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vityTask 4 Ecological Footprint

Objective: To calculate and compare our Ecological Footprints.

Part 1 Discussion. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you think YOUR life is sustainable? How can you tell if your life is sustainable?
2. How can we compare lifestyles? How would you compare your lifestyle to a student in another country? (Use a
relevant example such as comparing your lifestyle to a cousin/friends in another country.)

Part 2. Definitions. Before we start, let's clarify:

Ecological Footprint Explained

● The Difference between carbon footprint and Ecological footprint:

A carbon footprint is measured in Carbon dioxide equivalents and tells you how much greenhouse gases in total were
emitted. Ecological footprint is a measure for the amount of productive land and sea area one needs to support a
particular activity, lifestyle, person, or group of people.

● Our ecological footprint allows us to calculate how much pressure our lifestyle is putting on the planet.
Part 3. Ecological Accounting. In pairs you must read four stories and find clues and information to calculate the
character’s ecological footprint using the online Personal Footprint Calculator Put the
character’s Ecological Footprint value in a table to compare all the characters’ lifestyles and in a paragraph explain,
compare and contrast the results as well as differences in the characters’ footprints. Which characters have a
sustainable lifestyle? What surprised you about these comparisons and the Ecological Footprint calculations?

Story 1.

Story 2.
Story 3.
Story 4.

Task5 My Ecological Footprint

Objective: to measure, record and reflect about our ecological footprint.

Criterion: PVL and Communication

My Ecological Footprint. During this whole week you will use the following chart to take notes about your ecological
footprint. You will also make Tik Tok videos detailing one of each section of the chart.
Ecological Footprint Sheet
Complete each of the categories for a typical day in your home. Add the points in each category to obtain a
subtotal, and transfer each subtotal to the summary chart. Use the grand total to calculate your ecological
You must have:
● 7 Tik Tok Videos one for each section: (save them and add the to the drive in a folder named task 5
my ecological footprint tik toks)
Objective: to show how much you waste, use, recycle and consume for each of the whole sections of the
(they can have music, be funny and creative but without forgetting the objective of the task)
1. Water use
2. Food use
3. Transportation use
4. Shelter use
5. Energy use
6. Clothing use
7. Stuff I use
● The chart completed with the summary
● A written essay comparing and contrasting your lifestyle to another classmates ecological footprint.
250 words, leeway 10 %
Task 6 NETFLIX EXPLAINED; The Future of Meat

Objective: to understand the alternative options of meat consumption to maintain a sustainable


Part 1 Discussion. Answer the following questions.

1. Would you consider yourself an animal-person, or a people-person in terms of who you

love the most, and why?
2. Think about what you ate today. Have you eaten any meat? _______ If so, list them;
3. Now, think about what you have eaten in the past week. List the number of times you
have eaten meat in the last 7 days;
a. Chicken; ______ times
b. Cow (beef); _______ times
c. Pig (ham, bacon, pork chops); _______ times
4. Do you know any vegetarians? ______

Part 2. Glossary. Using an online dictionary or google search, write the definitions of the
following vocabulary. Use your own words.

1. Tainted meat
2. Emerging economy
3. Unsustainable
4. Chemical compound
5. Swathes of land
6. Influx
7. Fortified feed
8. Edible chunk
9. Uncomposing
10. Appetizing
11. Selective breeding
12. Livestock
13. Hatchling
14. To mimic
15. Poultry
16. Agribusiness
17. Resemble
18. Ground meat

Part 3. Watch Netflix Explained, “The Future of Meat” and answer the following
1. About how many animals are killed each year?
2. Early humans had large, flat teeth, adapted to a diet of ___________, seeds, and leaves.
3. How have our bodies changed; Smaller stomachs, shorter intestines, and bigger
4. When did we start domesticating animals for food?
5. . Through ____________________ breeding, we are transforming animals to fit our desire
for more meat.
6. Chickens today are ________ X bigger than chickens from the 1950’s.
7. What age must chickens be slaughtered?
8. Why don’t animals get sick from being packed so tightly together?
9. Antibiotics don’t work on ____________
10. What are the two types of plant-based burgers?
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
11. Which burger did the kids say they liked the best?
12. About how long does it take for chicken muscle cells to become edible meat?
13. What type of meat is easiest to make in a lab?
14. We don’t say cow, we say ____________. We don’t say pig, we say ___________.
15. Back in 1932, Winston Churchill predicted; “We shall escape the
absurdity of growing a ______________ chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing
these parts separately under a suitable medium”.

Part 4. Reflection. Answer the questions with complete responses.

1. Have you had a Beyond Burger or an Impossible burger? If not, would you be willing to try one?
2. Would you be willing to eat meat grown in a lab? Explain and justify your answer.

Task 7 Weekday Vegetarian

Objective: to reflect about the stigmas and difficulties about food culture.

Part 1 Discussion. Answer the following questions with complete answers.

1. Have you ever tried to be a vegetarian?yes/no Why?

2. What are some good reasons to eat meat?

3. Do you know the difference between the following terms: vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian?
If you do, please explain, if you don't please google the meaning of each word and define it.
4. Why do you believe it is hard for people to stop eating meat? Explain with an example.

Part 2 Watch. Watch the short TED TALK called “Why I'm a weekday vegetarian - Graham Hill” and complete
the sentences, answer the questions or say if it is true or false.

1. Graham Hill said he is one of the green guys because _________

2. We raise ________ animals every year in factory farm conditions for the purpose of
3. Eating a mere hamburger a day can increase my risk of dying by ________.
4. Factory farmed meat production causes more emissions than ________.
5. As a society, we are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 1950's.Is this True or
6. The major culprits in terms of environmental and health damage are ________.

7. What's the most staggering fact you know about the meat production industry?

Part 3. Reflection. The next extract is a prompt against eating animal based food. Based
on this prompt, write a counter argument against eating plant-based food. Use facts,
examples and justify your arguments. Write at least 170 words.

It is estimated that worldwide, 140 billion animals are killed for human consumption ever year. The UK,
which has a projected 2009 population of 61,126,832, consumed an amazing 2.5 billion animals every year
alone. ??Official figures show that UK abattoirs slaughter 900 million poultry, and 30 million cattle, sheep
and pigs every year. These figures do not include imported meat; the UK is probably a net importer so it is
likely that they consume close to 1 billion farm animals a year. Tonnage figures from the Marine Fisheries
Agency together with estimates for average weight of fish suggest that, in addition, about 1,500 million sea
fish and 80 million farmed salmon are consumed.??It’s easy to see why vegetarians and vegans are
prominent campaigners for animal rights. Animals on factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty
that could be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats, including neglect, mutilations, genetic manipulation,
drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transport through all weather extremes and gruesome
and violent slaughter for human consumption.?

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