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Tell your partner about…

1. A really exciting sports evento you saw?

Una dintre anecdote Nadia sau Duckadam
2. A time you had an accident or got a sport?
I played basketball for 8 years. During a training session, a teammate fell on
me and I broke my hand. I was with my hand in plaster for 1 month.
3. A time you saw or met someone famous?
During my childhood to adolescence I was sometimes lucky to meet Nadia
Comaneci, Helmuth Duckadam, as athletes. Later, all my life I met artists
from my country in their shows.
4. A time you got lost?
Personally, I never got lost, but once when he went to visit, to avoid paying for
parking, he left the car far from the center and then went to visit what he
Once, when two friends came from Canada and Romania, we went to
Barcelona together.
We left the car near Plaza Gloria, on a street. I took a picture of what the street
was called and we were leaving.
When we came back, we looked and we looked for the car, I asked people if I
knew where the street is, but nobody knew anything.
5. A time you missed or nearly missed something important?
Once I was about to miss the flight due to rush hour traffic. I felt desperate,
but finally the pilot waited for me until I got to the plane.

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