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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

I.  Questionaire:

      1.  Basically, what happened and/or what is committed if an

Obligation is violated?  What basic provision of NCC mentions the same? 
What are the six (6) kinds of violation stated thereat? Any and all of
such violation would merit the full force and relief of law, right?
Discuss and Explain.

      2.  What is the first kind of such violation?  In what article of

NCC is it mentioned.  Explain very well what it is ?

          a) Pedro and Juan entered into a Contract wherein the former

shall sell within a period of one (1) week 100 cavans/sacks of Rice to
the latter for a total amount of P 250,000.00 (i.e. P 2,500.00 per
cavan/sack).  Pedro already made an advance payment of the total
contract price.  In the same Contract, Pedro ( a very mild-mannered and
kind-hearted person ) agreed that should Juan fails and refuse to comply
with the sale and delivery of the 100 cavans/sacks of Rice, Pedro will
never "lift his finger".  Juan spent the entirety of the P 250,000.00 in
Covid Casino and is now in self-isolation somewhere (nagtatago) refusing
to deliver the promised 100 cavans/sacks of Rice. What shall now happen
if Pedro decides to seek relief from the Court? Explain well and support
your answer with a provision of a law. Does Article 6 of NCC have
anything to do with this?  What is the rationale/logic to your answer?

      3.  When does a person becomes guilty and/or liable for Culpa? 
Explain Well.  What are the different kinds of Culpa?  Discuss and
provide at least 2 concrete examples for each of them.

          a)  What happens if both parties committed Culpa?

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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

          b)  What pertinent provisions of NCC basically covers Culpa?

      4.  Pedro had promised/committed to deliver/give to Juan 50 pieces

of actual and live Corona Viruses on May 1, 2020. Unfortunately,
however, despite passage of a long period of time,  as it is already
June 30, 2020, Pedro is nowhere to be found.  What exactly was/were
committed by Pedro and what is he liable of?  Explain comprehensively
and exhaustively your answer. Cite pertinent provision/s as your

          a)  What if Pedro had promise not to deliver/give to Juan 50

pieces of actual and live Corona Viruses on  May 1, 2020, but on May 10,
2020 the former went to the latter's House delivering/giving 50 pieces
of live Corona Viruses, would you answer still be the same?  Explain and
elaborate your Answer.

          b)  What are the  Five (5) different kinds of this violation?
Provide and explain/discuss exhaustively the elements or requisites of
each of them.

      5)  Pedro Penduko had promised/committed to deliver/give to Juan

Madta 50 pieces of actual and live Corona 19 Viruses on May 1, 2020. On
the said date, Pedro Penduko appeared before Juan Madta
delivering/giving to the latter, as promised/committed, 50 pieces of
live Sars Cov Viruses.   What exactly was/were committed by Pedro and
what is he liable of?  Explain comprehensively and exhaustively what
would/may transpire.

      6)  If the matters covered by 1 to 5 above occurred or took place,

one just simply have to sigh and tell himself:  "That's Life;  I should
not Cry over Spilled Milk", right?  Or would there be something that can
be done?  What do you call it/them, if ever?  Just in case, specifically
what is/are  it/they?  Support your answer with pertinent provision/s of
NCC, if there any.
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

         a)  Allan Singh Tunado, after receiving P 10,000.00 full

payment, had promised to sing/perform  Ten (10)  Tom Jones songs during
the Birthday Party of  Candy Ang Hitt on May 1, 2020. Sad to say,
however, Allan Singh Tunado, refuses without any valid reason to sing on
the said date.  As such, Candy Ang Hitt asked Four (4) Policemen to
physically get Allan Singh Tunado for the Performance. Is there anything
else that can be done considering that the same is one of the most
important aspect/part of the Birthday Party Program. Discuss

         b)  Relative to the above, Allan Singh Tunado  communicated to

Candy Ang Hitt, Four (4) days before May 1, 2020, that he could hardly
sing during the latter's Birthday Party, as promised/committed, because
he is currently suffering from Severe Sore Throat. Is there anything
that can be done by the latter ? How is it to be done?  Can Candy Ang
Hitt do your Answer by herself; or would it require any intervention? 
Is your answer the "only and be all" possibility in the Scenario? 
Discuss Comprehensively/exhaustively whatever you will state herein; and
Cite/ pertinent provisions of NCC/Law.

             i)  Your answer to letter (b) above is only available and

applicable to Obligations to do which are Reciprocal, right?

             ii)  Your respective possible Answers to (a) and (b) can be

made/done/adopted all at the same time together, right?  In fact, they
can even be taken partly on one and partly on the other, correct?
Discuss exhaustively the Rule/s.  Cite provisions of NCC, if there
is/are any.

          c)  Just in case Candy Ang Hitt does not adopt any of your
possible Answers under 6(a) 6(b) 6(b-i) and 6 (b-ii), can he still opt
to do any other step?  What is it specifically?  Define and Describe the
same. Discuss completely and minutely the Rule/Rules on the matter.  And
Cite provisions of NCC.

          d)  Collectively, all of your possible Answers under 6, 6(a),

6(b); 6 (b-i); 6(b-ii) and 6 (c) are termed as what?  Why is that so? 
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday
Conversely, what would your answer hereto show/reveal or mean? Cite all
the pertinent provisions of the NCC pointing on such matter/s.

      7.  In any and all instances where a person's right is not

respected, the transgressor should be made liable and accountable,
right?  Explain and elucidate clearly and exhaustively your answer by
explaining what it is and citing all the pertinent provisions of the
NCC.  Is your possible Answer also true/applicable in all circumstances?
What happens anyway then to the said right?  Discuss completely the
Rule/s on/of your answer.  Provide your own concrete current events

      8.   Today, Sunday, Ash Wang had promised to his cousin Boo Ang to
deliver/give, within two (2) days a BMW Car. So in the Morning of the
following day, Ash Wang started to deliver Two (2) Tires and the Engine;
while in the afternoon the former delivered to Boo Ang the remaining Two
(2) Tires plus the Transmission System.  And in the Morning of Tuesday,
Ash Wang had given to Boo Ang the Four (4) Doors, Hood and Trunk; while
in the afternoon of the same day, the he delivered to the latter the
rest of the Car Body and all other parts. After that Ash Wang said: OMG,
I had a hard time delivering the BMW Car.  What is your Comment.
Elucidate comprehensively.

          a)  What provision/s of NCC/Law exactly/specifically covers the

circumstance and issue above?  Discuss exhaustively the completely the
entire/all rules on the same.  Provide appropriate examples for Clarity.

          b)  What if in  8  above, it was the siblings Ass Wang and Bah
Wang  and siblings Boo Ang and Ang Ang who were the actors in the
scenario?  What then would your Comment be?

      9.  Manda Rambong  entered into an Agreement with Zyra Ko Coteh for
the former to do Auto Mechanical and Electrical Works over the latter's
Three (3) Cars, in the amount of P 120,000.00,  within a week from
4/20/2020. Fifty Percent ( 50 % ) of same amount is already given by
Zyra to Manda.  Additionally, they also agreed that if said cars are not
repaired during the stated time, Manda shall shall pay in favor of Zyrah
    P 1,000.00 pesos per day. In the evening of 4/20/2020, Manda brought
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday
to Zyrah's House two (2) of the said Cars which he stated are already in
tough shape/A-1 Condition.  What is this Scenario?  Discuss and
elaborate exhaustively and comprehensively your full analysis of the

           a)   State and Explain well each/all the NCC provisions

applicable hereto.  Provide examples to elucidate.

           b)   What happens if in the foregoing scenario, the two (2 )

also agreed that in addition to the above-stated P 1,000.00 per day,
Manda shall/should Marry Zyra's Cousin Hualang Quenta ( who is unknown
to Manda ); and/or Manda should/shall deliver/give to Zyrah One(1) of
Shabu per Day?  Discuss/Explain completely and comprehensively.

      10.  A new law was enacted by Congress, signed by the President and
subsequently published in both the Official Gazette and 2 Newspapers of
General Circulation for its effectivity.  Said Law mandates that each
Family should pay a one-time Quarantine Fee of P 100.00.  Tell to us
what would transpire.  Explain/Discuss well the reason/s to your Answer
by Citing particular provision/s of the NCC.

           a)  What event/s could change your answer to the Scenario

above? Explain, Define and/or Describe them completely and
comprehensively?  Cite pertinent provisions of NCC/Law and give concrete

           b)  What is the seeming commonality among the following:   i) 

  Rain This Afternoon;   ii)  Pass ObliCon Subject;  iii)  Reach the
Moon;   iv)   Delivery of Shabu;    v)   Mario marries Maria;   vi) 
Once I got/received/earned Money;    (vii)  My decision to go to
Palawan.   Do they have any difference at all?

           c)  Describe and Define well your answer to 10 (b) above. 

Explain comprehensively/exhaustively how the same works, its
ramifications and  effects?

           d)  Enumerate and  define/describe the different kinds of your

answer to 10 (a)   (b)   and    (c)  above.
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

           e)  What happens in the following Obligations:  a)  Pedro will

give Juan a Dalmatian Dog as soon as a Covid 19  Vaccine is available;   
b)   Pedro will give Juan a Monkey the moment the latter reaches Guam by
swimming at the Pacific Ocean;    c)  Pedro will construct for  Juan a 
Tree House as soon as the latter's wife gives birth to a baby girl;   d)
  Pedro will sing a song for Juan provided the former formally enters any
Law School; and  Pedro will deliver 10 sacks of sugar to Juan as soon as
he have them.     Explain and discuss your answer.

           f)  What are the legal requisites of your Answer to !0 (e)

above. Where in the NCC do you find it?

           g)  Change each of the Scenario stated in 10 (e) above so that

your Answer to the same will be inversely/reversely different.  What is
the difference then?  Explain and Discuss.

           h)  Discuss, Explain and Elaborate completely the Matrix of

your possible Answers to the above if the same is anchored only on the
consent, judgment, decision and/or action of either Subject to an

           i)  Petra shall give to Pepita  P 1,000,000.00  the moment the

latter arrives in Planet Mars.  Explain and Give your comment.  Is your
Answer the same if Pepita would argue that she cannot do the same due to
the Enhanced Community Quarantine?  Would there be any difference if "
Pepay shall give to Pepot  P  1,000,000.00 provided the latter does not
arrive in Planet Mars.

              *  Are the Scenarios stated in the immediately preceding

paragraph the same if :  Kiko, a garbage collector and a resident of Del
Pan Manila, Metro Manila, had promised to bring to Kikay, who lives in
Tuguegarao Cagayan, a Brand New Ferrari Car on April 15, 2020 but failed
to do so due to the same Enhanced Community Quarantine?  Justify
comprehensively your Answer.

           j)  What is your comment/explanation in the following

Obligations:  a)  Pedro will give Juan a Dalmatian Dog as soon as a
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday
Covid 19  Vaccine is already available on April 30, 2020.  Sad to say,
it is May 10, 2020 and the entire Country is still under an Enhance
Community Quarantine;   b)   Pedro will give Juan a Monkey the moment
that Juan's cousin, Atlantico Lunod, reaches Guam not later than May 10,
2020 by swimming at the Pacific Ocean.  Sad to say, Atlantico was killed
by Piranhas on May 5, 2020.  Would your answer be the same if it is Juan
who was ?;    c)  Pedro will construct for  Juan a  Tree House as soon
as the latter's wife gives birth to a baby girl by June 15, 2020.  On
June 10, however, Juan's wife delivered a Baby Boy.;   d)  Pedro will
sing a song for Juan provided the former formally enters any Law School
by August 2021.  Unfortunately, Pedro failed in all of the Law School
Admission Test that he had taken this year.; and  e)  Pedro will deliver
10 sacks of sugar to Juan as soon as he have them on June 15, 2020.  It
is already June 20, 2020 and the 10 Sacks of Rice are not yet with
Pedro.     Explain and discuss your answer/s.

           k)  What is your comment/explanation in the following

Obligations:  a)  Pedro will give Juan a Dalmatian Dog as long as a 
Covid 19  Vaccine is not available on April 30, 2020.  It is already May
10, 2020 and the entire Country is still under an Enhance Community
Quarantine;   b)   Pedro will give Juan a Monkey the moment that Juan's
cousin, Atlantico Lunod, does not reach Guam not up to May 10, 2020 by
swimming at the Pacific Ocean. Atlantico was killed by Piranhas on May
5, 2020.  Would your answer be the same if it is Juan who was killed ?; 
   c)  Pedro will construct for  Juan a  Tree House if the latter's wife
does not give birth to a baby girl by June 15, 2020.  On June 10, Juan's
wife delivered a Baby Boy.;   d)  Pedro will sing a song for Juan
provided the former does not formally enter any Law School by August
2021.  Pedro failed in all of the Law School Admission Test that he had
taken this year.; and  e)  Pedro will deliver 10 sacks of sugar to Juan
provided he does not have them by June 15, 2020.  It is already June 20,
2020 and the 10 Sacks of Rice are not yet with Pedro.     Explain and
discuss your answer/s.

           l)  In the Scenarios stated in all of the foregoing, what are

the Rules provided by Specific Provisions of NCC/Law as to the effect of
the Circumstances.  Explain and Discuss thoroughly.  Give your keen
comments. Provide concrete examples.

           m)  What happens if the Obligation is done, or

inversely/conversely, cut-off, even if the relative circumstance/s are
not yet there?  Elaborate completely citing provisions of law.  Do you
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday
agree with it/then. Why?

           o)  Historical Facts cannot qualify in all of the foregoing

matters covered from  10 to  10 ( m )?
Justify completely your Answer.

      11.  Manda Rambong borrowed P 50,000.00 from Magoo Lang today.  The
former promised to pay the same amount within 4 months from today.

           a)   Describe and explain the above Scenario.  What do you

call the same?  Who has an advantage?  Explain well.

           b)  Lay down all the Rules set forth by all the pertinent
provisions of NCC relative to the Topic
covered by the Scenario above.  Discuss Comprehensively.

      12.  Discuss concisely, but completely, comprehensively and

exhaustively, Doctrine/s and/or Ruling/s set forth in the following
Cases by showing what happened/transpired and how or in what manner the
applicable legal provisions were applied thereto,respectively, to wit:

           a)  Doronilla;  Santos Ventura;  Cetus;  Aerospace;  Dr. D.

Vasquez;  Abella;  Villaruel;  and  Central Bank.

           b)  Song Fo;  Velarde;  Angeles;  Delta; and  Vermen ( Answ

these Cases collectively  )

           c)  Chavez;  Telefast;  Arrieta;  Magat; and  Nakpil

           d)  Gutierrez;  Vasquez;  De Guia;  US;  Sarmiento;     

Crissostomo;  Rodzen;  Virata;  Jarco;  Cusi;  and   Tamayo.
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

           e)  Parks;  Quijada;  Luzon;  Central; Gaite;  Heirs; 

Coronel;  Gonzales;  Lim;  Smith;  Taylor;  Romero;  Rustan;  Roman
Catholic ;  Herrera;  Osmena;  and   Naga Telephone.

           f)  Woodhouse;  Cathay Pacific;  Geraldez;    O" Leary;

Legaspi Oil ( 224 S 213;  GR # 96505  7/1/93 ); and   ICB  (351 S  516   
GR # 141968  2/12/01 ).

           g)  Keng Hua; Chavez; Tanguiling;  Song Fo; Boysaw; UP;  De

Erquiaga;  Angeles;  Ong;  Visayan;  Deiparine;  Iringan; and  Vda. de

           h)  Khe Hong; and Siguan

           i)  Buce;  Central;  Ponce De Leon;  Lachica;  Aranetal and   


           j)  Nakpil;  Republic;  Lasam;  Dioquino;  Austria;  NPC; 

Yobido;  Bacolod-Murcia;  PhilComsat; SouthWestern;  Roman Catholic
Bishop;  Pons;  Yap;  and  Limpango.

           k)  Makati;  Tan; and Country Bankers

II.  Jokes

   1.  Enhanced Community Quarantine One-Liners:

      a)  I have to Socially Distance myself from the Refrigerator.

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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

      b)  My Body had already absorbed so much amount of Alcohol, Soap

and Disinfectant that whenever I pee, it cleans the Toilet.

      c)  I am so excited, it is time to bring out the Garbage.  What

clothes am I going to wear during that occasion?

   2.  Arguing with a Lawyer is just like Wrestling with a Pig in the
Mud.  You will soon realise they really like it.

   3.  A couple have had several days of mis-understanding.  As such,

they were not talking to each other for more than two weeks already
since none of them would like to concede.  But the Husband is now
confronted with a big problem.  He is about to go out of town the
following day and have to leave their house at exactly 5:00 am for his
8:00 am Flight.  He wanted his Wife to wake him up but would not want to
talk to her.  So he simply wrote a note to her saying "Please wake me up
at 5:00 am tomorrow" and left it in a place in their room where she
would surely see the same.  The following day, the Husband woke up at
about 9:00 am.  He was so mad and furious.  When he was about to
approach his Wife, he saw a note in their Bed saying: "Hoy Gising na;
Five am na. Baka ka mahuli sa biyahe mo".

   4.  a)  If your life is in darkness, Pray to God to free your from
Darkness.  Pero pay nagdidilim pa run ang Buhay mo, it is already time
to pay for Meralco Bills.

       b)  Grammar Teacher:  Mario would you know the importance of a 

Period ?    Mario: Yes Mam.  Once my sister said she missed it, my Mom
fainted, Dad had a Heart Attach and the neihgbour ran away.

       c)  What is the difference between Stress, Tension and Panic? 

Stress: when Wife is pregnant; Tension: when Girlfriend is pregnant; and
  Tension: when both are pregnant.

       d)  A Bookseller conducting a Survey had asked a Woman:  Which

Book had helped you so much in your Life?   Woman:  My Husband's Check
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

   5.  Try to answer this Questions:

       a)  Convert Pounds to Kilogram and then to Instagram.  Prove your

answer in Scientific Notation Form.

       b)  Saang mga Kingdom naghari sila Chowking, Burger King at Goto

       c)  Bakit hindi Ballpen ang binebenta sa Penshoppe; at bakit hindi

Upuan ang binebnta sa Bench?

       d)  Anong Meron sa, at ano ang kasalanan ng,  Brand X  at lahat ng
Kumpanya ay galit na galit sa kanya?  Defend your answer.

       e)  May Menstruation ba ang mga Sirena?  Sila ba ang dahilan kung
bakit mayroong Red Tide?  Prove it.

       f)  Sino ang kumagat ng Mansanas sa Apple Logo?  Bakit hindi niya
inubos?  Explain.

       g)  Where do Broken Hearts go?  Locate them using Google Maps.

   6.  A Wife consulted her Lawyer as to why Wives are supposed to Cook
Food for their Husbands during the LockDown.  The Lawyer replied:  Under
the Geneva Convention, Prisoners should be given Food and Water. (Okay
ba mga ka-Cosa?)

   7.  A notice from the Philippine Psychiatric Association:  "During the

entire Quarantine time, it is considered Normal talking to your Walls,
Plants and Pots.  Call/Visit us only once they reply."
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   8.  Last night, a Husband was talking to his wife about life.  He told
her:  "Do not allow me to live in a Vegetative State ( Gulay na )
totally dependent on machines and liquids.  If you see me in that way,
remove all connections to said machines and liquids that keeps me alive.
  I would rather Die."  Hearing that,  the wife said:  Ah ganoonn ba. 
Okay.  She immediately stood up and dis-connected all the electrical
connections of his Laptop, I-Pod, Cell Phone, Cable TV, DVD, X-Box; then
she approached the Bar and the Refrigerator and threw away all the
wines, Gins, Whisky, Brandy, Vodka, Beers, including Coffee.  The
Husband almost literally  died.

   9.  Doctor:  Your Liver is very much enlarged.    Patient:   Does it

mean that I have so much space for more Whisky?

   10.  Lady Patient:  Doc what I am more worried about is my Height

rather than my Weight.   Doctor:  Why is that so?    Lady Patient:   
Because  according to my Weight,  my Height should be.............

   11.  A Man is about to Kill a Cockroach when the latter said:  Go

ahead kill me.  You're just jealous because I can scare your Wife and
You cannot.

   12.  Teacher:   Juan what is the chemical formula of/for Water, as we

have studied last week?    Juan:  Mam    H  I   J   K   L   M   N   O.   
    Teacher:  Ano?       Juan:  Mam hindi ba sabi nyo eh  H  to  O ?

   13.  Many persons simply write Lockdown because they cannot spell

   14.  Why do you call what is happening now, in almost all parts of the
World, as "Pandemic"?   Reason:  A Panda eats for an average of 12 hours
per day.  That is currently true in several Households.  ( Well, not
really true!)

   15.  If a Lawyer is being Married, he/she will not say "I do". 
Instead, he will state that:  "I hereby accept the terms and condition
thereof subject to certain limitations, counter-proposals and Caveat".
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Deadline: 5:00pm of April 26, Sunday

   16.  Why are Senior Citizens given the 20% Discount:  a)  Food - 
Marami ng Bawal Kainin;  b) Transport Services  -  Hirap ng Sumakay;  c)
  Groceries  -  Di na Kayang Buhatin;  d)  Concert:  Mahina Na TEnga;  e)
  Movie Houses:   Mahina na Mata.

(  O sige na.  Tama na at maaga pa akong gigising tomorrow kasi marami

pa akong " Walang Gagawin ".  He he.........)

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