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“Bridge Construction Methodology”

June, 2013

Local Roads Bridge Support Unit (LRBSU)

Manbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal


COURSE TITLE Supervision and Management of Bridge Construction (Part II)

PURPOSE The purpose of the course is to equip Technicians from LRBSU

and its partner organizations with skills and knowledge required to
supervise the quality and method of bridge construction according
to available standards or provided checklist.

TARGET GROUP Technicians of LRBSU and its partner organization having at least
intermediate level /Diploma in Civil Engineering.

At the end of training the participants will be able to do the
 Interpret drawings (plans, elevations, sections, and site
layouts), specification and construction methods to ensure
compliance to contractual requirements.
 Suggest contractor for proper method of excavation and
dewatering as required.
 Ensure standard methods/procedure followed in bridge
 Control quality of bridge construction according to standards
or provided check list.
 Check line and level of bridge components and guide the
construction process as required.

METHODOLOGY During this course wide variety of methods will be used. Whenever
possible group and/or individual practice will be utilized for
application of the skills. Principle of adult learning will guide the
overall process.

EVALUATION Performance of the participants will be evaluated through

continuous assessment at the time of group or individual practice.

Module Information

MODULE TITLE Excavation and Dewatering

DURATION Practical: hrs. Theory: 5 hrs. Total: 5 hrs.
1. Establish centrelines and offset lines to guide the construction
of the bridge.
2. Suggest contractors on proper method of excavation and
dewatering as required

Module Content Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)
Pr Th

Suggest Eos:
contractors on
 Identify factors that affect the excavation (Soil type, ground
Proper method of
water table)
 Check stability of cut slope (refer with soil investigation
 Explain different preventive measures (timbering to
trenches) to be taken for excavation for different nature of 2
 Explain suitable/safe excavation procedure for different
possible site condition
 List suitable excavated materials or disposal of the same
have no effect on environment
 Introduce guideline for deposition of excavated soil

Suggest Eos:
contractors on
 Explain the reason of dewatering in construction
Proper method of
dewatering  Estimate quantity of seepage flow at the location
 Explain different methods for dewatering (bailing, pumping,
construction of diversion channel, drainage channel, 3
bunds, cofferdams)
 List appropriate techniques of dewatering Discuss factors
to be considered for dewatering to achieve the work


DURATION Practical: 5 hrs. Theory: 16 hrs. Total: 21 hrs.

MODULE OBJECTIVE (S) At the end of the module, the participants will be able to:
1. Supervise the reinforcement work, formwork and concreting
work of different foundation types
2. Supervise the construction of different types of foundation
3. Control line an level for different components of foundation
4. Perform check in pile foundation

Module Content Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)
Pr Th

Interpret foundation Given any type of foundation drawing, interpret

drawings foundation drawing. The type of foundation, shape and
dimensions are identified.
 Define different types of foundation (open, well and 3 1
pile) with details
 Interpret plan/sections of different foundations
 Identify the components of different foundations
 Identify sizes of different components in the

Check water table Eos:

and soil types for
 Discuss different methods of soil classification
conformity with
design/drawing  Interpret bore log information
 Identify soil type in the real field and its
appropriateness for recommended foundation 2
 Explain role of site in-charge if the soil types differ
from the bore log report
 Explain the common method of measuring water
table in the field

construction Eos:
procedure for well
 Describe different types commonly used well
 List different elements of well foundation and explain
their functions
 Explain the procedure of constructing well foundation 2
 Discuss precautions to be taken while concreting
under water
 Describe well sinking process
 Explain method to measure the amount of sink
 Discuss possible problems that may be encountered
during well foundation construction

Tilt and shift of well Eos:

 Explain method to measure tilt and shift in well
foundation 1
 Discuss precautions to be taken to minimize tilt and
 List the suitable rectification methods for tilt and shift.

construction Eos:
procedure for pile
 Describe different types of commonly used pile
 Describe construction steps for bored and driven pile
 Explain general requirements to be complied during 3
 Explain the procedure of maintaining pile records of
all installed pile as per the given standard format
 Discuss potential problems during pile excavation and
after concreting

Prepare quality Given the quantity and sp. gr. value of slurry, prepare
bentonite slurry bentonite slurry. The quantity do not differ by 10% and
sp. gr. value do not differ by 5% as given and all the
bentonite particles are dispersed in the mixing water.
2 1
 Prepare a checklist to check in bentonite slurry to
achieve the purpose
 Discuss methods of cleaning, reuse and disposal of
bentonite slurry
 List the density range of slurry required for different
nature of work

Place reinforcement Eos:

 Interpret drawing for reinforcement cage
 Describe method of cage construction
 Determine the circumference of a shaft and rebar
cage 1
 Calculate the required number of side spacers.
 Explain the procedure of assessing the Contractor’s
compliance with cage construction/placement

Perform pile Eos:

 Discuss method of Concreting in Pile
 Maintain continuous record of volume of concrete, 3
level achieved and time
 Explain Problems and Defects in pile concreting
 List deficiencies in Current Practice of pile concreting

Pile integrity testing Eos:

 Discuss different types of commonly practiced 0.5
integrity testing

Load test on pile Eos:
 Classify different method of pile load test (static and
 Explain common method of static pile load test 1.5
(reaction pile, kentledge)
 Discuss on precautions to be taken in pile load test
 Interpret graphical information of pile test result


DURATION Practical: 0 hrs Theory: 4 hrs. Total: 4 hrs.

MODULE OBJECTIVE (S) 1. Prepare quality concrete for various concreting works
2. Use concrete as per the requirement

Module TIME
Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)
Content Pr Th

Concrete mix and Eos:

use of admixture  Discuss purpose and function of concrete constituents
 Discuss properties of aggregates, water and
 Explain the importance of maintain water cement ratio
 Describe testing requirement of concrete before
concreting in the site 2
 Explain properties of fresh concrete: Consistency and
 Explain properties of hardened concrete
 Illustrate principles of concrete mix design
 List important points to be noted while supervising
concrete mixing

Transportation and  Discuss methods used for transportation of concrete

placing of concrete  Identify suitable method of handling concrete
(construction  Describe testing requirement for concrete during
joints) concreting
 Identify suitability of concrete (prevent adulteration,
segregation or loss of ingredients) before placing
 Discuss points to be considered while concreting in 1.5
different situation ( thick concreting, old concrete
surface, concreting under water, rain, sudden
 Discuss provision about the construction joint
 Explain the importance of maintaining record of
concrete placing

Curing of concrete Eos:

 Explain methods and materials used in curing
 Describe possible defects in concrete due to 0.5
inadequate curing
 Explain precaution to be taken for curing when there is
high and low temperature

MO DULE TITLE Bearing and expansion joints
DURATION Practical: 0 hrs. Theory: 2 Hrs. Total: 2 Hrs.
Module Content TPO
Pr Th
bearing and Eos:
expansion joint
 Describe different types of bearing (based on
materials, structural function) and their
suitability in bridge
 Explain the necessity of expansion joint in
bridge structure
 List different types of expansion joints and
their suitability (care to be taken)
Placing and Eos:
orientation of
bearing  Discuss points to be considered while 2 hours
installing different bearings (methods,
tolerance, ambient temperature)
 Explain the procedure of examining
orientation of bearing for skew bridges
Quality of Eos:
bearing and
expansion joints  Check the physical dimension of the bearing
(visual check) as per drawing
 Compare quality assurance certificated from
manufacturer with specification in the BOQ

MODULE TITLE Approach Road
DURATION Practical: Hrs. Theory: 6 Hrs. Total: 6 Hrs.

Module TIME
Content Pr Th
Perform Eos:
earthwork filling  List material requirement for
embankment filling for approach road
 Describe earth moving and earth
compacting equipment
 Explain the procedure of earthwork
filling 2
 Explain the methods of checking
quality of filling work
 List the precaution to be taken in
earthwork filling work

Placement of Eos:
approach slab  Interpret design drawing of approach
 Explain the importance of approach
slab in approach road construction
 Explain the procedure of constructing
approach slab

Slope protection Eos:

and drainage  Describe different types of formation
slop protection (turfing, bioengineering 1
(small), timber or concrete block)
 Explain the importance and
consequences of slop protection
Pavement Eos:
 Explain typical type of pavement for
bridge approach
 List different component of bridge 2
pavement and their functions
 Explain gravel wearing course,
ottaseal, surface dressing and Asphalt

MODULE TITLE River Training and Protection work
DURATION Practical: 0 Hrs. Theory: 4 Hrs. Total: 4 Hrs.

Module Content TPO
Pr Th
Layout river Given any design drawing of a river training
training works work in the training site, layout river training
work. Curve and distance are set out in the
accuracy of ± 5%.
 Explain different types of river training works
 Explain the issue of riverbank failure (different
modes) and lateral migration of rivers
 Discuss the techniques for bank stabilization
Interpret design drawings for river training
 Interpret topographic map of the bridge site
(including contour)
 Check HFL and proposed height of river
training work
 Check slope of embankment, launching apron
 Set out curve (simple)
Check filling Eos:
stone in gabion
crate (shape and  List factors that determines the choice of
stone for gabions 0.5
 Differentiae good and bad stones for filling
gabion crate
Check the Eos:
construction of
gabion boxes  Discuss general requirements to be made by
(Arrangement) the contractor for gabion construction
 List the criteria for preparing foundation and
surface for bedding
 Explain important points to be considered 1
while making arrangement of joints (walls,
channel lining, assembly, filling, security lids,
 Identify suitable position for horizontal and
vertical braces (full height and half height
Size and shape Eos:
of Gabion crate
 List standard sizes of gabion crates
 Explain different parts of the gabion crate 0.5
 Discuss points to be considered while laying
gabion crate (header, stretcher, staggered)
MODULE TITLE Quality control
DURATION Practical: 10.0 Hrs. Theory: 8.0 Hrs. Total: Hrs. 18.0
MODULE OBJECTIVE (S) 2. Identify testing requirements
3. Check availability of equipment at site
4. Check quality using Yellow Book of DoR

List testing Given a quality assurance plan, list testing
requirements requirements according to the yellow book of 1
Perform In a classroom situation perform preliminary test
preliminary test for for aggregate and cement. Shape, size, hardness
aggregate and and cleanliness of aggregate, brand, packing, 1
cement stacking, weight and fineness of cement is
Collect sample In a simulated stock yard of material, collect
material for sample for concrete testing. The collected 1
concrete testing materials are enough for standard nos. of testing
Collect sample of In a simulated stock yard of material, collect
reinforcement sample of reinforcement material. The length of 0.5
material collected material is according to the standard.
Check Given a simulated reinforcement and
reinforcement construction drawing, check reinforcement
3 1
arrangement arrangement. All arrangements not according to
the drawing are identified.
Perform slump test Given prepared concrete mix, perform slump
test. Based on the slump value, suitable
1 0.5
recommendation is made as per the nature of
Prepare concrete Given prepared concrete mix, prepare concrete
cube for testing cub for testing. Date and reference numbers are
2 1
marked; cubes are strip out and cured according
to standard.
Perform Schmidt Given finished concrete surface, perform
hammer test Schmidt hammer test. Selection of numbers and
locations is maintained according to the tools 1 1
manual/ standard guideline and hammering log is

Check quality of Given a simulated formwork, false work and
Formwork, False finished concrete surface, check quality of
work and surface Formwork, False work and surface finish of
finish of concreting. Stability, foundation of all supports,
concreting fixing of beams, tie bars of formwork and false 3 1
work are checked against the accepted design.
Honey combs, smoothness, projecting nails/re-
bars and cleanliness are checked against the
accepted standard.

MO DULE TITLE Construction safety

DURATION Practical: 0.0 Theory: 6.0 Hrs. Total: Hrs. 6.0 Hrs.
MO DULE OBJECTIVE (S) 1. Create awareness among the workers about the
occupational safety and helath

Introduction to
Safety and Health 1.5

Accident and its

prevention 1.5

culture/safety 1.5


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