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Encounter Map – Peru

Lima, Peru Bar Cordano

w/ Larkin, de Mendoza,
‘Jesse Hughes’

Bar Cordano
w/ Eias Jackson

Prof. Sanchez’s Hotel Espana

Home Investigating Larkin
& de Mendoza Museum
Kharisiri on Watch
Prof. Sanchez’s
Encounter: Fight Rizo’s Boarding Possible
de Mendoza House The Storeroom Encounter: Fight
de Mendoza
Prof. Sanchez’s

Hotel Espana
Confronting Larkin /
de Mendoza

Puno, Peru Andean Highlands

The Ruins

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Encounter Map – Peru

Getting to Possible
Lima, Peru Puno
Altitude Sickness

Puno, Peru

Meeting Possible
Nayra Kharisiri Ambush

Andean Highlands

Possible Possible
Encounter: Feral Encounter: The
Kharisiri Farmers


The Ruins

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Encounter Map – Peru

The Ruins
View from

Inside the

The The The

Charnel Pit Pyramid Chimneys


The Pool The Pyramid The The Bundle

of Filth Base Chamber of Rags

Possible Possible Possible

Encounter: Father Encounter: Encounter:
of Maggots Sleeping Kharisir Mummy & Larva

Death of


Masks of Nyarlathotep
Clue Map – Peru

Bar Cordano - Larkin

There may be useful
Larkin believes that a lost Larkin believes the information about the
pyramid lies in the pyramid contains artifacts pyramid in old records
Andean highlands near of both archaeological and housed in the Museo de
Lake Titicaca. financial value. Arqueologia y

The Ruins

Bar Cordano - Elias

Larkin previously tried to

convince local to explore
Elias believes Larkin may
the pyramid, but none
be leading the expedition
were willing. Since then
into danger.
he has focused on
recruiting foreigners.


The Ruins
Elias believes the legends
of the kharisiri are rooted Legends of the kharisiri Legends of the kharisiri,
Elias believe the site of
in the practices of a death describe white-faced men and similar stories using
the lost pyramid is
cult operating in Peru, in the highlands who feed different names
somehow linked to the
possibly since the arrival on the fat of farmers, (pishtaku), date back to
cult he is researching.
of Spanish conquistadors families, & livestock. the late 1500s.
in the 16th century.
Elias has found Historically, legends of the
People near Lake Titicaca
contemporary reports and kharisiri have always
believe in the kharisiri, Elias is uncertain of the
stories of murders and described white men, but
and Elias obtained first- cult’s size, but he suspects
mutilations that bear recent stories describe
hand accounts of “pale- it numbers in the dozens.
similarities to stories of men, women, and
faced monsters”.
the kharisiri. children of all ethnicities.

Prof. Nemesio Sanchez of

Elias believe Larkin and de
the Museo is interested in People Elias spoke with in
Mendoza are probably
assisting the expedition, Puno warned him that de
involved with the cult he
but his offers have been Mendoza was a kharisiri.
is researching.
ignored by Larkin.

Museum Larkin De Mendoza

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Clue Map – Peru
Prof. Sanchez’s

Rizo is working to
Prof. Sanchez believes translate and summarize a
that Larkin wants to loot 16th century document
The Storeroom Rizo is
the site of the pyramid
without interference.
written by a conquistador
that may reference the
site of the pyramid.

Larkin The Ruins The Final

Confessions of
Gaspar Figueroa

Rizo’s Notes on
Gaspar Figueroa

Rizo is emaciated, nearly

mummified, with a large
Search the
Examine disc of flesh torn from her Storeroom
Rizo’s Body chest and blood pooling
around the body.

The fat appears to have Bloody footprints lead

A caustic bile that helps
been sucked from the away from Rizo’s body
liquefy the fat also
body through the ragged and out the back door of
destroys muscle tissue.
the storeroom.
The Golden Ward

Prof. Sanchez’s
At least some of the
stories of the kharisiri
appear to be true.

De Mendoza
Strikes Again

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Clue Map – Peru

De Mendoza
Strikes Again

De Mendoza Sanchez
Killed Attacked
Examine De
Body Sanchez

The kharisiri were once

At least some of the
human, but now they The kharisiri can infect
stories of the kharisiri
appear to feed on the fat their victim with a larva.
appear to be true.
of their victims.

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Clue Map – Peru

The Final The Golden Ward

Confessions of
Gaspar Figueroa

Rizo’s Notes on
Gaspar Figueroa The Golden Ward appears
to be a piece of a larger

The conquistadors
The Golden Ward is a
became ill after removing
De Mendoza a section of gold from the
piece of the larger ward
surrounding the pyramid.

After falling ill, the

conquistadors became

Some of the kharisiri were

once 16th century

Masks of Nyarlathotep
Clue Map – Peru

Some of the kharisiri were

ordinary people quite

At least some of the The kharisiri regurgitate

kharisiri are host to a the fat they consume into
larva. the pyramid.

The Tiwanaku built the

The larva turns the victim The larva seem to come pyramid and constructed
into a kharisiri. from the pyramid. the ward to contain the
Father of Maggots.

The larva were able to

The kharisiri are created
escape the pyramid when
by the larva from the
the Golden Ward was

Restoring the missing section of the

ward will contain the Father of
Maggots and lessen the threat of the

Masks of Nyarlathotep

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