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RGIPT Sivasagar

Petroleum Engineering

Probable PI questions (sample)


1. What is geology? Why is it important in petroleum Industry?

2. Why is it that a folded subsurface rock layers favourable spot for Hydrocarbon
3. What is a fault and how does it help in trapping petroleum fluids?
4. Why can shale layers act as cap rock?
5. Why is shale generally called a source of petroleum but hardly included in a reservoir
6. Sandstones and limestones are generally considered better candidates for finding
petroleum crudes. Why?
7. What is primary and secondary migration?
8. Can you say the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
9. What is weathering of rocks?
10. Explain the mechanical process to break down rocks.
11. Give some processes where rocks are disintegrated chemically.
12. Give the overall idea of a faulted region.
13. What is strike, dip and slip?
14. What are plate tectonics?
15. Give a possible region why northeast India is a hotspot for hydrocarbon
16. Explain the formation of Himalaya mountain system?
17. Explain the subsurface petroleum migration system.

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