Transportation and Traveling

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Instituto de idiomas de la universidad reformada

English worksheet

Lucely muñoz valiente

Date: April 4th, 2020


 Review vocabulary about transportation and travel.

 Get to have conversations about transportation and travel culture in our society


Goal: To associate the vocabulary of transportation and traveling to an authentic information

in a text.


Goal: to learn new words related to how to explain how transportation and travel work in my


Goal: to associate the new words in an authentic text.


Goal: to make use of learned vocabulary to explain an opinion.


-Town /taʊn/: a built-up area with a name, defined boundaries, and local government,
that is larger than a village and generally smaller than a city

-City /ˈsɪtiː/: a large town

Rush hour /rʌʃ aʊr/: The busy part of the day when towns and cities are crowded, either in the
morning when people are travelling to work, or in the evening when people are travelling home.

Traffic radar /ˈtræfɪk ˈreɪdɑːr/: A usually hand held device that measures the velocity of a
moving object by sending out a continuous radio wave and measuring the frequency of reflected

-Seatbelt /siːt belt/: A belt that fastens around you when you are travelling in

a vehicle or aircraft and holds you in your seat, in order to reduce the risk of being injured in
an accident.

Traffic jam /ˈtræfɪk ʤæm/: A large number of vehicles close together and unable to move or
moving very slowly.

Pedestrian /pəˈdestriːən/: A person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go.

Bike lane /baɪk leɪn/: A part of a road that is separated by a line from the rest of the road, for
the use of people riding bicycles.

Parking lot /ˈpærkɪŋ lɑːt/: An outside area of ground where you can leave a car for a period of

-Public transportation /ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspʌrˈteɪʃən/: A system of vehicles such as buses that

operate at regular times on fixed routes and are used by the public.
Complete the following text with the words in the box:

Town- city- rush hour- traffic radar- seatbelt- traffic jam- pedestrian- bike lane- parking lot-
public transportation

Dear Luisa
On Sunday, I will visit a friend who lives in Usiacuri, which is a town that is located 30 KM
away from the____city______ where I live, that is Barranquilla. It takes 1 hour approximately
to get there . Usiacuri is really beautiful, there are many ___ pedestrian_________ areas
where you can walk and enjoy the landscape and take a deep breath. There are also
many_______ bike lane ______ where you can do exercise while you ride your bike. To get
there by 8:00 Am I have to leave home at 5:00 AM, because from 7:00 Am to 8:00 AM, it is
the______ rush hour ____ , because everybody is going to work at that time and generally
there are large_______ traffic jam _________. Moreover, the way from Barranquilla to
Usiacuri is tedious because there are many___traffic radar_________ on the way, and
the_______public transportation______ buses have to respect the speed limit.
I will send you pictures of our journey there.

Look at the statements below and decide whether you agree or disagree. Put an A next to the
ones you agree and D next to the ones you disagree with, think about your reasons:


Young people are safe drivers (D)

In my opinion, It doesn´t matter the age of the person, but the education that he or she has to
drive safely.

1. Drivers should not use any kind of phone when they are driving (A )
In my opinion telephones is a distraction when the person drives_________
2. The minimum age for riding a motorcycle should be 25. ( D)
In my opinion it does not depend only on age if they do not also have the responsibility
that the person has at the time of driving ._
3. People who drink and drive should lose their license for life. ( A)
In my opinion driving while intoxicated can cost your life and those around you and it
would be a crime to drive that way.
4. The speed limit on highways should be 100 kilometers an hour.(D )
in my opinion it is a lot of speed and may on some occasions accidents come even the
vehicle to go at a very high speed may lose stability.
5. Cyclist are just as dangerous as car drivers. (D )
In my opinion a bicycle doesn't do as much damage as a car can._
6. Police traffic radars do not stop speeding. ( A)
In my opinion should stop since some cars only slow down where the cameras are and
then accelerate and these cameras do not capture enough.
7. People over 70 are more dangerous drivers than young people. ( D)
In my opinion not everyone is dangerous some are better driving than other younger

To express an opinion use:

In my opinion…
I think that……
As far as I´m concerned….
I consider that…..

Write a paragraph about transportation and travel culture. Answer the questions below:

In your town…/ City…

1. What kind of public transportation is there?

2. What time is the rush hour?
3. Are there often traffic jams?
4. What´s the speed limit?
5. Are there traffic radars anywhere?
6. Are there any bike lanes? Do many people use them?
7. Are there any pedestrian areas? Where?
8. Are there enough parking lots? Are they expensive?
9. What happens if you park illegally?
10. Do people usually wear their seat belt in the back of the car?

my name is lucely I live in the city of Barranquilla it is a very beautiful city, there are multiple public
transports such as buses, trasnmetro, motorcycles and bicycles that can take us to the different
destinations that we want to arrive, in this city the rush hour is It gives three times a day the first
one starts at 7 in the morning, the second one until 12 noon and the third one from 5 to 6 in the
afternoon, usually at those times when there are more traffic jams in the city.

In my city, speed limits vary depending on the highway I take. There are places where the speed
limit is 80km, as in another it is 60km. However, there are citizens who do not respect that speed
and for this reason there are different traffic radars to capture these people who violate the
established rules, people who have very few vehicles usually use the seat belt in the back since
they think that it is unnecessary and that only the pilot and co-pilot are the ones who should use

 In this city there are very few bicycle lanes and they are located on the north side of the city and it
is used by few people, however there are many pedestrian areas on the side of the road.

There are different parts where one can park their vehicle and they are usually free or paid and are
paid depending on the hours that the vehicle lasts, and each one costs around one thousand or
two thousand pesos, which is not expensive, when we park in one place. that we cannot could
generate problems for us and we could be fined.

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