Madd Writing Story

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Dreams are meant to be followed

Chapter 1


This was a long time ago back around in 1911 back when everything was peaceful. The story

starts off with Marie Curie who is a scientist who just won a Nobel prize in Chemistry. Marie

Curie was a very bright woman at the age of 15, Curie finished her secondary education and

finished top of her class and at 17 she became governess to help pay her sister’s attendance for

medical school in Paris. She was a great woman someone different from all the others and she

loved science. She was a mysterious person, no one really knew much about her apart from all

her accomplishments. A bit before that in 1903, Marie also won another Nobel Prize but this

time it was for Physics. She won the Nobel Prize with her husband Pierre Curie and their friend

Antoine Henri Becquerel won the award together. They won this award for the discovery of

Radioactivity. Radioactivity is a very interesting thing which is the process of the spontaneous

decay and transformation of unstable atomic nuclei accompanied by the emission of nuclear

particles and/or electromagnetic radiation (also referred to as nuclear radiation). But suddenly on

the 19th of April Marie was widowed because Pierre died in a street accident in Paris, crossing

the busy Rue Dauphine in the rain because he slipped and fell under a heavy horse-drawn cart.

He died instantly when one of the wheels ran over his head, fracturing his skull. But when she

won her second Nobel Prize it made her the first person ever to win two Nobel prizes and being a

woman made her so much more important. The Nobel Prize she was awarded was in recognition

of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the element’s radium and

polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this
remarkable element. She spent a long time in her lab doing all sorts of things. But the real story

is all about Evelyn Perry who was one of Marie Curie’s assistants. She was just as involved as

Marie Curie but preferred to stay by her side and she was just there to help out, but she knew just

as much if not more.

Evelyn was a bright young woman who has an exceptional future ahead of her. She loved

animals especially her dog daisy. She loved to talk to her dog and daisy loved to respond. Evelyn

lived in her own world she didn’t care about other people and was never scared to be judged after

all she did choose to do science as a profession. Evelyn was from one of the wealthiest families

in the world and didn’t care what other thought and because her family didn’t approve of her

doing scenes she decided to make some money some clothes and food and she left and never

looked back on her life being forced into marriage with a rich young boy who was just becoming

a man. She didn’t care that everyone is her family would turn against her she did what she loved,

science and that was one of her most spectacular moments when she finally stood up for herself.

Growing up she was extremely shy and didn’t talk much unless it had to do with going to school

which her parents thought was useless for her to attend but she insisted and fought with her

parents for multiple weeks when they finally gave in. But they never gave in the fact she wanted

to be a scientist. So, she ran away, she can remember that day like it was yesterday.

Chapter 2

She can remember waking up very early around 5 am so that she could start packing her things

she was wearing this white nightgown that had lace at the top which was extremely expensive

and valuable and could only be made by professionals. When she finally packed, she got dressed

so that she could go eat breakfast with her family so they wouldn’t get suspicious. She wore an

Olympic blue colored dress which was one of her most prized possession and her science kit

which was hidden under a loose floorboard that her parents never came across while buying the

house. The blue dress was elegant but not over the top and went with a white ribbon with pink

flowers on it that went around her waist to finish the look and make it elegant but something you

can wear every day. In her suitcase she packed 4 things; money, clothe, food and water and lastly

the science equipment that she had bought without her parent’s permission. She very clearly

remembers that she waited for her father to go to work and her mother to go out with her friend

or go to a friend’s house so that she could escape and go to Paris by plane that had just been

invented and also used a boat most of the way there. She was a fabulous young woman who felt

free at last and was ready to start her life all over again. She remembered how she felt like

nothing else could stop her and she could finally start all over again and have a fresh start. TO

create a new start, she went right to a pet store and got a dog right away and named the newborn

dog daisy which was a beagle and the cutest one she had ever seen probably because she had

never seen one before.

She went to get an apartment which was easy because of all the money she had, and she decided

to just go buy so sheets and a mattress which luckily there was a shop right next to an apartment
that had one. She had decided to go get the rest of the furniture tomorrow so she could get some

rest after such a long day. Since then she has never heard of her parents and they never talked to

her again not that they could actually reach her without taking a plane and boat to get there.

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