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1. Create space from your work.

Find time in the day to do things you enjoy. This will allow frustration and
stagnant energy to flow through you. Also, adding an activity with physical
exercise like going to the gym speeds up this important process!

2. Empower your subconscious mind.

The best ideas can come to you while watching a movie, eating, or showering. These are all times when our conscious,
active, problem solving mind is at rest. Our subconscious mind is constantly decoding our day, working out problems,
and operating while we sleep. This happens in our dream state when we are temporarily "living" in our subconscious
mind and have an abstract dream of something from our past. Know that while you are not actively working, your
subconscious mind is working for you. The more you acknowledge and appreciate it, the better it will assist you!

3. Be present, be calm.
What is more effective, a frantic and confused mind or a calm and centered mind? We have to remember that our mind is
the tool which we use to create and explore our reality. It is our computer of computers. Without it we don't have a career
or much of what we call a human experience. So with this tool, we have to efficiently put it to use by slowly down and
being present. When we are overwhelmed or frustrated, we drop into a none resourceful state, this is a scientific fact. In
stressful moments, stop, take a breath, remember, I chose to wake up today and do this. Now, do it with a smile.

4. Switch things up.

If you always work at home, in your room, or in a specific location, switch things up! Take your laptop, notepad, iphone,
whatever it is that you do your work on and change your environment. In one way this causes different areas of your
brain to fire from the new experience and in another way you change the energy patterns from your recurring work
space. Old songs, movies, and even smells will make you feel a certain way, recreating a past energy pattern. Our
environment is no different, we mold to the habitat around us, the same way all other animals do. Make your habitat a
place for success!

5. Make your project public.

Sometimes a little fire under our creative buns helps to get us in gear. Making things public creates a sense of
commitment, there is no turning back, I've have to do this, there is no other choice. With this new responsibility, we can
get the extra push we need to move past the stagnation and creative block that is holding us back!


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