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Staff picks the best holiday films

Get in the spirit of the season with

festive movies suggested by the
Wheel staff. ›› pg. 3
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December 14, 2010 - Volume 78, Issue 7
St. Catherine University student newspaper

Activism in action
pleaded the fifth, and chose not to testify.  By
refusing to testify, they put themselves
at risk of going to jail.  The next legal
step is in the hands of the Department
• Twin Cities anti-war organizer visits SCU campus of Justice.  So far, three activists from
the Twin Cities are being re-subpoened
By Devon Arndt and many more are concerned that they
staff writer will be jailed indefinitely if they refuse to
testify. On Dec. 2, three more subpeonas
 At 7:00 a.m. on Sept. 24, the Federal Bureau Aby was unwilling to provide. She refused were issued to activists in Chicago.
of Investigation (FBI) raided the homes of six to betray the activists’ confidences and, in Aby also mentioned that the Supreme
peace and international solidarity activists in her view, put their lives in danger just to Court ruled last summer that supporting
Minneapolis, Minn. and two in Chicago, Ill., comply with the FBI. a “terrorist” group is not limited to
seizing computers, cell phones, CDs, files, and “I am not willing to name names of what supplying weaponry and financial
papers. They left behind subpoenas ordering activists think in these war-torn countries or support.
the activists to testify at a secret grand jury to name names of who thinks what in the The activists, along with Aby, believe
on Oct. 5  about the political opinions of anti-war movement.   This whole process the FBI is targeting them as a test case to
others in the peace movement. see how widely this law can be applied
According to the warrant, the FBI agents to groups whose opinions counter the Meredith Aby, a peace activist
were seeking evidence of ties to “foreign
terrorist organizations.” The federal law cited
“I am not willing to interests of the government.  Aby hopes
that people will get motivated by hearing
subpoenaed to testify against her fellow
organizers, spoke about the issue on
in the search warrant prohibits “providing
material support or resources to designated
name names of what their stories and take action out of concern
for all rights – not just those of individual
campus. Photo by Dana Bloomquist
foreign terrorist organizations.”
Meredith Aby, one of the activists targeted
activists think in these activists.  
First-year student Revalon Wesson agrees.
around the country and have organized
protests and national call-in days to let elected
by the FBI investigation, came to St. Catherine
University (SCU) on Dec. 2 to share her
war-torn countries...” Wesson first heard Meredith Aby speak
at the School of Americas Protest in Nov.
officials know that they are responsible for
defending civil liberties.
story with students and faculty. Aby, one
of the founders of the Twin Cities Anti-War
—Meredith Aby Wesson was surprised when she discovered
that Aby was being targeted for her anti-
“This case certainly hits close to home.  What
happened to Meredith could happen to
Committee, has been a peace activist since war protests. others in our community.  Rather than be
1995. She has traveled on human rights “She put herself out there as an opponent discouraged or fearful, now more than ever we
delegations to locations like Colombia just reeks of McCarthy-ism to me,” Aby said. to the use of military weapons, making her need to come together to continue building
and Palestine to meet with activists and SCU’s social justice coordinator, Ned a target to the government. I feel like the a more peaceful and just world,” Moore said.
community members. Moore, has participated in similar peace FBI wants an excuse to make her (and the To learn more about the raids or to sign
 On Sept. 24, Aby was issued a subpoena delegations. other activists) stop their work, so they an online petition encouraging government
to testify to a grand jury that explicitly stated “It’s hard for me to imagine being in [Aby’s] are accusing them of terroristic activity,” officials to stop FBI repression, visit www.
that the prosecutor wanted her to testify situation, but I think her story is a sobering Wesson said.
about the meetings she had with activists reminder that the path to social justice can Since the Sept. raids, the activists have
in Palestine and Colombia. The prosecutor be very difficult at times,” Moore said. been working to inform the public about Devon can be reached at
requested names of each contact, something On Oct. 5, all the activists were subpoenaed, the issue. They have held speaking events

• SCU club pushes for
cage-free eggs
By Milan Wilson-Robinson
staff writer
The student-led organization Advocating
for Animals concentrates on the rights
of animals and is currently leading a call
for cage-free eggs (eggs from farms that
do not keep the hens in a cage) in the St.
Catherine University (SCU) dining room.
“What we do is promote the welfare of
animals,” Chelsea Jones-Thomas, president

May I have this dance?

of Advocating for Animals, said. “The main
purpose of this club is to work for the benefit
of animals to the best of our ability.”
The club plans to educate the SCU
• SCU celebrates 8th annual Charity Ball community on the maltreatment of animals
By Rachel Armstrong in the food industry, and is working to
sections editor eliminate that mistreatment through
volunteer work, fundraising, informational
St. Catherine University’s (SCU) 8th annual Charity Ball events, and other projects.
was held on Dec. 10. This year, entertainment was provided “We believe that it is okay to use an
by Dueling Pianos group Crazy Keys. There was dancing, animal’s products, such as meat, eggs,
a photo booth, hors d’oeuvres, prizes, and a silent auction. dairy, etc., but it is not okay to treat the
Proceeds from the event were given to Sarah’ Oasis for animal with disrespect [in order] to use
Women, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph that supports those products,” Jones-Thomas said.
women seeking housing, community, and safety. The club believes this organization is
For SCU community members, the Charity Ball provides essential to the SCU community because
a fun way to become aware and involved in one of the their focus on animal welfare connects with
ministries that the Sisters of St. Joseph provide.
“Sarah’s is the organization that we donate all of the See ANIMALS, pg. 2
funds raised from Charity Ball to each year,” Cristie Young,
a senior at SCU and one of the organizers of the event,
said. “Sarah’s is a great place that offers women transitional
Young hopes students enjoyed the festivities this year, and
Top Left: Students and their guests danced the night away to live took the time to celebrate the end of the semseter.
music provided by Crazy Keys. “After a long couple of weeks of papers and final tests,
Top Right: Ballgoers could enjoy a wide selection of refreshments The Charity Ball is a great way [for students] to leave the
between trips to the auction or dance floor. stress behind, put finals in the back of their minds, and
Bottom Left: The ball was organized by members of the St. Kate’s dance the night away,” Young said.
Activities Team (SKAT). Photos by Dana Bloomquist
Rachel can be reached at Photo by Dana Bloomquist
2 | The Wheel NEWS & OPINION December 14, 2010

Theory to action: ANIMALS continued...

SCU’s Catholic and ethical
Can’t stop won’t teachings.
Even Pope Benedict XVI

stop; politics beyond has taken an opposing

s t a n ce o n t h e p o o r
treatment of animals.
academia “In reference to the
inhumane treatment of
By Elissa Johnson animals, Pope Benedict
political columnist has said, ‘This degrading
of living creatures to a
commodity seems to me
The end of another semester is upon us. I can’t imagine that I’m the only one shocked in fact to contradict the
to look at my planner and realize it’s mid-December. Quite a lot has happened politically relationship of mutuality
in the last four months. that comes across in the
We’ve seen Glenn Beck and his rally to “restore honor” countered by John Stewart and Bible.’ Furthermore, [SCU]
Steven Colbert’s rally to “restore sanity,” solidifying popular media’s involvement in shaping is a school of social justice,
the nation’s political opinions, for better or for worse. and animal welfare is a
A tight Minnesota governor’s race hinted at a shameful disparity between Minnesotans form of social justice for
who speak of voting and those who actually do. animals,” Jones-Thomas
To Democratic chagrin, Republicans swept November elections. To Republican chagrin, said.
Democrats aren’t backing down easily. The development of the
Issues of social and moral significance gained attention as well. By that I mean the gays club began when Jones-
got a lot of press, and rightfully so. Pushes toward legalizing civil unions and gay marriage Thomas responded to
came closer than ever before and even passed in some places (like my home state, Illinois.); a Kateway posting for a
Clinton-era “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was deemed unconstitutional by a number of state meeting involving people
courts and is closer to being overturned altogether than ever before. concerned about animal
This is only the tip of the headline iceberg you may or may not have caught throughout welfare.
this whirlwind of a semester but, don’t fear! You have been awarded time to catch up on all “A group of faculty members were additional campus support for getting
things of national importance, also known as winter break. Here’s a little sampling of the interested in getting the SCU dining room cage-free eggs on campus.
things you might think about following with all of your newly acquired free time: to only use cage-free eggs...Upon emailing Students interested in joining Advocating
Even with an 8,000 vote deficit in the recount, Tom Emmer wouldn’t back down. The a faculty member, Briggs Rolfsrud, and for Animals can contact Chelsea Jones-
recounting of votes in the Minnesota governor’s election débuted Democratic Governor discussing what the group intended to do Thomas at
Elect, Mark Dayton, with the same lead he had the first time, a close one. It’ll be interesting and wanted to achieve, we came up with The club meets every two to three weeks
to see how this highly anticipated DFL leadership will affect social, environmental, and the conclusion that a club on campus would on Tuesdays at noon. The group can also
otherwise “liberal” legislation that has been effectively stamped out over the last few years be a wonderful idea,” Jones-Thomas said.   be found on Facebook.
by T-Paw.  The organization plans to use tabling,
Mr. President, it seems, can do no right. By extending Bush-era tax cuts to all income presentations, and a petition to garner Milan can be reached at
levels, including the extremely wealthy, the Democrats feel like President Obama has

A Letter to the Student Body

completely betrayed his standards, his party, and the average American family. Apparently,
likening the Republicans to “hostage takers” in the address announcing the extension was
not enough to appease the other side of the aisle. To be fair, compromise always feels better
when you’re the one getting more of what you want. Perhaps the Democrats are the one’s By Nelum Madanayake that focuses on our campus’ sustainability.
who need to take a step back. With the economy still in a slump, even after a supposed senate president Our financial committee on Senate has also
upturn, taxes will influence spending, unemployment benefits and the job market, the been hard at work to make the budgeting
only question is, “how?” Dear Students, and funding process easier for students. The
Though a lift was supported by over half of polled active duty military personnel, multiple Where did this semester go? Seriously, finals committee is continually calling for “capital”
state courts, independent justices, countless non-governmental organizations and its newest are here! The due dates that were thought to be funding proposals, which means proposals for
ally, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was affirmed by so far off are on top of us. How did this happen? funding for permanent fixtures. Our diversity
the Supreme Court. This was the closest the Clinton-era policy that unabashedly denies What this also means is that Senate’s first committee on Senate has hosted campus-
rights and benefits to individuals because of their sexual orientation and their families came term of the academic year is coming to a close, wide workshops and events, most recently
in years to being abolished. My thoughts and hopes will be focused on safety and education and we are starting to take a look at what we’ve co-hosting a “Cornbread and Chili Night”
in the coming years that it could take to get another motion to the floor. done so far this year and what we will be doing with the Multicultural and International
If none of these political happenings pique your interest, try this: read a newspaper. Even next semester. Programs office.
the home-town one left on your family’s kitchen table. The nice thing about breaks is that So what have we been up to? To begin, we In looking towards next semester, our external
you can read whatever you want. Why not make it something that’ll give you some insight started the year with an extremely successful committee is gearing up for our annual Day at the
into what’s going on around you? You’ll impress your professors when you come back in election. Over 15% of the undergraduate student Capital lobby day. We have also begun organizing
February and, trust me, if you want to justify to your parents why they pay for a private body voted using our online ballot, which was a Lunch with the Administration event, where
college, get caught reading the New York Times online. Stay informed. Be opinionated. incredible! Once we had our new board together, students can sit down with administrative staff
Have a great break. we began with discussing the new tobacco ban and have a casual, laid-back conversation. Our
on campus. This was a hot topic among some environmental committee will be continuing
Elissa can be reached at students, and Senate brought in Amy Kelley its work to eliminate plastic water bottles
and Laura Goodman in response to concerns. on campus, and our organizational affairs
Both of these conversations were videotaped committee will continue its work chartering
ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY WHEEL STAFF and broad casted on our university television
channel, as all Senate meetings are normally.
campus clubs. In addition, the Senate’s strong
partnership with the St. Kate’s Activities Team
Volume 78, Issue 7 Furthermore, in response to issues surrounding (SKAT) will be key next semester as SKAT hosts
food and nutrition on campus, Senate brought in their annual Dew Drop Bop.
Editor-in-Chief: TREZA ROSADO the now retired Webster Peterson to a meeting to Furthermore, questions regarding public
Layout Designer: SARAH WENTE talk about dining services and suggested certain safety and parking have prompted Senate to
Sections Editor: RACHEL ARMSTRONG changes, many of which were implemented. form a public safety task force. This group will
Photo Editor: DANA BLOOMQUIST For example, the Pulse’s hours of operation begin to meet next semester and will work with
Adviser: SHEILA ELDRED changed dramatically after his discussion with public safety to address concerns and educate
Senior Staff Writers: JORDYN ARNDT, LYDIA FASTELAND, CLAIRE DA- the Residence Hall Association and the Senate. students. More information about this task
In total, we have hosted eight guest speakers force will be available in February.
at our meetings this semester, including vice On a more personal note, between Senate
Staff Writers: CAITLIN SNODGRASS, DEVON ARNDT, MILAN WILSON- president Brian Bruess, chief financial officer meetings and individual conversations with
ROBINSON, HANNAH FRANCE, MAGGIE WEISS, ESTHER MOSS Tom Rooney, Jim Manship, director of facilities. constituents, I’ve learned so much about being
Photographers: DANA BLOOMQUIST This has allowed us to work to bridge the gap a leader of an organization. I suppose that’s the
Cartoonist: KATHERINE CURTIS between students and the administration and point of this job, but it’s amazing how much of
If you would like to write for The Wheel, please contact us at make sure the student voice is being heard. a learning curve has taken place over the last However, what we do at our meetings is only few months. I thank each and every Senate
a small part of our role on and off campus. member for bearing with me through this
MISSION STATEMENT This semester, we have networked with other
private colleges around the state including the
learning process.
It has been an honor to work with Senate this
The Wheel aspires to reflect the diversity and unique atmosphere that College of St. Benedict and Hamline University. semester, and to be among a group of strong
comprises St. Catherine University. We strive to provide an inclusive The Senate has worked with the Grad Student women who want to be leaders on campus.
newspaper primarily for the students and by the students. The Wheel Advisory Board to create a “Memorial Grove” Furthermore, it has been an honor to serve you
promotes the vision of empowering women to lead and influence by Dew Drop Pond with trees in memory of as the student Senate president thus far, and
as well as an understanding of the university community inside and the four students who passed away last year. I will humbly continue to work hard to make
outside of the gates. As a staff we aim to meet the highest journal- Furthermore, the Senate is working on an this community the place you want it to be.
istic standards and stand in accordance with the 1st Amendment of annual service project and an outdoor bench on Never forget that your comments, opinions,
campus in Henrietta Schmoll Raeunhorst’s name. and ideas are what motivate the Senate. We are
the Constitution of the United States of America and policies of prior
Senate members have attended administrative your government, here to serve you, and we
restraint. The Wheel is not a public relations vehicle for any SCU indi- meetings this semester, including University are students just like you. Use us as a resource,
vidual, group, department or for the college as a whole. We welcome Council and Minnesota Association of Private and know that your voice, the student voice,
feedback and encourage an open discourse. The Wheel is supported by College Students Board. Our Environmental is our greatest asset.
student funds and is distributed free of charge. Committee also has organized the SCU President’s
Climate Committee meetings, a huge project Nelum can be reached at
December 14, 2010 NEWS & OPINION The Wheel | 3

Breaking down walls: ‘Tis the

• Sarah Hollows (Staff
Wr i t e r, G u e s t C o l u m n i s t ) :
“Scrooged,” starring Bill Murray.
Combat consumerism season
If you still need to know why after
you see the name Bill Murray then
I have nothing more to say to you
with charitable • Wheel staffers share their
and we probably have very different
movie tastes... also, you’re probably
donations favorite holiday films
Compiled by Rachel Arm-
a hum bug. Happy freakin’ holidays!

• Clara Johnson (Staff Writer):

strong, submitted by the “Jack Frost” from 1996 would
Wheel staff have to be my favorite. I remember
when this movie came out, and the
By Jordyn Arndt Since I plan to spend my entire holiday cover of this VHS was a holographic
international columnist break sitting on the couch and eating my picture of a snowman that turned
mother’s sugar cookies, I decided to ask our evil as you moved from left to right.
staff to reccommend some of their favorite To say the least, it terrified me. But,
During the holiday season, checking people off of your shopping list is a top priority.  While holiday movies to keep me entertained. when I finally watched this film (in
Black Friday has passed, the consumer-driven atmosphere of the holidays has not.  Aggressive Usually, I spend my break watching and its translated German form, no less),
advertising campaigns and enticing sales attempt to persuade customers to spend money.  The re-watching the Harry Potter movies, not it revealed to me all its campy, stupid
holidays are a critical time for retail and, as former President Bush reminded us in his 2006 becasue wizards and magic remind me horror gloriousness. You will never
particularly of the holiday season, but see a snowman the same way again.
speech on the overall economy, “A recent report on retail sales shows a strong beginning to because there is always a heart-warming
the holiday shopping season across the country – and I encourage you all to go shopping scene of young Harry getting presents for • De von Ar ndt (Staff Wr iter):
more.” the first time, or Hagrid lugging a tree across “It’s a Wonderful Life” is my favorite
Ahh, yes.  There is nothing quite like snowflakes falling, holiday lights glistening, and the grounds of Hogwarts, or Hedwig flying holiday film. It is a classic story
frenzied shoppers racking up credit card expenditures on gifts for their friends, family, and over the snow-wreathed castle. that never gets old. Jimmy Stewart
coworkers at local shopping centers.  The gifts that will be opened with such anticipation But I figured this year I’d check in with is also one of my favorite actors.
are often cast aside in later months as we become entranced with the next new trend in our staff to see if I could diversify my usual
holiday movie choices and share the joy • Claire Davidson (Music Columnist):
beauty, fashion, electronics, or home goods.  The need to consume never ceases as new
with our readers. My favorite holiday movie would
products are put on the market.   have to be “Edward Scissorhands.”
Oh, how I love the holidays. • Jordyn Arndt (Senior Staff Writer): Aside from the fact that it stars
Sarcasm aside, the true meaning of the holidays is not about engaging in massive My f avo r i t e h o l i d ay m ov i e Johnny Depp, I think it’s one of Tim
consumption in an effort to demonstrate your appreciation for individuals through the i s “A C h r i s t m a s S t o r y ” t h a t Burton’s best films, with a strong
process of gift-giving.  Whether you celebrate the myriad of holidays that fall during the was produced in 1983. message about being whole heartedly
winter months or not, the holidays are about spending time with loved ones.  The greatest “A Christmas Story”depicts the 1940’s, individual and kind all year round.
a bygone era in American history, in a
gift that you can give is your time and affection.  Commercial gift-giving merely attempts
charming and funny manner. Although • Ma g g i e We i s ( S t a f f Wr i t e r ) :
to attach a monetary value to the meaning of a relationship, an impossible feat indeed. the ascribed gender roles of the parents “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” I
Alas, what does an individual give to someone who has it all?  Why not divert your are grating at times, the movie shows love how everyone from different
financial support to someone who has next-to-nothing in terms of financial wealth?  A a relatively positive and endearing side generations and families can relate to
donation or purchase that supports a charitable organization could bring a unique and of American popular culture. I have the story and the characters themselves.
altruistic touch to your typical holiday gift exchange. seen the movie several times but still It’s one of those movies that the
In a world in which one-third of the population controls two-thirds of the world’s watch at least a couple of scenes during whole family can watch. Plus, I love
resources, it only seems fair that we give back during the holidays.  According to a study the twenty-four hour “A Christmas Linus’ monologue at the end; it’s
Story” marathon on television. the best line in the whole movie.
conducted in 2006 entitled Global Inequality: What it is and Why it Matters? by Branko
Milanovic, a lead economist at the World Bank: “The ratio between the average income • Anna Ruhland (Staff Writer): • Tréza Rosado (Editor-in-Chief ):
received by the richest five percent and poorest five percent of the people in the world is Any Rankin Bass cartoon, mainly due “The Lord of the Rings” series.
165 to one.  The richest people earn in about 48 hours as much as the poorest people in to nostalgia. These are the holiday movies It used to be released every year in
the world earn in a year.”   of my childhood as well as my mother’s mid-December and that was pretty
These bleak statics could lead a holiday shopper to dispair.  What could one holiday childhood. They have that timeless much a holiday in and of itself.
purchase possibly do?  While a charitable donation or purchase will not change the world, christmas feeling of contentment. Middle Earth, like the North Pole,
has elves and a kindly old man with
it certainly will make a positive difference in someone’s life.
• Lydia Fasteland (Health Columnist): a long white beard. Also, Aragorn.
My charity of choice is Heifer International.  Heifer International is dedicated to helping “White Christmas.” It is a classic
communities obtain sustainable sources of food and income.  By donating money towards movie with Bing Crosby and Danny • Sarah Wente (Layout Editor):
the purchase of livestock, gift-givers enable donation recipients to use the wool of their Kaye, who are a hilarious comedy I love “The Santa Clause” with Tim
sheep, milk of their goat, or fleece from their llama to improve the livelihood and well-being duo. The music from this film is so Allen. I used to watch a T.V. show with
of their families and communities.  Heifer International is only one example of a worthy versatile,that it can be sung all year him on it all the time, so when I learned
charitable organization that would benefit from financial support during the holiday season long (which I do!). Great movie for he was in a Christmas movie, I had
anyone who loves classic moviemaking! to see it. It’s such a great tale of belief
and year-round. I intend to purchase a goat, a flock of geese, and a share of a camel this
and the mystery and love of Christmas.
holiday season for my loved ones. • Katherine Curtis (Cartoonist): Every time I watch the film, I want
        Regardless of your passions, there are many charitable organizations around the world “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” to eat cookies, drink hot chocolate,
addressing issues pertaining to education, hunger, health, environment, and disaster relief.  A Not only is it a totally ‘90s movie, but and pretend I’m at the North Pole.
quick Google search will yield infinite results. If you cannot decide on which organization it’s artistically amazing, fun, and easy
to support for that special someone, why not get them a Charity Choice Donation Gift to watch, and it incorporates both • Dana Bloomquist (Photo Editor):
Card that would enable them to select their own initiatives to support?   Halloween and Christmas... you get Last year I watched the “It’s Always
One last word of advice: research charities before you donate in order to ensure that the best of both worlds! Sunny in Philadelphia” Christmas
special a lot. My whole family sat down
your money is going to the right place.  Revel in the holiday spirit by giving to those less • Jessica Jones (Photog rapher, to watch it (this is a feat in and of
fortunate who are less concerned with the latest gadget, and more concerned with where S t a f f W r i t e r ) : itself) and laughed out loud the whole
they will find their next meal.   Will Vinton’s“Claymation Christmas.” time. Plus the bizzare and twisted
Happy socially conscious gift-giving, and let there be peace and justice on earth! It was a tradition to watch and I love family dynamics in the show make my
it because it’s an amazing mixture family feel more optimisitc about ours.
Jordyn can be reached at of simple and classic holiday songs
synced to cute and fun characters. Rachel can be reached at
4 | The Wheel FEATURES December 14, 2010

Holiday gift guides Film review:

“127 Minutes”
• Chronicling the
• Gift ideas for a college rent from the school is not only a hassle, dollars each and
budget but there is always a chance that the front include at least survival instinct
desk may not have what you are looking for. ten pieces.
Compiled by Hannah France At Target, you By Hannah France
and Maggie Weiss 3) There are also those friends who love can buy perfume staff writer
music, from Techno and Hip-Hop, to Rock samples for as little as one dollar and Lip
As college students, we hardly have time and Country. A CD by their favorite band Smacker products, as well as other make- Picture a desert. Beautiful red rocks and
to go to the mall when there are finals that or artist is always a good place to start. up gifts, are often on sale this time of year. smooth canyon walls surround you and
need to be studied for, papers to write, and Taylor Swift’s new album “Speak Now” and On a bigger budget you can create a
concerts and performances to prepare for. Keith Urban’s new album “Get Closer” are manicure/pedicure basket, which includes the sun sits on the horizon. Do you see
Plus, let’s not forget the air that takes up a both available at Best Buy for $9.99 each. nail polish, nail files, toe separators, and a it? Is it beautiful?
majority of our wallets. But there is a way hand/foot scrub. Now imagine that a rock is pinning your
to make the holiday season magical for 4) The bookworm on your holiday shopping
everyone on your list, even if you are on list could appreciate a book from the best-selling 7) On a tight budget, gifts for video gamers arm to the wall of a gap you fell into. Do
a tight budget: “Millennium Trilogy,” which is comprised of can be difficult to swing. A great idea is to you feel that pain? Well Aron Ralston,
the books “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” buy an Xbox 360 game card, which starts at
protagonist of the film 127 Hours, sure did.
1) For the movie buff, the blockbuster “The Girl Who Played with Fire,” and “The $10. Another gift idea is the deal Blizzard
“Inception” was recently released on Dec. 7 Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.” On Company has in time for the new expansion This film is the true survival story of Aron
for $16.99 at Target. Or, if vampires are what, the books individually cost for World of Warcraft. Buy the gamer in Ralston, who survived for 127 hours in the
your loved one desires, “The Twilight Saga: no more than $15 and orders over $25 ship your life the first three expansions of World
Eclipse” could be a great stocking stuffer for for free. of Warcraft for only $20 to prepare them for desert with his arm caught between a boulder
$15.96 at Wal-Mart. the newest expansion, Cataclysm. and a rock wall.
However, if your buddy is more into 5) For your artist friend, a brand new The concept of the survival story, though
classics, the DVD release of “The Princess sketchbook or art set is perfect for under As a final note, be sure to double check
Bride” will only cost you $9.96 at Wal-Mart. the tree. You can find them at an art store, prices at all stores you visit; some prices intriguing in theory, was not something I
Be prepared to pay more for movies on office supply, or retail center for differing may vary depending on region or type of was looking forward to spending an hour
Blu-Ray. prices dependent on quality. A Harry Potter- store. If you see an alternate item that you and a half of my life devoted to. Watching
themed poster sketchbook costs just $12 at think someone will love, check the price
2) If there’s someone on your list who spends Barnes & Noble. and recalculate your budget if you plan someone trapped in a desert isn’t exactly the
a large amount of time in the kitchen, a new on purchasing it. With these shopping thriller of the year.
set of pots and pans could be an ideal gift. If 6) The “glamour girls” can be the toughest tips and recommendations, you can find
However, I was surprised to find the film
you don’t want to be fancy, most basic sets to buy for because of their love for unique something for everyone on your list.
cost around $20 at many local retail centers. flair, which can get expensive. But fear not: intellectually compelling, as it explores Aron’s
If your friend already has a good set, try Wal-Mart is full of holiday deals, especially Hannah can be reached at psyche while he is trapped.
getting new cooking utensils. Having to on make-up kits, which start at around five Maggie can be reached at
Instead of providing backround about
Aron’s life at the beginning of the film, while

Be a one-of-a
he is trapped he has flashbacks to explain
what the audience didn’t know previously

kind giver
about his past. The flashbacks feature his past
romantic interest, his family, and memories
of his childhood exploring the desert with
his father.
Aron also had a camera with him while
he was trapped and recorded video clips
saying goodbye. He also shot clips purely
for himself. It was a clever way to shoot the
film because it prevented the bulk of the
movie, that being Aron trapped behind the
boulder, from getting slow and monotonous.
A word of warning, however: this film is
A retro-minimalist dish set can do the double-duty of providing not for the weak of stomach. You wouldn’t
your friend with a practical and stylish gift while providing you
think it from the previews, but there is quite
with an actual surface to eat on instead of the paper towel plate Not sure what new album your friend would like best?
you try to construct every time you’re over. How about gifting some sweet headphones instead? a bit of blood. In the story, Aron escapes
Thinking creatively often provides a unique opportunity by cutting his arm off and walking until he
for more memorable, and less stressful, gift giving. found other hikers; this part of the story
is not left out in the film. It was the most
difficult part of the movie to watch; people
around me were holding their arms and
Despite all the blood, the film features
beautiful shots of the desert. The rocks and
the canyons make you wish you were there-
just away from all those falling rocks.
The shots in the beginning of the film
show Aron biking through the rocks. Three
simultaneous shots of this were shown on
screen, alternating and transitioning to speed
Want your femme friend to show off your gift? Nail polish is
a great option for her if you can wade through the surplus of the opening along.
shades that adequately match her wardrobe. But what really made the movie was
James Franco, who portrayed Aron. It’s
rough to play deep, emotional roles but
Tired of waiting Franco made it look easy. He brought an
to get a turn element of grace to the role, which not
at DragonAge:
many actors can effectively pull off. He was
Origins? Grab
your friend an engaging, fun to watch, and kept the movie
extra controller Moleskine-style notebooks make for simple, rolling so there was never a dull moment.
to level-up your versatile, and elegant gifts. They have a wide
joint gaming fun. variety of uses and come in plenty of styles,
sizes, and colors. Hannah can be reached at
December 14, 2010 FEATURES The Wheel | 5

“Why am I still protesting this?”

• Students Anna Ruhland and Eileen Riley reflect on the movement to close the
School of the Americas/WHINSEC
TW: Was this you first time attending the letters are sometimes appropriate, how years. I took part in the puppetista parade
School of the Americas (SOA) vigil? If much more significant is a gathering of by marching and playing the drums with
not, why did you decide to attend again? 10,000 people? How strong are words fellow protestors. It was so powerful
on paper compared to telling someone I to be in the midst of it all, playing the
ER: A couple of things drew me back to spent 48 hours on a bus for 30 hours of drums, surrounded by colorful puppets
the gates of Fort Benning. First of all, I activity? Never once have I told someone and personalities. The SOA is such a
think one thing that is very important in about my bus experience and not had whirlwind of emotions and being involved
social justice movements is endurance. I them ask “But why did you put yourself in one of the finales impacted me quite a
think people have this flare when they through that?” When I talk about the bit.
first hear of a movement, then once the SOA, people understand that it is a Very
information settles in their mind, it seems Bad Thing...when I tell them about my ER: Every year, the part of the vigil that
less shocking. Social justice is something experience, it becomes a Very Bad Thing hits me is when the names are being
that requires perseverance. This semester that affects me personally, and as such, sung. There is always a section in which
has been harder than any other thus far in something that me and other individuals “Child, age unknown” is sung over and
my college experience. For the first time can and are changing. over and over again. I have tried to count,
since hearing about the trip, I considered and never can keep track as I hold up my the base, some for organizing without
staying home and trying to finally catch While those are two strong reasons cross and sing “Presente”. Thinking of the a permit, yet some for taking pictures,
up in my course work. The consideration why I felt I must attend again, the reason sea of children is something that always jaywalking, or even for trying to leave
was brief. I decided that this problem-- I became interested will continue to be has a profound affect on me, and is the the chaos of a hungry police brigade.
this issue which results in millions of lives my driving force. I will never be able experience during the weekend that starts They were seen by the toughest judge
lost--was far more important than what I to understand the injustice, and I will my tears. in the area, and were convicted of bogus
would be giving up. never be able to sit back and watch an offenses. The entire experience showed
opportunity to try to end it float by me. This year, a new aspect was added me that the people who keep the SOA
Another reason I felt I needed to go is to the weekend that hit me harder operational are wrong; they are doing
to illustrate to those I leave behind just TW: What part of the experience made than usual. A friend planned an act of everything they can to stamp out a
how big the issue is. When discussing the the greatest impact on you? Why? civil disobedience in the form of traffic movement that peacefully demands
School of the Americas, I find so many blocking. She ended up being convicted justice for all. For that alone, I know I will
people (mainly my parents) telling me to AR: This [time] around I was more of four felonies. Many others were be back next year.
write a letter to my congressman. While involved in the SOA compared to previous arrested as well: some for crossing onto

Losing steam? Demanding accountability

planted a seed of consciousness in their
parent’s minds that wouldn’t have been
possible had people like myself decided
• Why the SOA move- not to bring the movement to Minn. I’m
generalizing here, but the point is that I
• Why the SOA protests Why, then, is it necessary for a military
training facility to continue injecting Latin
ment needs to expand think that the movement, although it is
already quite diverse, would do itself a favor
still matter American soldiers with U.S. military rhetoric
By Esther Moss and techniques, then send them back home?
by further expanding its target audience.
By Esther Moss More importantly, why hasn’t the U.S.
Moving the protest to Washington, D.C., staff writer
staff writer would be one way to do this. government admitted responsibility in
Having voiced my critique of the protest to If the protest to close SOA/WHINSEC had training many of the worst human rights
It may seem odd that I did not attend the close the SOA/WHINSEC, I must acknowledge half the press of Lollapalooza or even Lillith violators in history (Google search “El Mozote
protest to close the SOA/Western Hemisphere that the protest as it is meets three very Fair, the mix of aging hippies, college-aged massacre”)? Why do framed portraits of
Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) important needs.
hipster, young parents and habited nuns those murderers hang in SOA/WHINSEC’s
this year. I stayed in chilly Minnesota and First, it provides a catharsis for people like
voiced my discontent at a small vigil and panel myself who feel huge amounts of guilt on might finally be able to put down their hall of fame?
organized by Celeste’s Dream, a ministry of behalf of US imperialism and militarism. A crosses and go home. The simple answer is because the movement
the Sisters of St. Joseph. strong communal cry can help us move on However, the School of the Americas/ to close the SOA/WHINSEC has been, thus
I felt a little guilty until I saw that our to activism that combats the systems that WHINSEC remains open and busloads far, unsuccessful. The military responds to
local extension of the protest was attended we find so disheartening. of protesters arrive at the entrance to Fort the movement by pointing to the fact that
by several high school students who Second, the protest and vigil are rare
stood awkwardly on the edge of our vigil spaces that lift up the stories and voices of Benning , Georgia every November to state the school now teaches human rights courses
ceremony on the Lake Street Bridge. These los pueblos who have suffered for centuries their opposition to the continued operation and has changed its name to WHINSEC.
new-comers seemed uncomfortable next and who continue to be marginalized. of a military training facility funded by U.S. However, as Roy Bourgeois, founder of the
to the radical nuns and long-haired men Third, the protest is indeed a consciousness- tax dollars. movement to close the school says, “new
holding crosses that bore the names of raising event for those who manage to Why do more than 20,000 people attend a name, same shame.”
victims of SOA/WHINSEC murders. However, make it down to Georgia without a prior
weekend full of speeches, songs, processions, In my opinion, the issue at this point
their presence was the affirmation I needed understanding of what they came to protest.
for not participating in the main protest. I was such a protester my first year; I have dancing, drumming, crying and puppetry is impunity. The U.S. government has yet
The problem with the Fort Benning since declared a Latin American Studies every year? Originally established in Panama, to apologize for or even admit its role in
protest is that its participants are highly major, spent a year studying abroad in the SOA/WHINSEC consists of training the massacres of entire villages in Latin
self-selecting. How many corporate CEOs Latin America, and in general have become programs that teach Latin American soldiers America. The argument that graduates of
from Minn. would willingly spend 24 hours an insufferable know-it-all any time Latin how to silence government dissidents. the SOA/WHINSEC were simply promoting
traveling south on a crowded bus only to America is mentioned in a conversation.
spend their weekend surrounded by stinky, The Georgia protest and vigil are important, The process is simple and familiar. U.S. democracy or protecting the United States
hairy hippies and social justice junkies all but they’re not perfect. It’s time for the politicians and corporations want to control from Communist rebels doesn’t hold water
for the sake of countries and people who energy in the movement to close the SOA/ Latin American natural resources for economic in these cases.
are most likely exploited by the businesses WHINSEC to be spread throughout the reasons (check the country of origin of the Graduates of the SOA slaughtered children.
those CEOs represent? Zero. country. Perhaps sprouting new growth from next Dole banana you buy). The easiest way Killing a child, whether he or she would
However, I think some of the mothers the subversive roots that have surely grown
to do this is to promote governments that have grown up to be a communist or not,
and fathers of the well-dressed Catholic around the nation would bring the School of
students who attended our small vigil the Americas closer to its long-awaited end. welcome US companies and economic policy. is never just. A school that trained soldiers
and discussion might well be the kind of Maintaining the kinds of governments that to kill children must at least admit partial
powerful CEOs who are normally excluded Esther can be reached at bend to U.S. corporate will is not easy, and responsibility.
from the protest to close the SOA/WHINSEC. communities who are treated inhumanely tend The fact that many soldiers who passed
Maybe those students went home and to react violently (Google search Zapatistas through the gates of the SOA did not commit
or Sandinista Revolution). human rights abuses is overshadowed by
To solve this problem, the United States men such as Roberto D’Abuisson (an El
For more information about created its very own “school” to make sure Salvadoran politician) and Hugo Banzer (a
the School of the Americas, its puppets in Central and South America Bolivian dictator) who are both graduates of
are at least well armed. Thousands of soldiers the SOA/WHINSEC and some of the worst
including facts about the SOA and military commanders returned to their human rights abusers in history. Men like
program, opportunities to pro- home countries and proceeded to do exactly D’Abuisson, who was known as “Blowtorch
test, and additional resources, what they were taught to do: rape, murder, Bob” because of his preferred methods of
extort, torture and terrorize. torture, are not a coincidence.
visit the SOA Watch website at Today, the Cold War is over and free trade policies let U.S. companies economically Esther can be reached at
exploit their southern neighbors.
6 | The Wheel FEATURES December 14, 2010

2010 Music Review:

The good, the bad, and the unbearable.
Truth - Alexander Ebert Tighten Up - The Black Keys 1. “Teen Dream” - Beach House
T: This isn’t an officially released track T: The whistling, the time change, the This comes with a healthy helping of passionate debate, but I believe Beach House put
but it’s still my favorite single of this year. old-school charm--this first single off the out a better album than Arcade Fire this year and I am ready to entertain all manner of
Ebert, better known as the frontman duo’s “Brothers” record was definitely an dissenters. “Teen Dream” (not to be confused with that Katy Perry atrocity) has not left
of Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic effective advertisement for a truly great my car stereo since it dropped in early 2010. The album is so good, as a whole, that I
Zeros, sounds here like something out album. can’t pinpoint a favorite track--is it Victoria Legrand’s sweeping vocals on“Norway?” Is
of a spaghetti Western. Singing about it the orchestral melody of “Mile Stereo?” Is it the bittersweet promise of “Take Care?”
forgiveness and betrayal over the catchiest F*** You - Cee-lo It’s impossible to decide. The entire album segues so seamlessly from track to track that
melody this side of “Whip My Hair,” the T: According to some, this track came I can’t imagine separating one from the rest; it would feel like a perversion of something
track is irrepressible, right down to the too late to save the lackluster summer of absolutely perfect.
collage of muted horns at the end. 2010. However, it came just in time to
make everyone’s Best Of list. Cee-lo does So, apologies to Win Butler and company, but second-best album of 2010 will have
Rill Rill - Sleigh Bells here what he does best: pairing his soulful to suffice.
T: Love them or loathe them for their falsetto with a throwback beat in a cross
mix of garish percussion and feather-light between a parody and an homage to R&B 2. The Suburbs - Arcade Fire
vocals, this track by hipster duo, Sleigh of old. Although this album doesn’t possess the dark brilliance of “Funeral,” it comes closer
Bells, is infectious and then some. to that achievement than anything the Canadian group has released since. The album
Crystalized - The xx plunges headlong into suburban nostalgia, lamenting the passage of youth while decry-
Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons C: This breathy, rhythmic hipster anthem ing the sprawl and expansion of modern life and its attendant monotony. “The Sub-
C: The most powerful single off an was the most provocative single of the urbs” manages to pull together some of the band’s greatest tracks, none more-so than
already triumphant album. Mumford year. the title track itself. The song includes some of the most poignant lyrics that lead singer
and Sons attempt poetic lyrics and folk T: The innuendo and all-around sex Win Butler has ever penned while delivering a melody that’s so good it feels like you’ve
harmony and pull them both off with appeal of this track basically epitomizes known it for years. While “The Suburbs” isn’t perfect, it’s still a musical and thematic
endearing honesty. The xx. feat--a perfect album for our imperfect times.
T: One of my favorite tracks off one of
my favorite albums of this year. Mumford Lust for Life - Girls 3. The xx - the xx
managed to be everywhere at once by the C: “Oh I wish I had a sun tan, I wish I had You’ve probably heard a lot about a little band called The xx--a British phenomenon
end of 2010 and it’s mostly thanks to the a pizza and a bottle of wine.” Don’t you that brings together sparse beats, sexy harmonies, and come-hither lyrics that would
raw sincerity of this track. too? Girls get it right with this undeniably make your parents blush if they paid close enough attention. Basically The xx is an
catchy punk-alt hit. indie buzz band that somewhat improbably became indie headliners in the space of 12
Cameras - Matt & Kim months. And for good reason. Their debut album contains one irresistible beat after
T: It’s hard to choose which single from Everywhere I Go - Lissie another and enough bass to permanently damage your speakers. Don’t listen to The xx
the duo’s latest release, “Sidewalks,” is C: Hauntingly beautiful and evocative. because every cool-kid blogger is telling you to; listen to The xx because your life needs
the best single. As “Cameras” was the A must-have from an artist sure to be an infusion of suave.
first, we’ll go with it. Catchy, danceable, around for Best Of lists of the future.
unabashedly fun, it’s a track that pays 4. The National - High Violet
tribute to all the reasons we listen to Matt Formed in Brooklyn in the late 90s, The National are no newcomers to the music scene.
& Kim in the first place. But their latest release “High Violet” is a noticeably raw departure from previous albums.
I’ve long been a fan of The National’s grungy, detached vocals which paradoxically end
Round & Round - Ariel Pink’s Haunted Other Notables: up creating tracks rich with sentiment. “High Violet” takes post-grunge-nostalgia to a
Graffiti Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz whole new level with tracks like “Conversation 16” which contains the lyrics: “When
T: Don’t ever see this guy live. Seriously, Helicopter - Deerhunter I said what I said/I didn’t mean anything.” The reductive, minimalist lyrics and the
it’s the strangest and most awkward thing Teenage Dream - Glee Cast cover of Katy semi-gothic keyboards and guitars blend together to somehow create songs drenched in
you’ll probably ever experience. That Perry feeling. A must have for long-time fans and new listeners of the group.
said, this track is bizarre, haunting, and Ambling Alp - Yeasayer
ultimately wonderful. The repetition of Dog Days Are Over - Florence + the 5. Eyelid Movies - Phantogram
the chorus at the end is glorious enough Machine My favorite musical discovery of the year. Comprised of guitarist Joshua Carter and
to warrant repeat listens. vocalist Sarah Barthel, Phantogram is unlike anything you’ve ever heard, mixed with
a dash of Portishead. Their first full length release, “Eyelid Movies”, is a texturally rich
musical tapestry of divine electro-rock. Their fusion of the alternative and psychedelic
on the single “Mouthful of Diamonds” is ethereal and profound, leaving little room for
Artists and Singles That We Never Need to Hear From Again comparison. “You’ve got a mouthful of diamonds/and a pocketful of secrets/I know
you’re never telling anyone/because the patterns they control your mind.”
How is this woman still around? Who is buying her records? Why, for the love 6. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West
of all that is holy, does she substitute the ‘s’ in her name with a dollar sign? A marked departure from 808s and heartbreaks, Kanye’s newest album: “My Beautiful
These are just a few nagging questions we have about this train wreck of an Dark Twisted Fantasy” is just that: beautifully twisted. For all the media speculation that
entertainer. West is egocentric and uncensored, West himself is relentless in his awareness of both his
famous persona and the culture that feeds off of it. Standouts are of course “Runaway,”
-Taylor Swift and “Power” but each track on the album is its own unique reflection of West’s cre-
Perpetuating the myth of Prince Charming and perfect chastity is nothing new. ative process. My personal favorite, “Blame Game” is an eloquent testament to modern
But T. Swift’s popularity concerns us primarily because teenage girls seem to keep relationships. John Legend lends his vocals to this track, adding to the melodrama of
falling for the same vanilla mediocrity over and over again. Girls: You can do the album that seems appropriate as it avoids common cliches and charts new territory
better than that guy you’re pining over and, more importantly, you can do better across all genres of music. I’d argue this is West’s bravest work yet.
than this oddly vacuous 20 year-old.
7. Thank Me Later - Drake
-Hey Soul Sister - Train Let’s be honest: I have an inappropriate amount of love for this man (the artist formerly
It’s not just that it’s everywhere; that is too-often the complaint about Top 20 pop known as Jimmy on “Degrassi”). Maybe this album was not a masterpiece on the level
music. It’s that it’s a bad song: ill-fitting lyrics, an ill-fitting key for Monohan’s of Lil’ Wayne’s “Tha Carter III” or Jay-Z’s “The Blueprint.” I’m not here to argue that
voice, and the egregious misuse of a ukelele. What was so wrong with the “Drops Drake’s the best rapper in the game. But “Thank Me Later” is brash and confessional,
of Jupiter” era? cocky and sincere. You’ve got a kid spitting rhymes about the lonely downside of the
fame, money, and women so often touted by his peers. I’m not always in the mood to
-California Gurls - Katy Perry hear about the “game” and its players; Drake provides enough variety on his official
We’re not sure which is worse--the video or the song itself--but either way, this debut to satisfy cravings for sick beats and introspective lines. Plus, listeners get a peek
track was probably the worst thing that could happen to radio this summer. at phenom Nicki Minaj, whose guest verses annihilate everyone in range.
Everything from the absurd generalizations about our West Coast sisters to the
completely unnecessary misspelling of the word “girls” makes us die inside. Slowly. 8. All We Grow - S. Carey
Very painfully. This one time, Bon Iver’s unassuming drummer decided to put out the year’s most
unassuming record. And then it was brilliant. “All We Grow” is an album full of quiet
-Baby - Justin Bieber meditation carefully crafted for maximum impact with minimal fanfare. It’s a stunning
The only reason we don’t find Justin Bieber’s entire career insulting is because the collection of tracks that builds in its own lush way--perfect for a snowy afternoon and a
boy can actually sing and, let’s face it, he has really great hair. But this song takes cup of hot cocoa.
advantage of our kindness with its grating chorus. Justin, less “oohing” and less
Auto-tune please--stick with what got you famous (on YouTube!) in the first place. Compiled by Tréza Rosado (Editor-in-Chief) and Claire Davidson (Music Columnist).
Tréza can be reached at and
Claire can be reached at
December 14, 2010 HEALTH The Wheel | 7

A picture of Condom
in the German-language “Light of the World”
which mght be considered controversial.
“There may be a basis in the case of some

health: Diffusing controversy

individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute
uses a condom, where this can be a first step
in the direction of a moralization, a first

holiday tension • Pope revises position assumption of responsibility, on the way

toward recovering an awareness that not
everything is allowed and that one cannot
on condoms do whatever one wants.”
By Caitlin Snodgrass This, according to the pope and those
By Lydia Fasteland staff writer close to him, including Cardinal Burke of
the Vatican’s supreme court, represents no
health columnist The Roman Catholic Church has always change in overall Catholic attitude, but is
been in a unique societal position. Revered instead an application of the condom for
The typical image of holiday activities revolves around being with family; on T.V., you see by millions worldwide, it has been viewed disease-prevention rather than procreation.
happy families sitting around the table, enjoying each other’s company. However, reality as a champion of the traditional virtues to Already, though, St. Catherine University
which Catholics typically adhere. It has (SCU) students feel like these statements
does not always conform to that idea. Many of my family events have ended with someone also safeguarded one of its best-kept secrets: represent a shift toward a more socially
in tears or relatives strorming from the room. Tensions run high during gift opening, Catholic social teaching. relevant Church, one that is giving a nod
dinner, and dessert. Here are a few techniques that I have learned over the last few years While maintaining traditions can be to reality.
on how to survive the holidays without wanting to disown your loved ones. seen as prolonging a stifling an antiquated “I’m glad that the Catholic Church is finally
representation, its proponents cite the Church’s recognizing the use of protective measures,
Do not purposefully start on sensitive topics that will cause discord among family duty to adhere to dogma and preserve as well as recognizing that people...ought
members. This is simple. For example, if you know that there are two people in the room the centuries-old identity of Catholicism. to protect themselves when and if they do
who disagree about politics, do not bring it up. Sensitive issues, especially politics or Catholicism’s social teaching paradigm, [have sex]” sophomore Lindsay Roloff said.
however, is what many non-Catholics-- Whereas older, more traditional Catholics
religious beliefs, can cause a lot of problems at a family get-together. If others start on the
particularly at institutions like St. Kate’s-- may believe that advocating condom use
issues, do not be afraid to stand up and say that this is an inappropriate conversation topic. find appealing about the Catholic faith. The will increase promiscuity, SCU students
By heading off sensitive topics early, you can alleviate developing tension and hopefully Church has only recently begun to acknowledge feel that encouraging condom use is simply
bring the conversation back to more appropriate topics. Catholic social teaching in the public sphere, common sense and the ethical course in
and it has come into considerable controversy disease prevention.
Be willing to remove yourself from a situation, even if there are objections from loved with Pope Benedict XVI’s recent statements “Condoms are beneficial to the sexual health
ones. I find the best way for me to clear my head during the holidays is to leave the to the German interviewer Peter Seewald, of populations where disease and unwanted
situation that is causing me to become emotionally unstable. Family get-togethers, while published as a set of interviews in the book pregnancies are common. Hopefully by
fun and highly entertaining, can also cause emotions to run high. I cannot tell you how “Light of the World.” accepting condoms for at least one use, the
The interviews concerned the future of pope will see that they’re beneficial in all
many times I have been driven to tears by attending certain family obligations. If a family the Catholic Church and gave Pope Benedict cases,” first-year Tia Lauve said.
argument occurs between you and another person, leave the room and cool down, despite an opportunity to give the Church more Although conflict abounds on this particular
what others might say. If you can calm yourself down before you get too worked up, you contemporary relevance among its critics. issue, showing the tension between traditional
Such critics often deride the Church on the Catholic values and Catholic social teaching,
could potentially resolve the issue before something drastic happens. However, if not, do
basis of its views on contraception; they only further comments from Pope Benedict
it to prevent ruining the get-together for everybody else. do not deplore Catholic support for sexual XVI will show whether the Vatican is actually
Try not to hold grudges. Going into an emotionally charged situation, like a family get- responsibility, which can be inhibited by advocating progressive beliefs. However, it
together, with a grudge just adds more stress to an already stressful day. Holding a grudge birth control, but they do demand a more seems improbable that the papacy will condone
ethical approach to the disease-prevention condom use beyond disease prevention at
takes more energy that it is worth. It makes you tense up, as if you are ready to pounce on aspects of condom use. this time.
the offending person should they even attempt to make eye contact with you. You go into In the past, the papacy has heavily criticized
the situation preparing yourself for a fight; by holding the grudge, you are almost wishing any condom use.While Pope John Paul Caitlin can be reached at
that the other person will start something so that you can prove your point. By letting go II declined to make any statements, Pope
Benedict XVI initially criticized the use of
of a grudge, you can let go of your anger and try to enjoy the time spent with loved ones condoms for HIV/
instead of being on edge. AIDS prevention in
The stress of being with your family always seems to heighten during the holiday season; the developing world,
particularly in Africa.
it’s part of life. However, do not add to the stress of the holidays with family arguments or
“HIV/AIDS is a
grudges. Let go of your anger and your aggression and focus on just being around people tragedy that cannot
you love. Don’t let stress get you down; enjoy your family. After all, it’s what the holidays be overcome through
are all about. the distribution of
con dom s , w h i ch
can even increase
Lydia can be reached at the problem” the
pope said in 2009.
Howe ver, he has
recently acknowledged

Ask Katie: but especially when a woman is pregnant.

There is no amount of alcohol consumption
that is “safe” to drink during pregnancy so
the expedient that
condoms can be in
preventing disease,
Condom use remains controversial in the Catholic Church.
More garlic, that a developing fetus won’t get FAS, but
prevalence of the disorder is associated with
heavier amounts of drinking, especially
mentioning one
particular example
Photo by Dana Bloomquist

please binge drinking (drinking large amounts

of alcohol in one sitting). There is also no
one period of pregnancy when it is “safe” to
out foreign bacteria. If you want to cleanse
down there, use water or mild soap around,
time Louis Pasteur discovered that bacterial
cells died when they were saturated with
• The Ask Katie! peer health drink alcohol, but prevalence of FAS is also but not inside, the vagina. Products that garlic. Other cases of it being used as an
associated with drinking in the first three claim to clean the vagina or cover up its odor antibiotic in history include during World
advisers answer your health- months of pregnancy. aren’t necessary to keep the vagina clean. War II, when British doctors used it to treat
related questions For more information on FAS and the risks And one last tip: if you are going to the those wounded in battle.
of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, doctor, absolutely don’t douche before the Garlic is known to have not only antibacterial
Compiled by Dana Bloomquist visit the FAS page on or appointment: douching will wash out vaginal but antiviral and antifungal abilities as well. discharge that will enable your doctor to make It is effective against intestinal parasites,
What are the signs of fetal alcohol a diagnosis of a problem if you have one. recurrent yeast infections and the growth
syndrome? How much does a mother What is “douching”? Is it bad for you? To read up more on douching, check out candida albicans is slowed by garlic.
have to drink for her child to get it? or Pregnancy: Garlic supplementation may
Douching is the practice of cleaning your help weight gain for fetuses that may be at risk
Fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS, is the vagina by flushing it with water and often What are the health benefits of garlic? for low birth weight. A particular study also
name for a lifelong condition caused when soap. Nowadays, douching is believed to be found that the chance of other at-birth risk
an individual’s mother drinks alcohol while unhealthy and is not usually recommended This common household cooking ingredient factors could be reduced with the mother’s
pregnant. FAS occurs because alcohol is a by health care practitioners. Traditionally, has several more uses than just spicing up increase garlic intake, such as pre-eclampsia,
substance that can cross the barrier of the women chose to douche for one of a number your dinner. Surprisingly, garlic has been which is associated with hypertension.
placenta (the sac that holds a fetus during of reasons: to clean out vaginal blood from noted to have a wide array of health benefits. Learn more about garlic’s health benefits
pregnancy). Alcohol can affect a fetus’s menstruation, to prevent STI’s, to reduce Take a look at some of these benefits (listed online at
normal development in the womb. FAS is vaginal odor, and to treat yeast infections. below), and consider upping your garlic
often associated with a variety of physical But it turns out that douching for most of intake to 1-2 medium cloves of garlic per Please note that the Ask Katie! advisers
and mental characteristics. Some of these these reasons really doesn’t do what it is day to achieve most of them. are not trained medical professionals;
include delayed growth early in life, especially “supposed” to do. Colds: One of the most common ailments contact your health care provider with
of muscles; slow development of speech, Douching regularly strips the vagina of its garlic has been believed to treat is the cold. immediate questions or concerns.
thinking, movement, or social skills; heart natural bacteria that prevent infections, so Studies have shown that garlic extract improves Do you have a question you want
defects; and characteristic facial features douching can actually make you more prone immune function, giving our natural defense answered? Look for the Ask Katie!
such as a small head, small upper jaw, thin to infections. The only safe and healthy way system a boost. stalls in your residence hall or email
lips, and small eyes. to clean the vagina is to let it clean itself: Infection: Since 1858, garlic has also been
Drinking alcohol in general can be harmful, vaginas naturally produce mucus that cleans known for its anti-bacterial properties. At this
8 | The Wheel SPORTS December 14, 2010

Gear up! Ready

• A skiing and boarding equipment to rally
guide • SCU Basketball looks
By Tréza Rosado to finish strong
editor-in-chief By Rachel Armstrong
sections editor
After two winter storms in less than one w h i ch c a n
month, this ski season is shaping up to be a be yours for The St. Catherine University (SCU) basketball
major improvement over last year. Although a cool $259. team’s 2010 season, which began on Nov.
the descriptors reserved for skiing in the 19, has been full of ups and downs. The
With snow flying fast, chairlifts are unlikely to remain empty for long.
Midwest are typically some variation on The More team began the season with wins against
“icy,” true die-hards hit the modest slopes Reasonable: Central College, Hamline University, and
every December anyway. Burton Restricted Cholo 199.95 options above, but who cares what your top Carleton College and losses against Wesleyan
For the families of skiers and snowboarders, It looks like flannel and it feels like flannel looks like when your bottoms look this good? University, the College of St. Benedict, and
it can be difficult to understand the skiing but it’s actually two-layer coated flannel- Macalaster College.
compulsion and it can be even more difficult like fabric that wll keep you warm, dry, and ACCESSORIES: For head basketball coach Gary Rufsvold,
to break down the jargon around equipment hipster all at the same time. SmartWool PhD Performance Sock (Ski the team’s win against Central College was
reviews when it comes to picking out everything Racer) 20.95 an important start to the season.
from big-ticket items to stocking stuffers. The Relatively Affordable: Women’s As a former racer, I’m partial to these above- “[The Central game] was great, especially
Fortunately, as an avid skier and boarder, Promenade Pixie from Columbia for $145.00 the-calf ski socks with extra padding at the because everyone played.  We do not have a
I’ve got some helpful tips on the best gadgets The always-reliable Columbia offers this shin and heel; racing boots are notoriously JV this season so that was important to play
and equipment of this year. affordable, high-performance, insulated unforgiving when it comes to flex. In everyone and win and score a lot of points,”
shell for $145.00 It’s a practical but stylish general, ski boots are stiff, cold, and wildly Rufsvold said.
JACKETS: alternative to some of the more obscenely uncomfortable--a solid pair of socks can The SCU basketball team won 87-56,
The Extravagant: Ride Sodo 259.95 priced options out there. save you a world of hurt. shooting  61 percent from the field in their
If you know me, you know I love plaid. 31-point route of Central. Senior Laura
And expensive things. For you dreamers PANTS: DC Jora Beanie $25.00 Kalbfell scored 22 points and got 10 rebounds
out there, check out this Ride Sodo jacket The Extravagant: Burton 2L Hemisphere Don’t underestimate a good beanie; helmet during the game.
Pant $229.95 hair is one of the least attractive post-skiing Kalbfell, who has played basketball since
These pants will set you or your loved ones looks (aside from goggle-tan). second grade, was excited to see the team
back considerably but you can rest in the off to a strong start.
satisfaction that they come with a lifetime POW Royal Mitt $70.00 “I have always known that we are a strong
warranty. Furthermore, they look more like Mittens trump gloves every time and the team and that the successes we will have
classy wool slacks than bulky snowboard bitter Minnesota cold only supports that this season will be tremendous strides
pants...which counts for a lot when everyone argument. This mitten is my dream mitten: for the program. We have a lot of talent
else looks awkward and you look great. goatskin leather and micro-fleece interior and hardworking attitudes on this team,”
coupled with a minimalist retro design. Kalbfell said.
The More Reasonable: Volcom V-Co However, the POW is definitely not a budget The team faced some challenges in the pre-
Engineered Skinny Pant $190.00 item. For a mitten friendlier to the college season, as well as the first few weeks of play.
It was only a matter of time before the lifestyle, try a pair of REI Down mittens. “It had been a slow start with various
skinny-jean craze hit the skiing world and They’re currently on sale for $29.99. problems and injury.  At one point of time
this pant is the blissful offspring of that all our three seniors were out for sickness
union. Treat yourself to a season of looking Burton Bullet Tool Rat-a-tat-tat $17.95 or injury,” Rufsvold said.
fine, regardless of your skill level. This is a fantastic stocking stuffer for the “Overall this season we have improved so
boarder in your life--great for small binding much since day one of practice. To prepare, we
The Relatively Affordable: Oakley Women’s adjustments before and after hitting the slopes. have to make sure we are in shape and know
Karing Pant $100.00 our opponent” junior Megan Zillmer said.
Think of it this way, you invest in these Treza can reached at The team recently won games against
Grab yourself a pair of wool socks pants and you’re never going to be lost in Hamline University and Carleton College,
before hitting the slopes...but a blizzard or avalanche. Granted, this teal For more photos and links, visit the- and Kalbfell is looking forward to continuing
maybe don’t knit them yourself. pair of pants will not match any of the jacket this run.
“My goal for our team is to go to the
championship game and play every game

All necessary motions for the games are “Fighters Uncaged”, a cage-fighting game which in between as hard as we possibly can,”
done realistically. For example, when I tested is played by landibg actual punches.  While the Kalbfell said.
the Kinect at the Microsoft Store (in the variety of titles is certainly not as wide as that Rufsvold hopes Kalbfell will help lead the

yourself Mall of America), I experienced the sensitive

game-play through bowling.  To begin, I
raised both hands so that the sensor would
of the Wii, the early titles and responsiveness
give it much more potential, in my opinion,
than Nintendo’s current console.  
team there this season.
“Laura Kalbfell will score her 1000th point
in her fourth game of her third season at
• Xbox 360 revolution- recognize me and I selected my ball through  The Wii can often be difficult to play due SCU.  She could break the school scoring
a downward swipe with either my left or to the size of its sensor and the problems record in three years and will go down as
izes the game right hand.  Once “holding” my bowling ball, associated with positioning it correctly; it the best player in St. Kate’s history,” Rufsvold
I followed through just like in a real game, may take players weeks--as it did me--to predicted.
By Caitlin Snodgrass releasing the ball for a strike when my hand figure out how to point the Wii Remote so The SCU basketball team’s next game will
staff writer was nearest the sensor.   the sensor bar actually registered any signal.  be on Dec. 18 at 3:00 p.m. in the Butler Center.
Jade Gibson, who tested the Kinect with The Kinect is much simpler.  No controller
Since the beginning of home video games me, found this controller-less game to be is required, so the sensitive device can Rachel can be reached at
and the invention of the detachable controller, much more appealing than sports games accurately display the correct movement, or
our radical, virtual innovations have never available for the Wii. at least the one which the player intended.  
transcended this basic framework: a square “I often have trouble holding controllers Whereas the Wii
console featuring a game stored on either because I don’t have enough hand strength... can distance players
a cartridge or a disc, with one or more The Kinect is a great way to stay active from their games by
controllers which can be added or subtracted and is perfect for every type of player,” placing a controller
at will, and which allow for play.   Gibson said. between them and
This simple format has been the tool of Not only does it simulate sports accurately, the action.
gamers since the 1977 release of the Magnavox but the Kinect can also simulate the health “I think the Xbox
Odyssey 3000.  Thousands of games have benefits derived from actual exercise.  Despite Kinect is actually
since been released for such bestselling being virtual, sports and dance games force each kind of cool. It helps
systems as the Sony Playstation.  The newest player to make the exact movements shown the person interact
innovation in virtual gaming, however, with on the screen in order to play successfully; with the game better
anticipation and enthusiasm to rival that of unlike with the Wii, it is not easy to avoid than just having a
the relsease of the Nintendo Wii in 2006, is moving.  You can’t play bowling just by waving controller,” Maya
the Xbox Kinect. a remote and, unlike the Wii, fitness is not Ntim said.
The premise of the Kinect is clear and just encouraged by one game.    Not only does it
simple: the gamer is the controller.  The From the first moments of play, each gamer respond well, the
Kinect achieves this by absorbing each player’s is required to move.  Games simply do not system is relatively
movements and recognizing individual body work without bodily movement since there is inexpensive, with a
composition. The ideal experience occurs at no controller, which allows the Kinect to be bundle (including
a distance of approximately six to eight feet a great form of exercise and entertainment t h e Ki n e c t a n d
from the device.  No other components but at the same time.  Thus, bowling is not only the Xbox console) The new Xbox Kinect system provides a video game experi-
the Xbox and the Kinect are required since realistic, but actual exercise as well. costing $299 at ence unlike any other. Photo submitted by Caitlin Snodgrass.
all of the players’ movements are registered You too can experience bowling in Kinect the Microsoft
byt the device and used to manipulate the Sports, one of 17 titles currently available for Store.  Despite having few titles thus far,
on-screen action; multiple players can the Kinect.  They range from “Kinectimals”, and for having been on the market only one Caitlin can be reached at
participate and are individually recognized a voice-and-motion game in which players month, I strongly recommend the Xbox Kinect
as separate players.   can interact with various jungle animals, to as a fun, creative video game experience.

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