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Part 1 chapter 2

Gulliver's Travels

Short Questions

6.What sort of conversation held between Emperor and Gulliver?

Emperor came on horse-back to take a good look at Gulliver. The Emperor
surveyed Gulliver with great admiration. The Empress and the young prince and
princesses sat down in their chairs at a safe distance from Gulliver in order to look
at the marvellous giant who had arrived in their country. His imerical Majesty
made several efforts to communicate with with Gulliver. Gulliver himself tried to
talk to the Emperor but they could not understand language of each other.

7.What was the reaction of Lilliputians on the arrival of Gulliver?

When Lilliputians heared the news of Gulliver's arrival large number of rich idle
and curious people from the village arrived to see him. Many of them started
shooting arrows at him and one arrow narrowly missed one of his eyes. Gulliver
caught some of them but soon he released them without causing any harm . His
action was appreciated.

8.What was the decision of Emperor after meeting with Gulliver?

Due to kind behavior of Gulliver the Emperor was deeply impressed. The Emperor
afer meeting with his courtiers decided to keep Gulliver properly. Arrangements
were made to feed him and to teach him the language of the Lilliputians. In about
three weeks Gulliver learned enough of the language to be able to communicate
with the Emperor and few others.

9.What kind of articles Lilliputians found from Gulliver?

According to the law of the land Gulliver was thoroughly searched. An inventory
was prepared in which there was a detail account of the articles which they found
from him. They found sword, pistols and watch. His watch gave them a feeling of
a great surprise. His spectacles were in a private pocket of Gulliver's coat so they
could not find them.

10.What was the name of Gulliver on the Island of Lilliput?

Officials prepared an inventory and Gulliver was given the name Quinbus Flestrin,
which meant "man mountain". The name was given due to huge size of Gulliver.

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