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Student Name: JISHAN MAHMUD BADHON ID:190371220

Identify True/False statement and write your True [T]/False [F] in the specific place. 20*0.5=10
1. Students are environmental actors of NUB Information System (NIS).
Answer: T
2. The key elements of an organization are its people, structure, business processes, politics, and culture.
Answer: F
3. Data workers are engineers, scientists, or architects who design products or services and create new knowledge for the firm.
Answer: T
4. “Interaction” jobs tend to be professional jobs in the service sector that require close coordination and collaboration.
Answer: T
5. The goal of social business is to deepen interactions with groups inside and outside the firm to expedite and enhance
information sharing, innovation, and decision making.
Answer: T
6. The total cost of owning technology resources includes not only the original cost of computer hardware and software but also
costs for hardware and software upgrades, maintenance, technical support, and training.
Answer: T
7. The most basic logical data element is a field.
Answer: F
8. The presence of duplicate data in multiple data files is called program-data dependence.
Answer: F
9. Computer literacy refers to a broader understanding of information systems, which includes an understanding of the
management, organizational, and technical dimensions of systems.
10. Information systems can’t make decisions, hire or fire people, sign contracts, agree on deals, or adjust the price of goods to
the marketplace.
11. Management information systems generally depend on underlying transaction processing systems for their data.
12. A firm's knowledge is not difficult to imitate and cannot be leveraged into long-term strategic benefits
13. ESS address non-routine decisions requiring judgment, evaluation, and insight because there is no agreed-on procedure for
arriving at a solution.
14. Management information systems are generally flexible and have a lot of analytical capability.
15. Knowledge is data that have been shaped into a meaningful form.
16. A Database Management System (DBMS) is software that permits an organization to centralize data, manage them efficiently,
and provide access to the stored data by application programs.
17. Knowledge involves where, when, and how to apply knowledge.
18. Answering the question “Should we enter a new market?” is a structured decision.
19. Wisdom is thought to be the collective and individual experience of applying knowledge to the solution of problems.
20. A business is an organizational system in which economic resources (input) are transformed by various business processes
(processing) into goods and services (output).

Identify the best choice and write the alphabet [A/B/C/D] of the best choice in the specific place. 20*0.5=10
1. Computer literacy focuses primarily on
A. the ability to do word processing. C. the knowledge of the software required to do your job.
B. the knowledge of information technology. D. the knowledge of computer hardware basics.
2. Information technology helps business become more productive because:
A. Managers are allowed to specialize in their areas of expertise.
B. Managers can delegate work effectively throughout the staff through improved communications.
C. Information Technology enables managers to multitask and accomplish more with a smaller staff.
D. There's more amount of quality data available to managers.
3. Disciplines that contribute to the technical approach to information systems are:
A. computer science, engineering, and networking.
B. operations research, management science, and computer science.
C. engineering, utilization management, and computer science.
D. management science, computer science, and engineering.
4. Engineers, scientists, or architects, who design new products or services for a firm, belong to which level of a business
A. Middle management B. Production workers C. Knowledge workers D. Data workers
5. These systems are typically a major source of data for other systems:
A. Transaction Processing Systems. C. Management Information Systems.
B. Executive Support Systems. D. Decision Support Systems.
6. These systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully predefined:
A. Management Information Systems. C. Transaction Processing Systems.
B. Decision Support Systems. D. Knowledge Management Systems.
7. Executive support systems are information systems that support the:
A. long-range planning activities of senior management.
B. knowledge and data workers in an organization.
C. decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers.
D. day-to-day processes of production.
8. Disciplines that contribute to the behavioral approach to information systems are:
A. economics, sociology, and psychology.
B. operations research, management science, and computer science.
C. engineering, utilization management, and computer science.
D. management science, computer science, and engineering.
9. Your course ‘Management Information Systems (MIS)’ focuses on
A. behavioral perspective B. technical perspective C. sociotechnical perspective D. All are right.
10. Currently you are appearing an examination and I am monitoring it from somewhere distance. What type of collaborative
communication is it?
A. Face to Face Interaction B. Continuous Task C. Remote Interaction D. Communication and Coordination
11. The confusion created by data redundancy makes it difficult for companies to:
A. create online processing capabilities. C. work in batch processing load.
B. use a distributed database. D. integrate data from different sources.
12. Data redundancy occurs when:
A. multiple reports are accessed simultaneously.
B. the programs that access the data are changed.
C. different users enter information.
D. fields in many different files contain the same information.
13. ESSs are:
A. strategic-level systems. C. management-level systems.
B. operational-level systems. D. transaction-level systems.
14. Data shaped into meaningful form are called:
A. databank. B. feedback. C. knowledge. D. information.
15. According to the _______________ perspective on information systems, the performance of the system is optimal when the
technology and the organization create a good balance.
A. Existing B. universal C. sociotechnical D. technology infrastructure
16. Which of the following best defines a set of methods or techniques for acquiring, organizing, storing, manipulating, and
transmitting information?
A. Management Information System B. Information System C. System D. Data Warehouse
17. Operational information is
A. Haphazard B. Well organized C. Unstructured D. Partly structured
18. The term used to describe those people whose jobs involve sponsoring and funding the project to develop, operate, and
maintain the information system is
A. internal system user B. systems owner C. external system user D. systems builder
19. The information of MIS comes from the
A. Internal source B. External source C. Both internal and external source D. Constructive and destructive
20. One character is made of
A. Two bits B. Four bits C. Eight bits D. Sixteen bits

Answer the following short questions in the specific space. [Illustrations are not required] 10
1. Define information system from both technical and business perspective. 2

Definition of information system from technical perspective:

Definition of information system from business perspective:

2. Differentiate between MIS and DSS. 3


3. What is Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)? 3

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):
4. Name the various problems of traditional file environment. 2

Problems of traditional file environment


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