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Local History Project

WAMP Installation (step-by-step instructions)

15 Feb 11


Install WAMP

These instructions are for WAMP only. To install the complete system for the Local History Project,
refer to the file System_Install_15feb11.pdf (Software Environment Setup) WAMP = Windows Apache
MySQL and PHP, a local webserver and application scripting environment for any Windows computer.

Project File

1) The latest version of the project archive is in the “install” folder, available here:

2) You can save this archive of Project Files on a thumb drive

3) start up the computer you want to install on, and unzip the archive to desktop

How to Install WAMP

1) in the archive downloaded in previous step, look in the folder "installers"

2) double click on the WAMP installer file (WampServer2.0i.exe)
3) click Next on the first install screen
4) Accept the License and click Next

5) Accept the default location to install Wamp, then click Next

6) Accept the additional tasks to create launch icons

7) The parameters will be shown as Ready to Install, click Install

8) In System Install you will have installed Firefox, accept as default browser for WAMP

9) On Windows 7 you may get a Firewall warning, set to Public Networks, and click Allow Access
10) for PHP Mail Parameters accept the default options and click Next

11) After WAMP is installed, accept Lauch WampServer 2 Now and click Finish
12) You may get User Account Control warning, Allow Program by clicking YES to continue

13) To verify in WAMP is running, check your task bar to see if the “speedometer” is white, red, or
yellow. WHITE = Wamp is started, RED = Wamp is stopped, YELLOW = Wamp is starting up. If red
or yellow, click on the icon to restart all services. If the speedometer is WHITE, everything is good!

14) IMPORTANT STEP! We need to disable to error reporting services. First, click on the taskbar to
find the Wamp icon, then click once on the Wamp speedometer icon to see the menu. On the menu
list mouseover PHP to open the PHP menu
15) IMPORTANT STEP! Continue to mouseover the PHP Menu to the PHP Settings section, then in
the PHP settings section, UNCHECK the following two services: display errors, and display startup
16) IMPORTANT STEP! Now start from the task bar again, and view the Wampserver Menu. This
time, click on “Restart All Services” The Wamp speedometer icon should briefly change to red and
yellow, and then turn white to indicate that all services are running again.

17) To test WAMP, open Firefox and go to the URL: http://localhost

18) Scroll down slightly on the http://localhost page and click on the link for phpmyadmin which is
where you will install the mysql database. If it looks something like this, all is ready to continue.

19) Now that the WAMP services are all running, continue with the System_Install instructions to load
the database and begin using the system.

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