Experiment 1 Chm256

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Experiment 1 (Standardization of HCL solution with NA2CO3 primary standard)

To determine the exact molarity of a hydrochloric acid solution .
a) Preparation of 0.05 M Na2CO3 solution
1. About 1.33 g of Na2CO3 was weight accurately . The exact mass of Na2CO3 was
recorded .
2. The Na2CO3 was dissolved in about 50 mL water in a 100 mL beaker .
3. The solution was transferred into a 250 mL volumetric flask . The beaker was rinsed
with distilled water .
4. Distilled water was added to the mark . The flask was stopped . To make the solution
homogeneous , the flask was shaked by turned it upside down a few times.

b) Preparation of a dilute HCl solution

1. About 2.2 mL of concentrated HCl was transferred into a 250 mL beaker containing a
little water .
2. The acid was diluted to approximately 250 mL with distilled water .

c) Standardization of the dilute HCl solution

1. A burette was filled with the dilute HCl solution that prepared in procedure (b) above
. The initial burette reading was recorded .
2. 25.0 mL of the standard Na2CO3 was pipetted into a 250 mL conical flask . 2-3 drops
of methyl orange indicator was added .
3. The Na2CO3 was titrated slowly in the conical flask with the HCl from the burette
while shaked the flask until the indicator colour changed from yellow to red . The
burette reading was recorded at the end of the titration .
4. The titration was repeated 3 times . All data was recorded in a table as shown in the
datasheet .
5. The exact molarity of the HCl solution was calculated .
1. Weight of Na2CO3 used : 1.33 g

2. Standardization of HCl with Na2CO3 solution

1 2 3
Initial burette 0 0 0
reading (mL)
Final burette 36.2 30.7 30.8
reading (mL)
Volume of HCl 36.2 30.7 30.8
used (mL)

Average volume of HCl used (mL) : (36.2+30.7+30.8)/3 = 32.56 mL

3. Calculate the molarity of the HCl solution .
HCl = 36 g/mol
Na2CO3 = 106 g/mol
No. moles Na2CO3 = 1.33/106
=0.0125 mol
HCl : Na2CO3
0.025 : 0.0125
Molarity of HCl : moles/volume
: 0.025/(32.56/1000)
: 0.769 M

Calculate the molarity of the concentrated HCl .
m1v1 = m2v2
m1(2.2 mL) = (0.769 M )(32.56 mL)
m1 = [(0.769 M )(32.56 mL)]/2.2mL
m1 = 25.04/2.2
m1 = 11.38 M
In this experiment 1 , the weight of Na2CO3 used was 1.33g . The molarity of the
concentrated HCl is 11.38 M . Titration was repeated three times and the final burette
reading were different and the average volume of HCl used is 32.56 mL . Methyl orange
indicator was used because Na2CO3 was converted to NaCl when HCl added which shows the
yellow colour change to red . This helps in determination of the end point of HCl used .

After repeat three times titration , the average volume of HCl used to standardize the dilute
HCl solution is 32.56 mL .

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