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Gaviola, Hiroaki

Seat #19

For your final period recitation grade kindly give me a one-page reflection paper
on how you are overcoming the challenges of COVID 19.

As the pandemic hit, numerous predicaments were presented to me. From academic stress
to emotional stress to even physical stress as I try to cope with the quarantine. So far, I have
overcome most of these challenges by taking refuge in prayer. It is comforting and I feel as if my
worries are distant. The most basic problem posed by the COVID-19 pandemic would be health.
I have solved this by practicing social distancing and by practicing proper hygiene in the house
(taking a bath regularly, frequent hand washing, spraying of aerosol spray when my dad comes
home). The various schoolwork assigned to me by the faculty and the lessons to be reviewed are
dealt with by me formulating a study schedule that I follow strictly. To cope with the academic
stress, I give myself time to unwind for recreational activities. I exercise, watch films, and read
some of the books around the house. As a result of the quarantine, my emotional state has been
deteriorating, this impacts my physical health. Lately, I have been feeling tired and sleepy
despite not engaging in any activities. I overcome this by exercising to keep my mood up and by
making sure my sleep schedule and eating habits are in proper place. As the quarantine period
kept extending, I open up more to my family now, which is something I don’t usually during the
usual school days. Conversing with them has proven to be a good outlet for my thoughts that
were boiling up inside me. I also make sure to call my parent regularly. I am aware of their
health risks as they are both front liners but just through calling them my mental state s eased
knowing that they are doing well. I keep my distance from them however, to assure that me or
any of my siblings get infected. I always do my best to motivate myself, this is to assure that I
don’t get bored of my daily schedule. I do my best to keep a productive workspace to allow me
to do my tasks efficiently and to reduce distractions. Keeping in touch with my peers relieves me
of some stress, it reminds me that I’m not alone going through these struggles. They provide me
with academic and emotional support in these trying times. Lastly, I try to not overthink about
the succeeding days and the events that are to follow in this pandemic. This will only cause panic
to me and further worsen my anxiety. I see to it that I concentrate on only the issues that I am
presently dealing with. Doing this improves my mood for the day and prevents me from slacking
on my academics and daily routine.

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