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Student name : Novia Fergina

NIM : 2017.C.09a.0857
Practice room : Space Aster
Date Practice : 11 April 2019
Date & Time Assessment : 2 April 2019, 14:30 pm

Name : Tn.A
Age : 70 yrs
Gender : Man
Tribes : Dayak
Religion : Christian Protestant
Work : Private
Education : SD
Marital status : Married
Address : Jl.B. Koetin
date MRS : March 29, 2019, 19:25 pm
Medical diagnosis : Aplastic anemia


1. Main complaint :
Clients say right upper abdominal pain accompanied by fever.
P = Non-traumatic puncture Q = Stabbed R = Stomach (no spread)
S = Medium (4) T = <30 minutes
2. hospital sheet now:
Clients said on March 29, 2019, client Chapter black, black vomit, and the
limp body could not stand up later at 19:15 pm was taken to hospital
clients Dr.Doris Sylvanus Palangkaraya arrived in the ER at 19:25. In the
given client IGD Inf.NaCl 0.9% 15 500 ml 15 TPM, injection omeprazole,

kalnex injection, and injection lansoprazole. Furthermore, clients brought

to the room next Aster for hospitalization and for intensive treatment
3. Disease Previous history (history of the disease and surgical history)
Clients said there was no pain and never operation
4. The Family Disease History
Clients say no history of hereditary disease.

Genogram FAMILY:

= Male
= Women
= Death
= Family ties
= Married
= Stay at home
= Patients

3.1.3 Physical examination

1. circumstances general:

Clients look sick moderate, semi-Fowler's position, awareness compos

mentis, installed drip infusion of NaCl Adona 1 ampoule 15 TPM in the
hands of the right hand
2. Mental Status
a. level of Consciousness : compos mentis
b. Facial expressions : Quiet, no restless
d. How to lay down / move : Supine
e. speak : clear
f. Mood : Calm
g. Appearance : Pretty neat
h. Cognitive function:
 Orientation time : Clients can distinguish between
morning, afternoon, and evening
 Orientation People : Clients can recognize health workers,
nurses, and family
 Orientation Points : Client acknowledges being in hospital
i. Hallucinations: None
j. The thought process: No
k. Insight: Good
m. Defense mechanism: Adaptive
n. other complaint : There is no

3. Vital Signs
a. Temperature / T : 38, 1 0C  axilla  rectal  oral
b. Nadi / HR : 105 x / mt
c. Breathing / RR : 20 x / tm
d. Blood Pressure / BP : 140/60 mm Hg

4. Breathing (Breathing)
Chest shape : Symmetrical
Smoking habit : There is no

Cough : There is no
 coughing up blood : There is no
 sputum : There is no
 cyanosis : There is no
 Chest pain : There is no
 Dyspnea chest pain  Orthopnea  Others: None
 Out of breath  When inspiration  When activity  During a break
Type Breathing :  Chest  Stomach  Chest and Abdomen
 Kusmaul  Cheyne-Stokes  Biot
 Others: None
Breathing rhythm :  Regular  Irregular
breath Sounds :  vesicular  Bronchovesikuler
 bronchial  tracheal
Additional Breath Sounds :  wheezing  dry Rochi
 Ronchi wet  Others: None

Other complaint : There is no

Nursing issues : There is no

5. cardiovascular (Bleeding)
 Chest pain  leg cramps  Pale
 Dizziness / syncope  clubing finger  cyanosis
Headache  palpitations  fainting
 Capillary refill time  > 2 seconds  <2 seconds
 edema:  Face  upper extremities
 anasarca  lower extremities
 ascites
 Ictus cordis  visible  Not visible
Jugular Veins  not Increase  increase
Heart Sounds  Normal, S2> S1: Lub-Dub
 There abnormalities
Other complaint: There is no

Nursing issues: Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion

6. persyarafan (Brain)
GCS value: E :4
V: 5
M: 6
Total Value GCS : 15
Awareness:  compos Menthis  Somnolent  delirium
 Apathetic  Soporus  Coma
pupil :  Isokor  anisokor
 mydriasis  meiosis
Light reflexes:  Right  Positive  Negative
 Left  Positive  Negative
 Pain, Location: none
 vertigo  agitated  aphasia  pins and needles
 Confused  dysarthria  convulsions  tremor
 pelo
Cranial Nerve Test:
Cranial nerve I Patients can distinguish odors
Cranial nerves II Patients can see clearly
Cranial nerve III Patients can open the eyelids
Cranial nerve IV : The patient can move his eyes
Cranial nerve V Patients can open his mouth
Cranial nerve VI : The patient can move his eyes to the left
and to the right
Cranial nerve VII Patients can smile
Cranial nerve VIII Patients capable of responding when called
Cranial nerve IX : The patient can swallow
Cranial nerve X Patients may show reflex
Cranial nerve XI Patients can move the shoulder
Cranial nerve XII Patients can be stuck out his tongue
Test Coordination:

Upper extremities : Finger to finger Positive 

Finger to nose  Positive  Negative
Lower extremities : Jempul heel to toe  Positive Negative
Body Stability Test :  Positive  Negative
Biceps :  Right Scale: +1  Left Scale: +2
triceps :  Right Scale: +1  Left Scale: +2
brachioradialis :
patellar :  Right Scale: +1  Left Scale: +2
Achilles :  Right Scale: +1  Left Scale: +2
Babinski :  Right Scale: +1  Left Scale: +2
Other reflex : There is no
complaints Lainya : There is no
Nursing Issues:There is no

7. Elimination of Uri (Bladder)

Urine production : 1000 ml 2-3x / day
Color : Yellow
Smell : Typical ammonia
 No problem / smooth  drips  Inkotinen
 oliguri  painful  retention
 polyuria  Hot  hematuri
 Dysuri  Nocturi
 catheter  Cystostomi
Other complaint : There is no
Nursing issues: There is no

8. Elimination Alvi (Bowel)

Mouth and pharynx
Lip : Dry
Tooth : There were dated (lower molars)
Gum : No Inflammation

Tongue : Moist
mucous : Moist
tonsils : No Inflammation
rectum : No lesion / disorder
Hemorrhoids: None
CHAPTER : 1x / day Color: YellowConsistency: Soft
 No problem  Diarrhea  Constipation  bloating
 bloody stool  melena  Purgative  Lavement
Noisy Intestine: 6x / minute
Press pain: right upper belly
Bumps: None
Other complaint : There is no
Nursing issues: Acute pain

9. Bones - Muscles - Integumentary (Bone)

 The ability of motion  Free  Limited
 Parese, location : There is no
 Paralise, location : There is no
 Hemiparese, location : There is no
 Crackles, location : There is no
 painful , location : There is no
 Stiffness, location : There is no
 Flaccidity, location : There is no
 Spasticity, location : There is no
 Muscle size:  Symmetrical
 Atrophy  hypertrophy
 contractures  malposition
Muscle Strength Test:  Upper extremity 1111 5555

 Lower extremities 1111 5555

 Bone deformity, location : There is no
 Inflammation, location : There is no

 Injury, location : There is no

 Fractures, location : There is no
Spine:  Normal  scoliosis
 kyphosis  lordosis

10. The skins Hair

history of allergy  Drug : There is no
 Food : There is no
 Cosmetics : There is no
 more : There is no
skin temperature Warm  Hot  Cold
Skin color  Normal  Cyanosis / blue  Jaundice / yellow
 White / pale  Dark brown / hyperpigmentasi
turgor  Well  Enough  Less
Texture  Smooth  Rude
lesions  Macula, location : There is no
 Pustules, location : There is no
 Nodules, location : There is no
 Vesicles, location : There is no
 Papules, location : There is no
 Ulcer, location : There is no
scarring : There is no
Hair texture : Not visible closed head wound dressings
Distribution Hair: Black evenly
nail shape :  Symmetrical  irregularity
 clubbing  Others: None
Nursing issues: There is no

11. Sensing System

a. Eyes / Vision

visual function :  diminish  hazy

 ganda  Blind / dark
Eyeball movement :  normal move  silent
 Moving spontaneous / nystagmus
vision : Eyes Right (VOD): 6/6
Left eye (VOS): 6/6
sclera :  Normal / white  Yellow / icterus  Red / hyphema
Konjunctiva :  Pink  Pale / anemic
cornea :  Clear  cloudy
AIDS :  Eyeglasses  Contact lens 
painful : There is no
Other complaint : There is no
b. Ears / Hearing: Normal
Hearing function:  diminish  buzz  Deaf
c. Nose / Smell : Normal
Form :  Symmetrical  Asymmetric
 lesions : There is no
 patency : There is no
 obstruction : There is no
 Tenderness sinus: None
 Transluminasi : There is no
Nasal cavity: Color: No secretion Integrity :-
Nasal septum:  Deviation  Perforation  Bleeding
Secretion, color None secretion
 polyp  Right  Left  Right and left
Nursing issues: Peripheral perfusion ineffective

12. The neck and lymph glands

Mass  Yes  Not
Scar tissue  Yes  Not
Lymph nodes  palpable  impalpable

Thyroid gland  palpable  impalpable

mobility Neck  Free  Limited

Nursing Issues: There is no problem of nursing

13. Reproductive System

a. Male reproductive
Redness, Location: Not examined
Itching, Location: Not examined
Gland Penis: Not examined
Maetus Urethra: Not examined
Discharge, color: Not examined
Srotum: Not examined
Hernia: Not examined
Abnormalities: Not examined
Another complaint: Not reviewed.


1. Perception on Health and Disease:
Clients say that it is a healthy body does not feel pain conditions / disorders. And
pain is a feeling where the body does not feel comfortable and if ill should seek
2. Nutrition and Metabolism
TB : 153 cm IMT: BB: TB2 (M) =
46: 2.3409 = 19.65 (Normal)
BB now : 46 kg
Before BB sick : 48 kg
 ordinary  Liquid  strain  Soft
Special Diets:
 low salt  low calorie  TKTP
 Low fat  low purine  Others: None
 Nausea

 Vomiting ............ times / day

difficulty swallowing  Yes  Not
Other complaints: There is no
Everyday Diet after Pain before Pain
Frequency / day 3x1 3x1
Portion Less well (½ servings) Good (1 serving)
Appetite Not good Well
type of Food Rice, vegetables, side Rice, vegetables, and
dishes, and fruit side dishes
Beverage type Water Water

The number of drinks / ± 1,500 cc ± 2000 cc

cc / 24 hours
Eating habit Morning afternoon Morning afternoon
Evening Evening
Complaints / problems Lack of appetite Good appetite

Nursing Issues: Risk deficit nutrsi

3. The pattern of rest and sleep:

Clients seem to sleep soundly and comfortably.
Night sleep pattern: 10-11 hours (After illness)
9-10 hours (before pain)
Pattern nap: 1-2 hours (After illness)
1 hour (before pain)
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing
4. Cognitive:
Clients and family already know the disease after being given an explanation of
doctors and other medical personnel.
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing
5. The concept of self (self-image, ideal self, identity, self-esteem, role):
picture of yourself : Clients always like everything on him
ideal self : The client wished a speedy recovery
Personal identity : Clients say I was a father

Pride : Client tidak embarrassment to the current situation

The role of self : Clients tell me a husband
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing
6. Daily Activities
Before ill clients can move independently, but after sick most client activity
assisted by the family.
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing
7. Koping-Tolerance to stress
Clients said that when he was there was a problem, he always told the family.
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing
8. Value Patterns Confidence
Clients believe in their own religion.
Nursing issues: No Issues Nursing


1. Ability to communicate
Verbally, the patient can communicate well.
2. Colloquially
Dayak language
3. Relationships with family
Good and harmonious.
4. Relationships with friends / health care workers / others
Well. Clients can work with nurses in the delivery of nursing actions.
Relationships with friends and others also good.
5. People mean / nearby
Wives, children and families.
6. The habit of using spare time:
Clients say the habit of using his free time with family
7. Activity worship:
Clients say when sick less routine of worship

Results of laboratory tests March 30, 2019


No. Parameter Result Unit Ref. Range

1. WBC 6.69 x 10 ^ 3 / uL 4:00 to 10:00

2. RBC 2.91 x 106 / uL 4:00 to 5:50
3. HGB 8.7 g / dL 12.0 to 16.0
4. PLT 72 x 103 / uL 150- 400

Laboratory Examination Results March 17, 2019

No. Parameter result Unit The normal
1. glucose when 142 mg / dl <200

2. creatinine 0.84 mg / dl 0.7 to 1.5

3. Hbs Ag (-) / negative (-) negative


No. Name of drug / fluid Dose Route Indication

1. The infusion of NaCl 500 ml intraveno In lieu of body fluid

0.9% 15 TPM us

2. Adona 3 x 50 intraveno To cope with the condition

mg us of bleeding due to a
decrease in capillary
resistance capillary
3. injection 2 x 30 intraveno To cope with the disease by
lansoprazole mg us excess stomach acid

4. injection Kalnex 3 x 500 intraveno Reduced bleeding injury

mg us

5. Po Sucralfat 3x1 oral To treat the condition

increased production of
gastric acid
6. transfusion PRC 2 kolf intraveno Oxygen carrier (such as
transfusion TC 6 kolf us erythrocytes
To meet the needs of red
blood cells because of


7. PCT 500 mg Reduce fever, relieve

oral headaches, toothache and
other minor aches

Palangkaraya, 2 April 2019

College student,

Novia Fergina

Table 3.2 data analysis

1. DS: Client says pain Excessive destruction of acute pain
accompanied by swelling erythrocytes

back of his hand section

DO: - Punggun left hand The hemoglobin level drops
was swollen (edema)
- Face pale clients
Pengahantar cell Komparten
- Temperature of hot skin oxygen / nutrients to cells
- fast pulsed Nadi lacking
Laboratory Results:
WBC: 4.95 x 10 ^ 3 / uL
Peripheral perfusion
RBC: 2.84 x 10 ^ 6 / Ul ineffective
HGB: 8.7 g / dl
PLT: 72 x 10 ^ 3 / uL

2. DS: Client says lack of

appetite The risk of nutritional
Increases gastric activity
DO: The client appears deficits
not want to eat
- The food seemed not Increased gastric acid
spent (½ servings)
- Dry lips
Stomach muscle contraction
- Client appears to extend
Po Sucralfat 3 x 1
BB before the illness: 48 Nauseous vomit

BB after illness: 45 kg
BMI: normal 19.65
Inadequate intake

The risk of nutritional


3. DS: Clients say the
upper right abdominal acute pain
Edema and inflammation
P: Non trauma
Q: Stabbed and needles Release of chemical
R: Stomach (no spread) mediators

S: 4 (medium)
T: <30 minutes Stimulates pain receptors

Increased gastric acid

acute pain
4. DS: The client says it is
a fever Hipertermi
DO: Clients looks fever inflammation

Temperature: 38.1 ° C The accumulation of
BP: 140/60 mmHg monocytes, macrophages, T
RR: 20 x / min helper cells and fibroblasts

N: 105 x / min

The release of endogenous

pyrogens (cytokines)

interleukin -1
interleukin -6

Stimulating the vagus nerve


The signal reaches the

central nervous system

Prostaglandin formation of

Stimulates the
hypothalamus increases the
temperature reference point

Increased basal temperature


1. Peripheral perfusion is not effectively connected with hemoglobin levels fall
marked with the back of the left hand swelling (edema)
2. The risk of nutritional deficits associated with inadequate intake
3. Acute pain associated with increased gastric acid characterized by a client of
said upper right abdominal pain
4. Hipertermi associated with increased basal temperature

Nursing Interventions 3.3

Nursing Plan

Patient Name: Tn.A

Rawat space: Aster (A-7)

Nursing diagnoses Objectives (outcomes) Intervention Rational

1.Perfusi ineffective After nursing measures 3 x 7 hours is 1. Observe general conditions and TTV 1. By observing the general condition and
peripheral associated expected to back the effective 2. Evaluation of peripheral edema and vital signs can mengtahui general
with hemoglobin levels peripheral perfusion with outcomes pulse condition and vital signs
fall 1. The upper limb is no longer edema - Protect the upper limb edema section 2. Provide information about the network
2. The normal pulse rate 60-100 x / of injury and help keadekutan intervention needs
min - Monitor the time and capillary 3. To increase the levels of hemoglobin
3. The conjunctiva is not anemic instability to the conjunctiva
4. The normal hemoglobin level From - Check the results of laboratory
12.0 to 16.0 g / dL hemoglobin
5. Capillary refill time <2 seconds 3. Provide information to clients and
families to report in case of bleeding
4. Collaboration of PRC transfusions
and blood TC to meet the needs of

1. Knowing the client's intake and output


2. The risk of After a 7-hour nursing actions 3x 1. Observation intake and output 2. In order for the nutritional needs are
nutritional deficits expected client's nutritional needs are 2. Encourage clients to eat little but met
associated with met with the expected outcomes: 1. often 3. Eat while warm may reduce nausea
inadequate intake Increasing client appetite - Encourage clients to eat while warm 4. Increase in BB
2. Intake and normal output 3. Provide information to clients to eat
nutritious food in order to meet the
nutritional needs
4. Collaboration with nutritionists to
increase the BB

After nursing measures 3 x 7 hours of 1. Knowing the general state stability and
acute pain is reduced by the expected 1. Observe general conditions and TTV TTV
3. Acute pain associated outcomes: 2. Adjust the position of the clients as 2. Adjust the position as comfortable as
with stomach acid to 1. The client reported no pain comfortable as possible semi-Fowler possible may reduce pain dirasakaan
rise anymore 3. Teach relaxation and distraction 3. Provision of analgesics can handle the
2. The client looks rilexs techniques pain
3. TTV stable 4. Collaboration with physicians in
providing analgesic to relieve pain

After the act of nursing for 3 x 7 hours 1. By observing the general condition and
4. Hipertermi associated is expected to return to normal body 1. Observe general conditions and TTV vital signs can determine the general

with increased basal temperature client with a criterion of 2. Provide warm water compresses to condition and body temperature,
temperature the results: the client especially TTV client
1. The client does not complain of - Encourage clients to drink plenty of 2. Giving a warm compress is able to
fever / increase in body temperature water at least 1000 cc (1 liter) in 1 day dilate blood vessels, which will accelerate
2. Normal body temperature: 3. Provide information to clients or the transfer of heat from the body to the
36,3- 37.7 oC families to report if there is an increase skin
in body temperature - Increased body temperature increases
4. Collaboration with the doctor for evaporation so it needs to be balanced
giving antipyretic with a high fluid intake.
3. Provision of antipyretics transform and
accelerate the healing process and quickly
lower demam.Pemberian pertumbuha
inhibiting antibiotics and the infection

3.4 Implementation and Evaluation of Nursing

Patient Name: Tn.A
Rawat space: Aster (A-7)

ate Clock Implementation Evaluation (SOAP)
il 2, 2019 Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2nd, Evaluation of the day Wednesday, April 3, 2019,
2019 at 16:50 pm 15:00 pm
1. Observe general conditions and TTV S = Clients say no more dizziness, weakness
Peripheral - General appearance: Clients look sick moderate, O: General appearance: The client looks sick
Effective semi-Fowler's position, installed drip infusion of moderate, semi-Fowler's position, installed drip Novia

NaCl Adona 1 amp the hands of the right hand infusion of NaCl Adona 1 amp 15 TPM in right
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2nd, hand
2019 at 16:10 - Back hand edema decreases with depth
2. Evaluate peripheral edema and pulse assessment of the degree 1 to 2 mm and a back 3
- Back hand edema began to decrease with depth seconds
assessment of the degree 1 to 2 mm and a back 3 - The back hand edema protected from injury
seconds - Capillary normal time <2 seconds
- pulse 95 x / minute - The conjunctiva is still looked anemic
- Results of laboratory hemoglobin: 9.2 g / Dl
Protect the upper limb edema from injury - Clients and families seemed cooperative
- The back hand edema protected from injury - Provision of transfusion PRC = 2 kolf
Monitor the time and capillary instability to the - Giving transfusions TC = 6 kolf
conjunctiva TTV
- Capillary normal time <2 seconds, conjunctival BP: 140/60 mmHg RR: 20 x / min
still looked anemic N: 95 x / min S: 36.5 ° C
Check the results of laboratory hemoglobin A: The issue is resolved in part Novia
- Results of laboratory hemoglobin: 9.2 g / dL Q: Continue interventions
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 1. Observe general conditions and TTV
2019, at 16:50 pm 2. Evaluation of peripheral edema and pulse
3. Provide information to clients and families to - Protect the upper limb edema section of injury

report in case of bleeding - Check the results of laboratory hemoglobin

- Clients and families seemed cooperative 3. Provide information to clients and families to
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2 at report in case of bleeding
16:55 pm 4. Collaboration of PRC transfusions and blood
4. Collaborate PRC transfusion and blood TC to TC to meet the needs of clients
meet the needs of clients

- Giving transfusions PRC = 2 kolf

- Giving transfusions TC = 6 kolf

Evaluation of the day Wednesday, March 3, 2019,

il 2, 2019 Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, at 16:00 pm
2019, at 17:16 pm S: Client says his appetite began to exist and
tritional 1. Observe client intake and output increase
- Intake and normal output O: Intake and normal ouput
Intake = 1500 ml - Intake = 1,500 cc Novia
Output = 2000 cc - Output = 2000 cc
Implementation of the Tuesday, April 2, 2019, at - Clients seem to eat little but often
17:18 pm - The client looks eat while warm
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, - The client seemed cooperative
2019, at 17:20 pm - Granting Appetite TKTP diet started there
2. Encourage clients to eat little but often A: The issue is resolved in part
- The client seemed so little but often Q: Continue interventions
Advise clients to eat while warm 1. Observe the general circumstances and TTV
- The client looks eat while warm 2. Encourage clients to eat little but often
- Encourage clients to eat while warm
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 3. Provide information to clients to eat nutritious
2019, at 17:25 pm food in order to meet the nutritional needs
3. Inform the client to eat nutritious food in order 4. Collaboration with a nutritionist to improve BB
to meet the nutritional needs
- The client seemed cooperative Novia

Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2,

2019, at 17. 28 pm
4. Collaborate with a nutritionist to improve BB
- Provision of diet TKTP

Evaluation of the day Wednesday, April 3, 2019,

Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 17:00 pm
2019, at 17.35 pm S: The client said reduced pain
April 3, 2019 1. Observe general conditions and TTV O: - General appearance: The client looks ill
- General appearance: The client looks ill being, being, the client looks relaxed semi-Fowler's
the client looks relaxed semi-Fowler's position, position, installed drip infusion of NaCl Adona 1
Acute Pain installed drip infusion of NaCl Adona 1 amp 15 amp 15 TPM in right hand
TPM in right hand - TTV
- TTV BP: 140/60 mmHg RR: 20 x / min
BP: 140/60 mmHg RR: 20 x / min N: 95 x / min S: 36.5 ° C
N: 95 x / min S: 36.5 ° C - The client lies with semi-Fowler's position
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2nd, - Client practicing relaxation techniques and
2019 at 17:37 pm distractions
2. Adjust the position of the client as comfortable - The client is given the injection lansoprazole 30
as possible semi-Fowler mg 2x
- The client lies with semi-Fowler's position A: The issue is resolved in part
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2nd, Q: Continue interventions
2019 at 17:40 pm 1. Observe general conditions and TTV
3. Teach relaxation and distraction techniques 2. Adjust the position of the clients as comfortable
- Client practicing relaxation techniques and as possible semi-Fowler
distractions 3. Teach relaxation and distraction techniques
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2nd, 4. Collaboration with physicians in providing
2019 at 17:45 am analgesic to relieve pain
4. Collaborate with physicians in providing
analgesic to relieve pain
- The client is given the injection lansoprazole 30

mg 2x
Evaluation of the day Wednesday, April 3, 2019,
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 18:00 pm
il 2, 2019 2019, 17:50 pm S: The client says no more fever
1. Observe general conditions and TTV O: - General appearance: Clients look sick
- General appearance: Clients look sick moderate, moderate, semi-Fowler's position, installed drip
semi-Fowler's position, installed drip infusion of infusion of NaCl Adona 1 amp 15 TPM in right
NaCl Adona 1 amp 15 TPM in right hand hand
pertermi BP: 140/60 mmHg RR: 20 x / min BP: 140/60 mmHg RR: 20 x / min
N: 95 x / min S: 36.5 ° C N: 95 x / min S: 36.5 ° C
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, - Clients compressed warm water
2019, at 17:05 pm - Clients seem to drink water as much as 1000 cc
2. Provide warm water compresses to the client in 1 day
- Clients compressed warm water - Clients and family cooperative
Advise clients to drink plenty of water at least - The client is given the oral drug PCT 500 mg
1000 cc (1 liter) in 1 day A: The issue is resolved in part
- Clients seem to drink water as much as 1000 cc Q: Continue interventions
in 1 day 1. Observe general conditions and TTV
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 2. Provide warm water compresses to the client
2019, at 17:15 pm - Encourage clients to drink plenty of water at
3. Inform the client or family to report seeing an least 1000 cc (1 liter) in 1 day
increase in body temperature 3. Provide information to clients or families to
- Clients and family cooperative report if there is an increase in body temperature
Implementation of the day Tuesday, April 2, 4. Collaboration with the doctor for giving
2019, at 17:18 pm antipyretic
4. Collaborate with the doctor for giving
- The client is given the oral drug PCT 500 mg


Bakhshi.2009. Aplastic Anemia., Accessed on: March 1st, 2019

Devotees. 2006. Clinical Hematology Brief. EGC: Jakarta
Carpenito, Lynda Juall.2009. Applications of Nursing Diagnosis Clinical Practice Edition 9. In Jakarta:
Specialist Doctors Association of Indonesia. 2007. Internal medicine textbook. FKUI: Jakarta.
Price, Sylvia. 2005. pathophysiologic: Concept Clinical disease processes. Jakarta: EGC

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