Artifact 3

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Name of the Student: Frauleine Mariecon C.Barron Advisor:Mr.

Title of Artifact: Respiratory System (brochure)

Student Artifact Reflection #3

Introduce and contextualize the artifact

The respiratory system is a biological system consisting of specific organs and
structures used for gas exchange in animals and plants. The anatomy and physiology that make
this happen varies greatly, depending on the size of the organism, the environment on which it
lives and its evolutionary history.

1. Describe the assignment/project:

What was the task that you were asked to do?
I was asked to identify the parts of respiratory system :
● Nose
● Pharynx
● Bronchi
● lungs

What were the concepts that you were supposed to learn?

I was asked to identify the functions of the respiratory system:

● Brings oxygen to the bodies
● Helps us get rid of carbon dioxide

What were the steps you took to complete the assignment?

I was asked to identify the facts, diseases, and treatment of the respiratory

Analyze the artifact

2. What category does this artifact represent (i.e. analysis, problem solving, community
engagement, etc.)?
The respiratory system represents an analysis of the causes of the disease and possible
treatment to cure the disease. This may also involve community engagement by educating the
people on how to protect the respiratory system to maintain a healthy community.

How do you define the category above?

The respiratory system performs a vital function in our body system. If not being
protected our health will be affected. Most people, especially the elderly are suffering from
breathing difficulty. If this will be properly taken care of, spread of the disease can be prevented.

How does this category relate to your artifact?

The category is related to my artifact because I describe important facts and information
about the respiratory system including its prevention and treatment

3. Which district graduate profile and/or pathway learning outcomes did you demonstrate in this
artifact (Advanced Skills, Involved Citizenship, or Marketable Readiness)?
I demonstrate involved citizenship for the health of the people is the primary concern of
every nation.

How do you define this outcome?

That every person should be concerned about their respiratory system to protect them
physically, less financial burden and live in a healthy community.

How does this outcome relate to your artifact?

The outcome is related to my artifact because I give information about facts, diseases,
and treatment of the respiratory system.

4. Applying the knowledge and skills:

Describe how the knowledge and skills you acquired apply to life outside of school.
I can apply it to myself and to my family by being extra careful of our respiratory system.
Being informed about the functions and malfunction of the respiratory system, I will avoid eating,
drinking, or anything that may affect my respiratory system. I will practice healthy living.
Describe how the knowledge and skills you acquired will help with your future plans.
The knowledge and skills I acquired to live a healthy life will help me achieve my future
plans. If I have a healthy body I can also have a healthy mind that will direct me to achieve my

Reflect on your challenges and growth

As I grew up I wondered why my mother is always bringing me to the doctor though I
was not sick then. Then it was explained to me that I need to have immunizations to protect my
body, especially my respiratory system. I learned that prevention is better than cure.
5. What were the challenges that you encountered?
I encountered the pain of injections, the fear of seeing a doctor doing the check up, and
waiting until you are next. I was able to overcome it and understand now the value of being

6. What were the strengths that you demonstrated?

I demonstrated the strength to bear the pain, to give importance to my health, and follow
doctor’s advice to keep myself healthy.

7. What do you still need to improve in the future?

I still need to lessen my weight and be conscious of my diet to have a healthy life. I need
to be more competitive to achieve my goals.

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