Flower Medicine

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Dr Bach's Seven Groups

Dr. Bach divided his 38 Bach Flower Remedies into seven different personality groups; each group
representing the differing ways a particular thought pattern or emotion could be seen and
experienced in the personality.

The Seven Personality Groups...

Fear Group

 Cherry Plum
 Rock Rose
 Red Chestnut
 Aspen
 Mimulus

Fear is possibly the most common human emotion and affects most of us in some way or another.
The five remedies in this group represent the different ways that fear can influence our behaviour.

Loneliness Group

 Heather
 Impatiens
 Water Violet

The three very different remedies in this group describe the various ways that we can behave when
we feel isolated and separate from those around us.

Uncertainty Group

 Cerato
 Gorse
 Gentian
 Hornbeam
 Scleranthus
 Wild Oat

Those who face life with uncertainty have somehow lost contact with their own intuitive knowing
about what is right for them. The six remedies in this group express the different ways that this state
can be experienced.

Lack of Interest Group

 Wild Rose
 White Chestnut
 Olive
 Mustard
 Honeysuckle
 Clematis
 Chestnut Bud

Each of the seven remedies in this group is a description of the different ways in which those who are
in some way reluctant to fully take part in life can behave.

Despondancy & Despair Group

 Willow
 Sweet Chestnut
 Star Of Bethlehem
 Pine
 Oak
 Larch
 Elm
 Crab Apple

The eight remedies in this group express the very different ways that we can behave when we have in
some way lost our connection with the higher purpose of our lives.

Oversensitivity Group

 Agrimony
 Centaury
 Holly
 Walnut

The four remedies in this group express the different ways we can react to feelings of vulnerability
and over sensitivity to the emotional and mental energies of others.

Overcare for Others Group

 Vine
 Vervain
 Rock Water
 Chicory
 Beech

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