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3 Louise - Andrew Marr's Megacities Cornell notes

Topic/Objective: Name: Louise

Andrew Marr's Megacities Date:

Essential Question: How can we sustain the cities?

Questions: Notes:
Are there rickshaws in Dhaka ● First time in history that more people live in cities than in
because it’s cheaper? the countryside.
● Cities are overcrowding
What is a maglev? ● Megacities are the human future of the planet
● Seas used to be the old railways
Why has China spent more ● 13 million people in Dhaka
than one billion on transport
when they already have one ● Every great city depends entirely on their transport
that works? system
● Morning rush hour is when millions upon millions struggle
Does the magnet train go to get to there job
faster than the normal ● Well over half a million of rickshaws in downtown Dhaka
underground one?
● 80% of men who move into Dhaka start of working as a
Are most sustainable cities Taxi driver for 10 hours a day.
sustainable because of their ● Bur rickshaws don’t only affect the City but shape it
transport system? because you are restricted to travel a short distance
Which country has the best because of the rickshaw
transport? ● The bigger the and larger the rings the more efficient of
transport it is
Which country has the worst ● London was one of the first great metropolia
● In the 19th century, London was 30 times smaller than it is
Which country has the most today
food and water supplies? ● But because of transport, it helped get other places
easily so the land started getting bigger.
Which country has the least ● The first underground station for trains was in 1863 so in
food and water supplies?
just 40 years the population trembled to 6 million people
because it was easier to travel
● 20 years ago shanghai didn’t have any transport
underground but now it one with the most in the entire
● But China hasn’t stopped with a mere subway they have
spent well over one billion on a revolutionary overground
know as the maglev this means that they use magnetic
levitation and were built in Germany and have no wheels
at all.
● They will be doing 380 kilometers an hour
● Every year London eats 7 million tons of food
● London also drinks 94 million liters of bottled water not
counting tap water
● Londons total food footprint is a hundred and twenty-five
times its size
● There are now Places where you can order online what
you want and someone that works for that company will
pick it out themselves for you and that’s why the aisles
are really big and that is why the trolleys are also really
● To feed the megacities you need mega supermarkets
● Workers that work in these supermarkets end up picking
1800 orders every day.
● London throws out 20 million tons of the stuff they get


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