About This Course - PJP

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About this course

Hello, Welcome to the Pre-Joining Program (PJP)

This PJP course contains two parts –

 PJP Foundation
 PJP Core

The PJP Foundation is an optional learning path that will take you through few videos on
Foundation, Motivation and IT Trends.

The PJP Core is a mandatory learning path that is designed to increase your programming skills.

The main components of the PJP Core course are –

- Tech Modules / Capsules
- Code Completion Tracker
- Discussion Forum

Tech Modules / Capsules:

“Tech Modules” are the dark blue shaded rectangular links on the left-side frame in PBLApp. Each
Tech Module contains a Mini-Project and related Learning material. You are expected to read the
learning material and complete the hands-on assignments.

Code Completion Tracker:

You are expected to do all the hands-on assignments and the mini-projects locally on your
computer. Please read the “Environment Setup” document to know how to setup the software
required for completing your hands-on assignments and the mini-projects. After completing the
hands-on tasks, you are expected to upload the code using the “Code Completion Tracker” link.

Discussion Forum:
“Discussion Forum” should be used to post your technical queries OR for responding to queries
posted by your co-learners. The queries will also be responded by remote mentors who will keep
monitoring the discussion forum.

Self-assessment Link:
The “Self-Assessment” link will be opened up by mid-March which will provide you an
opportunity to assess your own learning. The self-assessment will include an MCQ (Multiple-
Choice Questions) and a Programming part.

Wishing you a Happy & Effective Learning time!!

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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