 1( mm / min
Axial contraction value• defined sebagai•
dt t1 )

D distance from the extreme fiber to the design of the compression zone to the extreme fiber to mm
the design of strain zones at the structural parts of an object bending test

D deflection measured from the beginning of the heating mm

D (t) deflection at time t during the test mm
dD dt deflection rate, defined as: mm / min
D t() 2 - -D tt
() 1(

t1 )
h first high mm
L net span length objects mm
de percent deviation (see 5.1.2) %
t time, measured from the beginning of combustion mm
T the temperature in the furnace

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ISO 1741: 2008

Appendix B

Placement of the thermocouple on the test object

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B.1 Placement of the thermocouple on the test object

Walls and floors

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Column Beam

● Heating temperature measurement points
○ Temperature measurement points × steel reinforcement temperature
measurement points back side of the specimen

Figure B.1 Placement of the thermocouple on the test object

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ISO 1741: 2008

B.2 Structure of the furnace walls

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Figure B.2 Structure of the furnace wall fire resistance test

Illustration B.3 distance d in concrete fire resistance test

For elements of bending, during the fire resistance test following provisions apply: Limitation of deflection,

= mm d


Limit the rate of deflection,

L mm min dt
= /
9000 d


L is a clean landscape specimen, in millimeters

d is the distance from the outer tap fiber reinforcement to pull the outer gravity, in millimeters

Figure B.3 distance d in the concrete illustration

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ISO 1741: 2008

Appendix C

Dimensions of the test specimen

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Type specimen Dimensions of the test specimen

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Wall size A
• height 2480 mm x width 2480 mm
• height 1060 mm x width 1050 mm

Floor size A
• length 3500 mm x width 3000 mm
• length 1070 mm x width 1050 mm

Column size A
• high (minimum) 2400 mm x width (minimum) to 400 mm Size B

• height 1500 mm x width (minimum) to 400 mm

Beam size A
• length (minimum) 2400 mm x width (minimum) to 400 mm Size B

• length 1500 mm x width (minimum) to 400 mm

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