Lofa Rela PDF

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Lofa Rela
Aindra style speed up mantra
1 ee & a 2 ee & a
Ol lll l O III l O lll
dhe ne na ghi te re ghe na

I O III I O llll O llll

Na ghi te re ghe na ghe na

I O III I O llll O llll

Na ghi te re ghe na ghe na

Ol lll I ● III l ● lll

dhe ne na khi te re khe na

I ● III I ● llll ● Illl

Na khi te re khe na khe na

I ● III I ● llll ● Illl

Na khi te re khe na khe na

IIII = 4 fingers on small side, played open

I = index finger, small side (open)
III = 3 fingers (middle, ring and pinkie), small side, played open
When a symbol is underlined, e.g. l or lll or llll, play that note closed on the small side. When it’s not underlined,
play it open. The thumb may be played either open or closed, it does not matter.

● = closed sound, big side

O = open sound, big side


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