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Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

Unit 5


In this section the concepts of beam - column behaviour is introduced. Single and double curvature
characteristics under both low and high axial loads are described. Short column strength for biaxial
bending is described, followed by moment magnification under sway and no-sway conditions. Finally
a worked example is presented.

Most columns are subject to bending actions applied at both ends in addition to axial load. Where
these are significant the member is termed a beam-column. This can occur in portal frames or building
frames where beams transfer moments or in sway frames or with columns loaded by lateral wind

5.1.1 Low Axial Loads: Restrained Beam Type Behaviour

Figure 5.1. Response of a Typical Beam-Column (from ESDEP 1985).

 L 
If the column is stocky  say < 50  and the axial load is not high (less than 1/3 axial strength) then the
 rz 
column will deform in-plane. The fully plastic moment strength (Mp) will be reduced by the axial load
as shown in Figure 5.1.

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Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

5.1.2 Low Axial Loads: Buckling Behaviour

A more slender column under the same loading may fail by buckling out-of-plane in a similar way to
lateral torsional buckling of an unrestrained beam. Failure will be due predominantly to minor axis
bending with a small torsional component (Figures 5.2 and 5.3).

Figure 5.2. Simple Beam-Column Subject to Axial Load and Major Axis Moment at One End
Only ( From ESDEP 1985).

Figure 5.3. The Response of the Beam-Column shown in Figure 5.2 Under Low Axial Load
(From ESDEP 1985).

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Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

5.1.3 High Axial Loads P > 0.5 squash

Failure could occur in either of the previous modes depending on slenderness and loading proportions.
The major difference is that plasticity will be more uniformly spread over the length of the column.


The basic strength limit to the capacity of a beam - column is the strength of a short section under
uniform bending and axial load. The only buckling possible is local flange or web buckling. If the
section is compact the full plastic strength is available.

The interaction equation giving the nominal first yield point is:

P M y Mz
+ + = σy
A Zy Zz

This expression can be plotted as the plane surface shown in Figure 5.4 where the intersections on the
axes are the nominal first yield strengths Py, Myy (yield moment about the y axis), Myz (yield moment
about the z axis).

Figure 5.4. Elastic Interaction Diagram (from ESDEP 1985).

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However, when stocky sections are used some plastic flow and stress redistribution is possible within
the cross section and a non-linear interaction equation is possible.

2 2
 My   Mz 
  +  =1
M  M 
 ry   rz 
Mry and Mrz are plastic moments reduced to allow for axial loads.

Figure 5.5. Fully Plastic Interaction of a Rectangular Hollow Section under Axial Load and
Biaxial Moments (from ESDEP 1985).

These two equations are the bases for section strength checks for a) Class 1 - plastic, Class 2 - compact
and Class 3 - semi-compact and b) Class 4 - slender cross sections.
Fc M M
a) + y + z ≤1
A g Py M cy M cz

Mcy is the major axis moment capacity from Clause 4.2.5 BS5959 – 1:2000.
Mcz is the minor axis moment capacity also from Clause 4.2.5.
Fc is the axial compression at the critical location.

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Ag is the gross cross sectional area.

Fc My Mz
b) + + ≤1
A eff Py M cy M cz

Aeff is the effective cross sectional area from Clause 3.6 BS5950 – 1:2000.


When a column of realistic length is subject to bending as well as axial load, behaviour occurs which is
termed ‘moment magnification’. For example if a column supporting an axial load, is bent about the
minor axis by equal end moments there is no possibility of out-of-plane buckling. The end moments
will produce a curvature and the axial load will produce an additional moment (Figure 5.6). The
approximate expression for the maximum moment is a function of the axial load as a ratio of the Euler
buckling load.

M max =

 1 − P 
 PE 
The factor is the moment magnification. This will not be significant in many cases, for
 P 
 1− 
 PE 
example in a column with only one end moment and a pin at the other end the end moment will only be
exceeded within the length of the column at high axial loads or when the column is about to buckle in
plane (Figure 5.7).

Figure 5.6. Elastic Behaviour of a No-Sway Beam-Column Under Non-Uniform Moments;

Single End Moment (from ESDEP 1985).

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Figure 5.7. Elastic Behaviour of a No-Sway Beam-Column Under Equal End Moments (from
ESDEP 1985).
There is a moment addition due to sway, reinforcing the weakness of sway columns (Figure 5.8).

Figure 5.8. Elastic Behaviour Sway Beam-Column (from ESDEP 1985).

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In calculating the buckling strength of columns under axial load and end moments allowances have to
be made for moment magnification as well as the equivalent of lateral torsional buckling of the beam.
Decrease in stiffness due to plasticity is also involved for all but the most slender of columns.

The effect of lateral torsional buckling (LTB) depends on applied moments and column slenderness.
Lateral torsional buckling will reduce the strength of members under major axis bending (Mx) and axial
load (P) as shown in Figure 5.9. In Figure 5.9 the full line gives the short column strength and the
dotted lines show the decrease in buckling strength as the column slenderness increases. The
intersection points on the Mx axis where P = 0 are given by the lateral torsional buckling strength of the
unrestrained beams. The intercepts on the P axis where Mx = 0 correspond to the limiting case where
there is no torsion in the buckling mode and are given by the minor axis buckling strength of axial
loaded columns.

Figure 5.9. Typical Interaction Relationships for Beam-Columns Under Axial Load and Major
Axis Moments (from ESDEP 1985).

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Figure 5.10. Typical Interaction Relationships for Beam-Columns Under Axial Load and Minor
Axis Moments (from ESDEP 1985).

In Figure 5.10 the interaction diagrams represent minor axis bending combined with axial load, where
the columns buckle in plane by bending only about the minor axis with no torsion being present. The
curves given in Figure 5.11 show the general interaction surface (Figures 5.9 and 5.10 combined) for
buckling under major and minor axis bending.

Figure 5.11. Typical Interaction Diagrams for Beam-Columns Under Axial Load and Biaxial
Moments (from ESDEP 1985).

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Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

5.4 BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005 requirements for Uniform members in bending and axial compression.

These are given in Clause 6.3.3 which states that:

(1) Unless second order analysis is carried out using the imperfections as given in Clause 5.3.2,
(BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005) the stability of uniform members with double symmetric cross
sections for sections not susceptible to distortional deformations should be checked as given in
the following clauses, where a distinction is made for:
– members that are not susceptible to torsional deformations, e.g. circular hollow
sections or sections restraint from torsion.
– members that are susceptible to torsional deformations, e.g. members with open cross-
sections and not restraint from torsion.

(2) In addition, the resistance of the cross-sections at each end of the member should satisfy the
requirements given in Clause 6.2. (BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)

NOTE 1 The interaction formulae are based on the modelling of simply supported single span
members with end fork conditions and with or without continuous lateral restraints, which are
subjected to compression forces, end moments and/or transverse loads.

NOTE 2 In case the conditions of application expressed in (1) and (2) are not fulfilled, see
6.3.4. (BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005).

(3) For members of structural systems the resistance check may be carried out on the basis of
the individual single span members regarded as cut out of the system. Second order effects of
the sway system (P-∆-effects) have to be taken into account, either by the end moments of the
member or by means of appropriate buckling lengths respectively, see 5.2.2(3)c) and 5.2.2(8)
(BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005).

(4) Members which are subjected to combined bending and axial compression should satisfy:

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N Ed M + ∆M y,Ed M + ∆M z,Ed
+ k yy y,Ed + k yz z,Ed ≤ 1 Eq 5.1 (Eq 6.61, EN 1993-1-1:2005)
χ y N Rk M y,Rk M z,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

N Ed M + ∆M y,Ed M + ∆M z,Ed
+ k zy y,Ed + k zz z,Ed ≤ 1 Eq 5.2 (Eq 6.62, EN 1993-1-1:2005)
χ z N Rk M y,Rk M z,Rk
χ LT
γ M1 γ M1 γ M1

where NEd, My,Ed and Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum
moments about the y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively.

∆My,Ed, ∆Mz,Ed are the moments due to the shift of the centroidal axis according to
(EN 1993-1-1:2005) for class 4 sections, see Table 6.7, (EN 1993-1-1:2005).

χy and χz are the reduction factors due to flexural buckling from 6.3.1 (EN 1993-1-

χLT is the reduction factor due to lateral torsional buckling from 6.3.2 (EN 1993-1-

kyy, kyz, kzy, kzz are the interaction factors.

Table 5.1 (Table6.7, EN 1993-1-1:2005).

Values for NRk = fy Ai, Mi,Rk = fy Wi and ∆Mi,Ed

Class 1 2 3 4
Ai A A A Aeff
Wy Wpl,y Wpl,y Wel,y Weff,y
Wz Wpl,z Wpl,z Wel,z Weff,z
∆My,Ed 0 0 0 eN,y NEd
∆Mz,Ed 0 0 0 eN,z NEd

NOTE For members not susceptible to torsional deformation χLT would be χLT = 1,0.

(5) The interaction factors kyy , kyz , kzy , kzz depend on the method which is chosen.
NOTE 1 The interaction factors kyy, kyz, kzy and kzz have been derived from two alternative
approaches. Values of these factors may be obtained from Annex A (EN 1993-1-1:2005)
(alternative method 1) or from Annex B (EN 1993-1-1:2005) (alternative method 2).

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NOTE 2 The National Annex may give a choice from alternative method 1 or alternative
method 2.

NOTE 3 For simplicity verifications may be performed in the elastic range only.

1 Beam-columns supporting axial load together with biaxial bending moments, can fail either by
reaching their ultimate capacity at a localised cross-section, usually at one end or by overall
inelastic buckling.
2 Buckling strength reduces with increases in slenderness (l/r).
3 Both linear and non-linear formulae are used in design to give conservative predictions of short
column strength. Moment magnification effects can reduce beam-column strength below short
column strength, particularly with sway columns.

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(Taken from SCI Steel Knowledge, Steel Building Design: Worked Examples – Open
Sections, SCI Publication P364, 2009)

Design the column shown in Figure 5.14 in S275 steel between levels 1 and 2.

Level 3



3000 R33
Level 3

Level 2


5000 R22

Level 2
Level 1

Figure 5.14

The following assumptions may be made:

• The column is continuous and forms part of a structure of simple construction.

• The column is nominally pinned at the base.
• Beams are connected to the column flange by flexible end plates.

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Design values of combined actions at ultimate limit state

Reaction from beam R13 F1,d = 66 kN

Reaction from beam R23 F2,d = 261 kN
Reaction from beam R33 F3,d = 50 kN

Design compression in column between levels 2 and 3 is N2-3,Ed = 377 kN

Reaction from beam R12 F1,d = 37 kN

Reaction from beam R22 F2,d = 147 kN
Reaction from beam R32 F3,d = 28 kN

Design compression force in column 1-2

The total compression force in the column between levels 1 and 2 is:

N Ed = N 2 − 3, Ed + F1,d + F2, d + F3, d = 337 + 37 + 147 + 28 = 589 kN

Try a 203 x 203 x 46 UKC Grade S275 steel

Design bending moments in column 1-2 due to Eccentricities

For columns in simple construction, the beam reactions are assumed to act at a distance of 100 mm
from the face of the column.

For a 203 × 203 × 46 UKC

The bending moments at level 2 are:

h   203,2 
M 2, y, Ed  = F2,d  + 100  = 147 ×  + 100  × 10− 3 = 29,64 kNm
2   2 
 
t   7,2 
 M 2, z,Ed = (F1,d − F3,d )  w + 100  = (37 − 28) ×  + 100  × 10− 3 = 0,93 kNm
 2   2 

These bending moments are distributed between the column lengths above and below level 2 in
proportion to their bending stiffness (I/L). Therefore the design bending moments acting on the column
length between levels 1 and 2 are:

L2 3
y-y axis My,Ed 2-1 = M 2 = = M y, Ed = 29,64 × = 11,11 kNm
L1 + L 2 8

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My,Ed 2-3 = M y,Ed = 29,64 × = 18,53 kNm

z-z axis M z, Ed = 0,93 × = 0,35 kNm

There are no moments at level 1.

Section properties
For a 203 × 203 × 46 UKC in S275 steel

From section property tables:

Depth h = 203,2 mm
Width b = 203,6 mm
Web thickness tw = 7,2 mm
Flange thickness tf = 11,0 mm
Root radius r = 10,2 mm
Depth between fillets d = 160,8 mm
Second moment of area z-z axis Iz = 1550 cm4
Radius of gyration y-y axis iy = 8,82 cm
Radius of gyration z-z axis iz = 5,13 cm
Plastic modulus y-y axis Wpl,y = 497 cm3
Plastic modulus z-z axis Wpl,z = 231 cm3
Warping constant Iw = 0,143 dm6
St Venant torsional constant IT = 22,2 cm4
Area A = 58,7 cm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 210 000 N/mm2
Shear modulus G ≈ 81000 N/mm2

For buildings that will be built in the UK, the nominal values of the yield strength (fy) and the ultimate
strength (fu) for structural steel should be those obtained from the product standard. Where a range is
given, the lowest nominal value should be used.

For S275 steel and t ≤ 16 mm (Table 7, BS EN 10025-2)

Yield strength fy = ReH = 275 N/mm2

Partial factors for resistance

γ M0 = 1,0 (NA., 2.15)

γ M1 = 1,0

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Cross section classification

235 235
ε= = = 0,92 (Table 5.2, BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)
fy 275

Outstand of compression flange

b − t w − 2r 203,6 − 7,2 − (2 × 10,2)

c = = = 88,0 mm
2 2

c 88
= = 8,0 (Table 5.2, BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)
t f 11

The limiting value for Class 1 is ≤ 9ε = 9 × 0,92 = 8,28

Hence as: 8,0 < 8,28

Therefore the flange in compression is Class 1

Web subject to bending and compression (Table 5.2, BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)

c = d = 160,8 mm

c 160,8
= = 22,3 (Table 5.2, BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)
tw 7,2

For plastic stress distributions,

  N   589 ×103 
α = 0,5 1 +  Ed  = 0,5 1 +  =1,4
   275 × 7,2 × 160,8 
  f y t w d 

but -1 < α ≤ 1 (Table 5.1, BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005)

Therefore α = 1,0

As  α > 0.5 the limiting value for Class 1 is

c 396 ε 396 × 0,92

≤ = = 30,4
t w 13α − 1 (13 × 1) − 1

22,3 < 30,4

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Therefore the web is Class 1 under bending.

Hence the complete cross-section is Class 1 under bending and NEd = 589 kN.

Simplified interaction criterion

Clause 6.3.3(4) of BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005 gives two expressions that should be satisfied for members
with combined bending and compression.

However, for columns in simple construction, the two expressions may be replaced by a single

N Ed M y, Ed M z, Ed
+ + 1.5 ≤ 1,0 (Access-steel document SN048, ref. 1)
N min, b, Rd M y, b, Rd M z, cb, Rd

when the following criteria are satisfied:

• The column is a hot rolled I or H section, or an RHS.

• The cross section is class 1, 2 or 3 under compression.
• The bending moment diagrams about each axis are linear.
• The column is restrained laterally in both the y-y and z-z directions at each
floor level, but is unrestrained between the floors.
• The bending moment ratios (ψ1 ) as defined in Table B.3 in BS EN 1993-1-
1: 2005 are less than the values given in Tables 2.1 or 2.2 in the Access-steel
document SN048 (ref. 1).


In the case where a column base is nominally pinned (i.e. ψ y = 0 and ψ z = 0 ) the axial force
ratio must satisfy the following criterion:

N Ed
≤ 0,83 (note to Table 2.1., ref. 1)
N y,b,Rd

Here the

• The section is Class 1

• The bending moment ratios are ψ y = 0 and ψ z = 0 , as the base of the column is nominally
pinned (see Figure 13.2). Therefore determine the axial force ratio.

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M y,Ed M z,Ed

M M z,Ed
y y,Ed z
y - y axis z - z axis

Figure 5.15

Axial force ratio

χ y Af y
N y,b,Rd = (Eq 6.47., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
γ M1

Determine the flexural buckling reduction factor χ y :

χ= ≤ 1,0 (Eq 6.49., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
 2 
 Φ +  Φ 2 − λ  
  
[ (
Φ = 0,5 + 1 + α λ − 0,2 + λ )] 2

Af y L cr 1
λ= = × (Clause, & Eq 6.49., BSEN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
N cr i λ1

λ1 = 93,9 ε = 93,9 × 0,92 = 86,39

The buckling length may be taken as:

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About the major (y- y) axis Lcr = L = 5000 mm

 L  1   5000   1 
λ y =  cr   =  ×  = 0,66 (Eq 6.50., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
 i  λ
 y  1   88,2   86,39 

The appropriate buckling curve depends on h/b:

h 203,2
= = 1,0 < 1,2 t f = 11,0 mm < 100 mm
b 203,6
(Table 6.2, BSEN 1993-1-1-: 2005)

Therefore, for S275, the buckling curve to consider for the major (y-y) axis is ‘b’

For buckling curve ‘b’ α y = 0,34 (Table 6.1, BSEN 1993-1-1-: 2005)

Φy [ (
= 0,5 1 + α λ y − 0,2 + λ y ) 2
= 0,5 × 1 + 0,34 × (0,66 − 0,2 ) + 0,66 2 = 0,80 ]
1 1
χy = = = 0,80
 Φ + Φ − λ y  2 2
0,8 + (0,8 2
− 0,66 2 )
 y y

(Eq 6.49., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)

0.80 < 1.0

Therefore χ y = 0,80

χ y Af y 0,8 × 5870 × 275

N y, b, Rd = = × 10−3 = 1291 kN (Eq 6.47., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
γ M1 1,0

N Ed 589
= = 0,46 0,46 < 0,83
N y,b,Rd 1291

Therefore all the criteria given above are met, so the simplified expression may be used for this

The criterion to verify is:

N Ed M y, Ed M z, Ed
+ + 1,5 ≤ 1,0
N min, b, Rd M y, b, Rd M z,cb, Rd

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χ y Af y χ z Af y
N min, b,Rd is the lesser of and
γ M1 γ M1

f y Wpl, y
M y,b,Rd = χ LT
γ M1

f y Wpl, z
M z,cb,Rd =
γ M1

Determine Nmin,b,Rd

N y, b, Rd =1291 kN

Determine Nz,b,Rd

The buckling length may be taken as:

About the major (z-z) axis Lcr = L = 5000 mm

 L  1   5000   1 
λ z =  cr   =  ×  = 1,13 (Eq 6.50., BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005)
 i z  λ1   51,3   86,39 
Column in
The appropriate buckling curve depends on h/b:

h 203,2
= = 1,0 < 1,2 tf = 11,0 mm < 100 mm
b 203,6

Therefore, for S275, the buckling curve to consider for the minor (z-z) axis is ‘c’

For buckling curve ‘c’

[ (
Φ 2 = 0,5 1 + α λ z − 0,2 + λ z ) 2
= 0,5 × 1 + 0,49 × (1,13 − 0,2 ) + 1,132 = 1,37 ]

1 1
 χz = = = 0,47
 Φ + Φ − λ z  2 2
1,37 + (1,37 2
− 1,132 )
 z z

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0,47 < 1,0

Therefore, χ z = 0,47

χ y Af y 0,47 × 5870 × 275

N y,b,Rd = = × 10− 3 = 759 kN
γ M1 1,0

759 kN < 1291 kN

Nmin,b,Rd = 759 kN

Determine My,b,Rd

As a UKC is being considered, the method given in for determining the reduction factor for
lateral-torsional buckling ( χ LT ) of rolled sections is used.

1 1
χ LT but ≤ 1,0 and ≤ 2
Φ LT + Φ LT − β λ LT
λ LT


Φ LT [ ( )
= 0,5 1 + α LT λ LT − λ LT,0 + β λ LT

From the UK National Annex λ LT,0 = 0.4 and β = 0.75

The appropriate buckling curve depends on h/b:

h 203,2
= = 1,0 < 2
b 203,6

Therefore the buckling curve to consider is ‘b’

For curve buckling ‘b’ α LT = 0,34

Wy f y
λ LT =
M cr

Wy = Wpl, y for Class 1 or 2 sections

M cr is the elastic critical buckling moment.

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For doubly symmetrical sections with ‘normal support’ conditions at the ends of the member and a
linear bending moment diagram Mcr may be determined from:

π 2 EI z I w L2GI T
 M cr = C1 +
L2 I z π 2 EI z


L is the element length between points of lateral restraint

= 5000 mm

C1 is a coefficient depending on the section properties, support

conditions and the shape of the bending moment diagram.

For the bending moment diagram shown in Figure 5.15,

C1= 1,77

  π 2 × 210 × 103 × 1550 × 104 

Mcr = 1,77  ×
  50002 

 
1.43 × 1011 50002 × 81 × 103 × 22,2 × 104
1550 × 10 4 π 2 × 210 × 103 × 1550 × 104
} × 10−6 = 345,7 kNm


497 × 103 × 275

λ LT = = 0,63
345,7 × 106

[ (
Φ LT = 0,5 1 + 0,34 × (0,63 − 0,4) + 0,75 × 0,632 = 0,69 )]
λ LT = = 0,90
0,69 + 0,692 − 0,75 × 0,632 )
1 1
= = 2,52
λ LT 0,632
0,90 < 1,0 < 2,52

Therefore χ LT = 0,90

To account for the bending moment distribution, χ LT may be modified as follows:

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χ LT
χ LT, mod = but χ LT,mod ≤ 1,0

f = 1 − 0,5(1 − k c ) 1 − 2(χ LT − 0,8)
] but f ≤ 1,0

kc =

For the bending moment diagram given in Figure 5.15

ψ = 0,0
Therefore =0,75

Thus, kc = 0,75

f = 1 − 0,5 × (1 − 0,75) × 1 − 2 × (0,63 − 0,8) = 0,88
Therefore, χ LT, mod = 1,0

f y Wpl, yf y
M y, b, Rd = χ LT
γ M0
where, χ LT = χ LT,mod

497 × 103 × 275
M y, b, Rd = 1,0 × × 10− 6 = 137 kNm

Determine Mz,cb,Rd

Wpl, z f y 231 × 103 × 275

M z,cb, Rd = = × 10 − 6 = 64 kNm
γ M1 1,0


N Ed M y, Ed M z, Ed
+ + 1.5 ≤ 1,0
N min, b, Rd M y, b, Rd M z, cd, Rd

589 11,11  0,35 

+ + 1.5 ×   = 0,87 < 1,0
759 137  64 

Therefore, the resistance of the member is adequate.

PG Cert/PG Diploma/MSc in Bridge, Civil and Structural Engineering Autumn 2010 Page ENGM042.5.22
Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences, University of Surrey

Access-steel document SN048 NCCI: Verification of columns in simple construction – a simplified
interaction criteria (GB).


10/ A typical intermediate column in a rigid jointed frame free to sway about both axes is 4m in
height. A 203 x 203 x 60 UC Grade S355 steel was selected as a trial section and a preliminary
linear analysis of the frame under factored loading including wind gave the forces and moments
shown in Figure 5.15 given below.

Check the adequacy of the column using: BS EN 1993-1-1-: 2005

State clearly any assumptions you have made.

800 kN

40 kNm 3.5 kNm

45 kNm 4.3 kNm

Axial Mx My
Figure 5.16.

PG Cert/PG Diploma/MSc in Bridge, Civil and Structural Engineering Autumn 2010 Page ENGM042.5.23

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