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This is the CRG report.

On August 2, 2018, Apple made history by becoming the world’s first $1 trillion
company measured by market capitalization. While it see-sawed in the second
half of the year, losing over $450 billion in the last quarter of 2018, it has since
recovered most of that amount and now stands at $967.87 billion as of
September 2019.

Since 2010, Apple (AAPL) has been one of the most valuable companies in the
world. It has occupied the top slot on an annual basis from 2012 onwards, with
some occasional jockeying for position between it and Exxon (XOM). The reason
Apple is valued so highly is simple on the surface: the company makes popular
products with generous margins. However, if the curious reader digs a little
deeper, she will find mistakes, overthrown CEOs, and much more. In this article,
we’ll look at the story behind Apple’s success.


• Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1977, introducing first
the Apple I and then the Apple II.
• Apple went public in 1980, but Jobs was later ousted by the company's
board of directors - only to triumphantly return several years later.
• Apple's success lies in a strategic vision that transcends simple desktop
computing to mobile devices and wearables.
• Both performance and design are key drivers of the Apple brand and its
ongoing success.
From Apple I to Steve Jobs 2.0
Before understanding why Apple is so successful today, it is first useful to take a
look back at its origins and history. From the first Apple computer (the Apple I,
which was just a motherboard without a monitor or keyboard) to the latest
iWatch, here is a brief overview of the chronology of Apple's innovative products:

• Apple, founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, started out in the
business of kit computers with the Apple I. This initial production run,
although popular as a collectible now, will mainly be remembered for
helping the company get enough capital to build the Apple II in 1977 – the
same year Apple officially incorporated. Wozniak primarily built both these
computers and Jobs handled the marketing side.
• The Apple II drove the company’s revenue until the mid-1980s despite the
hardware remaining largely the same. Apple attempted updates like the
Apple III and the Apple Lisa, but these failed to catch on commercially.
Although the Apple II was still selling, Apple as a company was in trouble
when the 80s began.

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