Igims - College of Nursing: I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 X 10 10)

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B.SC. (N) 3RD YEAR, 2nd Sessional Exam

I. Multiple choice questions ( 1 X 10 = 10 )
1. Massive disaster is known as
a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. All of the above
2. Severe injured patient is denoted by
a. Black b. Green c. Red d. Black
3. ABCD assessment is denoted as
a. Primary assessment b. Secondary assessment c. a & b d. None of the above
4. CVA stands for
a. Cerebrovascular assessment b. Cardiovascular accident

c. Cerebrovascular accident d. Cardiovascular assessment

5. Disaster management Act was made in

a. 2006 b. 2003 c. 2005 d. 2009

6. The word disaster comes from

a. Greek word b. German c. French word d. Latin word

7. A 40 Year old patient is admitted to the hospital with dyspnea, tachypnea and pink ,

Frothy sputum. The nurse determines that the patient is experiencing

a. Lung abscess b. Neck trauma c. Cor pulmonale d. Pulmonary embolism

8. Which of the following signs & symptoms would nurse include in teaching plan as an

early manifestation of laryngeal cancer?

a. Stomatitis b. Airway obstruction c. Hoarseness d. Dysphagia

9. Which of the following foods to obtain the best supply of Vitamin B12?

a. Dairy products b. Vegetables c. Grains d. Broccoli

10.Which of the following complication associated with tracheostomy tube?

a. Increased cardiac output b. ARDS c. Increased blood pressure

d. Damage to laryngeal nerves

II. Essay

1. Mr. Kumar, 75 year old man with history of Hypertension is admitted with right sided
a.Define Stroke (2+4+4+5)
b.Discuss the risk factors for stroke.
c. Classify the types of stroke.
d. Explain in details management for Mr. Kumar.
2. a. Define ARDS (2+2+3+8)
b. Write down the causes of cardiac arrest
c. State the pathophysiology
d. Describe about medical & nursing management of pulmonary embolism
III. Short Notes: (5x5=25)

a) Meningitis
b) MI
c) Seizures
d) Thoracentesis
e) Anti -tuberculosis drugs

IV. Very Short Notes: (5x2=10)

a. Define Chorea

b. List out four indications for ABG analysis

c. Types of head injury

d. Define Parkinson’s disease

e. Cauda equina syndrome

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