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Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

c)Kelvin Double Bridge:

Kelvin double bridge is used for measuring very low resistance values
from approximately (1Ω to as low as 1x10-5Ω). The term double bridge is
used because the circuit contains a second set of ratio arms labeled Ra
and Rb. Kelvin double bridge is a modification of Wheatstone bridge and
the equivalent circuit of Kelvin double bridge is shown in below figure :


The additional resistance R1 and R2 is used to eliminate the effect of yoke

resistance (Rlc) and the resistance of the conduction terminals especially
in the case of measuring very low resistance values.

 Balance of Kelvin Bridge

We can prove that the Kelvin bridge in balance case if the following
equation is applied :

Then if the unknown value resistance is the third arm of the Kelvin bridge
, we can calculate it as follows :

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Example/ Find the value of Rx for the Kelvin bridge if the ratio between
Ra and Rb =1000.if the value of R1=5 Ω and the value of R2 is twice the
value of R1.


R2=2xR1=10 Ω.

From Kelvin bridge balance condition :

 Alternating Current Bridges

In AC circuits bridges are used for measuring resistance, capacitance,

inductance , impedance , inductive resistivity , capacitive resistivity . For
this purpose many type of bridge are used according to the type of
element that to be measured . All the bridges dependent on Wheatstone
bridge in their constructions. where , the resistors of the forth arms of
Wheatstone bridge is replaced by impedance. Also the AC circuits
bridges are used in many application such as Oscillators, amplifiers filters..

Wheatstone bridge for Alternating Current

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

 Balance of A.C Wheatstone Bridge

As in the case of Dc bridges , Alternating Current bridges dependent on the

balance principle , the balance in Alternating Current bridges means that
the current that passing through detector equal to zero , that is mean the
voltage between a and b equal to zero too. We can redraw the Wheatstone
bridge as follows :

The dashed line between b and c refer to than we can consider b and c as
a one point because that there is no current passing between them.As a
result that the voltage difference between a and b equal to the voltage
difference between a and c as follows

I1 Z1=I2 Z2 (1)

As well as the voltage difference between band d equal to the voltage

difference between d and c :

I3 Z3=I4 Z4 (2)

As the current between b and c =0

I1=I3 (3)

and I2=I4 (4)

by divide eq1. Into eq2.

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Example/ If the values of impedances in the circuit of balanced

Wheatstone bridge for alternating current is given as follows :

Find the value of Zx

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven


And to obtain its content , it must separate into real part and imaginary

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Example/for the circuit of balanced Wheatstone bridge for alternating

current that given in below figure find Zx

R2=200 Ω



Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

 Similar Angle Bridge (Capacitor Comparison Bridge)

Similar Angle Bridge is used for measuring unknown capacitive

impedance , whereas the measured capacitive impedance can separate
into capacitor and resistor in series connection as shown in below figure :

1 2

We can write the impedances in these four arms as follows :

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Example /For measuring capacitive impedance by using the circuit of

similar angle bridge at frequency equal to 2kHz , when the bridge circuit
is balance its found the following :

Calculate the series circuit that equivalent to capacitive impedance

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Solution /

 Maxwell Bridge

Maxwell bridge is used for measuring the unknown value of inductive

impedance ,where any inductive impedance can be considered as a
resistance and inductance connected in series .The Maxwell bridge is
shown in below figure :


Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Instrumentations and Measurements Lecture Seven

Example / Maxwell bridge circuit is used to measure inductive impedance

, the circuit component at balance condition is given as follows :

Calculate the value of component for the equivalent circuit

Solution /


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