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Research Log #8 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: April 1, 2020

Name: Isis Garcia-Wang

Essential Question: How do stray animals have a negative effect on society?

Three Points to Prove:

#1: stray animals create an unsanitary environment

#2: can risk the health of the public

#3: They impact native life

Point that this Source Proves: stray animals create an unsanitary environment


“We have a lot of free roaming cats, which is probably the biggest thing we see. A
free roaming cat is any cat that lives outdoors... The biggest issues are that free
roaming cats aren’t sterilized, so they are not given surgery to not have babies.”

“We recommend the community participates in TRNM which Tracks, Neuters,

Return, and Manages the cats to make so they do not have too much offspring and
helps limits the population.”
“Some of the animals coming in are potentially hit by cars. Other injuries that we are
seeing we may have to amputate an animal's leg, or make a brace, and even
painkillers, sitting in cages”


Excerpts says, “We have a lot of free roaming cats, which is probably the biggest
thing we see.” the downside to having a lot of free roaming cats are the
overpopulation of them taking up our local parks and parking lots. "A free roaming
cat is any cat that lives outdoors...The biggest issues are that free roaming cats aren’t
sterilized, so they are not given surgery to not have babies.” One cat can have
anywhere from 1-12 kittens per litter. With the already large number of cats, it makes
it that much easier for the cat population to grow. These animals use their paws for
everything from catching and killing their pray to digging in the dirt to burry their
dung. Cats are also known to be not so friendly pets, they fight almost any cat or
animal they see which is an easy way to spread diseases. Stray animals on highways,
freeways, or roads have a slight chance of animals getting hurt or maybe even dying
by being ran over by a vehicle. Animals who are migrating, tracking a mate, or
looking for food and water have to cross roads, unaware of the speeding metal danger
that is the automobile. Once they are hit, they can cause serious damage to a car or the
people in it. Stray dogs are dangerous not only because of their teeth but also because
they help ticks and other parasites thrive. One way we can help reduce the outgrowing
cases of cats is to not feed wild cats and also to bring them in to spade or neuter them.
“We recommend the community participates in TRNM which Tracks, Neuters,
Return, and Manages the cats to make so they do not have too much offspring and
helps limits the population.” With the lower amount of Farrell cats, we can help
decrease the amount of cat fights, cat scratch disease, and motor vehicle accidents
involving them. If a stray dog or animal decides to attack you or someone it can
physically hurt or make someone very sick. Stray dogs that may be brought into the
shelter can also be dangerous for those wanting to adopt. Families wanting a dog that
may be once abused or any other reasons it is in the shelter can cause potential harm
to people, children, and others in the community that the dog may live
Works Cited

Anne. Personal interview. 5 Mar 2020.

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