How To Deals With Heavy PROBLEMS

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Problems, we all have them.

Personal ones, work-related ones, corporate ones, everywhere

you look there are issues. Sometimes we try to run from them or avoid them for as long as
we can, but that strategy usually ends up backfiring on us in the long run.

So what happens when you encounter problems?

Here are the steps that help me navigate through issues when I run across them.

● Define the problem – If I am working on a client’s website and I can’t decide

whether to place social icons on a sidebar or a footer, that’s not a problem, that’s a
choice. On the other hand if I’m updating the operating system on a website and it
modifies or even erases the Style Sheet that is a problem.
● Prioritize problems – If there are multiple problems don’t try to solve everything at
once. Review all of them and determine which one needs attention immediately and
which ones can be placed on the back burner. For example, if I’m building out a
development site for a new customer and an existing client’s site crashes, the crash
becomes the priority.
● Ask the right questions – If you know there is a problem, then you have a general
idea of what’s going on. Don’t ask vague questions, be specific focusing on the
symptoms, potential causes and the impact of changes. You don’t want to solve one
problem only to cause another.
● Ask for help – Many people are afraid to ask for help because they think it is a sign
of weakness. I disagree. When you ask for help you are acknowledging the issue is
beyond your scope either in expertise or man hours. You are seeking counsel or
hands on help.
● Get the Facts – Once the facts are gathered, the decisions typically are staring you
right in the face. If updating a client’s site has erased their Style Sheet, I can’t just
look at the front end of their site and say, “Oh no it’s broken, what do I do?” I have to
look through everything and find out why the site is broken.
● Get Involved – So we have defined the problem, talked to the right people and
gathered the facts. Now develop a plan. Take the initiative to execute the solution
yourself rather than passing it off to your boss. My role is to manage fires no matter
how small or large they seem. If your supervisor is anything like mine, new projects
are his priority but I can call on his expertise when necessary. In that scenario, I learn
from a master and the next time a similar situation occurs, I can manage the solution
on my own.

When you have problems, breaking them down into steps and working on one piece at a
time helps you get to the best solution.

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