Morphology Book

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After all this journey during made this book, Morphology: How The Words Changes, we
want to thank to Allah who has given His bless and mercy for finishing this project. We also
thank to Dra. Maemuna Muhayyang, M.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much
knowladge about how to practice English well.

This book is intended to introduce and show how words in English change. There are still
lot of mistake in process of writing this book, that is why we, as the writers, hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next book. We also got so much new
knowladge and experience, and we hope so about the readers.

Parepare, 18th Mei 2019.

The Writers.

This book was the 2nd semester project by our lecturer, Dra. Maemuna Muhayyang,
S.pd, M.Pd. This book is intended to make readers more familiar with morphology and how a
word can change its form and meaning.

During the process of making this book we spent approximately 2 months. Breaking
through the night until morning in Parepare becomes a pleasant memory. No slept, fatigued,
dizziness, and rarely returned to our hometown during the writing period.

When we miss our hometown, we carried this assignment to our home. Our teamwork
was also tested when we are all far apart. Starting with some of us late sending the assigments
that we had shared, until there was someone who was too tired so he/she is not enthusiast to
write again.

In the end we are very grateful this book can be finished even though it still has many
shortcomings. We thankful to friends who had gave help and a dvice, also to team members who
had encouraged each other when laziness whacked.

The Group 5.

Derivation is formation of a new words or inflectable stem from another word or stem.
Derivation is the creation of new lexeme from one or more other lexemes through the application
of some morphological processes, such as affixation or compounding. Lexeme is a basic unit of
meaning also the headwords in dicrionaries

There are lot of words in English can be adabted to use in different gramatical function.
To change the meaning of the words, we can use affix. Affix is a bound morpheme that attaches
to a root or stem to form a new lexeme (derived form) or inflected form or stem of an existing

Affix shared by three:

 Prefix are letters which add to the beginning of a words to make new words with a
different meaning.
 Suffix are letters added to the ending of words to make new words with a different
 Infixes are letters added in the middle of words to make a new words. Infixes are mostly
found in swearwords.

The results from prefix, suffix, and infix can be use for various purposes.




Part I Forming English Noun

1.1 Verb To Noun

1.2 Adjective To Noun

1.3 Noun To Noun

Part II Forming English Verb

2.1 Verb To Verb

2.2 Noun To verb

Part III Forming English Adjective

3.1 Noun To Adjective

3.2 Verb To Adjective

3.3. Adjective To Adjective

Part IV Forming English Adverb

4.1 Noun To Adverb

4.2 Verb To Adverb

4.3 Adjective To Adverb




Suffixes are using to create a new lexeme of noun. Lexeme is a basic unit of meaning
also the headwords in dicrionaries. There are 20 suffixes that can be added into lexeme to
produce a new words to form english nouns, listed in the box:

-ance/-ence -ment -ing -ity

-((a)t)ion) -al -ess -ness
-er/-ar/-or/-ee -ant -y -hood
-(i)an -ure -age -ship
-ism -let -ist -th

As example, there are combination of suffixes and lexemes :

No. Suffix Meaning of the suffixes Words

1. -ance Action, state, condition,or quality. Resistance
2. -ence Action, state, condition, or quality. Independence
3. -ment State, act, condition. Enjoyment
4. -ing Action, state, process. Sleeping
5. -ity State or condition Oddity
6. -let Diminutive Booklet
7. -(a)t)ion Action or resulting state Imajination
8 -al Condition, quality Logical
9. -ess Feminine Actress
10. -ness State, quality, condition Loneliness
11. -er Person who does. Talker
12. -ar Person who does.
13. -or Person who does. Actor
14. -ist Person who practices. Tourist
15. -ant Person/instrument/agent. Peasant
16. -y Condition. Funny
17. -hood State, act, condition. Childhood
18. -(i)an In habitant or expert Italian
19. -th State, condition, asssociated with Stealth
20. -ure Action or resulting state. Failure
21. -age Action, state, process. Passage
22. -ship Condition. Membership
23. -ism State, practice. Heroism

In tables above we can see words that changed. Table 1 shows the changes from verb to
noun, table 2 shows the changes from adjective to noun, and table 3 shows the changes from
noun to noun.

1. Verb To Noun

No. Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -er Feed Feeder Lina is feeder of her pet.
/fi:d/ /fedər/
Memberi Pemberi
makan Makan
Farm Farmer Mr. Yo is a farmer.
/fɑ:m/ /farmər/
Kebun Petani
Sing Singer Wiana want to be a singer.
/sɪŋ/ /singər/
Menyanyi Penyanyi
2. -or Act Actor Lee Min Ho is the famous actor from South
/akt/ /aktər/ Korea.
bertindak Aktor

Edit Editor Before writer publish the book, the writer

/edit/ /editər/ must edit it to editor.
sunting Penyunting

Collect Collector Sultan is a collector of diamon.

/kə’lekt/ /kə’ləktər/
Kumpul Pengumpul

3. -ing Swim Swimming The athlete will use the new swimming pool
/swim/ /swiming/ for ASEAN Game in Indonesia.
Berenang Renang

Write Writing All I did last month is writing to made a

/rɪt/ /rɪting/ Morphology Book.
Tulis Penulisan
Walk Walking She loves walking without umbrella under the
/wɔ:k/ / rain.
Jalan Berjalan
4. -age Marry Marriage Timmy says that he has the perfect marriage.
/mæri/ /marij/
Menikah Pernikahan

Break Breakage You will be held personally responsible for

/breɪk/ /brākij/ any loss or breakage.

Istirahat Kerusakan

Haul Haulage The working-floor are connected by winzes

/hɔ:l/ /hȏlij/ with the main haulage roads.
Mengangkut Pengangkutan
5. -ment Ship Shipment My order was delivered in two shipment.
/ʃɪp/ /ʃipmǝnt/
Kapal Pengiriman

Commit Commitment I’m not ready to face that kind of

/kǝ’mɪt/ /kǝ’mitmǝnt/ commitment yet.
melakukan Komitmen

Adjust Adjustment She made a quick adjustment to her new job.

/ǝ’ʤʌst/ /ǝ’jǝstmǝnt/
Menyesuaikan Pengaturan

2. Adjective To Noun

No. Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -ance Resist Resistance Resistance agains their opponets their
/rɪ’zɪst/ /ri’zistǝns/ home, team put up a strong of studying.
Menolak Perlawanan

Important Importance I’m aware of its importance.

/ɪmpɔ:tnt/ /im’pȏrtns/
Penting Pentingnya

Appear Appearance He’s gonna make an appearance.

/ǝ’pi(ǝ)r/ /ǝ’pi(ǝ)rǝns/
Muncul Penampilan

2. -ence Independent Independence Indonesia celebrates Independence day

/ɪndɪ’pendǝnt/ /ɪndɪ’pendǝns/ every August 17th.
Merdeka Kemerdekaan
3. -ness Happy Happiness Life is not only about happiness.
/’hæpi/ /hæpinis/
Bahagia Kebahagiaan
Weak Weakness Every people in this world have weakness,
/wi:k/ /wi:knis/ nobody perfect.
Lemah Kelemahan
Sad Sadness Life also about sadness and how to face it.
/sæd/ /sædnis/

Sedih Kesedihan
4. -ity Lucid Lucidity Two weeks after the accident my lucidity
/’lu:sɪd/ /’lu:’sidǝti/ returned, I was able to make rational
Jelas Kejernihan decision again.
Possible Possibility I think that possibility has been eliminated.
/’pɒsǝbl/ /pɒsǝ’bɪlǝti/
Mungkin Kemungkinan
Responsible Responsibility I will take the responsibility.
Bertanggung ti/
jawab Tanggung
5. -((a)t)ion Animate Animation The animation for the film tookover two
/’ænɪmeɪt/ /ænɪ’meɪʃn/ years to complete.
Menghidupkan Animasi

Express Expression Dance is a form of artistic expression.

/ɪk’spres/ /ɪk’spreʃn/
Menyatakan Ekspresi
Isolate Isolation The isolation of the mountain community.
/’aɪsǝleɪt/ /aɪsǝ’leɪʃn/
Memisahkan Isolasi
6. -er Pat Patter I heard the rain patter on the window.
/pæt/ /’pætǝ(r)/
Menepuk Rintik
7. Ship Hard Hardship The city has been experiencing a period of
/ha:d/ /’ha:dʃɪp/ financial hardship.
Keras Kesulitan
8. -ant Cool Coolant I will pitch up the coolant levels.
/ku:l/ / ku:lǝnt/
Dingin Pendingin
9. -ure Moist Mouisture He wiped moisture from his eyes.
/mɔɪst/ /’mɔɪstʃǝ(r)/
Lembab kelembaban
10. -y Jealous Jealousy I should never have let my jealousy get the
/’ʤelǝs/ /’ʤelǝsɪ/ best of me.
Cemburu Kecemburuan
Health Healthy The company is financially healthy.
/helɵ/ / helɵɪ/
Sehat Kesehatan

3. Noun To Noun

No. Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -er Prison Prisoner Ryan had been a prisoner like his
/’Prɪzn/ /’Prɪznr/ brother.
Penjara Tawanan
Play Player Rooney is a good football player.
/pleɪ/ /pleɪǝr/
Bermain Pemain
Smoke Smoker Anjas stoped become smoker since a
/smǝʊk/ /’smǝʊkǝr/ years ago.
Asap Perokok
2. -or Credit Creditor The creditor could only hold a wife or
/’kredɪt/ /’kreditǝr/ child three years as mancipium.
Kredit Pemberi
Debt Debtor A creditor could hold his insolvent
/det/ /’detǝr/ debtor as a slave, or sell him out of the
Hutang Penghutang city.
3. -ian Magic Magician My brother want to be a magician.
/’majik/ /mǝ’jishǝn/
Sihir Pesulap

Itali Italian My friend, Skolas is Italian girl with asia

/ɪ’tælɪ/ /i’talyǝn/ face.
Italia Orang Italia
Techic Techician She work as technician in Malaysia.
/’teknik/ /tek’nɪʃn/
Teknik Teknisi
4. -ism Material Materialism We live in a time of crass materialism.
/mǝ’trɪǝriǝl/ /mǝtɪǝriǝlɪzǝm/
Bahan Materialisme
Real Realism The film lacks any semblance of
/’rɪǝl/ /’rɪǝlɪzǝm/ realism.
Asli Realisme
National Nationalism Nationalism is very important to be
/’næʃnǝl/ /’næʃnǝlɪzǝm/ uphelp by the people of Indonesia for the
Nasional Nationalisme sake of national of unity.
5. -ness Close Closeness Hardi does fitness every Sunday
/klǝʊs/ /klȏsnǝs/ morning.
Dekat Kedekatan
Cold Coldness This coldness kill me slowly.
/kǝʊld/ /kǝʊldnǝs/
Dingin Kedinginan
Fit Fitness The hotel boast a fitness center, indoor
/fɪt/ /fɪtnǝs/ pool continental breakfast and free
Sehat Kebugaran parking.

6. -hood Adult Adulthood Paying bills is my least favorite part of
/ædʌlt/ /ædʌlthʊd/ adulthood.
Dewasa Masa dewasa
False Falsehood This paragraph goes on from the
/fɔ:ls/ /fɔ:lshʊd/ confusion and includes falsehood.
Salah Kebohongan
Knight Knighthood The Normans introduced knighthood as
/naɪt/ /naɪthʊd/ part of their feudal goverment.
Ksatria Kekesatriaan
7. -ship Leader Leadership Student must practice their leadership
/’leɪdǝr/ /’ ’leɪdǝrʃɪp/ before joining the society.
Pemimpin Kepemimpinan
Citizen Citizenship In all cases the exercise of citizenship is
/’sɪtɪzn/ /’sɪtɪznʃɪp/ regulated by law.
Warganegara Kewarganegaraan
Companion Companionship The sweet companionship of their
/kǝm’pæniǝn/ /kǝm’pæniǝnʃɪp/ children meant much to me.
Rekan Perkawanan
8. -th Bread Breadth From east to west, and the greatest
/bred/ /bredɵ/ breadth 1971 m.
Roti Luas
Steal Stealth Lions rely on stealth when hunting.
/sti:l/ /stelɵ/
Mencuri Sembunyi-
Weal Wealth Their whealth has not changed.
/ wel/ /welɵ/
Kesejahteraan Kekayaan
9. -ment Treat Treatment Stroke suffers need a right treatment to
/tri:t/ /’tri:tmǝnt/ recover quickly.
Memperlakukan Perawatan
Pay Payment Sera demanded payment of the debt.
/peɪ/ /peɪmǝnt/
Membayar Pembayaran
Employ Employment Logan came to Tokyo in search of
/ɪm’plɔɪ/ /em’ploimǝnt/ employment.
Mempekerjakan Pekerjaan
10. -ant Peas Peasant I saw so many of those peasant carts in
/pi:s/ /’peznt/ your yard.
Kacang polong Petani
Account Accountant Anfal is an accountannt.
/ǝ’kaʊnt/ /ǝ’kaʊntǝnt/
Rekening Akuntan
Contest Contestant Luna is a contestant of miss Indonesia.
/’kɒntest/ /kǝn’testǝnt/
Kontes Kontestan

11. -ure Impost Imposture He offered to confess his imposture if he
/’impʊst/ /im’pɒschǝr/ were promised his life, and the king
Pajak Penipuan accepted the terms.
Post Posture The small book it hefted made its
/pǝʊst/ /’pɒstʃǝ(r)/ stooped posture almost double over.
Pos Posture
Dent Denture My grandfather use denture because his
/dent/ /’denchǝr/ toothless.
Sarang Gigi tiruan
12. -let Ring Ringlet Her dark hair fell loose in ringlets, in the
/rɪɳ/ /’riɳlǝt/ fashion of the time.
Cincin Ikat rambut
Star Starlet He make me feel like a starlet.
/sta:(r)/ /’starlit/
Bintang Bintang muda
Cut Cutlet The main products are fish heads, bones,
/kʌt/ /’kǝtlǝt/ and cutlets.
Potong Sayatan daging
13. -ing Build Building I left the building for home.
/bɪld/ /’bɪldɪɳ/
Membangun Bangunan

Mean Meaning He made me understand the meaning of

/mi:n/ /mi:niɳ/ happy.
Arti Berarti
Open Opening Today is opening of Gammara Hotel.
/’ǝʊpǝn/ /’ǝʊpnɪɳ/
Buka Pembukaan
14. -age Block Blockage There’s a blokage in the pipe.
/blɒk/ /’blɒkɪʤ/
Blok Halangan
Host Hostage he is take a human hostage, and we need
/hǝʊst/ /’hɒstɪʤ/ to know where she is.
Penyia Sandera
Post Postage In France the postage on latters is still
/pǝʊst/ /pǝʊstij/ called the texe des lettres
Pos Ongkos kirim
15. -ist Art Artist Van Gogth is a popolar artist.
/a:t/ /’a:tɪst/
Seni Pekerja seni
Ideal Idealist He was a psychological idealist and a
/aɪ’di:ǝl/ / aɪ’di:ǝlɪst/ metaphysical realist.
Ideal Idealis

Capital Capitalist Cruisers were fitted out by capitalist and
/’kapitl/ /kapǝtlist/ commanded by the reises.
Modal Kapitalis


In Introduction page, we have been know about affix; prefix, suffix, and infix also how
the words changed into noun by added a suffix. Same as part 1, in this part, we are going to learn
about prefix and suffix that using to create a new lexeme of verb.

Affixes to form verb can be prefixes and suffixxes. There are 7 prefixes dan 5 suffixes,
which are:

1. Prefixes: re-, dis-, over-, de-, mis-, un-, be-.

2. Suffixes: -ize, -ise, -ate, -fy, -en.

The table above are prefixes list with example words and the way to use it:

No Prefixes Meaning Example

1. Re- Again. Recover
2. Dis- Reverses the meaning of the verb. Disabling
3. Over- Too much. Overage
4. De- Do the opposite of. Deactivate
5. Mis- Badly or wrongly. Misapplication
6. Un- Reverse the meaning of the verb. Unfollow
7. Be- Make of cause. Becalm
8. En- Cause to be. Enable

There are suffixes list:

No. Suffixes Meaning Example

1. -ise Cause to be. Realise
2. -fy Cause to be. Signify
3. -en Cause to be. Golden

In tables above we can see words that changed by prefix dan suffix . Table 1 shows the
changes from verb to verb, table 2 shows the changes from adjective to verb, and table 3 shows
the changes from noun to verb.

1. Verb To Verb

No. Prefix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. Re- Paint Repaint If i were you, i would repaint
/peɪnt/ /rɪ’peɪnt/ this white room.
Lukisan Mewarnai ulang

Consider Reconsider I hope you can reconsider the
/kǝn’sɪdǝ(r)/ /rɪkǝn’sidǝr/ punishment given.
Mempertimbangkan Mempertimbangkan
Write Rewrite I will give you a week to
/raɪt/ /rɪraɪt/ rewrite it.
Menulis Menulis kembali
2. Dis- Believe Disbelieve I’m just standing there watching
/bɪ’li:v/ /dɪsbɪ’li:v/ this scene with a complete
Percaya Kafir disbelieve, not knowing what to
Allow Disallow the chairman disallow because
/ǝ’laʊ/ /disǝ’lou/ the veracity of his report.
Membiarkan Melarang
Connect Disconnect They are asking me to
/kǝ’nekt/ /diskǝ’nekt/ disconnect the phone.
Terhubung Memutuskan
3. Over- Come Overcome He can overcome any obstacle.
/kʌm/ /ovǝr’kǝm/
Datang Mengatasi
Paid Overpaid I overpaid her for her kind
/pǝd/ /ovǝrpǝd/ service.
Dibayar Dibayar lebih
Bear Overbear The imperative to agree must
/beǝ(r)/ /ovǝrbeǝ(r)/ not overbear the wreaker party.
Menanggung Menindih
4. De- Activate Deactivate We need to deactivete it.
/’æktɪveɪt/ /dɪ’aktǝvɒt/
Mengaktifkan Menonaktifkan
Compose Decompose Bacteria and fung help
/kǝm’pǝʊz/ /dɪkǝm’pǝʊz/ decompose organic matter.
Menyusun Membusuk
Value Devalue Infact we develue play
/’vælju:/ /dɪvælju:/
Nilai Mendevaluasi
5. Mis- Behave Misbehave They will start to misbehave,
/bɪ’heɪv/ /misbi’hɒv/ and i cant do anything.
Bertingkah Berbuat jahat
Took Mistook Apparently he mistook her
/tǝʊk/ /mistǝʊk/ breathless state as an adication
Ambil Salah ambil of passion.
Handle Mishandle The police mishandle the
/’hændl/ /mis’handǝl/ investigation.
Menangani Menyalahgunakan
6. Un- Tie Untie Now untie me end tell me what
/taɪ/ /ǝn’taɪ/ you want.

Mengikat Melepas

Learn Unlearn You must unlearn everything

/lɜ:n/ /ǝnlɜ:n/ you know about him.
Belajar Belajar
Bend Unbend He could be fun if he had
/bend/ /ǝnbend/ unbend a little.
Tikungan Meluruskan
7. Be- Friend Befriend She befriend since elementary
/frend/ /bi’frend/ school.
Teman Berteman
Little Belittle You are deliberately asking him
/lɪtl/ /bi’litl/ a difficult question to belittle
Sedikit Meremehkan him.
8. En- Camp Encamp We encamp for the night by the
/kæmp/ /en’kamp/ side of the river.
Kemah Berkemah
Roll Enroll The college enroll about 25000
/rǝʊl/ /en’rǝʊl/ student.
Gulungan Mengikuti
Kindle Enkindle See if you can endkindle some
/’kɪndl/ /en’kindl/ paper in fireplace while i look
Menyalakan Mengapi for logs.

2. Noun To Verb

No. Prefix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. Re- Act React I thought you would react more
/ækt/ /ri’ækt/ cleverly and wisely.
Call Recall I don’t recall your doctor giving you
/kɔ:l/ /rɪ’kɔ:l/ permission to swim yet.
Cant Recant If it happens, I hereby recant this
/kænt/ /ri’kǝnt/ story and become a believer in
Membalik Menarik kembali predictions.
2. Dis- Miss Dismiss The judge is gonna dismiss the case
/mɪs/ /dɪs’mɪs/ next week at his hearing.
Melewatkan Memberhentikan
Like Dislike We dislike frowning fuces.
/laɪk/ /dɪs’laɪk/
Suka Tidak suka
3. Over- Cast Overcast The overcast sky is stifling.
/ka:st/ /ǝʊvǝ’ka:st/

Pemain Mendung
Balance Overbalance The first time I tried out my new
/’bælǝns/ /ǝʊvǝ’bælǝns/ bike, I overbalance and fell off.
Seimbang Kelebihan
4. De- Rail Derail The train is derail.
/reɪl/ /dɪ’reɪl/
Rel Menggelincirkan
Forest Deforest Poor planing deforest the area in
/’fɒrɪst/ /dɪ’fɒrɪst/ several years.
Hutan Menebang hutan
Face Deface She has deface the very walls of this
/feɪs/ /dɪ’feɪs/ house.
Hadapi Menghapus
5. Mis- Understanding Missunderstanding This problem arose from the mutual
/ʌndǝ’stændɪɳ/ /misʌndǝ’stændɪɳ/ misunderstanding.
Mengerti Salah paham
Lead Mislead I think they are sending the valuables
/li:d/ /mɪs’li:d/ through him to mislead us.
Memimpin Menyesatkan
Handle Mishandle You have complately mishandle this
/’hændl/ /mɪs’hændl/ situation.
Atasi Menyalahgunakan
6. Un- Pack Unpack You may unpack only the most
/pæk/ /ǝn’pæk/ neccessary items.
Pak Membongkar
Leash Unleash Jennie said if they do not get what
/li:s/ /ǝn’li:s/ they want, they had unleash demons
Tali Melancarkan on the human village.
Lock Unlock I’m sure you reember the unlock
/lɒk/ /ʌn’lɒk/ code
Mengunci Membuka kunci
7. Be- Fit Befit You should dress in a way that befits
/fɪt/ /bɪ’fɪt/ a woman of your position.
Cocok Serasi
Fool Befool The confidence man befooled the
/fu:l/ /bɪ’fu:l/ innocent.
Bodoh Menipu
8. En- Rage Enrage He was enrage by news of plans to
/reɪʤ/ /ɪn’reɪʤ/ demolish the pub.
Kemarahan memanaskan
Robe Enrobe Slipper socks protect the feet crom
/rǝʊp/ /ɪn’ rǝʊp/ cold air and enrobe them in warm.
Jubah Memakaikan
Rapture Enrapture Enrapture lip gloss is available in a
/’ræpʧǝ(r)/ /ɪn’’ræpʧǝ(r)/ makeup store.

pengangkatan Menawan

Prefixes and affixes are also use to createw new lexeme of adjective. We can use 8 kind
of suffix and 5 kind of prefix, listed in the box:

Suffixes Meaning Example

-ful full of Wonderful
-less without Powerless
-al relating to Regional
-ish nature, having the characteristics of, rather. Foolish
-ous quality, nature Nervous
-ic having the character or form of, relating to Rythmic
-y full or having a lot of something Messy
-ly like, every (period of time) Cleanly

Prefixes Meaning Example

im- not Impatient
in- Irregular
ab- Abnormal
un- Unfortunately
il- Illegible
ir- Irrelevant

In tables above we can see words that changed by prefix dan suffix . Table 1 shows the
changes from noun to adjective, table 2 shows the changes from adjective to verb, and table 3
shows the changes from adjective to adjective.

1. Noun To Adjective

No. Suffix Lexeme/words Result Sentence

1. -ful Skill Skillful Someone skillful enought to bring the
/skɪl/ /’skɪlfl/ whole thing off without a hitch.
Keterampilan Terampil
Wonder Wonderful I can not express how wonderful it
/’wʌndǝ(r)/ /’wʌndǝ(r)fl/ was to meet you.

Bertanya-tanya Hebat
Delight Delightful There is a delightful park in the
/dɪ’laɪt/ /dɪ’laɪtfl/ center of town.
Kesukaan Menyenangkan
2. -less Power Powerless She said Jade made her felt
/’paʊǝ(r)/ /’paʊǝlǝs/ powerless.
Kekuatan Tidak
Use Useless I work hard to avoid useless goals.
/ju:s/ /ju:slǝs/
Berguna Tidak berguna
Worth Worhtless Your promises are worthless.
/wɜ:ɵ/ /wɜ:ɵlǝs/
Bekerja Tidak bekerja
3. -al Region Regional It is divided into six province, each
/’ri:ʤǝn/ /’ri:ʤǝnl/ governed by a regional commisioner.
Wilayah Kedaerahan
Person Personal He took his personal car to Parepare.
/’pɜ:sn/ /’ pɜ:snl/
Orang Prbadi
Logic Logical This seems logical but untortunately it
/’lɒʤɪk/ /’lɒʤɪkl/ is not the case.
Logis Logis
4. -ish Fool Foolish I know we are not foolish students.
/fu:l/ /fu:lɪʃ/
Bodoh Nekad
Self Selfish Forgive me for being so selfish.
/self/ /’selfɪʃ/
Diri Egois
Girl Girlish Two girlish voices sang a musical
/gɜ:l/ /gɜ:lish/ passage.
Gadis Genit
5. -ous Danger Dangerous A little knowledge is a dangerous
/’deɪnʤǝ(r)/ /’deɪnʤǝ(r)ǝs/ thing.
Bahaya Berbahaya
Nerve Nervous I am a little nervous though.
/nɜ:v/ /nɜ:vǝs/
Berani Gugup
Poison Poisonous That coffee is poisonous.
/’pɔɪzn/ /’pɔɪznǝs/
Racun Beracun
6. -ic Photograph Photographic That is waht I look at with my
/fǝʊtǝgra:f/ /fǝʊtǝ’græfɪk/ photographic work.
Foto Fotografi
Athleth Athlethic He is an outstanding athletic and
/’æɵli:t/ /’æɵli:tɪk/ popular at school.

Atlet Atletik
Rythm Rythmic I like do rhytmic exercise.
/’rɪδǝm/ /’rɪδǝmɪk/
Ritme Berirama
7. -y Mess Messy It looks pretty messy out there.
/mes/ /mesi/
Berantakan Kacau
Soft Softy She finded and spike softy
/sɒft/ /sɒfti/
Lembut Orang yang
Dirt Dirty That bed is too dirty to sleep.
/dɜ:t/ /dɜ:ti/
Kotor Jorok
8. -ly Clean Cleanly A sharp knife will cut through the
/kli:n/ /’klin:li/ skin of a tomato cleanly.
Bersih Rapi
Order Orderly We are going to proced in an orderly
/’ɔ:dǝ(r)/ /’ɔ:dǝ(r)li/ fashion today.
Memesan Tertib
Cost Costly I have this costly necklace.
/kɒst/ /kɒstli/
Biaya Mahal
9. -ive Massa Massive The fort had massive words.
/masǝ/ /’masiv/
Massa Masif

Plaint Plaintive We could hear the plantive cry of a

/plænt/ /plæntif/ wounded animal in the woods.
Pengaduan Sedih

10. -able Understand Understandable Nothing is more understanable to a

/ʌndǝ’stænd/ /ʌndǝ’stændǝbǝl/ human than human behavior and
Mengerti Bisa dimengerti speech.
Cap Capable You are capable of better work than
/kæp/ /kæpǝbǝl/ this.
Tutup Mampu
Read Readable This book is informative and highly
/ri:d/ /ri:dǝbǝl/ readable.
Baca Bisa dibaca
11. -ant Vigil Vigilant You will have to be vigilant in your
/’vɪʤɪl/ /’vɪʤɪlǝnt/ work in order to earn an A in this
Penjagaan Waspada class.
Concord Concordant The movie’s opening-weekend gross
/’kɒɳkɔ:d/ /’kɒɳkɔ:dnt/ was fairly concordant with box-

Kerukunan Sesuai office returns for that genre.

No. Prefix Lexeme/words Result Sentence

1. Im- Probable Improbable It is not improbable that these chapter
/’prɒbǝbl/ /ɪm’prɒbǝbl/ are based on an earliers Jewish
Mungkin Mustahil writing.
Patient Impatient She grew impatient waiting for the
/’peɪʃnt/ /ɪm’peɪʃnt/ guardsmen to return.
Sabar Tidak sabar
2. Ir- Regular Irregular His behavior as a teacher was highly
/’regjǝlǝ(r)/ /ɪ’rǝgjǝlǝ(r)/ irregular.
Teratur Tidak teratur

2. Verb To Adjective

No. Suffix Lexeme/words Result Sentence

1. -ful Bash Bashful You need to be bashful.
/bæʃ/ / bæʃfl/
menampar Malu
Help Helpful Happy to be your friend, you are
/help/ /helpfl/ helpful girl.
Tolong Sangat
Harm Harmful This medicine has its harmful side
/ha:m/ /ha:mfl/ effects.
Membahayakan Berbahaya
2. -less Hope Hopeless You’re litterly hopeless.
/hǝʊp/ /hǝʊplis/
Harapan Putus asa
Ground Grounless Please stop making groundless
/graʊnd/ /graʊndlis/ accusation against people you happen
Tanah Tanpa dasar to dislike.
Rest Restless My heart is restless.
/rest/ /restlis/
Istirahat Gelisah
3. -al Function Functional The building’s design is not only
/’fʌɳkʃn/ /’fʌɳkʃǝnl/ functional but also beautiful.
Fungsi Berfungsi
4. -ish Self Selfish Wanda is a selfish girl.
/self/ /’selfɪʃ/
Diri Egois
Fool Foolish It was a foolish thing to say.
/fu:l/ /fu:lish/
Bodoh Nekad

Green Greenish The dark base of the mountainous
/gri:n/ /gri:inish/ thunderheads had a greenish tinge.
Hijau Kehijauan
5. -ous Continue Continuous All he sees is one continous line.
/kǝn’tɪnju:/ /kǝn’tɪnjuǝs/
Terus Berkepanjangan
Danger Dangerous I already told you that this knife is
/’deɪnʤǝ(r)/ /’deɪnʤǝ(r)ǝs/ dangerous.
Bahaya Berbahaya
Glory Glorious The glorious part of Daniel career
/’glɔ:ri/ /’glɔ:riǝs/ was now over
Kejayaan Mulia
6. -ic Rust Rustic It is hardly inkeeping with the
/rʌst/ /rǝstik/ village’s rustic aesthetic.
Karat Pedesaan
Graph Graphic A graphic account of this is given in
/gra:f/ /’græfɪk/ Livingstone’s travels.
Grafik Grafis
Class Classic That was a classic indicator in a
/kla:s/ /’klæsɪk/ questionable suicide.
Kelas Klasik
7. -y Oil Oily That burger so oily.
/ɔɪl/ /ɔɪlɪ/
Minyak Berminyak
Wind Windy It is cold and a little windy.
/wɪnd/ /wɪndɪ/
Angin Berangin
Gloss Glossy I like the glossy finish on the gym
/glɒs/ / glɒsɪ/ floor.
Kilau Mengkilap
8. -ly Low Lowly Lowly bowing before his king, he
/lǝʊ/ /lǝʊli/ accepted his knighood.
Rendah Rendahan
Come Comely Tika offered to buy the comely blonde
/kʌm/ /kʌmli/ a drink.
Datang Elok
Calm Calmly Everything looks calmly.
/ka:m/ /ka:mli/
Tenang Dengan tenang
9. -able Enjoy Enjoyable Tony made class is enjoyable becaus
/ɪn’ʤɔɪ/ /ɪn’ʤɔɪǝbǝl/ he is so funny.
Menikmati Dapat dinikmati
Expand Expandable This box may draw from some central
/ɪk’spænd/ /ɪk’spændǝbǝl/ archive or contain its own expandable
Memperluas Diperluas universe of data.
Laugh Laughable That comedy is laughable.

/la:f/ /la:fǝbǝl/
Tertawa Dapat ditertawai

3. Adjective To Adjective

No. Suffix Lexeme/words Result Sentence

1. -al Comic Comical The swift change of expression might
/’kɒmɪk/ /’kɒmɪkǝl/ have been comical had she not been
Komik Lucu the caused.
2. -ish Yellow Yellowish The paper had a yellowish tinge
/’jelǝʊ/ /’jelǝʊish/ because it was so old.
Kuning Kekuningan
3. -ly Elder Elderly Mrs. Ani is an elderly lady.
/’eldǝ(r)/ /’eldǝ(r)li/
Orang tua Tua
Sick Sickly She had been a sickly child.
/sɪk/ /’sɪkli/
Sakit Sakitan
Coward Cowardly He had behaved like a cowardly
/’kaʊǝd/ /’kaʊǝdli/ recruit who mutilates himself to
Pengecut Secara pengecut escape military service.

No. Prefix Lexeme/words Result Sentence

1. Im- Proper Improper The doctor gave him on improper
/’prɒpǝ(r)/ /ɪm’prɒpǝ(r)/ diagnosis.
Layak Tidak layak
Polite Impolite It’is impolite to speak ill of our hogts.
/pǝ’laɪt/ /ɪmpǝ’laɪt/
Sopan Tidak sopan
Possible Impossible It is imposible to guess what happen
/’pɒsǝbl/ /ɪm’pɒsǝbl/ next.
Mungkin Tidak mungkin
2. In- Convenient Inconvenient He came at an inconvenient time.
/kǝn’vi:niǝns/ /ɪnkǝn’vi:niǝnt/
Mudah Susah
Direct Indirect We took an indirect route.
/dǝ’rekt/ /ɪnde’rekt/
Langsung Tidak langsung
Capable Incapable She is incapable of doing anything
/’keɪpǝbl/ /ɪn’kǝɪpǝbl/ alone.
Mampu Tidak mampu
3. Ab- Normal Abnormal They are abnormal.
/’nɔ:ml/ /æb’nɔ:ml/
Normal Tidak normal

4. Un- Fortunate Unfortunately Unfortunately, he lost his passport.
/’fɔ:tʃǝnǝt/ /ʌn’fɔ:tʃǝnǝt/ If not, he will be die in that airplane
Beruntung Tidak beruntung accident.
Comfortable Uncomfortable We are in te uncomfortable position
/’kʌmftǝbl/ /ʌn’kʌmftǝbl/ of asking for money.
Nyaman Tidak nyaman
Just Unjust The convict received on unjust
/ʤʌst/ /ʌn’ ʤʌst/ sentence.
Hanya Tidak adil
5. Il- Legal Illegal The team was penalized for unillegal
/’li:gl/ /ɪ’li:gl/ play.
Legal Ilegal
Logical Illogical It is illogical to think that things will
/’lɒʤɪkl/ /ɪ’lɒʤɪkl/ change on their own.
Logis Tidak logis
Legible Illegible Illegible signatures on the petition
/’leʤǝbl/ /ɪ’leʤǝbl/ will be disregarded.
Terbaca Tidak terbaca
6. Ir- Repleace Irrepleaceable A child is irrepleaceable.
/rɪ’pleɪs/ /ɪrɪ’pleɪsǝbl/
Tergantikan Tidak
Responsible Irresponsible He is irresponsible to keep a job for
/rɪ’spɒnsǝbl/ /ɪrɪ’spɒnǝbl/ more than a week.
Bertanggung Tidak
jawab bertanggung
Relevant Irrelevant His comment is completely
/’relǝvǝnt/ / ɪ’relǝvǝnt/ irrelevant.
Relevan Tidak relevan

Different with Forming English Adjective that have lot of suffixes and affixes, Forming
English Adverb only have a suffix to create a new words, which is:

Suffix Meaning Example

-ly In a (specified) manner Softly

In tables above we can see words that changed by suffix . Table 1 shows the changes
from noun to adverb, table 2 shows the changes from verbe to adverb, and table 3 shows the
changes from adjective to adverb.

1. Noun To Adverb

No Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -ly Bad Badly I miss his so badly.
/bæd/ /bædlɪ/
Buruk Sangat

2. Verb To Adverb

No Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -ly Perfect Perfectly This party will end perfectly.
/pǝ’fekt/ /pǝ’fektlɪ/
Sempurna Sama sekali

3. Adjective to Adverb

No Suffix Lexeme/root Result Sentence

1. -ly Short Shortly He laughed shortly as he crammed his
/ʃɔ:t/ /ʃɔ:tli/ hands into his pockets.
Pendek Segera
Low Lowly Do not think so lowly of yourself.
/lǝʊ/ /’lǝʊli/
Rendah Rendahan
Loud Loudly We all laughed loudly when she made a
/laʊd/ / laʊdli/ joke.
Keras Dengan keras

Cambridge Dictionary

Your Dictionary

Marriam Webster Dictionary


Rasyita Pertiwi was born in Makassar, 26 January 2001. Grew

up in Palu, Central Sulawesi until 10 then moved to Makassar until 18.
She is the first of 3 siblings. Now, she stay at Parepare for her study
in Campus V State University Of Makassar. She loves writing fiction
story, and this is her first non-fiction writing.

Hardianti S. is the only daughter of her parents, she have a

brother. Born in Sapuka Island, 25 Juni 1999 make her called Moana
(Disney princess from island). She spent her free time by watching
movie. Now she is study in Parepare.

Sri Yulianty B. Was born in Gowa, 10 April 2000. Her

hobbies is listen to the music and reading a book. She is also the first
of 3 siblings. She was studied in SMP 2 Takalar and SMA 3 Takalar.
Now she is study in Campus V State University Of Makassar,

His name is Muhammad Aidil Fitrah but his friends call him
Raul. He was born in Bulukumba 23 January 2000. He loves playing
game so much. He also the funniest boy in his class. Now he is
study in Campus V State University Of Makassar, Parepare.


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