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Labour Market Survey

Using Sage EasyPay Enterprise

Document Version: 10.6.9

For Sage EasyPay Enterprise 10.6.9

Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd

Copyright © 2014 Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd
All rights reserved. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic,
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information of this book, the Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is there any
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Sage EasyPay Enterprise is a trademark of Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd in Singapore and other countries. Other products and
certain terms mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
The examples, companies, organisations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real
company, organisation, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred.

Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Objective .................................................................................................................................... 4
Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 5
Map Cessation Code .............................................................................................................. 7
Map Job Positions .................................................................................................................. 8
Map Classification .................................................................................................................10
Explanatory Notes .................................................................................................................12
Preview Survey .....................................................................................................................13
Note ...................................................................................................................................14
Data Calculation.................................................................................................................15
Preview Survey Employees ...................................................................................................16
Part I: Labour Turnover ......................................................................................................17
Part II: Hours Worked.........................................................................................................17
Export Survey Details ............................................................................................................18
Survey Validation ......................................................................................................................20
Crystal Reports .........................................................................................................................21
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................22

There are two versions for the MOM Labour Market Survey:
 Long version – Includes Labour Turnover and Hours Worked
 Short version – Includes Redundancy

All information in the short version is covered in the long version, so the report design will be
based on the long version.

Sage EasyPay only implements payroll related data:

 Part I – Labour Turnover excluding Job Vacancy
 Part II – Hours Worked

Please refer to for a sample of the MOM Labour Market Survey.

To provide a value added feature for Sage EasyPay Enterprise customers to gather data for
MOM’s Labour Market Survey. Your report submission will be hassle-free.

This feature is not applicable to Sage EasyPay Standard users.

You are only able to access the survey in the Singapore database.
Go to Payroll: Reports > Labour Market Survey

Firstly, you have to map the Cessation Codes, Job Positions and Classifications before you can
preview the data.
- Shows that the mapping is completed and can proceed to the next step
- Indicates that you need to map the corresponding section

Next, you will need to select your survey range:
 Year – Your current payroll year starting from 2014
 Quarter – Default value based on your system’s month
 Example: If your system’s month is 1 – 3, the quarter will be October - December
as it is reporting for the previous quarter

Sage EasyPay’s System Month Quarter

1–3 October – December
4–6 January – March
7–9 April – June
10 – 12 July – September
**If the system date is before 1 April 2014, the default Quarter will be January – March.

The Map Cessation Code button is used to identify from the list, the various reasons for leaving
the company during the specific quarter.

The following is MOM’s list of reasons for leaving:

 Resignations
 Expiry of contracts
 Retirements
 Early release of contract
 Transfer to subsidiaries/associate establishments
 Other (including death)
 Retrenchments

When you access the screen for the first time, the system will automatically map the default
values for Sage EasyPay’s Cessation Codes, as shown in the image below.

If you have a new Cessation Code, you will need to manually map the code according to the
reasons from the drop down list.

Different organisations may use different fields to classify their employee’s Job Position.

Click on the Map Job Position button.

This setup allows you to select a Basis for mapping the Job Position:
 Position – Set as Default
 Category
 Employees’ Custom Fields

The following is MOM’s list of Job Positions

 Managers and professionals
 Associate professionals and technicians
 Production & transport operators, tradesmen, cleaners and labourers
 Clerical, sales and service workers

If you have a new Position for the Basis, you will need to map the code manually.

If you change the basis, you will encounter this message

Click on No and you will go back to your original settings.

Click on Yes and all your current mappings will be reset.

The related information for the selected Basis will show.

You need to manually map them according to MOM’s list of Job Positions.

Different organisations may use different fields to classify their employees as Full-time or Part-
time employees.

Click on the Map Classification button.

This setup allows you to select the following as a Basis for mapping the Classification:
 Classification – Set as Default
 Employees’ Custom Fields

When you access the screen for the first time, the system will automatically map the default
values for Sage EasyPay’s Classification, as shown in the image below.

You will need to manually map the remaining Classifications from the drop down list.

If you change the basis, you will encounter this message

Click on No and you will go back to your original settings.

Click on Yes and all your current mappings will be reset. The related information for the selected
Basis will show.

When you see three green ticks appear, your mapping is completed.

To have a better understanding on how to assign your mappings, click on the Explanatory
Notes link.

This link will direct you to the MOM webpage which displays additional notes that can assist you
when you are doing your mapping.

This function uses Crystal Reports to preview Part I and Part II of the survey. The format is
similar to the actual MOM Labour Market Survey.
 Part I – Shows the results without a decimal place
 Part II – Shows the results with one decimal place. The system will sum up all results of
the employee then either round up or round down to one decimal place
Example: 42.35 will appear as 42.4, whereas 42.34 will appear as 42.3

The system will only produce data based on the current employee’s status.
For example: Current survey is for the October to December Quarter, if users select April to
June, the output data will be based on the current residence status, position and classification. It
may not tally with your previous submission.

1) For the Sage EasyPay Condition in the Data Calculation below, the system will not consider
the Last Pay Date and Suspend Pay.

2) The system will take Personnel as the count of paid employees which means the join-rejoin
employee is considered as one count. Refer to the Appendix section below on the different
scenarios we have come up with to count the staff that left and the new join.

3) For the OT record, the system will only consider the current frequency for the Hourly Rate
and Daily Rate. The system will not calculate the OT if you are using the pay element.

4) The selected Quarter on the screen refers to the physical month.

When calculating the paid employees’ count/OT hours, you have to refer to the Pay Group’s
physical month.

5) If there is a pay period which starts from the 23rd of the current month to the 22nd of the next
month (23/03/2014 – 22/04/2014) and the Pay Group’s physical month is March, any current
OT hours keyed in will be counted. This means if some of the OTs are in April, it will be
calculated for March.

6) All employees’ related information that is shown on the report will be based on the latest
status (Job Position / Category).

Data Calculation (Taking July – September 2013 as an example)
The following calculations are used to generate the numbers on the report (Preview Survey
button). For the Sage EasyPay Condition, the system will not consider the Last Pay Date and
Suspend Pay.
MOM Part I Sage EasyPay Condition
a) Total number of paid employees as at 1) Employees hired on or earlier than
30.06.13 2013.06.30
2) Employees resigned after 2013.06.30 or not
resigned yet
b) Number of new employees who join 1) Employees hired between 2013.07.01 and
during 01.07.13 to 30.09.13 2013.09.30 (inclusive of both dates)
c) Total number of employees who left the 1) Employees resigned between 2013.07.01
company during 01.07.13 to 30.09.13 and 2013.09.30 (inclusive of both dates)
d) Total number of paid employees as at 1) Employees hired on or earlier than
30.09.13 (a + b - c) 2013.09.30
2) Employees resigned on or after 2013.09.30
or not resigned yet

MOM Part II Sage EasyPay Condition

a) Total number of paid employees as 1) Employees hired on or earlier than 2013.09.30
at 30.09.13 2) Employees resigned on or after 2013.09.30 or
not resigned yet
b) Total weekly standard hours of 1) Employees hired on or earlier than 2013.09.30
work for a normal week in 2) Employees resigned after 2013.08.31 or not
September 2013 resigned yet

Multiply Pay Details > Hours per Day with Employee

Calendar > Average Work Days Per Week
c) Total number of employees who 1) Count for employee whose pay records have
were paid for overtime work in current frequency from Hourly Rate or Daily
September 2013 Rate OT Records.
System will not count for Fixed Rate OT Records.
And OT is not included in those paid by pay
d) Total paid overtime hours worked in 1) Employees hired on or earlier than 2013.09.30
September 2013 2) Employees resigned after 2013.08.31 or not
resigned yet

Sum up all current frequency from Hourly Rate,

Daily Rate (convert to hours by multiplying the
frequency with Pay Details > Hours per Day).
System will not count for Fixed Rate.

You have the option to choose either Part I or Part II to preview.

Whichever option you choose, it will open as a Crystal Report. If there are no employees for a
specific category, it will not be shown in the report.

Part I: Labour Turnover
This only shows information for a), b) and c).
The details will display a Serial Number, Employee Name, Employee ID, Department and
Position (or depending on the Basis that you have selected).

Part II: Hours Worked

This only shows information for a), b) and c).
The details will display a Serial Number, Employee Name, Employee ID, Classification (or
depending on the Basis that you have selected) and Hours (only for information related to
Hours, in two decimal places).

This window displays Part I and Part II of the survey in two different grids.

You can click on the Export Labour Turnover or Export Hours Worked button to save the
report as an Excel file.

Double clicking on the selected record will show the employee’s information.

You can also Export this data as an Excel file.

Part I: Labour Turnover displays fields such as Employee Name, Employee ID, Department
and Position (depending on the basis you have chosen)

Part II: Hours Worked displays fields such as Employee Name, Employee ID and Classification
(depending on the basis you have chosen)

Survey Validation

When you click on the Preview Survey, Preview Survey Employees or Export Survey Details
button, the system will check to see if there are any Cessation Codes, Job Positions and
Classifications that have not been mapped.
The validation occurs when these mappings are being used for active employees, who have not
resigned yet or have resigned after the first date of the selected quarter, i.e. 1st July 2013 for the
July-September 2013 survey.

The system will detect if there are employees who have missing Positions or Classifications.

From this window, you will then need to take note of the employees and insert a Position and/or
Classification for them. You can do so by going to Core: Setup > Global Change or Core:
Modules > Career Progression
Your mappings have to be complete in order to view the survey.

Crystal Reports
There are 3 new Crystal Reports for this feature:
 CR_SGPayLabSvey.rpt – It is for the data of the survey
 CR_SGPayLabSveyPI.rpt – It is for Part I of the survey
 CR_SGPayLabSveyPII.rpt – It is for Part II of the survey

The sorting order for CR_SGPayLabSvey.rpt and CR_SGPayLabSveyPI.rpt are specific. If there
are any changes to the Residence Status or Job Position, you will need to change both reports.

Below are the various scenarios to clarify the logic to the # of staff calculations for the Labour Market Survey
E.g. Scenario Description Quarter In Out # of New Staff in Qtr # of Staff Left in Qtr Rationale / Logic
Staff A join cmpy within surveyed Qtr
1) Staff A join cmpy Jan-Mar 1 1 0
Staff B, existing staff left cmpy within surveyed Qtr (last Qtr (Oct-Dec) reflects staff still exists)
2 1) Staff B existing in cmpy Oct-Dec - -
0 1
2) Staff B left cmpy Jan-Mar 1
Staff A join and left the cmpy within the same Qtr Latest status, Staff A left the cmpy in Qtr, # of staff
3 1) Staff A join cmpy Jan-Mar 1 left = 1 and since he rejoin the cmpy within the same
1 1 Qtr then # of new staff = 1
2) Staff A left cmpy Jan-Mar 1
Staff A join and left the cmpy within the same Qtr, then he rejoin the cmpy in the same Qtr Latest status, Staff A still existing in the Qtr, then we
1) Staff A join cmpy Jan-Mar 1 don’t consider the same staff left so # of staff left =>
4 0
2) Staff A left cmpy Jan-Mar 1 1 0
3) Staff A rejoin cmpy Jan-Mar 1
Staff A join and left the cmpy in same Qtr, then rejoin and left again in same Qtr Latest status, Staff A left the cmpy in Qtr, # of staff
1) Staff A join cmpy Jan-Mar 1 left =1 and regardless he join the cmpy x times within
5 2) Staff A left cmpy the Qtr, we then still consider # of 1 new staff = 1
Jan-Mar 1
1 1 within the same Qtr
3) Staff A rejoin cmpy Jan-Mar 1
4) Staff A left cmpy Jan-Mar 1
Staff B, existing staff left then rejoin the cmpy (Oct-Dec) reflects staff is still existing Staff B exists in last Qtr.
1) Staff existing in cmpy Oct-Dec - - Latest status, Staff B still exists in Qtr. So we consider
6 # of new staff = 0 and # of staff left = 0 since Staff B is
2) Staff B left cmpy Jan-Mar 1 0 0
still with the cmpy and we don’t consider he has left
3) Staff B rejoin cmpy Jan-Mar 1
Staff B, existing staff left then rejoin cmpy, then left again (Oct-Dec) reflects staff still exists Staff B exists in last Qtr.
1) Staff existing in cmpy Oct-Dec - - Latest status, Staff B left the cmpy. So we consider #
7 2) Staff B left cmpy of staff left = 1. He rejoin in the Qtr then # of new
Jan-Mar 1
0 1 staff should reflect 1 but since he already exists in the
3) Staff B join cmpy Jan-Mar 1
previous Qtr, we consider # of new staff = 0
4) Staff B left cmpy Jan-Mar 1


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