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Quiz 1

Vocabulary. Read the sentences and understand the meaning of the underlined words. Choose your answer inside
the box.

1. Philippine history is closely intertwined with Philippine literature.

2. Among literary genre the novel is has been the closest to the expression of patriotic fervor.

3. Novel is expository in nature and embodies tumultuous histories and realities.

4. To some people in Mindanao, a place like flict

13. is always their sanctuary.

5. The bus would disgorge its passengers at the nearest village and walk to the town proper.

6. The moviegoers scampered for safety and the house owner stopped showing such films again.

7. The novel can be seen as in artifact of consciousness and as a chronicle of the vicissitudes of life.

8. We have to begin looking at regions as germane to the understanding of Philippine culture.

9. There is an emerging Filipino diaspora as in the case of migrants or overseas contract workers.

10. Regionalism is often seen as a detriment to the unification of the country.

A. the movement, migration or people settling from their ancestral homeland

B. intensity of feeling or expression

C. appropriate or relevant

D. a place of refuge and protection

E. hurried run or movement

F. marked by violence or overwhelming turbulence

G. to discharge or let go of forcefully

H. natural change in nature or in human affairs

I. mutually involved

J. a cause of injury or damage


11. The authentic rendition of reality specially in a work of fiction, using the language of literature.

12. Bahktin, M. (1981) says that this genre is the modern world’s reinvention of the epic.

13. A term that describes the diverseness of the novel’s language.

14. The pessimistic literary viewpoint that sees social hereditary, and historical conditions are inescapable and thus
shaping the human struggle.

15. The composition of a person in a work of fiction.

16. A type of character that requires more development.

17. A character that stands in contrast to another character usually emphasizing a particular attribute of a more
prominently characterized figure.

18-21. List down the types of contexts that surrounds a literary text.

22-25. Using a venn diagram, Compare and contrast the two promdis in Manila- Jul and Teray.
Multiple Choice.

11. This refers to the explication of the work depends on the closeness of a reader’s apprehension of the internal

elements of the text.

a. close reading b. metafictional writing c. characterization d. point of view

12. An element of a story which makes the plot move.

a. resolution b. exposition c. plot d. conflict

13. Which of the following literary texts articulates the adventures of street life?

a. An Earnest Parable b. One Day on the Road c. Stonehenge d. Promdi@Manila

14. Which classical literature places keen emphasis on the relationship between the arts and the state?

a. Epic Ramayana b. Analects of Confucius c. Greek Literature d. The Tempest

15. Which literary texts expounds on an immigrant’s story and multiculturalism?

a. Under My Invisible Umbrella c. An Earnest Parable

b. One Day on the Road d. Stonehenge

16. we can better appreciate a literary genre if we are knowledgeable of its elements, conventions, and ________.

a. imagery b. traditions c. conflict d. biography

17. A poem structure which employs stanzas in twos.

a. parable b. allusions c. couplets d. allegory

18. A figure of speech in which a part stands for the whole.

a. allegory b. allusion c. metonymy d. synecdoche

19. Cosmopolitanism is a perspective that is characterized by _______________________.

a. biases and stereotypes to the differences of cultures

b. openness to the world and its varied and different cultures

c. extensive trade and commerce

d. modern infrastructure and facilities

20. A new student who came from another school can be physically present but his/her mind can be elsewhere. This is
experience is called _________________.

a. liminality b. alienation c. identity crisis d. enculturation

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World SCORE
1st Sem. Final Examination
Grade and Section:
S.Y. 2019-2020
Note: Please see the teacher for inquiries regarding the performance of your child.

General Directions. Read each item carefully and answer them. No erasures. Write your answers legibly and neatly. *
Follow instructions. Not following instructions will be marked wrong.

TEST I. Vocabulary. Fill in the blanks the correct words that would complete the sentences.
1. There is an emerging Filipino _____________ as in the case of migrants or overseas contract workers.
2. Regionalism is often seen as a ______________ to the unification of the country.
3. The Bangsamoro Law is thought by some parties as one that will end the ____________ in Mindanao.
4. Philippine literary tradition is made up of _____________ words written by Filipino writers.
5. The genre and the elements that make it up form a ______________ relationship.
TEST II. Multiple Choice. Read each items carefully and write the letter of your answer.

______6. A term that describes the diverseness of the novel’s language.

a. realism b. heteroglossia c. naturalism d. worldview
______7. The pessimistic literary viewpoint that sees social hereditary, and historical conditions are inescapable and
thus shaping the human struggle.
a. verisimilitude b. context c. naturalism d. viewpoint
______8. An extended narrative which is made up of chapters or sections that cover longer times frames and spaces.
a. epic b. short stories c. novel d. drama
______9. Which type of context pertains to the nature of the genre being discussed?
a. sociocultural b. linguistic c. biographical d. literary
______10. “Green Sanctuary is written by ____________.
a. Antonio Enriquez b. Rio Alma c. Genevieve Asenjo d. Temistokles Adlawan
______11. The authentic rendition of reality in a work of fiction.
a. pessimism b. realism c. naturalism c. social realism
______12. Round characters are also known as ________.
a. static character b. flat character c. foil character d. dynamic character
______13. In the short story, Promdi@Manila, which quality or attribute of Juls is NOT in contrast with Teray?
a. being educated c. being a probinsyana
b. an office worker d. being independent
______14. What is the point of view in the short story Promdi@Manila?
a. First Person b. Third Person c. Limited point of view d. none of the above
______15. Which of the following is attributed to the external qualities of a character?
a. style of dressing b. dialogue c. motivation d. action
______16. The internal and external qualities of a character is described by the ____________ of the story.
a. plot b. narrator c. conflict d. persona
______17. Western Canon is attributed to _______________ literary texts.
a. classical b. postcolonial c. modern d. fictional
_____18. An Earnest Parable is a story which expounds on a/an ___________________.
a. balikbayan’s experience c. immigrant’s experience
b. historical landmark d. a tricycle driver’s life on the streets
_____19. A poem structure which employs stanzas in two.
a. parable b. allegory c. allusion
d. couplet
_____20. This refers to the writer’s attitude towards his/her subject matter.
a. tone b. style c. characterization d. allusion
_____ 21. Mastery of close reading in a poem would include examining its _____________.
a. elements b. contexts c. both a and b d. conflict
_____22. A short didactic story which is usually associated with religious texts.
a. myths b. poems c. fable d. parable
_____23. The underlined word in Item Number 23 means:
a. it is meant to give a lesson or showcase a particular principle
b. it is metaphorical
c. it represents a community
d. delightful to the senses
_____24. An Earnest Parable is a short story set in ____________________.
a. Italy b. Sri Lanka c. Philippines d. Australia
_____25. Allusion as a figure of speech makes references to historical, mythological, and ___________ figures.
a. famous b. fictional c. unknown d. unique
_____26. Under My Invisible Umbrella is written by _______.
a. J. Neil Garcia b. Virgilio Alma c. Laurel Fantauzzo d. Lawrence Ypil
_____27. . Cosmopolitanism is a perspective that is characterized by _______________________.
a. biases and stereotypes to the differences of cultures
b. openness to the world and its varied and different cultures
c. extensive trade and commerce
d. modern infrastructure and facilities
Test III. Identification. Determine the figures of speech used in the following statement.
______________________28. Our ancestors are little giants, with the strength of a thousand dinosaurs.
______________________29. The sky is most pregnant at the height of summer or in the dead of winter.
______________________30. The wind of the winter brushes our cheeks.
______________________31. Cameras snap but there is no click.
______________________32. I chose this instead of Windsor or My Fair Lady.
______________________33. He tails me like a shadow refusing to leave my back.
______________________34. Farming is my grandparents’ bread and butter.
______________________35. My dear, you have all of my heart.

Test IV. 36- 43. Enumerate the four contexts involved in a text and briefly describe each. (2pts each).
36-37. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
38-39. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
40-41. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
42-43. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
TEST V. 44-50. Writing. Briefly, explain what is 21st Century Literature and how is this reflected in the lessons you have


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