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2019‐ シ

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破 る
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実用英語技能検定 ま
主催:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会
後援:文部科学省 1級 せ

2020 年 1 月 26 日(日)実施

試験時間 筆
0分) 記

5分) 具
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A1­ 1 0­ 1 0 5 8 A
Grade 1
Start from the next page.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !2! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade 1

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among
1 the four choices. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.

(1) When Beth was given the assignment, it seemed like an ( ) task. To
her surprise, though, she finished on time.
1 ineligible 2 inanimate
3 insurmountable 4 inebriated

(2) A: Did you understand yesterday’s economics lecture?

B: No, I was completely ( ) by it. It was as though the teacher was
speaking a foreign language!
1 tethered 2 lathered 3 whittled 4 baffled

(3) Although Trevor’s disease is a serious one, he has an excellent ( ) for

recovery because he is young and the condition was discovered early.
1 prognosis 2 coercion 3 pinnacle 4 gradation

(4) Eastford University was once in the very top ( ) of the nation’s
schools. Today, however, it is considered to be just average.
1 unison 2 echelon 3 paradigm 4 tundra

(5) The novel was fiercely criticized by reviewers, with one even saying the author
was completely ( ) of literary talent.
1 pliant 2 audacious 3 effusive 4 devoid

(6) Last week, a member of the purchasing department staff was fired for taking
( ). He was receiving money for ordering parts from a supplier whose
goods were of poor quality.
1 backdrops 2 kickbacks 3 shortcomings 4 loopholes

(7) Margaret tried to ( ) her cat down from the tree with a bowl of milk,
but it refused to move.
1 fling 2 coax 3 smear 4 glide

(8) The salesman ( ) the virtues of the sports car at length, but the
customer was not convinced it was worth its high price.
1 inscribed 2 enthralled 3 extolled 4 abridged

(9) A: The boss refused my request for leave to go to my sister’s wedding in

B: You should ask Tim for help. He has a lot of ( ) with the boss. I’m
sure he could get permission for you.
1 cohort 2 clash 3 cavity 4 clout
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !3! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

( 10 ) To avoid confusing customers by suddenly putting a completely new version of

its software on the market, the company introduced ( ) changes over a
two­year period.
1 incremental 2 parenthetical 3 opulent 4 buoyant

( 11 ) Amanda tried to get the project’s due date changed, but her supervisor refused
to ( ). “The deadline must be met,” he said.
1 emulate 2 leer 3 pervade 4 budge

( 12 ) Despite being accused of serious crimes, the defendant looked on ( )

throughout her trial. Many people were disturbed by her lack of emotion.
1 ruefully 2 exquisitely 3 nominally 4 impassively

( 13 ) After his vacation, the man wrote to the travel agency with a ( ) of
complaints about everything from the rude hotel staff to the poor meals.
1 litany 2 renunciation 3 melancholy 4 remittance

( 14 ) When he lost his job, Dylan became ( ). After a couple of weeks,

though, he began to feel more positive and decided to start looking for work.
1 cumbersome 2 despondent 3 poised 4 magnanimous

( 15 ) When the bus driver suddenly braked hard, all the passengers ( )
forward. Luckily, no one was seriously injured.
1 ambushed 2 rebuked 3 lurched 4 bellowed

( 16 ) The dentist waited until the ( ) took effect before beginning the work.
He did not want the patient to feel any pain.
1 anesthetic 2 remuneration 3 scourge 4 tycoon

( 17 ) Good writers often have the ability to create ( ) stories. They can move
us to tears with a few well­chosen words.
1 gullible 2 fastidious 3 poignant 4 nebulous

( 18 ) Eva hoped to ( ) her children’s interest in music by taking them to

concerts and buying them musical instruments.
1 oust 2 irk 3 spurn 4 pique

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !4! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade 1

( 19 ) Jonathan has a ( ) attitude to work. He often comes in late, rarely

meets his deadlines, and never shows respect to his superiors.
1 cavalier 2 beguiling 3 deferential 4 savvy

( 20 ) A: Bill, I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to lend you that $100 after all.
B: Oh no! You can’t ( ) on your promise now. I need that money to
pay my rent.
1 placate 2 renege 3 faze 4 appease

( 21 ) One of the tent ropes was ( ), so Paula moved the tent peg to tighten
it up.
1 idyllic 2 deceased 3 slack 4 specious

( 22 ) A: Have you decided what to do during the Christmas holidays?

B: Not yet, but I’m ( ) the idea of visiting my brother in Paris.
1 jockeying for 2 meting out 3 mulling over 4 lousing up

( 23 ) Brenda had always wanted to live abroad, so when her company announced it
would be opening a branch in Istanbul, she immediately ( ) a transfer.
1 squared off against 2 put in for
3 loaded up on 4 picked up after

( 24 ) Reggie does not have any ambitious plans for the future. He is happy to just
( ), enjoying each day as it comes.
1 coast along 2 creep in 3 bunch up 4 fire away

( 25 ) The principal said if the student did not ( ) to having cheated on the
test, he would be suspended. After admitting to it, he was made to write a letter of
1 pan out 2 nail down 3 mill around 4 own up

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !5! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade 1

Read each passage and choose the best word or phrase from
2 among the four choices for each blank. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

An Ancient Work Force

While many archaeologists seek mummies and golden treasures beneath
Egypt’s sands, Mark Lehner is on a quest to investigate a more mundane subject:
the lives of the laborers who constructed the pyramids. Though Lehner’s research
is not glamorous, he contends that his archaeological finds are beginning to reveal,
in his words, “( 26 ).” During his long career, Lehner’s discoveries have
shed light on the logistics of feeding, organizing, and providing accommodation
for the thousands of laborers needed for the massive construction projects. He has
unearthed not one but two lost cities which housed workers in the vicinity of the
pyramids. Lehner argues the epic scale of the undertaking was integral to the
development of national unity because it brought together laborers from
throughout the enormous kingdom, which, as Lehner notes, effectively “bound all
these disparate areas . . . into a whole.”
Lehner’s findings contradict the common belief that the construction of the
pyramids ( 27 ). This idea originates in the writing of the Greek historian
Herodotus, who made the claim in his Histories many centuries after the
pyramids’ completion. However, Lehner’s excavations of the food preparation
facilities and the massive barracks in which workers were housed have turned up
evidence of slaughtered cattle and numerous religious inscriptions. These indicate
that the builders who worked on the pyramids were not being forced to labor
under the threat of whips but rather were motivated by feasts of prime beef and
increased odds of obtaining an eternal afterlife.
While the skilled main work force was permanent, a rotating system of
manual laborers was also utilized. Though service was mandatory, the duration
appears to have been temporary, and these laborers would have had a strong
( 28 ). Lehner explains this attitude, saying, “People were not atomized,
separate individuals with the political and economic freedom that we take for
granted.” In Egypt’s hierarchical civilization, every single individual had a duty to
provide service to someone else even the most elite officials in the kingdom. As
Lehner’s work continues, evidence is accumulating that the Egyptian pharaohs
presided over a civilization even more complex and cohesive than had been
previously imagined.

( 26 ) 1 what is really contained in the pyramids

2 the degree of conflict in the region
3 how the pyramids helped to build Egypt
4 the world’s oldest construction techniques

( 27 ) 1 stimulated the economy 2 occurred over multiple generations

3 was carried out using slave labor 4 led to Egypt’s decline

( 28 ) 1 fear of the skilled builders

2 sense of social obligation
3 desire for job security
4 motivation to finish the project quickly
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !6! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Language Diversity
The human race exhibits an incredible degree of linguistic diversity, with
more than 7,500 documented languages in existence today. Researchers have long
been puzzled, however, by the question of why languages ( 29 ). The South
Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea, for example, covers less than 0.5 percent of
Earth’s land area yet is home to about 10 percent of the planet’s languages.
Russia, for all its immensity it covers a whopping 11 percent of Earth’s land
area is home to a mere 1.5 percent of the planet’s languages. A global­scale
analysis performed by biologist Xia Hua of the Australian National University has
recently offered some insight into the phenomenon, examining the two
predominant theories: isolation and ecological risk.
Hua concluded that the isolation theory ( 30 ). Landscape features such
as rivers have long been regarded as barriers, and the resulting isolation was
believed to lead to distinctions in languages among various groups. Hua’s research
did confirm a direct link between the presence of rivers and the number of
languages in a region. However, further analysis indicated that rivers were only
contributing to diversity because they facilitated the survival of smaller
populations. Hua writes that rivers “seem to act more as an ecological resource
than a barrier to interaction.”
The ecological risk hypothesis holds that factors such as climate and resource
availability are prime determiners of language diversity, and Hua found that
harsher climatic conditions in a region result in fewer languages being spoken.
Her research indicated that language diversity correlates strongly to latitude, with
vastly more languages being spoken in equatorial regions and fewer in northern
and southern regions. In regions near the equator, which boast consistently warm
temperatures and plentiful rainfall, growing seasons are much longer. It seems
logical, therefore, that ( 31 ). This allowed a diverse range of languages to
develop among independent, smaller cultural groups. In contrast, regions with
cold, barren winters made communication among groups of people over distances
essential for obtaining resources and maximizing productivity, so the development
of disparate languages was not favored. The ecological risk hypothesis is
supported by the latitudinal patterns of language diversity observed worldwide.

( 29 ) 1 evolve so quickly
2 are gradually disappearing
3 have tended to become more similar
4 are spread across the world so unevenly

( 30 ) 1 ignores a crucial part of human nature

2 confuses diversity with change
3 only applies in the absence of natural barriers
4 is not fully supported by her data

( 31 ) 1 there would be an emphasis on travel

2 less cooperation would be required
3 certain types of crops would be desirable
4 language would take on greater importance
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !7! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Read each passage and choose the best answer from among the
3 four choices for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and mark your answer.

Chile under Pinochet

In Chile’s 1970 presidential race, voters elected Salvador Allende, a Marxist who ran
on a socialist platform of nationalizing the mineral industry and redistributing land and
income. Just three years later, the Chilean army, led by General Augusto Pinochet,
overthrew Allende and installed a military dictatorship. Pinochet and his supporters were
convinced the previous regime had led the nation to the brink of civil war. Although
Allende had been legitimately elected, his socialist government’s policies and actions
caused turmoil among the people and threatened commerce, creating an unbridgeable gulf
that divided the country. These divisions were encouraged by the US government, which
drastically reduced aid to Chile as a means of political opposition, and by foreign
corporations with interests in valuable minerals such as copper. In any case, Pinochet’s
coup d’état ended Chilean democracy, which dated back to the 1930s, and ushered in an
era of repression and brutality unparalleled in the nation’s history. Pinochet banned
opposition parties, suspended the constitution, and cracked down on political dissent. His
regime had more than 100,000 citizens arrested, tortured tens of thousands, and murdered
some 3,000 “enemies of the state.” For many Chileans, the next 17 years were a
nightmare of fear and repression.
Following the takeover, Pinochet appointed a group of US­educated Chilean
economists who, in stark contrast to Allende’s nationalization and central planning,
instituted a radical free­market economic policy that led to high levels of unemployment
and bankruptcies within the financial sector. Wages decreased and welfare spending was
slashed, hitting the lowest segment of society the hardest. Still, after an economic crisis in
1982, Chile’s GDP began to grow at a steady average rate of 5.9 percent, the fastest in
Latin America. Foreign companies whose assets had been seized by the Allende
government were invited back, and state­owned companies were privatized, although the
copper industry by far the biggest earner of foreign currency remained under direct
state control. The export sector flourished, and poverty levels fell from 50 percent in 1984
to 34 percent in 1989. Although some world leaders credited Pinochet for these
achievements, the crucial role of the country’s vast mineral wealth cannot be
During the second half of his dictatorship, Pinochet’s iron grip relaxed slightly. A
new constitution in 1980 opened the way to a plebiscite, in which the people could give
an up­or­down vote on his continued rule. Pinochet hoped his economic success would
enable him to remain in power, but in 1988, Chileans voted for a restoration of
democracy with 56 percent in favor and 44 percent opposed. Stepping down in 1990,
Pinochet nevertheless retained command of the armed forces and laid claim to a lifelong
Senate seat. Chile continued to prosper as a result of successive administrations building
upon the economic foundations he had put in place, and the country is widely considered
a Latin American success story. Yet it was only when the shackles of dictatorship were
removed that an investment­led boom would improve overall living standards. While his
supporters believe he saved the country from becoming a communist state in the mold of
Cuba, for many Chileans, Pinochet’s economic successes will always be overshadowed by
the oppression they endured under him.
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !8! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

( 32 ) What does the author of the passage imply in the first paragraph?
1 Doubts about whether Salvador Allende’s government had been
democratically elected caused suspicions about its political goals.
2 Allende’s removal was believed to be necessary to reverse political
decisions that were threatening Chile’s social and financial stability.
3 Augusto Pinochet mistakenly believed the United States would support him
if he attempted to remove Allende from power.
4 Military leaders sympathetic to the United States hoped Allende’s removal
would allow the Americans to control Chile’s mineral resources.

( 33 ) What conclusion can be drawn about the economic achievements of Pinochet’s

1 Although Pinochet claimed his policies were more successful than those of
Allende, many actually had very similar results in the long term.
2 Forcing weakly performing finance companies out of business was a key
factor in allowing the economy to recover in the early 1980s.
3 Despite the growth in Chile’s economy, foreign countries were reluctant to
invest there because of its overreliance on its mineral wealth.
4 Had the government not maintained control of the copper industry,
Pinochet’s economic policies might not have been as successful as they were.

( 34 ) What does the author of the passage believe is true of Chile’s return to
1 Pinochet’s insistence on retaining a position within the government
regardless of the result of the plebiscite ultimately led to him losing power.
2 Despite voting against Pinochet, the majority of Chileans believed long­term
improvements to the economy would be more likely if he could stay in power.
3 The country’s increased prosperity was only made possible by ensuring that
Pinochet maintained control of the military and kept his political influence.
4 Pinochet provided the basis for economic prosperity, but major economic
growth would not have been possible without political freedom.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) !9! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade 1

The Positive Side of Psychopaths

Psychopaths who are, incidentally, most often men constitute roughly 1 percent
of the population. What sets psychopaths apart is their inability to empathize with the
emotions of other people. Self­centered, superficially charming, and persuasive, they
pursue their goals with cold detachment, using whatever means they consider necessary.
Moreover, they have little consideration for the social consequences of their actions.
Taken at face value, these traits would appear to be highly dangerous and toxic, as
reinforced by the popular Hollywood conception of the psychopathic killer. But the
notion of the “successful psychopath” has existed for a long time. In the 1940s, American
psychologist Hervey M. Cleckley articulated this apparent contradiction, postulating that
many psychopaths are able to assume a veneer of normalcy which enables them to play a
legitimate role within society.
In his 2012 book, The Wisdom of Psychopaths, psychologist Kevin Dutton expanded
on Cleckley’s thesis. Dutton controversially asserted that in certain professions and high­
pressure situations, the attributes of psychopaths not only help them function but also
position them to excel. Emotional detachment and fearlessness help them advance in
business and earn them distinction in military service. Dutton posits a spectrum of
psychopathy, with violent criminals at one end and elite soldiers and CEOs at the other.
The crucial distinction, he says, is how psychopaths choose to channel their unique
personality traits, none of which are “inherently bad in themselves” but are detrimental
“when they are deployed inflexibly.” In other words, if psychopaths apply their
ruthlessness too strongly or inappropriately, it transforms into callousness. Are
psychopaths able to modulate their own behavior? Dutton believes so: “The key is having
the right combination of traits at the right levels and in the right context.” He believes the
contributions of psychopaths tend to be short term rather than long term, but concludes
that the small number of them occupying key positions represents a net gain for society
Psychologist Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door, is working to alert
people to the dangers of psychopathy and disputes Dutton’s claim. Countering his idea
that psychopathy is present in degrees, she points out that so­called moderate psychopaths
would be more accurately characterized as narcissists people who are egotistical and
lack empathy, but who “nonetheless, in their own way, can love.” By definition,
psychopaths are without a conscience, and are thus incapable of caring or exhibiting the
“wisdom” Dutton optimistically ascribes to them. Stout also holds that the grounds on
which Dutton bases his arguments are shaky. “Most of the science that he cites possesses
a relationship to his thesis that is equivocal at best, and at worst downright misleading,”
she writes. Evidence from recent studies supports Stout’s position. Researchers have
found that, despite their charm, psychopaths in management positions often create
counterproductive, chaotic work environments marred by bullying, conflict, and a lack of
well­being among employees. Moreover, a study of hedge fund managers conducted by
the University of Denver found that those with psychopathic tendencies produced lower
returns over time. They may be effective at gaining power, but when it comes to using
that authority constructively, psychopaths seem to fall short.
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 10 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

( 35 ) What best characterizes Hervey M. Cleckley’s position regarding the “successful

1 As most psychopaths are men, gender bias in society results in the
dangerous negative traits they possess being overlooked or excused.
2 A large number of psychopaths are able to adapt to conventional
expectations and therefore function as apparently normal members of society.
3 No long­term progress in treating psychopaths can be made until the
public’s tendency to associate psychopathy with criminality is challenged.
4 Addressing the negative emotions psychopaths feel about their condition is
the first step in helping them to interact constructively with others.

( 36 ) How does Kevin Dutton justify his theory that psychopaths have a role to play
in society?
1 Applied correctly and in the proper proportions, the characteristics that
define them can be utilized to enable them to outperform their peers.
2 The short­term results they obtain are more beneficial and far­reaching than
the small, steady gains made during the career spans of normal people.
3 Psychopaths whose activities harm society are outnumbered by those whose
specific attributes will help them rise to the top of their profession.
4 Since no person is fundamentally bad, society does not need to change the
behavior of psychopaths, even when it is extreme.

( 37 ) What does the author of the passage suggest about Dutton’s argument?
1 Dutton’s lack of experience working directly with victims of psychopathic
behavior makes his argument less convincing than Martha Stout’s.
2 Dutton’s argument cannot be considered credible because he seems to have
purposely altered evidence and data.
3 Despite flaws in Dutton’s thesis, he is correct in his belief that psychopaths
tend to function well in the workplace for only a short time.
4 Dutton’s thesis is likely incorrect given that psychopaths in leadership
positions usually produce negative overall outcomes in the long term.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 11 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
CRISPR Gene Editing
Gregor Mendel’s discovery of process was necessary to adapt the attacks. If the bacterium is at­
the principles of genetic inheri­ delivery system for each individ­ tacked by the same virus again, the
tance in the 1860s opened the way ual gene. This severely restricted stored DNA from the previously
for scientists to manipulate plant the techniques’ potential applica­ defeated virus is copied into mole­
and animal genes. In the early tions. cules, which then assist a preda­
years of genetic manipulation, It was not until 2012 that sci­ tory enzyme in navigating to a
however, the rate of mutagenesis, entists developed a technology specific site in the virus’s genome.
or genetic change, could not be commonly referred to as CRISPR, The enzyme then chops a section
controlled directly through selec­ which has tremendous potential as out of the virus’s DNA, thereby
tive breeding, so results were often a superior method for manipulat­ making it harmless.
unpredictable and required genera­ ing genes. CRISPR stands for The discovery of a preexisting,
tions of trial and error. Later de­ Clustered Regularly Interspaced natural mechanism capable of al­
velopments, such as employing ra­ Short Palindromic Repeats. In na­ tering specific DNA sequences to
diation and chemical treatments, ture, CRISPRs are used by bacte­ remove, add, or alter genetic mate­
succeeded in accelerating mutage­ ria to defend themselves from vi­ rial turned out to be a godsend to
nesis, but produced results just as ruses and consist of repeating se­ geneticists. In the years since, sci­
random as breeding did. quences of DNA building blocks, entists have figured out not only
It finally became possible to or nucleotides, within the bacte­ how to trick CRISPRs into hunting
directly manipulate an organism’s ria’s DNA which are able to store for and cutting non­viral DNA, but
genome through the insertion of segments of DNA from viruses. also how to insert desired DNA se­
foreign DNA in the 1970s, but the When a bacterium is attacked by a quences into the spaces between
first techniques developed were virus and is successful in extermi­ the CRISPRs and use the natural
not suitable for targeting a specific nating it, the bacterium sends out cellular repair mechanisms of
location on the genome. Even enzymes which collect the virus’s DNA to patch up where cuts have
when the targeting of specific DNA. They then cut it into smaller been made. CRISPR can be util­
genes through the synthesis of ar­ sections and store it between the ized to target and remove or re­
tificial proteins became a reality, bacterium’s CRISPRs as a refer­ place any segment of any organ­
an elaborate and time­consuming ence to be used in case of future ism’s DNA. Additionally, because

( 38 ) What was true of genetic manipulation before CRISPR?

1 It was not until it became possible to insert DNA into organisms that
mutagenesis could be sped up enough to be widely practical.
2 Although the desired changes to genes might be achieved, scientists found
they would be reversed within a few generations.
3 Radiation and chemical treatments enabled changes to be made accurately
but turned out to be no faster than manipulating genes through breeding.
4 The techniques that were available to scientists were either lacking in
precision or could not be applied in an efficient manner.

( 39 ) In bacteria, the DNA stored between CRISPRs

1 causes enzymes to mistakenly attack healthy DNA that has been altered by
the activity of an attacking virus.
2 is used in molecules that guide enzymes which are capable of cutting apart
the DNA of a virus.
3 helps to ensure that the molecules containing healthy DNA are able to
repair the enzymes that have been infected by a virus.
4 can transform enzymes into spaces that are ideal for storing molecules
containing the bacteria’s DNA.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 12 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
it is self­contained and self­di­ editing instead of including alien tion with this technology, despite
rected, CRISPR can achieve, in a genes in the target organism, its the potential for unintended conse­
few hours and at a negligible proponents in the agricultural sec­ quences.
price, what previous techniques tor believe it can allay the fears of Those consequences, however,
took weeks or months to accom­ genetic contamination that are as­ are one reason critics say CRISPR
plish. sociated with genetically modified gene editing is no magic bullet.
While numerous industries are (GM) products, allowing CRISPR­ The knock­on effects of destroy­
interested in CRISPR, the immedi­ created crops to circumvent the ing, say, every Anopheles mos­
ate beneficiaries are the medical criticism and strict regulations GM quito on Earth in order to elimi­
and agricultural sectors. The tech­ crops are subject to. nate malaria are almost certainly
nology offers the possibility of not The principles of genetic in­ greater than anyone can anticipate.
only eliminating diseases that stem heritance predict individual genes Furthermore, there have been in­
from gene defects but also poten­ have a 50 percent chance of being stances in lab experiments in
tially changing the face of medi­ inherited by the next generation which CRISPR has targeted a
cine by expanding the roles of during sexual reproduction. In the­ DNA sequence at locations other
beneficial genes. Imagine directing ory, CRISPR can increase that than where scientists expected the
immune cells to fight cancerous probability to nearly 100 percent, DNA cut to occur. Additionally,
tumors or growing transplantable which would empower scientists recent studies have shown
human organs in pigs to name to spread a modified gene through­ CRISPR­edited cells can trigger
just two projects that researchers out an entire species to effect a de­ cancer. At this point, the risks and
are optimistic about. Agricultural sired change. Scientists envision uncertainty surrounding how
scientists envision attaining long­ changing the rules of inheritance CRISPR works and how inheri­
cherished goals such as creating to eradicate mankind’s worst tance of its genetic changes will
crops resistant to insect pests and afflictions by engineering their ex­ affect subsequent generations are
disease or developing new crop tinction or that of the species that too great to take anything but a
varieties packed with nutrition. spread them. Malaria, Lyme dis­ cautious approach.
Since CRISPR edits DNA so pre­ ease, and invasive species are al­
cisely and allows for genetic ready being targeted for eradica­

( 40 ) What do people in the agricultural industry see as a key benefit of performing

gene editing with CRISPR?
1 Crops can be modified without taking the risk of inserting genes from
foreign organisms into them.
2 Gene editing of agricultural crops with CRISPR will become accessible and
efficient once appropriate regulations are implemented.
3 By transferring genes from harmful organisms into crops, it will be possible
to make them immune to disease and insect­related damage.
4 CRISPR could enable scientists to enhance immunity to diseases in pigs
and other livestock, thereby reducing dependence on medication.

( 41 ) One reason some people urge caution when dealing with CRISPR is that
1 its promotion as a possible cure for cancer is exaggerated, as research into
agricultural applications has revealed substantial drawbacks to its use.
2 the genetic changes that it causes in organisms may not be passed down in
the long term, despite its benefits in the short term.
3 it is unrealistic to think the complete elimination of diseases like malaria
can be accomplished using just one technology.
4 scientists’ knowledge of the way it works is too limited for them to foresee
all the potential effects of editing species’ DNA.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 13 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

4 English Composition

● Write an essay on the given TOPIC.

● Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
● Suggested length: 200 240 words
● Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

Can renewable energy sources replace fossil fuels?

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Grade 1

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 15 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Listening Test

There are four parts to this listening test.

Part 1 Dialogues: 1 question each Multiple-choice

Part 2 Passages: 2 questions each Multiple-choice
Part 3 Real-Life: 1 question each Multiple-choice
Part 4 Interview: 2 questions Multiple-choice

※ Listen carefully to the instructions.

Part 1
No. 1 1 He is still considering his options.
2 He agrees with the woman’s choice.
3 He prefers a candidate with experience.
4 He thinks it is time for someone new.

No. 2 1 He thinks his wife will be upset about the cost.

2 He thinks the accident was not his fault.
3 His insurance will not cover the repairs.
4 His insurance fees will increase.

No. 3 1 A price reduction might be possible.

2 She cannot give an answer today.
3 Longer stays require earlier reservations.
4 October is a rather busy time.

No. 4 1 The seminar she attended was a waste of time.

2 She could not complete the business deal.
3 The electronics firm will not negotiate the price.
4 Her ability to negotiate has improved recently.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 16 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

No. 5 1 Terry should discuss his problems with his teacher.

2 Terry should spend less time studying vocabulary.
3 Terry should use a different method to learn words.
4 Terry should let her help him study for the test.

No. 6 1 Improve her job performance.

2 Ask her colleagues for advice.
3 Begin looking for a new job.
4 Make her work ambitions clearer.

No. 7 1 Having a meeting this afternoon.

2 Picking Mr. Li up for dinner at 7.
3 Giving Mr. Li time to rest.
4 Discussing business over dinner.

No. 8 1 He was recently promoted at work.

2 He has turned his life around.
3 He has decided to return to college.
4 He had an argument with his boss.

No. 9 1 A dog breeder is the safest option.

2 They should not take in any more dogs.
3 Shelter dogs are fine if you choose carefully.
4 It is easier to train younger dogs.

No. 10 1 His emphasis on productivity has been beneficial.

2 His lack of supervision gives his staff freedom.
3 His excessive spending strains their budget.
4 His hiring practices are better than the previous boss’s.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 17 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Listening Test

Part 2

(A) No. 11 1 It can kill harmful plants.

2 It helps soil produce more oxygen.
3 It can prevent the release of carbon into the air.
4 It releases carbon faster than regular fertilizers do.

No. 12 1 Its potential effect on soil may be exaggerated.

2 Its use can improve crop quality and quantity.
3 It is most suitable for modern agriculture.
4 It might cause long­term environmental damage.

(B) No. 13 1 It prevents blood clot formation near an injury.

2 It reduces patients’ blood pressure.
3 It changes the composition of blood.
4 It boosts the body’s ability to close a wound.

No. 14 1 It can be reused a number of times.

2 It removes harmful bacteria from wounds.
3 It can be made more cheaply than ordinary bandages.
4 It does not have to be removed.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 18 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

(C) No. 15 1 Sell products that are not designed to last long.
2 Label older products as new products.
3 Make repair manuals difficult to understand.
4 Hire too few workers with technical skills.

No. 16 1 By suing manufacturers.

2 By reselling used parts and products.
3 By encouraging the sharing of information.
4 By purchasing goods online.

(D) No. 17 1 It does not include some types of income.

2 It does not measure wealth distribution in a country.
3 The way it is measured has changed over time.
4 Economists disagree on how to calculate it.

No. 18 1 Their people suffer from high levels of crime.

2 Their people do not enjoy gender equality.
3 Their people should be taxed more.
4 Their people are more likely to be content.

(E) No. 19 1 The clothes people wear can affect their performance.
2 Dressing similarly improves people’s relationships.
3 People’s clothes rarely affect how others judge them.
4 Clothing color has little effect on cognitive performance.

No. 20 1 Inmate numbers declined rapidly.

2 Inmates’ behavioral problems were reduced.
3 Inmates were punished more frequently.
4 Inmates refused to wear the new uniforms.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 19 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Listening Test

Part 3

(F) No. 21 Situation: You plan to enter a doctoral program in engineering

and need a research grant. You have not yet decided on
your research focus. A recent graduate offers the following
Question: What should you do first?

1 Ask a professor who has taught you before.

2 Make inquiries about engineering professors.
3 Read some journal articles on your general research field.
4 Contact the local government about the grant application.

(G) No. 22 Situation: Your doctor is explaining your options for giving
birth. You do not want to be separated from your baby at
any time. You have $1,500 to pay any costs not covered by
Question: Where should you give birth?

1 In the hospital’s maternity ward.

2 In the in­hospital birth center.
3 In a private birthing center.
4 In your home.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 20 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

(H) No. 23 Situation: You are a department manager at a company in

Canada. You are being transferred to Japan in eight weeks.
Your boss tells you the following.
Question: What should you do first?

1 Reach out to the sales department manager.

2 Start training Alberto for the position.
3 Consult with a recruitment agency.
4 Contact the personnel department about Evelyn.

(I) No. 24 Situation: An assistant at the dentist’s office is explaining how

to use a kit to whiten your teeth at home. Two of your teeth
were replaced by implants last year.
Question: What should you do to get the best results?

1 Schedule an earlier follow­up appointment.

2 Start with longer whitening sessions.
3 Monitor changes in the color of your teeth.
4 Use desensitizing cream before each session.

(J) No. 25 Situation: You are a Japanese citizen living in Japan. You
would like to buy a house in Australia as an investment. A
real estate agent tells you the following.
Question: What should you do first?

1 Apply to become a resident of Australia.

2 Find a property to purchase.
3 Submit an approval document.
4 Obtain an Australian tax file number.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(1級) ! 21 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade 1

Listening Test

Part 4

No. 26 1 They should not be made to feel that they have failed.
2 They should do physical exercise to help them become
mentally stronger.
3 They should spend time with people who have similar
4 They should get more support from their families.

No. 27 1 It is important for them to monitor their own stress levels.

2 The good ones have usually faced emotional challenges
3 It helps if they have had experience working in the business
4 The work can seriously affect their own personal

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Grade 1

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1)試験日 A日程:2月23日(日) B日程:3月1日(日)


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