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Shortcut link virus a.k.

a fake
folder virus
The first time it is appeared is around 2010. What the virus does to the Flash Drive (FD) usually:

- Hide your folder and files, usually you can not unhidden the file with properties setting in the
infected laptop.
- There are folders “look alike” that are actually a link file (.lnk) which mirror the name of actual
folder in the FD.
- The are weird executable files laying around in the FD.

In the virus behave as above, then I am pretty sure that it is what infects our rugged laptop.

To clean it, please do as follows:

1. Install a good antivirus in the infected laptop. One of free antivirus that I used to clean it back in
the days was PCMAV. Here is the link:
2. Delete files with *.lnk extension, as well as *.exe and autorun.inf in the FD and laptop.
3. Open command-prompt (CMD). Click start > run. Type “cmd“.
4. Go to the infected drive. For example it is drive F:\ then writes “f:” (without quote).
5. Run this command
attrib -r -s -h -a /s /d *.*

6. Check again. Usually this all sufficient for the FD.

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