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Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

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Case study

Evaluation of polyurethane resin injection for concrete leak

Mohamed A. Safana , Zeinab A. Etmana,b,*, Alaa Konswac
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt
Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Menoufia, Egypt
Civil Engineering, Egypt


Article history: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of water leakage treatment using
Received 25 July 2019 polyurethane resin injection for concrete structure elements. Water leakage may have
Received in revised form 31 October 2019 destructive effects on building structures. Leaks may be attributed to several factors, such
Accepted 5 November 2019
as the use of an inadequate waterproofing system, inadequate design, poor concrete
quality, and poor workmanship.
Keywords: A wide range of techniques and products are employed to control water intrusion,
including resin injection, which is among the methods commonly used for resolving
Water leakage treatment
Water pressure
leakage in waterproofing systems. The aforementioned techniques and products also
Resin provide special solutions for other construction problems. In this study, the effectiveness of
Concrete using resin injection to stop water leakage is investigated. As part of the experimental work,
two water tanks are modelled to simulate actual field conditions. The tanks are filled with
pumped water, and three measured water pressure values are investigated to determine
the effectiveness of resin injection method. The water pressure is gradually increased up to
3 bar (43.5 psi) for three days, and relevant pressure reductions are determined in each
case. The results indicate that the ability of concrete elements to resist water flow is
inadequate when a waterproofing system is not employed (Case 1); however, concrete
permeability is slightly reduced when waterproofing materials are used (Case 2). More
specifically, the use of polyurethane resin injection can substantially stop water leaks (Case
3). Polyurethane resins are designed to expand with water to permanently block the
passage of water through cracks or voids. Their fast expansive reaction with water forms a
tough and flexible/elastic foam. The analysis demonstrates the reduction in concrete
permeability after the application of polyurethane resin injection. The results obtained in
this research can be utilised as a solution to stop water leaks and cracks in concrete
elements, such as basement walls, manholes, tunnels, storm sewers, retaining walls,
seawalls, dams, below-grade parking decks, water treatment tanks, elevator pits, box
culverts, below-grade vaults, walls, pits, and floors.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (

* Corresponding author at: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt.
E-mail address: (Z.A. Etman).
2214-5095/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
2 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

1. Introduction

For most buildings, leakage starts anytime after construction. The problems associated with leakage typically appear
within the first five years. Scott (Scott, US Building Consultants Inc., 1 July 2011) focused on the common problems associated
with water intrusion. Water leakage, if not treated properly, is one of the main contributing factors to building damage,
primarily reinforcement corrosion. Water leakage may result in the consequential reduction in the usable area within the
structure in addition to any reduced functionality and use. Water intrusion can drastically increase the physical damage to a
structure and internal finishing that can lead to costly remediation and repairs. The aforementioned problems as well as
measures that can be implemented to limit the effects of water leakage on residential, commercial, and high-rise buildings
are accordingly investigated.
Leaks usually occur because of several parameters that must be investigated. The factors that cause water movement,
including gravity, kinetic forces, surface tension, capillary forces, air current, pressure differentials, poor application
practices, poor choice of materials, and inadequate building design detailing are considered as causes of leakage [1,2]. To
select the most appropriate treatment method, the major cause of buildings leaks should accordingly be identified.
Waterproofing is the process of making an object or structure waterproof or water-resistant so that it can remain
relatively unaffected by water or resist the ingress of water under specified conditions. Waterproofing materials can be
additive compounds admixed into plastic concrete to reduce water permeability characteristics. They can also be external
specific materials (e.g., polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rolls, APP membrane, and bituminous-based products) applied internally or
externally to the entire area to be waterproofed. These protection materials are used during the construction stage.
Appropriate waterproof barriers are applied on the external or internal concrete surfaces exposed to groundwater. This is
because concrete, being a porous material, can allow water to pass through it as a result of hydrostatic pressure.
Despite the application of waterproofing systems during the construction stage, RCC (reinforced cement concrete) walls
in basement floors can suffer from dangerous water leakage, which has a passive effect on the RCC’s durability and utility. In
such a situation, it is necessary to apply leak treatment methods to stop water intrusion, including superior repair processes
where chemical resins (epoxy, acrylic, and polyurethane) that interact with water are used. These materials, which tend to be
rigid, fill the voids and act as an offset [2,3]. To aid in controlling leakage into a concrete component, it is important to
understand the best water control solution that can provide a new external membrane for the structure. The most
appropriate and effective method of treatment, however, may be governed by initial cost, accessibility, public inconvenience,
or other circumstances [4]. According to ACI 503R standard, resin injection is the best method for the crack repair of
buildings, bridges, dams, and other types of concrete structures [5,6]. Practices, guidelines, and methods of application are
described in ACI 504R (ACI 503R-93, (reapproved in 1998) American Concrete Institute [7]). The first specification for resin
injection was published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1959, and ASTM specification C 881 was first published in
1978. A number of updates that encompass the requirements of various repair problems using the resin injection system
have also been published [8]. European standard EN 1504 covers all aspects of concrete repair, site application of products,
and quality control of works [9–14]. Resins have high mechanical properties, which make it capable of restoring the
structure’s rigidity [15,16]. Regular resins (epoxy and acrylic), however, are extremely sensitive to the presence of water/
moisture. The adhesion between resin and concrete is affected by water, which deteriorates the performance of the
aforementioned waterproofing product at high temperatures.
Polyurethane resins are nevertheless flexible and guarantee strong adhesion to concrete with wet or dry cracks.
Polyurethane can also be used regardless of weather conditions or crack conditions (i.e., whether the crack actively leaks, full
of mud and/or mineral deposits, or narrow or wide). The two types of polyurethane resin products that can be applied are
polyurethane foam and polyurethane gel. The mechanism of polyurethane foam is that it reacts rapidly with water and
expands to temporarily staunch the entering water. In this study, the effectiveness of polyurethane resin as a watertight seal
is evaluated [17,18]. This case study is primarily conducted because of the relatively low awareness on the benefits of
construction chemicals as well as the inadequate knowledge on the proper use of these chemicals and the function they
perform in building maintenance. This study accordingly highlights the key advantages of using such construction chemicals
and understanding their proper application.

2. Programme

The experimental work involves the construction of two water tanks as simulation models. To simulate the actual field
condition, the pressure exerted by underground water on concrete basement walls is used. Note that the hydrostatic
pressure for every 10-m depth below the groundwater table is equal to 1 bar (1 atm). A structure with six basement floors

Table 1
Mix proportions [kg/m3].

Portland cement Siliceous sand Crushed dolomite Water Additive Silica fume
400 800 1600 175 6 20
M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307 3

requires a foundation level that is approximately 30-m deep.; hence, its substructure is subjected to a 3-bar hydrostatic
pressure. In the investigation of polyurethane resistance, a 6-bar pressure is used.
The modelled tanks are then filled with pumped water, and three water pressure cases with relevant measurements are
investigated to evaluate the effectiveness of polyurethane injection. The water pressure is gradually increased up to 3 bar
(43.5 psi) for three days, and the relevant pressure reductions are determined in each case.

3. Materials

The cement used in the construction of reinforced concrete (RC) tanks and injection materials is Portland cement (CEM I
42.5N) in accordance with the requirements of E.S.S. 4765-1/2012 [19]. The measured Blain fineness and specific gravity are
3989 cm2/g and 3.15, respectively. Well-graded siliceous sand and crushed dolomite are used in compliance with the
requirements of E.S.S. 1109/1971 and ASTM C33, respectively [20,21]. Table 1 summarises the physical properties of the
aggregate. Tap water is used for concrete mixing. Flexible water-stops are installed in the construction joints to prevent
water leakage, as shown in Fig. 1. A cement base with two components and modified polymer slurry are used as the
waterproofing material. This combination is typically used on concrete structures to block water seepage. The waterproofing
material consists of two components: liquid (styrene acrylic) polymer and an additive (Part A); Portland cement, selected
aggregates, and admixtures (Part B). According to the manufacturer’s instructions, a 2-mm thick fluid waterproofing
material has to be applied. The polyurethane polymer for injection also consists of two components: an extremely

Fig. 1. Water-stop.

Fig. 2. Water tank simulation model.

4 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

low-viscosity resin, which is excellent for injecting into hairline and standard cracks and u-joints (Component A); semi-rigid
hydrophobic resin suitable for filling voids (Component B). The combined resin is designed to penetrate deep into cracks,
react with water, and seal leaks. It is thus excellent to resist water pressures of up to 6 bar, as illustrated herein.

3.1. Water tank simulation model setup

The general concept is to construct two reinforced concrete water tanks as simulation models. Each of tank is entirely
closed with a release valve and an inlet valve, and constructed in three stages (foundation, wall, and slab), as shown in Fig. 2.

3.1.1. First water tank model (Case 1)

This model is employed to examine the behaviour and permeability of concrete without waterproofing under water
pressures of 3 bar or more, as applicable.

3.1.2. Second water tank model (Case 2)

Waterproofing materials are applied externally. A water pump is employed to force water inside the closed tank until a
certain pressure value is reached. A pressure gauge measures the water pressure during pumping.

3.1.3. (Case 3)
When water leakage occurs, injection materials are employed to stop the leak under constant pressure. The water leak
and pressure are observed, and measurements are recorded.

3.2. Construction of water tank simulation model

The proposed dimensions for the base of the water tank model are 1.2  1.5  0.25 m. The height of the tank is 1.5 m. The
wall thickness and slab thickness are 0.20 and 0.12 m, respectively. The following construction methodologies are identical
for both models.

3.2.1. First stage

Water tank base: Plain cement concrete is cast with dimensions of 1.8  1.5  0.1 m. After 2 d, a timber formwork shutter
is provided, and steel reinforcements (top and bottom steel mesh and T12@15 cm) are installed. Concrete pouring is arranged
so that a water-stop can be provided at the construction joint for waterproofing purposes, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Water tank base.

Fig. 4. Water tank wall.

M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307 5

3.2.2. Second stage

In the second stage, water tank wall steel reinforcements (two layers of steel mesh and T12@15 cm) are installed. The wall
shutter is fixed, and 1.5 m3 of concrete is cast according to the mix design. After 24 h, the wall shutter is removed, and proper
concrete curing is performed for 7 d, as shown in Fig. 4.

3.2.3. Third stage

The water tank slab steel formwork is fixed, steel reinforcements (a single layer of steel mesh and T12@15 cm) are
installed, and 0.4 m3 of concrete is cast\according to the mix design, as shown in Fig. 5.

4. Experiment procedure

The experimental work involves the construction of two reinforced concrete water tank as simulation models. In the
simulation of the actual field condition, the two water tanks are entirely closed with a release valve and inlet valve. As noted
above, each of the tanks is constructed in three stages (foundation, wall, and slab) (Fig. 6).
Water is pumped into each tank considering the following cases.

Fig. 5. Water tank wall.

Fig. 6. Construction procedure.

6 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

Case 1: The first water tank is constructed without a waterproofing system. The behaviour and permeability of concrete
without waterproofing under water pressures of 3 bar or more, as applicable, are examined. The concrete resists water
leakage depending on its degree of permeability and porosity.
Case 2: The second water tank is constructed with a waterproofing system. In examining the water leakage resistance of
concrete after the application of waterproofing materials, it is found that concrete permeability is reduced.
Case 3: Water leakage occurs in the experiments in Case 1 because of concrete permeability and porosity. To describe the
methodology of leak treatment using resin injection and to demonstrate its effectiveness, polyurethane injection is
employed as water leakage treatment.
For each case, the following experimental process is performed.
Water pressure is gradually increased to 3 bar at 0.5-bar increments, and pressure reduction inside the tank is recorded
after 30 min. Once 3 bar is reached, the pressure is no longer increased. The relevant reductions in water pressure are
accordingly recorded during the next three days to identify potential water leaks and to compare concrete permeability

Fig. 7. Gradual water pressure increments up to 3 bar and related losses in pressure.

Fig. 8. Water pressure loses starting from 3 bar over three days (2–4 d).

Fig. 9. Case 1–Water tank without waterproofing.

M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307 7

efficiencies. In Case 3, the water pressure is increased to a maximum value of 6 bar, and pressure reductions are thereafter
observed and recorded.

5. Analysis and discussion

5.1. Case 1: Water tank model without waterproofing system

After the full construction of water tank and the calibration of pressure gauge, the water source is connected, and water
pumping is initiated. The pressure inside the tank gradually increases to 3 bar, which is equivalent to the water pressure at a
30-m depth below ground. The water pressure readings and reductions with time are recorded, as shown in Fig. 7. The figure
illustrates that the water pressure remains at 3 bar after 7.5 h. After an additional 30 min, a 33.7 % loss in water pressure is
recorded. Thereafter, the pressure is increased at 0.5-bar increments and recorded up to 3 bar. The corresponding pressure
losses are read and recorded again. This pattern, which is repeated for three days, proves the presence of water leakage as
illustrated in Fig. 8. The water pressure is observed to decrease from 2.65 to 0.4 bar (84.9 %) (Figs. 9–11).

5.1.1. Conclusion
Concrete by itself cannot resist the passage of water under pressure, thus causing leakage. Water passes through a
labyrinth of porous channels of capillaries as well as invisible air voids, making it difficult to trace their route; water may
enter at one point and become visible at some other point.
To stop water leakage (Case 1), polyurethane injection is thereafter used. The water leakage treatment is illustrated in
Case 3.
Such treatment is employed so that no new cracks are induced as water leakage occurs because of concrete permeability
and internal porosity.

5.2. Case 2: Water tank model with waterproofing system

The second water tank is constructed with a waterproofing system. Waterproofing material is applied to the external
faces of the water tank to ensure that the model is completely watertight. The waterproofing material is applied as follows.
The first coat is applied and left to cure for 4–8 h; thereafter, the second coat is applied. As with all cement-based products,

Fig. 10. Increase in water pressure inside tank.

Fig. 11. Water leak in tank without waterproofing at 3-bar pressure (Case 1).
8 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

Fig. 12. Water tank model with waterproofing system (Case 2).

curing is important; hence, the newly applied product is protected against direct sunlight, wind, rain, and frost, as
shown Fig. 12.
The model in this case employs the same procedure as that in the previous case (Case 1), in which the water pressure is
gradually increased up to 3 bar after 7.5 h. After 30 min, an 11 % reduction in water pressure is recorded, as shown in Fig. 13.
The pressure is again increased at 0.5-bar increments up to 3 bar, and water pressure losses are recorded over a three-day
period, as shown in Fig. 14. The water pressure decreases from 2.67 to 1.35 bar (49.43 %).
The performance of the waterproofing system in reducing water leakage is distinctly observed as pressure losses
decrease. The adequate concrete surface quality provides continuous support to the waterproofing material and ensures
good adhesion between the material and concrete surface; water leakage is observed on rough surfaces but not on smooth
surfaces. Compared with Case 1, the water leak is reduced after waterproofing is applied. As water pressure increases,

Fig. 13. Gradual water pressure increments up 3 bar and related pressure losses (Case 2).

Fig. 14. Water pressure losses starting from 3 bar over three days (Case 2).
M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307 9

Fig. 15. Case 2–Water tank model with waterproofing.

however, the leak resistance of the waterproofing material decreases. The pressure difference on the first day is therefore less
than the deviation on the third day.

5.3. Case 3: Water tank model treated with resin injection

In the experiment in Case 1, water leakage occurs because of concrete permeability and porosity of capillary channels.
Polyurethane injection is then employed as water leakage treatment.

5.3.1. Application of polyurethane resins

Polyurethane resin can be used not only to fill cracks and voids but also to close porous channels inside concrete elements
that are regarded as weak areas. The material also fills honeycombs in concrete that are formed because of improper
aggregate proportioning, poor mixing, improper compaction, or all the foregoing.
In this case, polyurethane injection is used as the water leakage treatment. This material is used exclusively for stopping
leaks in hardened concrete. The use of polyurethane injection typically involves the high-pressure injection of activated
polyurethane resin through injection packers that are hammered into holes drilled in the hardened concrete wall. The
injected resin passes through the entire thickness of the wall. It then expands and solidifies within the cavity, thereby
eliminating the cavity and stopping water leakage.
The chemical expansion of polyurethane (typically 5–10 times its original volume) makes it extremely effective for filling
voids in concrete. These voids are typically invisible and are often associated with the porosity of concrete. The rapid curing
of polyurethane is beneficial when a leaking crack floods a basement; this is an important attribute particularly when
stopping water leakage is urgently required. Similar to epoxy crack injection, low-pressure polyurethane crack injection also
provides the injection technician with positive confirmation that the crack has been filled. Because water accelerates the
polyurethane curing process, the effectiveness of a polyurethane crack injection can be confirmed while injection is in
progress. This is accomplished by flooding the wall during injection, thus providing confirmation that the repaired crack no
longer leaks (Figs. 15–17).
Fig. 18 illustrates the relationship between water pressure and time. The initial water pressure and subsequent reductions
in pressure are shown in this figure. Similar to previous cases, the water pressure gradually increases up to 3 bar after 7.5 h.
The reduction in pressure is 8 % after 30 min. The pressure is thereafter increased at 0.5-bar increments up to 3 bar, and the

Fig. 16. Case 2–Second water tank model applied with waterproofing material.
10 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

Fig. 17. Polyurethane resin injection in a residential water tank crack.

Fig. 18. Gradual water pressure increments over three days up to 3 bar and related losses in pressure in Case 3.

Fig. 19. Water pressure losses from 3 bar over three days (Case 3).

Fig. 20. Gradual water pressure increments for three days to reach 6 bar and related losses in pressure (Case 3).
M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307 11

Fig. 21. Case 3–Water leak treatment using resin injection.

Fig. 22. Comparison among losses in water pressure vs. time of three cases. This figure illustrates the efficiency of using resin injection for water leak

pressure losses over three days are recorded, as shown in Fig. 19. It is observed that the losses in water pressure decrease
from 2.91 to 2.61 bar (11.8 %).
No water leaks are observed, and the water pressure does not decrease significantly. In this case, the water pressure is
increased up to 6 bar, and the measured values are recorded. Moreover, the water pressure reduction is calculated. The
pressure is increased to 6 bar for another three days, during which only an 8 % pressure loss is observed (Figs. 20–22).

6. Conclusion

The use of polyurethane resin as a watertight sealing method has several advantages; however, the tendency to use old
waterproofing systems still remains. This case study is conducted because of the relatively low awareness on the benefits on
the use of polyurethane resin, as well as the inadequate knowledge on the proper use of these chemicals and the function
they perform in building maintenance. This study accordingly highlights the key advantages in the use of such construction
chemicals and the knowledge on their proper application.
It is demonstrated that the characteristics of concrete in resisting water leakage under pressure exhibit significant

1 Initially, the observed water pressure loss is 84.9 %. When the pressure loss reduces to 49.43 %, water leakage also reduces
in the waterproofed concrete. With the use of polyurethane resin injection in a concrete tank where the pressure is
gradually incremented to 6 bar, only an 11.8 % pressure loss is observed.
2 Polyurethane resins are designed to expand with water to block the passage of water through cracks or voids. Their fast
expansive reaction with water forms a tough and flexible/elastic foam, making it suitable for permanent waterproofing.
Resin injection is an extremely versatile waterproofing method that can be used to deal with any basement leak in a
poured concrete structure. In general, it is an economical and a highly effective repair method for fixing foundation cracks
and leaks in basements and other concrete elements.
3 Concrete elements that can be treated with resin injection include wet or damp basement walls with actively leaking
cracks, previously repaired cracks (internally and/or externally repaired), cracks full of mud or mineral deposits, cracks
12 M.A. Safan et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 11 (2019) e00307

caused by reinforcing bar corrosion (typically observed in reinforced concrete slabs), leak-forming tie-rod holes, leak-
forming snap rods, leaking I-beam pockets, and leaking underground structures in general (e.g., parking garage cracks and
seams; underground pipe penetrations in walls to accommodate electrical conduits, gas lines, air conditioning lines, and
pipes; expansion joints; honeycombs; accessible pool bottoms).

Declaration of Competing Interest

On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.


We wish to express our deepest gratitude to the Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University for allowing the use the
Laboratory of testing and strength of materials and their support to present and complete this work. This research did not
receive any specific funding from public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.


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