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Ansa Zakriya

Chen, Chia-Hsiang, et al. "Genetic analysis of GABRB3 as a candidate gene of autism spectrum
disorders." ​Molecular Autism​, vol. 5, no. 1, 2014. ​Gale Academic OneFile Select,​
. Accessed 3 Nov. 2019.
This article explains the effect of mutated genes on Autism patients. The male to female

ratio of ASD is 4:1. Chromosome 15q11-q13 is an area where many mutations related to autism

have been found. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GAMA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in

the brain, and they are mapped in that region of DNA. There have been a few Single Nucleotide

Polymorphisms(SNPs) found in GABRB3 that are related to ASD symptoms. Different SNPs

found in ASD patients may delete or duplicate transcription factors. Sensory sensitivity is

common in Autism patients, and according to these findings, there is an association with genetic

markers of GABAB3 and sensitivity commonly found in autism.

Overall this article was helpful to the researcher because she was introduced to new

vocabulary that will be commonly used in upcoming DNA studies. Additionally, the article was

directly related to her research, therefore all aspects of the article may be used. The main critique

of the article is that the researcher is unable to understand what the article is saying without

having to constantly search up terms. She hopes to talk to Mrs. Chamness about certain

confusing parts of the article in order to clarify the meaning. Lastly, the article dates back to

2014, which is not very old. Additionally, this source is reliable because it came from the gale


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