Lesson Plan: at The End of The Lesson Students Will Be Able To

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Miclea Maria-Nicoleta

Grade: CP-I
Level: Beginners
Discipline: English language
Topic: Fruits and Vegetables
Time allowed: 50 minutes
Type of lesson: Learning new vocabulary
Approach: Communicative
Teaching Techniques: Conversation, questioning, exercise, observation
Skills: Focus on speaking and listening for specific information
Specific skills :
1.3 Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece
pentru copii în limba modernă respectivă
2.1 Reproducerea unor cântece/poezii simple pentru copii
2.4. Cererea şi oferirea unor informaţii scurte şi simple referitoare la localizarea obiectelor din
universul imediat
3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul
4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte mesaje scrise
Aims: Students will use English language to communicate orally about fruits and vegetables
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Linguistic objective: To present and practice food items (fruit and vegetables).
Communicative objectives To talk about food items good for us. To explore other subject areas:
Health and Safety.
Activities: warmers
Materials used: Blackboard, workbooks, flashcards, /handouts, and vocabulary handouts.
Assumptions: The students know the words related to the topic given
The students know how to spell the words related to the topic
Evaluation: Continuous, the teacher keeps record of the students’ performance during discussion
activities and individual activities
Types of interaction: Teacher-whole class, Teacher- Student, Student-Teacher
Class management: whole class, individually, pair.

Derularea activităţilor:
Etapele Durata Activitatea Activitatea profesorului Organizare Material
lecţiei elevului a clasei didactic
Warmer 5’ Each student Teacher greets the class and asks Teacher –
answers these them the routine questions: Individual
questions. • How was your weekend? student
• How are you today?
Teacher check the homework
encouraging them when it is
required and allowing them to
self-correct if necessary.
Activity 1 10’ The pupils repeat Teacher holds up the book, point Teacher – Book
after the teacher. to, and elicit the food items from Whole
Presentation Pupils notes in ex 1 page 18 and ask: What class,
of new their notebooks the colour are tomatoes? Elicit the Students –
vocabulary food items. answer (red). Repeat with the rest teacher
of the food items. Then point and
say: Tomatoes and apples are
red. Eat tomatoes. They’re good
for you.
Teacher writes on the table the
food item. Teacher ask pupils to
point to and talk about the rest of
the food items.
Eat apples. They’re good for you.
Eat pears. They’re good for you.
Eat peas. They’re good for you.
Eat carrots. They’re good for you.
Eat oranges. They’re good for
Eat potatoes. They’re good for
Activity 4 10’ The pupils listen Teacher gives to the pupils Teacher – Handouts
and point handouts with the song “Rainbow students,
Listen and to the food items. food” read it aloud and after play
point the recording. Students -
Play the recording again. After, teacher
they are listening the song again.
Rainbow food is good for you:
Red tomatoes and apples, too!
Green peas, green pears all for
you. Orange for carrots and
oranges, too!
Yummy potatoes. Red, yellow,
green Rainbow food !A rainbow
Activity 5 20’ The pupils play in The teacher will tell the pupils Teacher- Book
teams the game. that they are going to play the Students. Notebooks
Vocabulary The pupils copy the board game from ex. 3 page 19.

rehearsal colour chart in their Teacher point each picture on the Students -
notebooks. board game and elicit the names teacher
of the food items.
Explain the rules. They have to Student-
place their counters on Start and Student
throw the dice, saying the number
that comes up. The pupil with the
highest number begins the game
by saying My turn! and moves
forward the number of spaces
indicated on the dice. If a pupil
lands on the Oh, no! space, he/she
moves back to Start. If a pupil
lands on the Great! space, he/she
plays again. When a pupil lands
on a food item he/she names it
and then ticks the corresponding
colour on the colour chart in their
notebook. The first pupil/team to
tick all four colours on the colour
chart is the winner.
Also teacher tells them that the
aim of the game is not to reach
Finish but to tick all four colours
on the colour chart.
1 peas – green
2 orange – orange
3 apple – red
4 pear – green
5 Pupils go back to the Start.
6 banana – yellow
7 carrot – orange
8 tomato – red
9 peas – green
10 Pupils play again.
11 orange – orange
12 apple – red
13 banana – yellow
14 carrot – orange
15 pear – green
16 tomato – red
Feed-back 3’ Students will Teacher asks Students about their Teacher-
answer the question favorite food items. Students.
indicating their
favorite fruits and Students -
vegetables. teacher
Homework 2’ Students note their Teacher tells Students that they Teacher- Book
homework. have homework Exercise 1 page Students.
22, and explains what they have to


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