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Домашнее задание по английскому языку.

Студент Наточин Михаил Вячеславович группа 9361

Ex. 1

1. add – addition – сложение

2. base – basic – базовый
3. calculate – calculator – calculation – калькулятор-расчет
4. compute – computer – computation – вычисление
5. develop – development – развитие
6. digit – digital – цифровой
7. divide – division – деление
8. electron – electronic – electronics – электроника
9. inform – information – информация
10. logic – logical – логические
11. magnet – magnetic – магнитный
12. mathematics – mathematical – математические
13. measure – measurement – измерение
14. mechanics – mechanical – механическая
15. multiply – multiplication – умножение
16. number – numerical – числовое
17. operate – operation – работы
18. perform – performance – производительность
19. physics – physical – физическая
20. process – processor – processing – обработка
21. produce – producer – production – производство
22. program – programmer – programming – Программирование
23. reason – reasonable – разумная
24. require – requirement – требование
25. store – storage – хранилище
26. subtract – subtraction – вычитание
27. use – user – usage – использование

Ex. 2

1. S
2. O
3. F
4. C
5. E
6. T
7. G
8. B
9. I

Ex. 3

1. Output – input (выводить – вводить)

2. To divide – to multiply (делить – умножать)
3. Simple – complex (лёгкий – сложный)
4. To go on – to stop (идти – стоять)
5. To add – to subtract (прибавлять – вычетать)
6. To demagnetize – to magnetize (размагничивать – магнитить)
7. To take in information - to put out information (вводить информацию –
выводить информацию)

Ex. 4

Enter information, output information, process information, store / remember

information, reproduce results, perform calculations, digital computer, sign/symbol,
digit, number, storage device, computer hardware, computer hardware (software),
arithmetic operations, electronic lamp, integrated circuit, artificial intelligence.

Ex. 5

1. Computer is a machine that performs intelligent operations on information.

2. Computer can receive, process, store information and output the results of
information processing.
3. The main computer blocks are the processor, memory, and Input / output
4. The CPU processes information
5. Computer can perform mathematical and logical operations.
6. The storage device stores data and instructions (programs).
7. Keyboard, monitor, and printer help you enter and output information.
8. Mechanical and electronic devices that perform physical functions in a
computer are its hardware.
9. Programs that control the computer's operation are its software.
10.We know several generations of computers. They differ in the main
components that were used in their function blocks.
11.First-generation Computers used electronic lamps, second-generation
computers used transistors, and third - and fourth-generation computers used
integrated circuits.
12. Engineers are currently developing fifth-and sixth-generation computers that
use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and optoelectronics.

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