Listen and Complete The Table. (7 Points)

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1 Listen and complete the table.

(7 points)

1. eight He’s
Daniel reading
a book
2. ten school about She likes
Karla cafeteria Italian food.


2 Look at the picture and circle T (true) or F (false). (6 points)

1. A boy is flying a kite. T/F

2. A man is walking his dogs. T/F
3. Two women are feeding the ducks. T/F
4. Some kids are playing baseball. T/F
5. There aren’t any trees in the park. T/F
6. There isn’t an ice-cream truck. T/F
D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2017
3 Complete the sentences with can or can’t and a phrase from
the box. (6 points)

ride a bike sing draw cook speak Spanish

He __________________. She _________________. They ________________.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

4 Complete the sentences and number the pictures. (6 points)

who where how whose what

1. ____________ does a doctor work? In a hospital.

2. ____________ do police officers do? They protect people.
3. ____________ backpack is this? It’s mine.
4. ____________ do you do your homework? After school.
5. ____________ long is your hair? It’s very long.
6. ____________ do you visit on weekends? My grandmother.

D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2017


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