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Jannah Nassar

IR I/10 GT/Period 2
Bi-Weekly Journal for the Week of 11/4-11/8


● Continue contacting with my advisor.

● Ask my advisor for more articles.
● Find new articles to read and annotate.
● Complete classroom presentations.
● Prepare for monthly conferences.
● Organize all my information and begin drafting a doc with everything I know.
● I will continue annotations and organizing my citations in Zotero.


Within the past two weeks, I was able to accomplish quite a bit. I learned a great deal about my

strengths and some weaknesses. I completed annotations and critical reads, along with updating my

advisor letter after having it edited. I completed my second site visit at the UMD library and gathered

even more information relating to my topic. I was finally able to get an advisor after sending out

about 6 emails!! I’m very excited to get started working with her and using the resources she has sent

me. I have decided to study racial implicit bias and remove social cognition from my research as it is

very broad and vague. I will prepare and complete my classroom visits using the feedback I got from

the Smart Speaking Conference. Prior to the Smart speaking conference I was a pretty good public

speaker, however after I feel that I have learned a lot about pacing and energy and have taken my

public speaking to the next level. I also want to begin preparing for my monthly conference and

planning out my schedule weeks in advance. Some goals I have for the upcoming weeks are to

annotate at least 2 articles and complete my classroom presentations. Lastly, I want to continue

reading knew articles and find more information to further my research.

I enrolled in Independent Research because I want to improve my writing and my researching skills.

I am hoping to better prepare myself for future colleges and workplaces. Wanting experience with

advisors and better my communication between adults, this is course is the best fit for me. This

course has already provided me with several skills such as organization, formatting, and annotating


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