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Name : Dimas Putra Hermawan

NPM : 1910631080068

courses : Bahasa Inggris

Supporting lecturer : Adhitya Rinaldi Irawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

study program : Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia

Class/Semester : 2C

Procedure Paragraph Model


How to Become a Popular Student

In general, students work to learn to get the highest GPA in the class, even study
programs. But what is not too bored with just studying and not knowing other study
program friends, lecturers in other study programs, faculty staff, security guards who can
stand guard in front of the faculty or at the entrance of Singapore University, even known by
the Chancellor of UNSIKA. To be a popular student, you need confidence, and have a strong
mentality. First, being a popular student is not just about having a lot of friends, great
relationships, and feeling the coolest. What's more about being intimidating or stealing a
woman's heart. Namely by often doing good fellow students, often discussing without
looking at the exhibition, be a student who is always friendly and polite. Secondly, popular
students must also excel on campus, relying solely on their nature will not be too popular
among lecturers, so be successful in becoming a popular student. Third, must be active in
the organization, because in achievement can not guarantee will be able to speak in public
well, being active in the organization will make us improve public speaking skills. By
following this method, hopefully you can become popular students.
How to Make a poetry
Who does not know poetry, poetry is the work of satra who often reads readings by
a poet in the era of independence, now poetry also still exists even though it is modern,
because language culture is not supported by time. There are several types of poetry, there
are also ballads, hymns, ode, epigrams, romance, elegies, and satire. Each poem has a
different meaning. I will immediately explain how to make poetry. Initially, determine the
theme and title that make the poem look interesting. After that, determine the keywords,
keywords are the meaning of the array and can be developed into bait. Next, use a style that
is difficult to understand or use speech and compare which one is suitable for poetry.
Finally, develop poetry as beautiful as possible, this is the last touch to make the navel by
reading it again and looking for an array or bait that does not quite fit its meaning, climbing
to make the poem as beautiful as possible. Read it in public when it's finished, of course
with a beautiful rhythm.

how to use seatbelt
Seat belts are one of the mandatory features in any car and must also be used, both by the
driver and passengers in maintaining driving safety. The driver's belt will protect your body
when dangerous things happen, such as sudden brakes or accidents, because it's very
important to use a seat belt, and there are ways to use the right seat belt. The first step is to
pull the belt and cross it over the left shoulder, chest and waist. Then Hook the tongue of
the belt to the lock until you hear a "click" sound. For convenience, adjust the shoulder
height. If so, Position the belt so that it is not too tight or too loose so that it makes it
comfortable while driving. that's the right way to wear a seat belt, wear a seat belt for your

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